2/22/94 #2 HATONN
I wish now to give you the "INTRODUCTION" from a book that I have no way to stress importance enough in the having. It is called Big Sister Is Watching YOU! by Texe Marrs. Living Truth Publishers, 1708 Patterson Road, Austin, Texas 78733-6507 (512-283-9780). Perhaps you can find copy in a Christian book store--I doubt you will find the editions in the local NWO shelves. I'm sorry, I have no further information save cataloging: Politics/Current Events/Issues. ...
Hillary Rodham Clinton is not just co-President of the United States--she's the real power in Washington, D.C. And to help her run the big show, Hillary has brought in some very unusual feminist "talent". A motley collection never before equaled in American history, Hillary's women friends include lesbians, sex perverts, child molester advocates, Christian haters, and the most doctrinaire of Communists.
Here are just a few of "Hillary's Hellcats" profiled in this startling expose:
Attorney General Janet ("Johnny") Reno--Big Sister Is Watching You! provides shocking, new evidence that she's a hardened lesbian. [H: It would behoove you [to] check even more than THAT--she is six feet two inches tall, friends. Has anyone checked medical records on this "lady"?] As Florida state attorney, did she cover up voter fraud by crooked politico friends? Discover the REAL reason why this Duchess of Doom wickedly burned to death the innocent women and children at the Branch Davidian compound in Waco.
Dr. Joycelyn Elders--As Surgeon-General, she's out to make sure that pre-schoolers and elementary school children are given condoms and instructed on how to use them. Was Elders appointed to her high position as a payoff? Did she cover up the negligent act of Bill Clinton's mother, Virginia, who, as a nurse anesthetist at a hospital in Little Rock, was accused of carelessly bungling an operation and killing a patient? [H: Among other things!]
Maya Angelou--One of Hillary's closest bosom buddies, Ms. Angelou was called on to be the Inaugural Poet. She's been highly acclaimed as the "feminist Robert Frost", and her books are New Age bestsellers. Problem is, her real name is not Maya Angelou. And some of those books she's written?.... Well, they are different, to say the least. Big Sister... reveals that Maya Angelou is, in fact, a former stripper, prostitute, and madam. Why, then, did a Southern Baptist University make her full professor FOR LIFE? And why is this same institution paying Ms. Angelou over $100,000 annually, though she teaches no courses, does no real work, and has only a broom closet for an office?
Donna Shalala--The lesbian community claims she is their Amazon "love sister". As Secretary of Health and Human Services, she oversees a multibillion dollar budget larger than the national budgets of Japan and Germany. Shalala is the most vicious Christian hater ever to hold a top cabinet post. Bequeathed the title, the "High Priestess of Political Correctness", the radical Shalala is so politically correct she outliberals the ultra-liberal American Civil Liberties Union. She's also a director of the elitist-controlled Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and is a member of the globalist Trilateral Commission.
Laura D'Andrea Tyson--A former Berkeley professor, Tyson is the Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors. She's a big fan of the failed communist economics of Romanian tyrant Kikolai Ceaucescu and Russian dictator Joseph Stalin. A member of the CFR and the Trilateral Commission, Tyson says Americans are not taxed enough.
Roberta ("Bob") Achtenberg--Hillary has put this lesbo crazy in charge of ALL federal housing policies. While demonstrating at a gay rights parade, the militantly lesbian Achtenberg passionately kissed her female lover as her young son looked on. Achtenberg once led a despicable hate campaign against the Boy Scouts. Why?--Because, she said, their oath includes the word "God". [H: By the ways, one of the "heavy kissers" in point was Barbara Boxer, Senator, California!]
Ruth Bader Ginsburg--Now it's Hillary's Supreme Court, thanks to her selection of femiNazi Ginsburg as associate justice on the bench of the nation's highest judiciary panel. President Clinton praised Ginsburg as a "moderate"; yet, she's in favor of legalizing child sex with adults, she wants a unisex military and has called for the merging of the Girl Scouts and Boy Scouts. A radical feminist, Ginsburg was the general counsel for the ungodly, anti-Christian ACLU organization for over seven years. During those years, the ACLU fought to take Jesus and the Ten Commandments OUT of the classroom while New Age paganism and witchcraft flourished IN the classroom.
Then, there's Hillary Rodham Clinton herself. She was depicted once as the "Madonna" by the New York Times. But why did the editors of this liberal newspaper refuse to print the facts about Hillary's secret funding of hard-core, Marxist terrorist organizations?
Big Sister provides convincing evidence that in the 60s, "Hippie Hillary" aided the cop-killing, radical Black Panthers group. Now she believes God WANTS her to kill babies! Is Hillary--as rumored--a lesbian? Why did her feminist friends in the White House present her with a most unusual gift: a witch's hat?
What dark power does Hillary exercise over her hapless husband, Bill? What's her real goal? Will Hillary Rodham Clinton's unbridled ambitions catapult her into becoming America's first female president?
Big Sister Is Watching You! unmasks the powerful White House women who are members of the conspiratorial Council on Foreign Relations and the elitist Trilateral Commission. It reveals the identity of the women who have been favored to attend the annual conclave of the notorious Bilderbergers, as well as those who are hirelings of the left-wing, radical foundations designed to promote the New World Order.
These women are not individualists. They are part of a long-standing, serpentine network of international revolutionaries and fascist ideologues whose goal is to end American sovereignty and bring about a global, Marxist paradise. For many years now, they have networked together, preparing themselves for just this opportunity.
To accomplish their objectives, they have repeatedly proven their willingness to use the same iron-fisted tactics employed in the past by other ruthless dictators, ranging from Romania's Ceauccescu and Italy's Mussolini to Germany's Hitler and the Soviet Union's Stalin.
Totalitarian in outlook, the women profiled here despise the very foundations on which our founding fathers built this great nation. They hate the sight of Old Glory--the red, white and blue. They sneer at anyone who demonstrates a belief in old-fashioned American patriotism, and they hiss at Christians who show reverence for God of the Bible. They also heap abuse and ridicule on the dedicated men and women who serve honorably in our armed forces--Hillary's Hellcats want to pollute the military by integrating lesbians and homosexuals.
Not just politically correct, these women are brutally correct. They are the hard of the hard, the most militant of a militant and hostile generation. Spawned during the 60s in the age of the Beatles, gurus, LSD, and hippies, they are the misfits of American society. But now the misfits ARE IN CHARGE! The lunatics are running the insane asylum, and they're out to make us into the pathetic creatures they have become. They are the feminist vultures who flew over the cuckoo's nest.
What is scary is that these powerful women, because of their high-level positions in government now possess awesome Gestapo powers. If Hitler and his henchmen had even a tiny fragment of the computerized, high technology spy, survelliance, and torture capabilities of today's CIA, FBI, ATF, and DEA, imagine what additional horrors they could have wreaked. These women have behind them the full apparatus of government to enforce their dictatorial demands and strange sexual appetites.
The femiNazis control a heartless police establishment more efficient than Stalin's dreaded Checka and more feared than Himmler's bloody SS Corps. They are running roughshod over the American people, trampling on our constitutional rights, employing ecological idiocy to grab people's land and property, and committing terrorist acts against horrified victims. The fiery Waco massacre--and the mind-boggling government lies and cover-up that followed by Janet Reno and her cohorts--exemplify the chilling fate that awaits those who refuse to go along with the dictatorial blueprint of these coercive utopians.
The corrupt women who now rule over us are a strange, modern breed of Orwellian females who fully deserve to be called Hillary's Hellcats. Webster's New Collegiate Dictionary defines "hellcats" as follows: 1. WITCH 2. one given to tormenting others; esp: SHREW.
A hellcat, then is "a witch given to torment others". A hellcat is also defined as a "shrew", a ferocious, rat-like animal expert at quickly darting back and forth while tearing an enemy to pieces with its fine, sharp teeth.
"Big Sister" is my term for Hillary Rodham Clinton and her pride of hellcats who, at this moment, are plotting out new ways of stealthily attacking and devouring their victims.
IN HIS PROPHETIC NOVEL, 1984, George Orwell gave us a frightening image of government leadership run amok. He introduced us to a new language of thought crimes, double-speak, and newspeak. Orwell painted a dark picture of an immoral, Godless society where black is white, and white is black, and where two plus two equals five, if those in power say it is so.
George Orwell's cautionary novel was first published in 1948. The year 1984 has come and gone, but it seems as though Orwell was not far off the mark.
Big Sister did not arrive overnight. Hillary and Bill have been practicing their political black magic and skullduggery for over two decades. By now they are well rehearsed.
Hitler's Nazism also had a long gestation period. From his days as a corporal in Kaiser Wilhelm's World War I war machine, Hitler plotted his path into supreme power. Then, in 1933, he burst upon the world scene as a national hero, a superman, a savior.
Just sixty years later, in 1993, Hilary's Hellcats ascended to their own thrones in Washington, D.C.
Has Big Brother, in effect, been demasculinized, castrated, and transformed? Not really. Yes, he has assumed a deceptive, feminine mask. But behind the facade, the governmental behemoth described in such startling terms by George Orwell is still a psychopath; he remains a seething dynamo of energy--a dark, brooding, evil force ready at any moment to explode.
Big Sister is, in fact, the feminine, flip-side of Big Brother, just as Communism, with only a cosmetic correctness, taken to extremes, becomes Nazism. If a person travels from any point on a circle of evil, he or she will eventually end up in the same place.
I believe you get the gist of this book's material. Further, there is something I would like you discerning readers to think about: was Nostradamus' "man in the blue turban" ACTUALLY A "MAN"? If you ones don't begin to THINK, you are not going to make it.
God bless each and every one of you as you come into either an awakening or desolation--for the "evil empire" will recognize nothing in-between. Salu.
2/24/94 #2 HATONN
I don't have time in this writing to give full credit or background to this next "blurb". I do ask that you get his book in point but I would like to offer just one section in the chapter called "A New Age Goddess in the White House."
[H: One of Hillary's compatriots is a woman by the name of Naomi Goldenberg. The book in point offers history and status of "Hillary's Hellcats" but I just want to offer this small reference.]
Naomi Goldenberg, who teaches religion at the University of Ottawa, in Ontario, Canada, as a "feminist theologian" heartily agrees with Reuther. In her book, Changing of the Gods, Goldenberg sternly predicts the overthrow of the existing forms of both Christianity and Judaism.
"God is going to change", writes Goldenberg. "We women are going to bring an END TO GOD. We will BE THE END OF HIM."
Happily, Goldenberg announces that WomanChurch will replace the obsolete Christian and Jewish faiths. And what IS WomanChurch? "Witchcraft", she responds. Witchcraft, says Goldenberg, "is a perfect substitute for Christianity."
But, Hillary's fans may protest, Hillary has not advocated the overthrow of Christianity. She has not proposed an end to God.
WRONG. Hillary has, indeed, indirectly advocated the end of the patriarchal God and the overthrow of Christianity. In the most ingenious manner, Hillary seeks to give us an entirely new form of Christianity. The new religion approves the sacrifice of unborn babies, celebrates lesbian sex, and ordains marriage between homosexuals.
As Rosemary Reuther indicates, the "wise women" know that a resistant humanity is not yet ready for the complete rooting out and removal of traditional Christianity. But subversion and sabotage by women and the men whom they dominate will fix that, to be followed by "a new kind of Christianity freed from the bonds of patriarchy and purified of the last vestiges of sexism, clericalism and militarism."
The Christian church is about to be religiously cleansed by the femiNazis. They may continue to call it "Christianity", for the shrewd and cunning leaders of WomanChurch realize that the inhabitants of the old world feel strangely comforted by words and language with which they are familiar. But the old faith will eventually be cleansed and renewed, being made ready for the New Age of revived, national socialism...
May GOD have mercy on us all....
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 1, 1994, Volume 4, Number 10, Pages 8-9.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.