3/3/95 #1 HATONN
I have an excellent summarizing document here, which needs your viewing. I know who this is who writes, but the person has come to realize we must SHARE if we are ever to turn this thing around and have freedom as well as protection of proprietary (thought) property. I honor that and respect the wisdom of the writer. At this point we will leave resource anonymous. The person involved calls self: THE ANONYMOUS SYNDICATED COLUMNIST. (Dharma asks for "equal rights", so how about Anonymous Dharmmus?)
Can you readers see the incredible point to which you have come wherein you FEAR--and rightfully so--to even place your name on a DOCUMENT OF TRUTH?
I would love to be in a position where I could get credit for these articles: however, these insights seem too important not to share in a timely manner; i.e., NOW. Since I have no vehicle for distribution other than these letters, I ask anyone who can, PLEASE distribute these thoughts as best you can. You may reproduce these ideas in your own words or mine.
"We are engaged in a great civil war, testing whether this nation or any nation so conceived can long endure." The important words here are "so conceived". Lincoln is referring to the novel idea that representative government (A REPUBLIC) had for the first time sought to safeguard personal liberty. This is truly a novel experiment in government and if it were to succeed, it would jeopardize the authority of every monarch and dictator in the world.
The American people have founded a government designed to protect their individual rights. The citizen is sovereign and collectively they appoint local, state and federal officials to represent them. We the people have outlived the contract with our federal officials in a Constitution and its first ten Amendments, and our officials are bound to uphold this contract by their oath of office. This is the first time in history that such a contract has been tried.
Throughout history governments have been based on the central control theory. The American Republic was an anomaly from its inception and leaders of countries where central control is entrenched saw the American Ideal as a threat to their security. Their systems are orderly but if the idea of individual liberty were allowed to spread then they will lose control of their countries and their power. They see this idea of freedom as a malignant tumor destroying their system and they see themselves as a benevolent surgeon might see himself when he cuts out a tumor.
It's hard for Americans to imagine that their elected leaders could do anything that was not in the best interest of America, let alone do anything to sabotage our country's foundation, but there is a simple explanation of why our leaders seem to betray us. As noted above, it is a simple fact that monarchies cannot coexist with governments of sovereign people; in the end all governments will be representative or they will be centrally controlled (dictatorships). All countries headed by a monarch have a vested interest in the demise of the concept of government of, by and for the people. This should not be hard to understand and as a result we would expect to see an organized effort by countries with strong central governments to control or destroy the concept of individual rights.
The civil war began the moment the country was conceived and continues to this moment. It involves two ideologies which can be analyzed if you compare the Federalist Papers with the Anti-Federalist Papers. THESE TWO IDEOLOGIES ARE IN CONFLICT! Both see themselves as good.
The proponents of central control believe that people should not have a voice in government or some great calamity will befall civilization. They think that only they are wise enough to guide history. In their zeal, they truly believe that the end justifies the means and so they use every trick they can imagine, especially financial manipulations to reach their objectives. They have no guilt feelings about taking an oath to defend the Constitution as they work to destroy it because they have somehow convinced themselves that the world will be better off without it.
The proponents of individual liberty believe that their view is so powerful that it will prevail out of its own merit and that it will expand throughout the lands without help. As a result they become apathetic. They might be right if it weren't for a colossal organized stealth effort by the opponent. Apathy is why our liberty hangs in the balance.
These two concepts cannot coexist so either all countries will form republics or central planners will eliminate individual liberties "for the good of humanity". There is no bad guy, but there are two points of view; we simply disagree.
We shouldn't be surprised, then, to learn that there is a battle going on that will determine the future of mankind. Both sides believe themselves to have a benevolent goal but we-the-people must weigh in on this issue because the outcome affects the future of the planet. Ask yourself if you want the American Dream (this experiment with freedom) to fall by the wayside?
Since America is the great experiment with liberty, let us look at the highlights of her history. George Washington first took office in 1789 and only two short years later the Secretary of Treasury, Alexander Hamilton succeeded in creating a central U.S. bank which was largely owned by Europeans. He probably just felt that central control was essential in spite of the Constitution. This bank had a 20-year charter which expired in 1811. When Congress did not renew the charter, the Europeans created an economic panic resulting in the War of 1812 and shortly after, in 1816, a second central bank of the United States was chartered for 20 years. In 1833 Andrew Jackson removed the government funds from the U.S. bank and in 1836 the charter was not renewed. Guess what? In 1837 there was another economic panic and in 1840 an independent treasury was established. A pattern was beginning to develop: if we didn't surrender control over our economy to international bankers then they created "economic panics". Actually America was never totally freed from her economic bondage to England.
In the 1860s the banksters and London financed both sides of the Civil War in an attempt to split the union in two. However, Lincoln saved the union by printing the first national currency (greenbacks) under the Legal Tender Act. Could you imagine that there were no economic panics in 1873, 1893 and 1907 until, in 1913 the Federal Reserve Bank was created as another independent central bank. This strangle-hold on our economy has continued until today and, once this economic control was securely established, the focus of attack changed to the next objective: political control.
The political party system developed as a reaction to the idea of representative government. It is an attempt by the Elite to regain political control while maintaining the perception that people had legislators who represented them. The party system has effectively nullified local representation by requiring allegiance of the peoples' representatives to a national committee. Our ELECTED OFFICIALS should be held liable for any legislation that they vote for that falls outside of their solemn oath to defend and protect the Constitution. The party system was designed to desecrate the Republic. The party system should be declared inconsistent with the government of a constitutional republic.
A second factor that has devastated the original intent of our form of government has been the immense effect of lobby groups. Elected officials who have been swayed by lobby groups over the wishes of their informed constituents have violated the public trust. The lobby system is government by bribery!
The economic chaos created by The Great Depression (1929-1939) resulted in FDR declaring a national state of emergency in 1933. As a result of this "emergency" he was able to restructure the U.S. debt outside of constitutional guidelines using international maritime law. Basically the U.S.A. was forced into bankruptcy and the assets of each individual citizen was promised as collateral for our restructured debt; thus effectively ending private ownership of property. A corporate U.S.A. was created and the "state of emergency" allowed our judiciary to substitute contract law for constitutional law. [H: GOOD FOR YOU, WRITER, I HAVE NOT SEEN IT EVER PUT SO WELL AND CLEARLY AS THIS. You who continue to have questions about how and when "all this happened?"--need to go reread this very carefully.]
Because of this "state of emergency" our government has been operating outside of the protection of constitutional guidelines for the past 62 years. A VARIATION OF THIS STATE OF NATIONAL EMERGENCY IS STILL IN EFFECT TO THIS DAY AND HAS BEEN RENEWED ANNUALLY BY EACH SUCCESSIVE PRESIDENT SINCE 1933. [H: Including Bill Clinton on the coattails of Bush who kept the "emergency" going on the basis of Bosnia--Clinton then renewed it.] This state of emergency gives the president special powers and allows the government to continue to function OUTSIDE the CONSTITUTION. Many laws are unconstitutional and as such they would become null and void if the state of emergency was terminated.
This state of affairs is not common knowledge for the citizens; in fact there has been an enormous effort to hide these facts from the public. Since this is the case, our government officials have been operating in a fraudulent manner. Since citizens were never fully informed of the significance of these actions, a fraud was committed upon the U.S. citizens and an extra constitutional (parallel) government has been created. Since the current government operates perpetuating the illusion that the Constitution is still in effect, ALL current government officials are in complicity to the FRAUD. The engineers and perpetrators of this fraud are responsible for the debt generated by this parallel government. DUE TO THE FRAUDULENT NATURE OF THE SITUATION, THE U.S. CITIZENS ARE NOT LIABLE FOR THE DEBT CREATED BY THIS PARALLEL GOVERNMENT.
An example of an unconstitutional law is the Social Security Act (August 14, 1935): It was enacted after President FDR had declared the state of national emergency described above. This was done using the special emergency powers (the 1917 War Powers Act from WW-I.) Currently Congress is considering a balanced budget amendment and interestingly they want to protect Social Security as part of the amendment. This tactic might be a back-door approach by Congress to incorporate Socialism into the fabric of our Constitution through an amendment.
Because of the ongoing state of emergency proclaimed by the U.S. Government, the Congress was also able to adopt The United Nations Charter. [H: LEGALLY! The Constitution is basically set-aside under the state of national emergency and all things change accordingly.] To quote a national newsletter: "Though not realized at the time, the UN Charter, ratified as a treaty by the Senate and signed by the President, was an instrument of surrender. The mightiest military machine ever assembled, victorious in World War II at the cost of millions of lives, was surrendered to an enemy that had no guns, no territory, no head of state, no existence except on paper." The U.N. Charter was A COUP FOR CENTRAL CONTROL in 1945. Look at the irony of a central global agency that has no elected officials claiming to promote democracy. Not surprisingly, every peace-keeping mission results in a socialist victory or a stalemate!"
The above quotation gives cause for reflection on the recent money crisis in Mexico. President Clinton's attempt to solve this "crisis" by dealing with the international bankers (the IMF is a subsidiary of the UN) instead of through Congress has possibly allowed the central planners to secure for themselves all the oil reserves of Mexico with these loan guarantees. The standard of living in Mexico was cut in half and, as a result, the cost of wages for international corporations was also cut in half. If the bankers don't give Mexico more loans to service their debt then Mexico's oil assets will belong to the IMF by default (not to the U.S. citizens as they would have if the Congress had done the deal). [H: The fact is that the money Clinton awarded "to Mexico" did not go to Mexico at all--it went directly to the Banks. Mexico's oil (its only real asset) was used as collateral--but to the same bankers so what is being said here is that now the spiral is underway in LOCK POSITION--it is "over" for Mexico.]
The concept of public trust needs to be reevaluated! People take certain things for granted in our society. This fact is taken advantage of and the people are fooled into believing things which are not true. The general public has an expectation that what is portrayed as news should be gathered in an unbiased manner. This is a fair expectation since this is the impression that the media presents.
If a special interest owns a general-circulation media organization and promotes propaganda to advance an agenda, then a fraud has been committed. If an organization knowingly takes advantage of the public trust in order to advance an agenda without airing both sides of the issue then a fraud has been committed.
Obviously international bankers and international corporations have a vested interest in central control outside of national boundaries. However, if they buy a media outlet and use it deceptively for propaganda or if they buy the votes of our political representatives either directly or through lobby groups then they have betrayed the public trust and they have committed act of sedition. One cost of sedition should be financial liability.
Let me give an example. If a newspaper or a television network news covers an issue like free trade in a biased manner which gives the viewers the perception that free trade is good for America, yet doesn't allow equal time for opposing views, then the organization should be financially liable if in fact the free trade agenda which gets adopted is detrimental for the United States. Bailouts should be guaranteed by the full faith and trust that the news organizations would be responsible for any economic losses sustained by Americans as a result of free trade because of their aggressive but deceptive propaganda campaigns to promote their agendas.
[H: This somehow sounds like the new Republican barf contract or the Covenant with America of Clinton and so on, but let's hear what this writer has to say.]
They should acknowledge that:
* The Constitution has not been in effect since 1933.
* A parallel government has developed.
* The parallel government champions central control in defiance of the Constitution.
* The debt is the responsibility of the parallel government.
* The debt is not the responsibility of the U.S. citizens.
Congress should:
* Return to Constitutional Government by cancelling the State of National Emergency,
* Establish a Constitutional U.S. Currency regulated by Congress and allow no secret meetings of banking committees,
* Withdraw from the United Nations.
The present financial structure is not worth perpetuating because:
1. The debt can never be paid;
2. The debt is fraudulent; and
3. The debts are greater than the assets.
Whatever savings that might be lost will be more than offset by the debt that is retired. Let us start fresh!! We should anticipate that the bankers will contrive an economic panic but if ALL NATIONS WERE TO ABANDON THE INTERNATIONAL CENTRAL BANKING SYSTEM SIMULTANEOUSLY, THE OUTCOME COULD PUT THE WORLD ONTO THE ROAD TOWARD TRUTH AND FREEDOM WITH RISING LIVING STANDARDS FOR ALL PEOPLE IN A TRULY PEACEFUL WORLD!
Do not be tricked into fighting with potential allies! [H: I take that a step further and say: DON'T BE TRICKED INTO FIGHTING WITH ENEMIES!]
The general public must understand these simple facts.
Those who seek to increase central control will play us against one another, using religion, race, sex or whatever they can to pull our emotional strings and divert our attention from the real facts. Don't lose sight of the enemy and remember that the goal is freedom with its attendant peace and prosperity. We must sustain the proper priorities.
I know that this has been a long note but I hope it finds its mark and motivates toward success.
I concur with most of these items and I most certainly believe that it is not the "choir" that needs the teaching of the tunes. However, when only the Choir will LISTEN, then the preaching must not be forfeited and, when the Choir knows the songs, then THEY can teach others to sing and carry the tune.
There are a relative few who ever see or hear, and the few who DO put out the word are so overwhelmed with the statistics of the job and so need to beg and borrow to take the word to the unwilling listeners.
Then you do whatever you can!
Perhaps only the "Choir" will make it home--but the symphony shall be wondrous.
We each do that which we can--and share, offer and accept the rejection which usually follows. The hard part, readers, is going to be when the stuff hits the fan and those people who ridiculed and pulled you down, mocked and hurt you--will be right there demanding you attend them.
What then will you do? Remember something: most of the old tales of Biblical untruth were for the purpose of ending you in the mess you are in.
Unconditional love has NO MEANING. Love has no conditions but it, in its purest form of God acceptance, has ALL SORTS OF CONDITIONS--NAMELY THE KEEPING OF THE LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION.
Turning the other cheek in stupidity is but to get crazy as a top spinning in no direction at all. If you THINK with that wondrous brain--you will KNOW, AND KNOWING WILL GIVE YOU THE WAY. Love with no boundaries or conditions is ludicrous, for you of Earth have forgotten what LOVE actually IS.
Sometimes it is the tough love and the conditional but unbending love that brings all together. It is when the New Age garbage of escape from reality and living in the fantasy (not the dream which allows all to become reality) that the physical expression becomes the whole expression, and soul is lost.
While you THINK you are attending soul journey in your silly rituals--you are doing rituals of the purely physical and soul is bound to that physical experience. Astral travel is NOTHING if you realize not that it is only the first step to eternal experience. In these recent instances of ascension-learning, it is nothing more than a few moments in the mind's "virtual reality" machine. It is not enough to simply let the mind go romping--for the soul must GROW and LEARN and that requires truth and discipline.
Your nation must return to truth and discipline and the guilty criminals must be thwarted and caused to face consequences.
You must step aside and allow them to FALL.
You must create anew--upon the foundation which is so long denied.
God does not desert you--you turn away from God.
Ponder it. Salu.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 7, 1995, Volume 8, Number 6, Pages 1, 15-17.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.