2/10/92 #1 HATONN
The rain and sun both fall on those who are just and upon those who are unjust. Each shall feel the tooth of the viper's strike for long since has man learned to manipulate that which was once the Mother's to cycle. However, I, Hatonn, am here to remind you that in the fields two might stand or work beside the other--one shall be taken and the other shall be left. Will YOU be left? So be it.
You are most capable of seeing that which lies 'neath the news of the day. The "Big One" of the season is "The Unified" and "The Unification". Now what ever might that mean? I believe as you watch the term in its application (especially in the Olympic Games broadcasts), it represents this new Soviet Commonwealth bearing a "proper" name without any meaning whatsoever. The term is a verb which means "in unison". It can mean nothing because it is NOT a noun and neither is there any unification among the states involved. However, to get assistance, the people must relinquish all rights to choice--even as the youngsters in France competing for winter games. The plans are as subtle as the sneaking scorpion which waits beneath the rocks for the unsuspecting victim.
With each writing we are drawn back to the point in focus as the evil planners bring down the shroud. It is called "Globalism" but it is as deadly as the viper's bite.
To solve a problem, however, it must be understood clearly. And to understand it, you must open your eyes and ears and hearts to the fact that the problem exists, and that it is gnawing at all you hold dear. As I write of the CIA, for instance, I see the thrust from you ones who say-- "...get on with the problem; we don't want to hear about the CIA." The CIA is a part of the octopus which will orchestrate the integration of itself and all police enforcement groups within the Global monster--headed ultimately by the Elite Committee of 300. Without this information, you miss the most important branch of terror which will come down on you. Knowledge is all that can give you assets enough to know where to stand.
I am left alone in my work more and more these days, because the Planners perceive that you are now trapped and it becomes easier if you KNOW what you are going to do. It never occurs to them longer that you CAN DO SOMETHING ABOUT YOUR PLIGHT. So be it.
Are YOU a part of the problem--or a part of the solution? We shall see. Are you willing to become a part of that instruction mandate of James 1:22, and become doers of the word, and not hearers only? Do you accept the admonition of James 2:26 that faith without works is dead? This is from that wondrous book you continue to throw in my face. I never was among the ones who misunderstood the book.
We do not speak of some abstract contrivance of rhetoric. This is real, and it is rapidly digesting and expanding under the mesmerizing auspices and direction of politicians and religionists. Well, chelas, both this Globalism and humanism can, and must, be countered by a genuine return to what were once called "American patriotism and principles", and by the joining together (unification) of one nation, UNDER GOD, in a moral revival across your land and thence around the world.
But why does Hatonn continue to push and pour forth information when so many discount and deny? Because as long as there is ONE who seeks--so shall he be given into the finding. God sends us with this dictum: "My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge." And you have had that input for generations upon generations--since Hosea 4:6.
Surprisingly enough, most ones who act as globalists are totally convinced that what they are doing is for the eventual salvation of mankind and the planet Earth. The great strength they possess is that the general public in your land does not even know that they exist. And because of the mammoth level of deceit and subterfuge, the ordinary person fails to comprehend the ability to deceive to this extent.
The objective, simply put, is control. Although the desire to rule the world is not a new ambition, the control sought by this present generation of global imperialists is more than government, wealth and resources. They control these already. What the globalists want in order to complete their plan is control of population. They fully intend to simply remove the overpopulation to suit themselves and their own needs.
Their objective of global control is most easy to discern, but its implementation is complex and convoluted. The CIA structure is a very good example of the hidden but unlimited resources available to them through you. It is mind-boggling for ordinary "Man" when he attempts to unravel it--truly a "tangled web" of deception. Their control of population is in their ability to manage the very thoughts and behavior of the masses: the key being consensus; the motivation, survival.
If the struggle were simply a physical one, you could identify your enemy more readily and recognize the dangers coming against you. Like the serpent in the garden, the sophistication and refinement of the psychological weaponry are so subtle that you are now in the final stages of the conflict with only a very few awakening to the conflict's existence. Most of these still too sleepy to comprehend the danger already upon and devouring you.
As a measure of the effectiveness of these new techniques, you need only recall the unfenced concentration camps during the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. Due to psychological intimidation, the captured American military did not try to escape. Are you even aware of this, America? Where would these prisoners go? Even your own United States military and/or government would not come to rescue them--2,600 KNOWN PRISONERS still wait, rotting in the prisons while the U.S. carries on its drug business without interruption. The same behavioral control exists today, but everyone is a prisoner; the earth is the concentration camp and the globalists are the stalag commandants.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 18, 1992, Volume 18, Number 5, Pages 19-21.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.
Concentration Camp Earth
2/10/92 #1 HATONN
DID YOU HEAR ME? You are on Earth--trapped in their concentration camp. WE are your only way off the place and they effort to see it that you are too frightened of God Himself to allow possibilities to enter into your thoughts. WE ARE YOUR ONLY WAY OFF THE PLANET IN SAFETY OF TRANSFER.
You see, your struggle is not against flesh and blood... (Ephesians 6:12 for you who read your "book".) The evil deceivers have captured, through spiritual methods, that which is ONLY of flesh and blood. Worse, you have helped him at every turn by getting rid of all messengers who bring Truth and otherwise effort to show you the facts of it.
In the past you ones "Under God" have always been too late with too little. You cannot afford that mistake this time. You are told all sorts of lies about God and you fail to longer KNOW GOD. You are incensed when I suggest that possibly He is angry at your foolishness. Well, I can promise you that God will patiently await some sign of intelligent life from you-each. If you ones want to preserve the right to live and worship freely and Americans want to retain a national identity, you must stop indulging yourselves in the luxury of fighting each other and direct your energies against the proven enemy.
There is much to be done and very little time in which to do it. If your nation of the United States (and America as a whole) fails, so fails the world for you are the only one left with a Constitution in enough purity to attend the Laws necessary to restructure and grow, thus strength compounds when in service under God. If your nations fall, and the end is very, very near, there is no place else to go as you perceive it. You are bound to Earth as surely as within any prison of your choosing to example.
In-fighting has dissipated your energies and brought you to your present calamitous condition--that, and simply lack of "giving a damn" --it is far easier to wave yellow flags of cowardice. You are in total chaos and still the dissension continues and worsens. It is PLANNED that way! You are at a crossroads, people-of-the-world.
So, we shall move right on along our path of giving information--WHERE YOU CAN SEE IT IN ACTION. At this point we are informing you about that wondrously exciting group called the CIA--which has shackled your nation--and now integrates completely into the Global Elite's arsenal for wrapping you in the tangled web of the worst enemy the physical world can ever know--an evil adversary DEVOID of GOD! Call it by any cute name you wish--IT IS DEFINED AS HELL.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 18, 1992, Volume 18, Number 5, Page 20.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.