1/30/90 #2 HATONN
Thank you, Dharma, for joining me. Hatonn present to discuss a few more current affairs. I know no other way to do it except in this manner.
Ones in the public information network--especially those of truth, are now pulling from our Journals and we must continue the flow. We care not that they use material first published here--the information simply MUST be brought into attention.
JS has been kind enough to share a most important piece of information with us this day to which all of you need to be privy. As you examine the information on the following page I ask you to please keep uppermost in mind the prior Phoenix Journals. This might be most frightening to you for I think that it says so much and answers so many questions as to "why" your projections and news is so poorly done and in fact, that which you get is carefully laid out for your viewing.
Faith is more than thinking something is true. Faith is thinking something is true to the extent that we act on it.
The best way to keep good intentions it to execute them.
Who Controls the Media?
What do Amaud de Borchgrave, editor-in-chief of the "conservative" Washington "Times", and Max Frankel, top dog at the "liberal" New York "Times" have in common?
At least one thing, at any rate: Both are members of the Rockefeller family's private and secretive international pressure group known as the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR).
De Borchgrave and Frankel join a long list of powerful media personalities who are members of the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) and/or of the Trilateral Commission (TC), another Rockefeller family front group that plays a major role in shaping U.S. foreign policy.
Rockefeller influence on the media is immense, particularly on the major television networks. In fact, according to researcher Peter Bornan, the Rockefeller family's Chase Manhattan Bank (and the other Rockefeller institutions) are among the largest holders of network stock, with substantial interests in all three networks.
Chase Manhattan controls fully 14 percent of CBS stock. Stock analysts note that with stock widely distributed among shareholders, institutions can wield influence or outright control with 5 percent, sometimes as little as 1 or 2 percent, equity.
The accompanying chart shows some of the major media figures (past and present)--editors, reporters, corporate directors and others--who belong or have belonged to the CFR and the TC.
William Paley CFR
William Burden CFR
Roswell Gilpatric CFR
James Houghton CFR
Henry Schacht CFR/TC
Marietta Tree CFR
C.C. Collingwood CFR
Lawrence LeSueur CFR
Dan Rather CFR
Harry Reasoner CFR
Richard Hottelet CFR
Frank Stanton CFR
Bill Moyers CFR
Jane Pfeiffer CFR
Lester Crystal CFR
R,W, Sonnenfeldt CFR
T.F. Bradshaw CFR
John Petty CFR
David Brinkley CFR
John Chancellor CFR
Marvin Kalb CFR
Irvine Levine CFR
H. Schlosser CFR
P.G. Peterson CFR/TC
John Sawhill CFR/TC
Ray Adam CFR
Frank Cary CFR
John Connor CFR
T.M. Macioce CFR
Ted Koppel CFR
John Scali CFR
Barbara Walters CFR
Hartford Gunn CFR
Robert McNeil CFR
Jim Lehrer CFR
C. Hunter-Gault CFR
Daniel Schorr CFR
H.L. Stevenson CFR
Michael Posner CFR
David Rogers CFR
Henry Trewhitt CFR
Richard Gelb CFR
James Reston CFR
William Scranton CFR/TC
A.M. Rosenthal CFR
Seymour Topping CFR
James Greenfield CFR
Max Frankel CFR
Jack Rosenthal CFR
Harding Bancroft CFR
Amory Bradford CFR
Orvil Dryfoos CFR
David Halberstram CFR
Walter Lippman CFR
L.E. Markel CFR
H.L. Matthews CFR
John Oakes CFR
Adolph Ochs CFR
Harrison Salisbury CFR
A. Hays Sulzberger CFR
C.L. Sulzberger CFR
H.L. Smith CFR
Steven Rattner CFR
Richard Burt CFR
Ralph Davidson CFR
Donald M. Wilson CFR
Louis Banks CFR
Henry Grunwald CFR
Alexander Heard CFR
Sol Linowitz CFR/TC
Rawleigh Warner, Jr. CFR
Thomas Watson, Jr. CFR
Katherine Graham CFR
Phillip Graham CFR
Arjay Miller CFR
N. deB. Katzenbach CFR
Fredrick Beebe CFR
Robert Christopher CFR
Osborne Elliot CFR
Phillip Geyelin CFR
Kermit Lausner CFR
Murry Marder CFR
Malcolm Muir CFR
Maynard Parker CFR
George Will CFR
Robert Kaiser CFR
Meg Greenfield CFR
Walter Pincus CFR
Murray Gart CFR
Peter Osnos CFR
Don Oberdorfer CFR
DOW JONES & CO. (Wall Street Journal)
William Agee CFR
J. Paul Austin TC
Charles Mayer CFR
Robert Potter CFR
Richard Wood CFR
Robert Bartley CFR
Karen House CFR
William F. Buckley, Jr. CFR
Richard Brookhiser CFR
Arnaud de Borchgrave CFR
You will note two notable names are absent from the list. This, at first would appear wonderful: Ted Turner and Paul Crouch of TNT, CNN and TBN-to whom we have referred prior to this. Don't allow it to cause you great exuberance and carelessness. Mr. Rockefeller is a member of Ted Turner's Board and Paul Crouch often is called into counsel with the White House. The bases have been most well covered. What do we do? We continue to push and present until we get a proper hearing on Sipapu Odyssey--we take one step at a time until we MUST be allowed a hearing.
Remember that your government was structured to function by the people and for the people--WHO ARE THE "PEOPLE"? YOU! You are the people; the tumor, however, has eaten into every portion of your society. I can only point it out to you until you "see" it for that which it is. But just as with a tumor, it can be removed and it can be cured.
These ones who have stolen your government have committed treason in its highest form--they have literally carved away at your very Constitution until it is but lost in strength--the most wondrous document ever born unto freedom.
Your right to bear arms and protect yourselves is all but gone--the push is heating up to remove all rights to bear arms--you can now KNOW that it will only be the "controllers" and the "criminals" (the term is suitable for either), who will have the guns and you as a citizenry will be helpless.
Did you note that which your government did in Panama? They went about and bought up almost all of the weapons owned by the Panamanians. There can now be no resistance to matter what is perpetrated against them for they now have no way to defend themselves. Oh, it was only the most tiny of blurbs--thousands of dollars were spent to "purchase" the weapons. All types were gathered up and basically confiscated. Do you not feel the noose tightening about your neck?
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, February 1990, Volume 1, Number 6, Pages 4-6.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.
RM: Note - While the names within the CFR and TC may change, the game remains the same; power to control the Media and therefore wield enormous influence and control over many aspects of the United States as well as the lives and affairs of the American people.