11/17/91 #1 HATONN
I, too, am totally "torn" about the amount of priceless information we are NOT printing due to lack of space and time. Give me this much, Dharma, I am more torn than are you--for I am not accustomed to working within time and space constraints.
It simply is that we are able to take the "whole" and see that background information in TRUTH is all that will allow you ones to begin to function with knowledge in this present experience. If you do not, for instance, know the historically political background of Croatia, then its "fall" means nothing. If you know that the United States has been involved from onset with that fall then the course can be changed. As long as another's plight, who lives half a planet away, is actually "your own", then there is little hope for you AS A PLANET. Ah, we have so far to go and--as with the radio questions and answers of yesterday--there is hardly any "concept" of "reality". When it is more important as to whether or not Pleiadians "take a bath" than perishment of your planet, you are in serious background ignorance. I do, however, desire to stay away from direct political involvement and/or religious separation of denominations--it is the overall thrust which is incorrect and deadly and it must be considered from that broad aspect. The way we begin is "whether or not Pleiadians bathe" and when we work our way through those introductory aspects--then, and only then, will our presence be acceptable. As long as we diligently apply ourselves, we shall be granted time to make the necessary impact--for getting the Truth of the "WORD" unto MAN is the point of this segment of God's lessons for MAN. Every day is a priceless gift and everyone who dares to entertain us on the radio waves to an audience is blessed indeed.
I repeat and repeat--"I, or my people, are NOT anti-Jew, anti-Zionist, anti-Catholic and anti-ANYTHING. We are pro-TRUTH and you ones have been placed in ignorance by the groups who have gained ability to fool an entire population species. The problem is that, with this kind of deceit, the entire population can be destroyed except for the Elite who projected the "lie" in the first place. God is simply giving "His people" (which are ALL) ammunition with which to counter the lies.
I think a parable might be appropriate at this point. Let us say you have a magnificent Oak tree in your garden. A child asks, "What does an Oak tree do? Now, let us suppose that you tell the child "...it bears apples". You tell the child over and over again, then you draw pictures with apples upon the tree. Does THIS STORY cause the acorns to be apples? Ponder it.
As with Croatia, the truth is available with names, places and events to prove the background to this moment. It sits right in your own living room--and yet we are stacked up some four papers behind with space. Worse, how can the receivers get all the documentation read and digested, especially when we have to continually go back and explain whether or not Pleiadians bathe.
As a matter of fact, I would RATHER speak of Pleiadians bathing--or anyone bathing--for it is a far better and more advantageous subject. All should frequently bathe for WATER CLEANSES. Water washes away the unbalancing energies that cling to an electrical aura about all life-forms. A good Spring rain does not JUST allow moisture to cause the garden to grow--it balances energy flow and allows the plant to heal that which may be incorrect in its development. You will note that there is not enough "water" in the world to do what one good steady rainfall can do in mere minutes.
I weary of the inquiries for I am not interested in your "politics" to any great extent. There is no "perfect" politician or he would never be a "politician". I do believe that you had better pay attention for Mr. Duke made a very fine showing and he was up against the entire political system of Washington as well as the entire CONTROLLED MEDIA AND PRESS! Mr. Edwards DID NOT WIN THE GOVERNORSHIP--he only "got" it.
More important for your attention direction is the wondrous way in which sir Poindexter has now been "ACQUITTED" of all charges of wrong-doing. Does it not strike you as strange that the people who "survived" the Iran mess--are all free with full benefits and back in charge of the repeating of the same crimes? These ones are tools used in the "Killing of the Planet" and as long as you support it--so be it!
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, November 26, 1991, Volume 17, Number 6, Pages 25-26.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.