12/9/93 #1 HATONN
LE: Please hear this my friends, whether you believe it or not; whether you know it or not, your vote has been stolen from you by a Cartel of Federal, National Security Bureaucrats who include higher-ups in the Central Intelligence Agency, political party leaders, Congressmen, co-opted journalists and the owners and managers of the major establishment news media. They have decided in concert as to how America's votes are counted--who they want, by whom they are counted and how the results will be "verified" and delivered to the public.
As one of them put it not long ago, "Not a Proper Area of Inquiry". A book, a good book: VOTESCAM, THE STEALING OF AMERICA, that indicts Attorney General Janet "Murder" Reno--is a shocking investigation. Our guest is a co-author of this book, Mr. James M. Collier.
[Mr. Epton continues with greetings and then remarks]: We here in Clark County [Nevada] are aware of how votes are stolen. In our election last year there are more questions than you can "shake a stick at".
JC: I know because I have been talking to people who have called me from Los Vegas and I know some of what's going down--what is happening there--and it is really frightening.
I got started in 1970. It has been a 23-year investigation into how the vote is counted in the United States. I am NOT the only one who is doing this. There are newspaper men all over the country finding this same story--EVERYWHERE. I'm just the first to come out with an in-depth book on the matter. Actually the first guy to come out with a pamphlet was a newsman from the state of Washington, up near Puyallup, a man by the name of Robert Cochran, DON'T GET PUNCHED OUT. It was a little pamphlet on how your elections are being stolen by computer (punch cards). It was a terrific little pamphlet and people all over the country wanted that pamphlet. So we have updated all that and enlarged it into a fully-fledged book on our adventures, my brother and I, over the last 23 years.
It started originally with a book contract from Dell Publishing Company, during the "Chicago 7" trials which would have been called Running Through the System by Ballots, Not Bullets. We had hoped to prove that the System would work and not lead to riots in the streets. In doing that research, however, we found that it can't. The facts are that almost no one who votes knows HOW their votes are counted. It is in an area wherein the media will not talk, ever. This is because the media is involved in rigging the vote in MUCH OF AMERICA.
LE: In other words, the media is part of the problem?
JC: The media IS the problem. The media is the most powerful entity in the world. In the U.S. it is absolutely THE MOST POWERFUL ENTITY. So, this power has corrupted. We have discovered that over a period of time they have the ability to tap into the main-frame computers in America in every country that counts the vote by computer in a central location. I suspect you people do it this way. Do you have any idea how your votes are counted there?
LE: By computer.
JC: By computer! It is probably taken from the precinct after you vote through a downtown main-frame. Right!
LE: I'll tell you the interesting thing is that any high school kid who knows computers can rig the computer.
JC: Absolutely, they can tap-in. It's that simple. There is no evidence--nothing. Anybody can do it and they know that out there because the computers in most cases are rigged IN ADVANCE. They will come out with pre-determined answers no matter what happens. It is probably happening like that in Vegas. ...Look at that city...
LE: Well, it's not a "bad" city but it is a politically corrupt city from any viewpoint.
JC: New York and Miami, as well as Cincinnati--well, we write about the corruption in those cities. And how about Chicago?
LE: Between me and thee, I'll tell you, back in 1960 I was back in Chicago covering the election and I literally watched boxes of ballots BEING THROWN AWAY. Obviously they were the ballots from what they called the bedroom communities, or suburbs of the Republican strongholds and excuses used were absolutely ridiculous.
JC: Chicago, yes, but that's a scapegoat city that everybody knows about because they "stole" the Kennedy election, etc. But what they don't realize is that there is a pattern throughout the US and it's the same in every city. The computer operations are in a back room where the public can't get access. The League of Women Voters is in the system somehow, getting paid by the head, per hour to fiddle with the vote cards if that is what is being used. Do you have punch cards?
LE: Yes, we have punch cards--and the election was done and down there were, I don't know how many, but thousands of supposedly OLD ballots--from the previous election. Now, regulations require that they be destroyed but, for whatever reason, these were not. They were stuffed into sacks when the possibility of vote fraud was brought to the attention of the public. One of our fine people here managed to get hold of a number of those bags of ballots before the trash company picked them up. They were identical to the ballots used in our last election and there is just not way, it seems, of fighting it other than to say, "What are these ballots doing here, they're all punched, how do they figure in?"
JC: I understand that the election rigging in Las Vegas is a MISDEMEANOR! And NOT a criminal offense. This is what I am told from people who have formed a "People's Grand Jury" there. These people have told me that they went to the State Attorney there and were told that whatever the evidence, they didn't want to get involved" because it is only a "misdemeanor" and they simply didn't want to become involved. Now, I don't know factually if that is true or not--other than if you have listeners who call in, you can ask them.
LE: Yes, that's true, we get a lot of calls on this subject and it wouldn't surprise me. The Attorney General for the State of Nevada is certainly part of THE problem.
[Discussion about several other subjects such as the "Fairness" Doctrine--to cause equal time to all parties in order to shut-down talk-radio.]
JC: Well, I'm an average guy who is a reporter and a business man in Miami who simply ran for election to do a book to find out what it was like to run through the election system. What I found led to this book which has now, 23 years later, come out. The whole book explains how it is done everywhere in the country. It names names of people involved in doing the actual corruption, right up through Janet Reno who should be indicted.
LE: ...On a NUMBER OF CHARGES! The only point on which I slightly disagree is that I think it is all being done by design and I don't like to sound like an off-the-wall-crazy, but there is a conspiracy going on and it is done by the Elitists and Bankers and takes us right to the Bank of England, through the Federal Reserve Bank and more.
[Radio break]
LE: We are back with Jim Collier, VOTESCAM. Jim, you mentioned Janet Reno, we call her "Murderer" Reno and we think she should be brought-up on a LOT of charges. She is a corrupt woman. Please tie her in, if you will, to the votescam.
JC: Alright. In 1970 when we ran against Claude Pepper in Miami, he was a Congressman. Pepper is the "father" of Social Security. He was 70-years old and his birthdate was on election day, September 8th. We ran a campaign and used no money because part of the Dell contract was that we would run as the poorest "anyman" in America. We would just shake hands, walk through the Black, Jewish, etc. communities, which is Miami Beach area (Claude Pepper's area). That's where we lived. We would go shake hands, go to Churches, do all the things usually done and when we got to election day, if it was one percent or ten percent, it was alright with us. Our intent was just to know what grass roots was worth, if we did it diligently like nobody else had done it. My brother was a great speaker and he really did a terrific job.
On election night at four minutes after the polls closed (7:04 p.m.) the CBS affiliate in Miami tells us the EXACT percentages that every one of 250 candidates IS GOING TO GET. Now, remember, that is in four minutes. At 24 minutes after the hour the NBC affiliate does the same thing but it names exactly the amount of final numbers that those percentages represent, like 2,926 votes. Later when we got the read-oust on the television from the stations that were shown on the air, indeed, all of THAT did happen. They did this on the information from ONE VOTING MACHINE CALLED-IN FROM DADE COUNTY--it said.
So, now, in tracking that down we found it to be ludicrous. There is a formula for doing this that is interesting. If you get the information off of ONE machine, which they stated and testified to (definitely one machine)--how dumb. If there were ten votes, say, on that one machine for my brother, Ken, any mathematician in the world would say that now you need to have a formula in the computer to multiply that forward, right? So, if Ken is A, you need times B for whatever the formula is, right? And then it equals how many votes he will get be the end of the night. That's basically the formula if you use ONE voting machine.
Well, in any A times B = C formula, you must know two out of three (A, B or C). You must know the vote before the polls are closed and the final vote and then you get the multiplier or you must know the final vote and the multiplier and then you divide it and you get how many votes the guy is getting. Either way you rig the election if you do it. They held to the "one" in this incident and that was deadly for them.
LE: How about exit polling?
JC: What a fraud. That is the biggest fraud that I have found. Have you ever met an exit poll person or do you know anyone who has ever been polled?
LE: Actually, no. Occasionally you see them shown on TV but that is as near as I have ever seen.
JC: That is what is so mysterious. I asked election supervisors around the country, "Do you know where it's being done? And they tell me no, they have no idea who is doing it or in what precinct. I asked so I could go and watch it being done. Some people say, yeah, but when we started analyzing nationwide, the networks, right--they come on at 7:00 p.m. and they tell you one minute later how the vote is going to come out, right? They've "done exit polls".
Do you realize how many states would have to be calling back how many numbers to some central point, to pull that off? I also tracked down how that was done and it IS A SCAM. It isn't being done!
LE: Well, there must be samples of it somewhere...
JC: Of these exit polls? But you can't get them! I wish that all you listeners, who are mad as hell and won't take it any more, would call up all their friends and tell them to turn on this show right now, because I'm going to tell them stuff that is gonna curl their hair. It is REALLY going to make them angry and you shouldn't have to tell it second hand to your buddy.... Also, call the State Attorney's office 'cause I've got something to say to "whoever" that is.
[Time out for calling]
JC: Recap: I am Jim Collier and I wrote a book, with my brother, called VOTESCAM, THE STEALING OF AMERICA, the book that indicts Attorney General Janet Reno.... It was put out last Summer and I am now doing the talk-radio thing because it is the only way to get a story out, in this country, that is absolutely TABOO by the media.
LE: You mean that we won't read about it in the local papers?
JC: No. I am pushing all these people. We are trying every way to get on Posner, Donahue, Larry King, and all that, but the networks themselves are involved in the stealing of this country. They are not sacrosanct--they're not Big Brother--they would like to be and they can be crushed over this very story and that's why they are trying to hide it. They don't want to confront me. I want to face Janet Reno in a public arena over this issue.
LE: A lot of us would like to face her on a number of issues, but go on....
JC: In the back of our book, if people get it and it can be ordered through a book store, or write to Victoria House Press in New York, there is so much that we got through the years about how the vote is counted in the United States and we will look at the end portion. In the end is how we found out that the television stations themselves, the networks, ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS, the two wire services, The Washington Post, The New York Times and the various other clients, belong to a "network pool". This is called "News Election Services". Do you think that the networks compete for the vote on election night?
The "Network Pool" is really that the networks DO NOT COMPETE and haven't done so since 1964. This was right after JFK was shot--within six months following the assassination, the networks took over the vote count in the United States. TOOK OVER THE VOTE COUNT! Anyone who wants to research that information can get Election Administration Reports. Every Election Supervisor pays about $30 a year and they get this newsletter--strictly for Election Supervisors in America. This carried a story in April 1983 entirely detailing this. You can get it from the Library of Congress. That and also a report from the Air Force College in Colorado offers the Bibliography so that people can check where we got our information. I also did my own research.
They formed a "central board" in New York City. It's now on 34th street near 6th Ave. near the Empire State Bldg. All the supposed "exit polls" during the day which are taken are called back to Chilton Publishing in Radner, Pennsylvania. They are like a clearing house. They call back on 67 telephone lines coming in nationwide. You couldn't do one state on 67 lines, much less 50 states. In the field, largely made of representatives of the League of Women Voters, one hundred ten thousand of them on election night after the primary, run-off and final, get paid to be in the field to call back this information to Chilton in Pennsylvania. They get paid very big money to do this. They also get paid by the elections departments of big cities, probably yours too, around America, to be involved with the cleaning of the "chad" off of these cards. They get paid around $25 per person per hour. The persons in point don't get it--it goes into the national coffers.
We have women in precincts, on video tapes, TAMPERING with the vote cards in both Miami and Cincinnati. On video!
* * *
This interview went on for over an hour while going into details about "how" punch cards are utilized and computers simply loaded with pre-doctored information and tallies. We have spoken of this on several prior occasions so I don't want to take any more of Dharma's time in transcribing this interview. However, AMERICA, I suggest you get this book. You will have trouble finding it because it is not allowed to be carried in any book "chain". However, it is listed and any bookstore is obligated to look it up and get it for you.
I believe the price is less than $7.00. I don't have any further inclination to spend more time on it--but if you don't get back to an honest system of voting--the whole present process is totally worthless at best--destructive at worst.
You would have some opportunity to survive the system if you demanded to go back to paper ballots and three or four states have done exactly that just to demand some credibility.
This is EXACTLY what happened in this last major election when Clinton won while actually Perot WON. However, you will note Perot got EXACTLY THE PERCENTAGE OF VOTES PROJECTED DAYS PRIOR TO THE ELECTION--TO THE EXACT PERCENTAGE.
You as a nation of goodly people who are just too nice to think that anyone would do unto you--must wake up and look about you. Then if you can remember that less than 3% control everything about your nation and life--you will begin to see the advantage of awakening, uniting with your brother and stopping this insanity. Easy? No! But what else are you going to do? We can tell you and tell you and now even offer you PROOF and still--YOU have to get the job done or forget freedom in a Republic.
All of the outcomes are pre-entered into the central computer base which is controlled by the national networks of media TV--and you are simply told what they decided would be the outcome. You will find votes being shredded immediately, backrooms wherein new ballots are being punched and placed in the "black boxes", etc. If you had transparent boxes and paper ballots you would at least have visual monitoring of tampering in front of everyone. YOU have no idea how those boxes are rigged inside. It beats any magician's closet anywhere. Of course, it is now such that a majority of many precincts vote "absentee" and that turns the vote it is claimed. Come on. WHO checks out the ballots? The same committees who tamper the ballots!!!
What of this overview bunch called League of Women Voters? It is a CORPORATION funded massively by Corporations in amounts of around a million dollars per corporation. It is not what it appears to be, friends. It is THE corrupt tamperers who are ostensibly monitoring the system to keep it clean.
Source: CONTACT - THE PHOENIX PROJECT, December 14, 1993, Volume 3, Number 12, Pages 1 & 4-6.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.