1/25/93 #2 HATONN
One of the most frequently asked questions today, with the fact that "The Bilderberg Society groomed and put Clinton in office", is, "Tell us again, just who are the Bilderberg."
We have carefully, in detail, with membership listings, covered this on several occasions prior to this but, realizing we have new readers daily, we shall attempt to continually remind and update as we can. This is important for they are powerful as the major right hand of the Committee of 300 Elite Power-One World Government. The easiest way is to simply give you a "re-run" of what it is and "who" "they" are as well as run a partial listing of members. This organization is the great step above and beyond the troops within the Council of Foreign Relations (CFR).
The following comes form a nameless person and there is no evidence of publication resource of date (however, it refers to 1992 information so it is valid and fairly current in content). I find it comprehensive, but brief, and shall therefore utilize it with appreciation to sender.
Founded in 1954, the Bilderberg Society is one of the most important gatherings of the ruling elites of Europe and the United States, and functions as an "informal" forum for developing and planning the broad strategic policy of the NATO countries.
The existence of the Society--not to mention its importance--is not generally known by the public, but its influence on policies on both sides of the Atlantic is so great that an American congressman several years ago denounced the Society as "an elite international group comprised of high government officials, international financiers, businessmen and opinion makers", all of which form an "exclusive international aristocracy". In addition to its meetings, which are held for three days in complete seclusion as a channel for regular, ongoing communication between the European and American Establishments.
The Bilderberg Society was originally conceived of in 1952, under the initiative of Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, and his good friend, Polish-born Joseph Retinger. Retinger, a Polish Government-in-Exile (along with the father of Trilateralist theoretician Zbigniew Brzeninski), is reported to have broached the idea of an informal gathering of NATO community leaders with the Prince, who quickly formed a small European group to study the proposal. Bernhard then proceeded with the organizing of an American contingent of the organization.
The first formal gathering of the Society took place in May, 1954 in a small town in Holland under a blanket of security provided by the host government. Prince Bernhard personally led the European delegation, while the Americans were led by David Rockefeller. Rockefeller has maintained a leading role in the Society since that time as a member of the Bilderberg U.S. steering committee.
From the beginning, representatives of the leading media of Europe and the United States have actively participated in the Bilderberg conferences, and have faithfully adhered to the agreement that the Society's activities--indeed its very existence--remain "off-limits" for publication in the international mass media.
Since the founding conference, the gatherings of the Society have occasionally included individuals not recognized to be "insiders" in the NATO community elite. In May this year the Society took the unprecedented step of inviting a large delegation from Russia and Eastern Europe to discuss policy issues concerning the region. However, a complex structure, led by a small Steering Committee and an even smaller Advisory Committee, ensure that the central direction of the organization is strictly controlled by the "inner core". From the American side, both the steering and advisory committees are dominated by the powerful New York Council on Foreign Relations, while the European members are generally associated with London's Royal Institute of International Affairs (or its off-shoots throughout the Continent), the International Institute for Strategic Studies (IISS), and the Rothschild interests.
In a late 1970s interview with journalist Robert Sheer of New Times magazine, Trilateralist North American Secretary George Franklin, a personal aide to David Rockefeller and staff director of the Council of Foreign Relations for 26 years, described the Bilderbergs origins of the Commission:
"Franklin stressed that Bilderberg has been pivotal in hammering out a common Cold War stance between Europe and American corporate and political elite---It has been instrumental in determining new structures within which the elite can extend and flex its power. The Trilateral Commission, a more above-ground version of the Bilderberg, which recently received attention because of Jimmy Carter's attendance, grew directly out of the Bilderberg Conferences..."
It is important to point out that the Bilderberg Society has also functioned as a key "umbrella" organization for the U.S.'s most important think-tanks and foundations. The Brookings Institute, the Foreign Policy Association, the Carnegie Endowment and the Rand Corporation all maintain very close ties to the Society, as do the Rockefeller and Ford Foundations, and the Kennedy School at Harvard University. Meanwhile, Henry Kissinger, Gerald Ford, Helmut Schmidt, Baron Edmond de Rothschild, Robert McNamara, William F. Buckley, Margaret Thatcher, and Conrad Black have all been involved in the Society.
The founder of the Bilderberg Society, Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands, a former Nazi SS officer, carefully revealed the philosophy of the Society over twenty years ago when he wrote" "Here comes our great difficulty. For the governments of the free nations are elected by people, and if they do something the people don't like they are thrown out. It is difficult to re-educate the people who have been brought up on nationalism to the idea of relinquishing part or their sovereignty to a supernational body.... This is a tragedy."
The following is a secret partial list of Bilderberg attendees for the Evian, France 1992 meeting held from May 21-24. Please note that the decision to make Clinton THE PRESIDENT OF THE U.S. came in full conclusion in 1990 and 1991 meetings--it was simply finalized and confirmed at this Evian meeting. At that time the "final" plans of WHO would fill top leadership posts was also made. Clinton has had little to zilch input in those appointments. Clinton is purely a PUPPET FIGUREHEAD. We will get around to giving you a full input on Mr. Clinton and his "Arkansas" Kingdom. Note that this list does not reflect who are permanent office holders--only here listed are attendees who may of may not hold higher permanent status. These are ALL people you SHOULD recognize.
Lord Peter Carrington: chairman of the board Christie's International plc, former secretary-general of NATO.
Attendees listed by country:
Paul Allaire: chairman, Xerox Corporation
Dwayne Andreas: chairman, Archer-Daniels Midland Co. [H: This is the "business" which gave away and sold all your reserve grain resources to China and the Soviets.]
George Ball: former undersecretary of state. James Billington" Librarian of Congress.
John Chafee: U.S. Senator (R-R.I.)
Richard Furland: director, Bristol-Meyers Squibb Co.
Karen Elliot House: vice president/international, Dow Jones & Co.
Henry Kissinger: former secretary of state; chairman, Kissinger Associates, Inc.
David Rockefeller: chairman, Chase Manhattan Bank International Advisory Committee.
Jack Sheinkman: president, Amalgamated Clothing and Textile Workers Union (AFL-CIO-CLC)
Robert Strauss: U.S. ambassador to the Russian Federation.
Paul Volcker: chairman, James D. Wolfensohn, Inc.; former chairman, Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System.
John Whitehead: chairman, AEA Investors, Inc.; former deputy secretary of state.
Lynn Williams: international president, United Steelworkers of America.
Giovanni Agnelli: chairman, Fiat SpA.
Claudio Martelli: deputy PM & minister of justice.
Renato Ruggiero: member of the board, Fiat SpA.
Paolo Zannoni: vice president for international activities; representative for Fiat SpA in the Russian Federation.
Pierre Beregrovoy: prime minister.
Phillippe Lagayette: first deputy governor, Banque de France.
Jacques Toubon: member of parliament; former general secretary for RPR.
Christorph Bertram: diplomatic correspondent, Die Zeit.
Hilmar Kopper: spokesman of the board of managing directors, Deutch Bank A.G.
Volcker Ruhe: minister of defence.
Theo Sommer: editor-in-cheif, Die Zeit.
Carl Bildt: prime minister.
Conrad Black: chairman, the Daily Telegraph plc.
Roy McLaren: president, CB Media Ltd; publisher, Canadian Business; member of Parliment; former minister of state (finance).
Jeffrey Simpson: national affairs columnist, the Globe and Mail.
Leon Brittan: vice president of the European Commission.
Lord Griffiths of Florestfach: advisor Goldman Sachs International Ltd; former head of prime minister's Policy Unit.
Andrew Knight: executive chairman, News International.
Lord Roll of Ipsden: president, S.G. Warburg Group Plc.
Lord Weidenfield: publisher.
John Galvin: Supreme Allied Commander Europe, SHAPE.
Helga Steeg: executive director, IEA.
Manfred Worner: secretary-general of NATO.
John Boossens: managing director, Alcatel Bell.
HRH Prince Phillip of Belgium.
Peter Kortewig: president and CEO of the Robecco Group; honourary treasurer of Bilderberg meetings.
Ruud Lubbers: prime minister.
H.M. the queen of the Netherlands (Beatrix).
Helmut Maucher: chairman and CEO, Nestle S.A.
Narcis Serra i Serra: deputy prime minister of the Spanish government.
H.M. the queen of Spain (Sophia).
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, February 2, 1993, Volume 22, Number 2, Pages 11-13.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.