11/20/93 #2 HATONN
There is something else we MUST look at here as well. I have waited and waited for this to surface. You may recall my feelings on mercury poisoning in tooth fillings? If not--then go read it most carefully--especially if you have arthritis of any of the nerve diseases mentioned above. We have witnessed total healing within days of removal of a toxic tooth filling.
Well, this next goes beyond the "fillings"--you are killing yourselves with toxic poisonings from bacteria toxins--very often--with what you call "root canals". I make no comment on the need for "something" and since you don't yet have ability to reproduce your own teeth--you need to study your "options". But I am here to tell you that you are incapacitating yourselves very often by something as seemingly "healing" as a root canal.
Rather than have this come from the elusive and questionable "space cadet"--let's offer you a rather startling write-up on this subject.
This article is taken from SECOND OPINION, by Dr. William Campbell Douglas, Suite 100, 1350 Center Drive, Dunwoody, GA 90998. This particular issue is Vol. III, No. 11, Nov. 1993. This is not some "new age" guru--this is a wise physician who CARES and practices HEALTH CARE--not drug addictions. By the way, I care not what this man may or may not think of me. I refer you to a dear statement made by a precious person this week. She had a copy of a sentence from something called GUIDEPOSTS which said something like "If God wrote a message wouldn't everybody read it?" The friend had appended: "God writes a whole weekly newspaper and NOBODY want to read it!" That is simply the way it IS, friends, and the less emphasis you place on source--the more easily ones can participate in the information--don't cloud practical function with Spiritual decisions of such magnitude--simple truth of the information will suffice.
Dentists have always had it easy, in a sense. They relieve the unbearable pain of toothache; they save your teeth so you can chew those wonderful steaks; they make your mouth look pretty; and they scold and lecture you about brushing, flossing, picking, swishing, and squirting, like a mother hen. Not that all this "hygiene" does much good, but you know your dentist is sincere and he's really on your side. There's no doubt about it.
But not the poor dentist, the guardian of your root and enamel, is being accused of causing everything from arthritis to cancer and heart disease. And he thought he was so benign--and so did we.
In his new book, Root Canal Cover-up Exposed!, Dr. George Meinig examines the work of Dr. Weston Price and shows how a simple root canal can affect your heart, kidneys, lungs, eyes, stomach, brain, and just about any other body tissue you care to mention. Actually, it's not the root canal that causes the problem, but rather, the germs trapped inside the tooth.
To understand what Dr. Meinig is talking about, we have to go back to research, which was suppressed, from the early 20th century. Dr. Weston Price, a dentist, was one of the great medical researchers of the past 100 years. His work on the relationship of nutrition and physical degeneration, especially as it applies to the teeth, is well-known by sophisticated nutritionists the world over. Some of these knowledgeable people are medical doctors and dentists--most of them are not. But Price did other research that was even more monumental than his nutrition studies. And even sophisticated nutritionists (like me) didn't know about it until Dr. Meinig reviewed Price's writings and found that his most important research had been completely ignored.
The best way to impress upon you the importance of Price's discoveries is to tell you about rabbits. Then we'll work back from there to explain why the experimental rabbits, you, and many of your friends and family experience serious and often fatal diseases from your well-meaning dentist.
Dr. Price had a hunch that root canals often harbored infection that was not readily apparent. He also surmised that this local infection was acting as a "mother lode" of infection that was traveling to various organs of the body, causing heart disease, arthritis, and almost any other disease state, depending on where that particular strain of organism preferred to roost. This sounded preposterous and no one paid any attention to him, even though he was recognized as one of the foremost dental and nutritional researchers of his time.
Price's findings were so astounding that one wonders how they could have been ignored, but they were. After seeing hundreds of patients with severe and chronic diseases that could not be cured by the medical profession, Dr. Price began research that, even by today's standards, is nothing short of BRILLIANT.
A woman who had been confined to a wheelchair for six years with severe, crippling arthritis came to Dr. Price for help. After finding that she had a tooth with a root canal, Dr. Price suggested that it be removed--even though it looked perfectly normal and showed no evidence of infection. He was really going out on a limb but Dr. Price was convinced that it was probably "the root of the problem".
Now comes the momentous step that should have won the Nobel Prize for Weston Price: After removing the tooth, he implanted it under the skin of a rabbit to see if the rabbit would develop a disease similar to that of the patient. The rabbit developed the same crippling arthritis as the patient and, ten days later, died of infection. The patient on the other hand, made a complete recovery from her arthritis after the extraction.
Price repeated this experiment many times, with the same result in almost every case. If the patient had kidney trouble, the rabbit developed kidney trouble. If eye problems, the rabbit developed a similar problem. Heart trouble, arthritis, stomach ulcer, bladder infection, disease of the ovary, phlebitis, osteomyelitis (infection of the bone), all would be mimicked by the rabbit after insertion of the infected tooth (although, in the case of a root canal tooth, the tooth might not look infected) under the rabbit's skin. Because rabbits have a poor immune system, most of them died within two weeks.
A classic illustration of this mimicry of disease was a woman with extreme weight loss. Her usual weight was 130 pounds, but when first-seen by Dr. Price, she weighed 72 pounds. One of her infected teeth was extracted and then inoculated into a rabbit. The rabbit lost 20 percent of its weight in four days. [H: Now chelas, we can hardly conclude that the rabbit and the patient had somehow formed a pact of some sort or reflected some psychic connection.]
But Price made another discovery at this time that should have horrified the dentists and microbiologists worldwide. He took the infected tooth, crushed it, and then filtered it through a Berkerfield filter. This left a fluid that contained NO BACTERIA. He then injected this fluid into a rabbit and obtained the SAME RESPONSE as when he injected the infected tooth into the rabbit--a rapid weight loss and death in five days.
This proved that it wasn't necessary for the bacteria from an infected tooth to migrate out of the tooth and into the rest of the body. The toxins from the infection were all that were necessary to create serious health problems in persons with a weak immune system.
Price also proved that the entire foundation for sterility in root canal work was tragically flawed; that dentists were using criteria for sterility that were grossly inaccurate. Dentists put sterilizing medication into the tooth when performing root canals in order to eliminate infection. Once cultures demonstrate that the canal is sterile, the surgery is completed. Dentists have been taught that a negative culture is absolute proof that successful sterilization has been achieved. But 70 years ago, Dr. Weston Price proved that few root canals were free of infections after 48 hours. These seven decades of cover-up and self-delusion have led to massive illness, suffering, and, many times, an early death for millions of people--and few of today's dentists are even aware of the tragedy.
These "new" revelations about root canal therapy could have resounding effects on the field of medicine, including photoluminescence, the treatment of blood with UV light. We regularly see photoluminescence fight infection in dramatic fashion, but are sometimes frustrated when the condition we originally treated returns. Even though we have temporarily cleared the infection, only removal of the source--the infected tooth--will effect a permanent cure.
(Root Canal Cover-up Exposed! Bion Publishing, 323 E. Matilija 110-151A, Ojai, CA 93023 plus $2 shipping and handling.) [H: If someone will get me the book I shall be happy to review it for you. This does not mean that I suggest you not get yourself a copy for it is hard to tell when we may get back to this subject. I do verify that this is valid and some of you are killing yourselves by the very root of your tooth. Most bacteria reproduce far better in dark, dank places and cannot abide life in the open oxygen environment. The more toxic bacteria are anaerobes and cannot survive in oxygen at all and have built up their own shielding so they can exist forever--producing their toxins which will move through and living animal.]
* * *
In Second Opinion, (I, again, bow to this Dr. Douglas) is a short "note" regarding something Dharma noted in 1990 in a copy of the paper sent by a reader of the JOURNALS. The reason for sending us the paper was not, however, AIDS and a dentist, David Acer. However, it is worthy of note herein to lend credibility to the quality of this man.
Soon after the news broke about dentist David Acer infecting some of his patients with the AIDS virus, WE TOLD YOU IN MAY 1991 THAT THE EVIDENCE CLEARLY POINTED TO MURDER AS THE MOST LIKELY CAUSE. We sent copies of the article to the press, including the local newspaper near Palm Beach where Acer practiced, 20/20, and 60 MINUTES. ALL the media ignored us, so we repeated our claim in May 1991--and again in July 1992. When I asked Dr. Curran of the Centers for Disease Control about the possibility of homicide in the Acer case, he replied "Everyone said he was a nice guy."
According to the New York Guardian, 20/20 began one of its early October 1993 shows with "Barbara Walters....saying, 'that virtually no one in the country' had heard of the story ABC was about to air: that a Florida dentist had intentionally killed his patients by infecting them with AIDS." The show featured an interview with one of Acer's former male lovers. Unfortunately, I was out of the country and missed it. If you saw the 20/20 report please tell me what you think. And remember, we scooped this story by three years....
Ain't it the way of it? Chelas, it just isn't a very nice world in which you find yourselves experiencing these days. And how do you build protection? Exactly! YOU BUILD IT within--you cannot find that which will UNDO that which is thrust upon you intentionally. GOD OFFERS YOU THE WAY--IF YOU WILL BUT SEE AND USE IT.
I would like to close this with a wish for all of you as received from a loving reader--to Dharma, for her birthday. She was searching for something humorous to share and this is wonderful. The card pictures some very lazy-eyed cows standing around. It says: "A thought for your birthday... As you wander the great cowpasture of life, may your days be full of wit and your shoes free from....holes!"
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, November 23, 1993, Volume 3, Number 9, Pages 45-47.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.