11/30/95 #1 HATONN
Readers, I do not write to begin debates and never to encourage "arguments". I come with observations, reminders and under a lot of "conditions" of our Father Creator. I have a massive mission which affects millions of beings. I do not, even though it may well seem otherwise, come to quarrel over the separate, or even the unified "anything". Various people write and I am grateful, for I enjoy the feeling of trust that allows another to accept me for what I am--whatever I am.
I have a letter of yesterday which actually is mixed in intent and comes from a person I greatly respect for his word toward reclamation of constitutional law and authority. Constitutional LAW is NOT "GOD's LAW". A constitution, at best, is set forth by men (the strongest in a nation at a given time) for the benefit of, mostly, themselves or the "class" in which they sustain themselves.
I have the same observations regarding the RELIGIONS of your place. The doctrine of a church is the same as a constitution of a nation; it gives the guidelines laid forth by MAN into a set of presented rules and regulations within which said church and its various parts function. In all instances there is good and there is bad intent--but always there is the assumption of control. However, there need to be laws, doctrines and rules and regulations so that each can see and know and select his own best possible environment. A Catholic might well tell me there is no control--but any time your very religious experience is based on following a bunch of ritual expressions, followed by a "charge" for same to stay in good stead, there IS control. Laws should maintain "order" (vs. chaos) within a society, be it a nation, world or church. Arguing this will not make it different even though "intent" may well be very different according to the placement or "standing" of any given individual practitioner.
Now, any person and myself can enter into great debates which, by the way, I quite enjoy. Perhaps some day there will be opportunity to spend the endless hours required for such interchange. For now, I have not the right to impose on those who already serve 24 hours of every day.
The writer referred to above is not only a goodly man, serving to the best of his capability, and if you have read CONTACT you have read his great contributions. However, if we get into a debate or possible quarrel over such as the Mormon Church in relationship to one Brent Scowcroft--we have erred greatly in our purpose and service. How a given person or church is perceived is rarely as seen by either party in an argument. This person offers to "teach" me something, and always I need to learn, but I offer the peace towel before the argument for I single out NO church, religion OR ORGANIZED CONTROL CENTER--EXCEPT GOD CREATOR.
I AM A CHRISTIAN vs. what? Well, zillions of people claim to be Christian while they have not the slightest idea of Christ. Christ is not the name of a MAN or a church. "Christ" is a state of being--in goodness. The very term is a label for status within goodness. It represents the PERFECTION of growth of soul and I find NO CHURCH ORGANIZATION WORTHY OF CALLING IT BY THE LABEL PERFECTION.
I have no pick with revelation, either. However, I do have quite a negative feeling about "convenient" revelation. No man is without error, no Church is without error and NO NATION IS WITHOUT ERROR--THEREFORE, NO CONSTITUTION IS WITHOUT ERROR. I am not without error and neither are YOU.
Now, my next statement, as to how I can be sucked in by such as Ronn Jackson--is: how can I be sucked in by YOU? If this person in point comes to me and says he not only "can" but will do certain things--what do I do? And sir, YOU were sucked in by Mr. Jackson and you contributed to his status if through nothing else than the use of your subject material. God gives each discernment but am I to trust, distrust, allow or banish such as you--who may well hide perfection, funding, or outright confidence racketeering? I am not given to JUDGE a man and therefore I may well allow too long a time to see what a man will do if given opportunity.
I asked no man or woman to send anything to Ronn Jackson, save letters asking parole and filling in a form as requested through CONTACT. When people are sucked into a whirlwind of activity and choose to give money to anyone, I have no input to those choices--for surely I asked support for YOUR plan for the "50 States" as well. We do things because they are the RIGHT thing to do, not because we want to prove our prowess or our ignorance. People who are NOT RECEIVING JUSTICE UNDER THE CONSTITUTION are not RECEIVING JUSTICE, and therein lies the circumstance. I also have to look at a man and see the "possibilities" of accomplishment and allowance to meet contracts and agreements. Perhaps you have a better grip on what your mission might be, but my mission calls for freedom and justice for ALL.
I have been warned to stay away from two major topics: Religion and Politics. And yet, everything in your world is revolved around Religion and Politics. I abhor both. I loathe the abuse and use of another through these entities--but I "hate" neither for they are the choices allowed through free-will contract with Creator.
Would it not be wonderful to find a group of individual persons who can work together within the laws of God AND MAN and simply serve, share and behave justly one with another? Ah, but it happens not, for along with groupings come the ones who always feel their rules are better and lock in that which serves "self" first and then, if goodness slops over, so be it.
Do I want a Ronn Jackson's New Republic? No--I want a NEW Republic or a refinished old one--UNDER GOD, WITH FREEDOM AND JUSTICE FOR ALL--NOT JUST THOSE WHO AGREE WITH RONN JACKSON. However, what I really want is neither; my purpose is to remind and awaken a mankind in confusion as he has forgotten GOD and his relationship with God. He has been put down into ignorance wherein he does not see that which is hidden deliberately FROM HIM and, therefore, has no way to know TRUTH. Even as within a church: YOU may think you know the doctrines. Ah, but are the doctrines you know actually THE doctrines of the authorities in the secret chambers? If you can destroy such as a nation's constitution--do you not think a group of "Elders" can bend, a bit, a Church Doctrine?
I am not asked to meet somewhere and share knowledge. YOU invite me to come forth so you can "TEACH" me something and "set me straight". This implies forceful refusal to listen to anything I might have to say while you try to push something or other down my gullet. If I am in error in generalizing about a given religious grouping by any label, I apologize--but I doubt that perfection is available in any such organization, including the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (Mormon). This is not an insult, sir, this is an observation and I do not put anyone down, but I shall join with no physical indoctrinated group WHERE I MUST WORSHIP ACCORDING TO ANOTHER MAN'S REVELATION OR DOCTRINE. I HAVE TOTAL RELATIONSHIP WITH GOD CREATOR AND ALL ELSE IS JUST THAT, SOMETHING ELSE. And, after all is said and done, no argument over the matter will be worthy of its wasting of time--for, by the way the "invitation to meet and confer" is issued, you shall not bend in you sanctity and I would not learn anything--I would simply be gracious enough to hear you through.
Mankind constantly tries to replace GOD with something or someone else and I wonder why? Is it because no man can attain the perfection of God? Does this mean that God should therefore be set aside in order to better utilize the power and control of some men or a man? Believe me, Jesus Christ wouldn't mind if you put GOD in your label, for the assumption that "Jesus" Christ and God are the same entity/being is incorrect, so how can you "teach" me for you have no authority nor the proper knowledge. Certainly I would not presume that I might teach you--anything you already assume to know.
Does this mean that we cannot work towards a better world, a JUST society in growth, brotherhood and Constitution? I hope not, for if I just become "one of the boys in the hall" I have forsaken the TRUTH OF GOD. I am NOT one of "the guys on the block"; I am sent by God to do my job and I shall do it. I most certainly am NOT sent forth to argue over religious houses or JUDGE any individual MAN. I can perceive man's actions and judge ONLY those. I can discern regarding other aspects of man--but remember something: MAN IS GIVEN FREE-WILL CHOICE and man changes with the wind and convenient ease for himself. These changes are not in my authority to transform except through offering information upon which each individual might find growth.
To place your basis of LIFE on Man's ability to keep it straight and without blemish on truth, you place your soul in great jeopardy for what if revelation, and/or the man offering same, is just a bit twitched? The responsibility is YOURS--not his. ...If the Church invites in the dragon--it is not my fault or error. And, further, all the "teaching" In the WORLD will not cause me to allow the dragons within my house (soul). My enemies may well eat at my table--they will NOT be seated within my SOUL.
I am required to function within the rules of your physical placement and, like it or not, I am stuck with it. However, YOU ARE EXPECTED TO FUNCTION WITHIN THE RULES OF MY PLACE--WHEN THAT TIME OF TRANSITION ARRIVES. I can honor you, work with you, and do whatever is appropriate within the laws of God and nation--I do not choose to wallow in the primitive lack of KNOWING TRUTH. I am SENT to give you the rules of my dimensional placement--for you either will grow to realize transition into higher "order" and "freedom" or you will remain locked within the confines of man's chosen doctrines. The choices are yours. Being a Mormon or a Methodist will not make the slightest amount of difference--as MAN INDIVIDUAL STANDS RESPONSIBLE FOR HIS JOURNEY, HIS ACTIONS, AND HIS SOUL INTENT! GOD WILL ALLOW NO EVIL WITHIN HIS HOUSES AND THEREIN LAYS SELECTIVE PLACEMENT. MAN HAS FORGOTTEN WHO HE IS AND WHAT IS HIS PURPOSE. IT IS TIME FOR THE REMEMBERING FOR YOU HAVE REACHED THE END OF A CYCLE OF IGNORANCE. YOU MAY WELL REMAIN IGNORANT OR REFUSE KNOWLEDGE--BUT THE ULTIMATE PLACEMENT IS NOT UP TO YOU--EXCEPT FOR YOUR PARTICIPATION IN THE JUDGMENT OF YOURSELF WHEN TRUTH IS BEFORE YOU AND YOU MUST MEASURE YOUR GROWTH AGAINST THAT TRUTH.
My suggestion to all who inquire regarding "churches" is to go forth and enjoy the social aspects of the group, take the truth as may be offered and use it for strength; and remember that you pay for the ticket through your tithes and offerings. So what is incorrect about my perceptions? In SOME instances I prefer the company of church (any) MEMBERS. I do not care for the narrow interpretation of a God of choice by doctrine or opinion. This does not mean that I go have my revelation and simply START ANOTHER CHURCH. Most often, however, I find no freedom of choice in the matter unless one wishes to change denominations. I honor your RIGHT TO WORSHIP AS YOU PLEASE. Have I not the same RIGHT? This does not speak of "knowing more"; it simply IS a question which I too have right to ask.
You cannot read ONLY PART of my writings and make a decision which will be accurate any more than I can read your letter, sir, and make an informed decision about your indoctrination. Therefore, a debate in ignorance of one another produces exactly what you have going in your world--foolish actions, foolish assumptions and total lack of knowing anything worthy about either.
... No, please, do not be offended but I will not argue the merits of one religion against another or one form of fascist/socialistic monarchy dictatorship against another. I will be happy to present and share in every way I can the movement toward constitutional FREEDOM and honor but I will not debate one church denomination against another for I find too much ROT at the core of each one. I am totally a Christian (ONE WHO BELIEVES ONLY IN THE CHRIST GOODNESS) but I am not a church member of anything. I have a perfect and working relationship with GOD CREATOR and there is no higher relationship to be found--anywhere!
... God always sends His/your messengers--but most are cast down and refused hearing. And then you take up your banner and cause--TO TEACH THE MESSENGERS A THING OF TWO. So be it for it has ever been thus. These self-proclaimed "teachers" also desire to run your nations. Be careful lest you let it happen--ALL OVER AGAIN! When you exchange the wolf for the fox and you are the chicken, you have not gained a lot of ground, friends.
How long will it require before you LEARN that you only need SELF and GOD? When you introduce a third party into your spiritual communion--you have erred. A church cannot be the reflection of God for YOU ARE THE FRAGMENT REFLECTION OF GOD. Now, with this in mind, what good is there to debate and quarrel?
Nations rise and fall on that which is POWER and that power is usually gained through the deceptions and YOUR MISINTERPRETATIONS and assumptions that what you are told is true and honorable. This is why that, unless you learn the structure of governments and how certain groups become powerful enough to enslave the global masses, you CANNOT heal, change or logically argue over the facts, for you will refuse to HEAR truth and cling to opinion. You in Southern Utah or Texas who don't KNOW, for instance, that the downfall of the U.S.A. came directly from the various crown-heads of British-Israel, cannot do a confounded thing about it. THIS is WHY we drag you through the doldrums of unfolding facts (proven) and can SEE THE NEEDS AS REGARDS POSITIVE CHANGE. To exchange one simpleton for another is unreasonable in outcome.
Righteousness and TRUTH will stand the test of ALL TIME(s). All the slings and arrows, accusations, battles and quarrels will not change one iota of it. It simply wastes "time" that others might well be using for learning. At best, you of physical manifestation can only quarrel over perceptions (opinions) for it is in the physical domain where you reside, have restrictions and limitations thrust upon you, and which you, in turn, accept or reject.
When you KNOW a thing to be TRUTH--argument has no meaning and no place--for all the king's men and all the king's horses (whatever that means) cannot change an iota of it--only your perception of a "thing" is impacted, in and by, reality. In the realm of physical environment you have only perception, while the you of soul bears REALITY. One is physical and the other is infinite. One is "passing" circumstances as on a stage of illusion--the other, infinitely eternal. To debate over church doctrines is not of eternal, but only of physical expression. Within the physical you can give "time" to such, but in the etheric dimensions there is neither need of the debate nor the perception of "time". Human has a very finite time-schedule so he must utilize wisely the actions and perceptions of his role upon the stage for the offering of the "play". How much time do you waste in senseless quarrel or debate when the stage is falling apart? It seems wiser to learn how to choose a new board, a nail or two and a hammer, and fix the stage. Then and only then is it worthy to worry over the script because the curtain may well FALL DOWN before it COMES DOWN at your bidding.
By the way, IF YOU ASSUME ONLY ONE MESSENGER, you are in deep "yogurt". There is only one infinite TRUTH but there are unlimited ways in which to find that truth while at the same time there is ONLY ONE WAY TO KNOW THAT TRUTH.
In that light of, hopeful, acceptable wisdom, I shall turn to our ongoing topics of life-streams in action. May we, finally, become able to focus on reality and decline the distractions. Salu.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, December 5, 1995, Volume 11, Number 6, Pages 29-30.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.