11/32/94 #1 HATONN
To my scribe I ask a moment of silence and stillness that we might separate the concern you are feeling in overwhelming desire to "give up" from that which is simply fatigue and fear. Fear represents a lack of faith, chela. Beyond that, release whatever it is so that you can THINK in generalities and possibilities instead of INTO the fearful negative perception.
Remember what LITTLE CROW said about fear, on June 24, 1991:
Alleviate the fear within YOURSELF. Know that you are infinite. Know that you are infinity in this form and that, though you make transition, this energy will return again and again and again and again because life itself is unending. Energy is unending. Let go of the fear of materialism, let go of the fear of non-materialism. Let go of the fear of dying, let go of the fear of LIVING. Let go of the fear of breathing, looking, smelling, tasting, feeling--let go of the fear and just be. Be who you are, for it is in that wisdom that you then demonstrate the wisdom of the Creator, the Mother-Father Creator, the Mother-Father GOD.
Let us turn to our work of importance--setting straight the stories which have brought your civilization to its knees. Little Crow told you a lot of things far more important than the above. Do you remember when you first wrote of Jmmanuel (Jesus) in TRUTH? Do you remember calling Little Crow and sharing your terror at the simple act of KNOWING? Do you remember what he said to you, forgetful lamb? I will remind you: He said that IF you never heard of any such person as Jesus--how would you feel about the story? Also, if you do not BELIEVE in such a "savior", how would you feel about such a story? This was coming from a so-called Pagan whose entire culture was DESTROYED by the concept of a Christ Jesus--in a story presentation of religion instead of TRUTH and was that which DESTROYED the original PEOPLE OF GOD. How think you that a little girl from Texas should have it BETTER???? Now, please, allow us, little one, to get on with OUR WORK--which is NOT how to pay the attorneys --or actually even HOW to keep the paper going--let ones who want the paper going--attend it. I have a mission to bring the WORD and you a commitment to scribe it--why think you that WE MUST BEAR THE ENTIRE LOAD? I AM A MISSION COMMANDER--AND SERVE NOT AS A GOD OF SERVE-IT-TO-YOU.
The focus of these writings regarding that which comes from And They Called His Name Immanuel (journal), is to present TRUTH, look at the passages, quote from the presentation of the original scrolls and hopefully offer understanding as to what and when things began to, and finally did, go terribly wrong regarding this entity Esu "Jesus" Immanuel (Jmmanuel), Son of God through Gabriel (by whatever NAME you choose to use).
I believe we had just spoken about the Baptism of Jmmanuel ("Jesus"). I pause here to ponder what the reading audience would think and say if I worded this differently and said: "We have just been speaking of the vision quests of Standing Bear, Son of Tonka...." So be it. The particular incident took place in the Jordan River by John the Baptist so I must not get the stories mixed??!! I believe, moreover, that we had just told of the craft with the light that took up the young man from out of the river and there we shall continue the tale:
Picking up on page 25, last paragraph.
After, Jmmanuel was lifted up from the Earth and when this happened, no one knew where he had been taken. [H: And further, you will note that the Biblical scribblers didn't have an answer for you, to that question.]
Jmmanuel was let off by the metallic lighted object between North and West where the Guardian Angels had received cords with which to measure the place FOR THE CHOSEN ONES. [H: Hold your breath, little doubters. HE WAS TAKEN TO THE HIGHEST PLACEMENT IN THE CONSTELLATION OF PLEIADES FROM WHENCE CREATOR'S MASTERS COME. THIS DOES NOT MEAN RACE, CREED, COLOR OR LONG EYELASHES! THIS MEANS HE WAS TAKEN FOR HIS LESSONS AGAINST THE DAY NOW ARRIVED. Would you want to call it a learning of his "religion"? No--he was to LEARN truth so that he could present it to Earth man to hopefully move him back into LIGHT. I take no exception to your labels--except that "religion" is a particularly foul term for me to use--especially as attached to ANYTHING we might be doing. We are stuck in the need for legal terms though, are we not? Man does not seem to understand any other than his primitive TRAINING.]
Thus, he lived for forty days and thirty-nine nights between the winds of the North and the West where he received the Secret of Wisdom. Meanwhile, he spent his days with the wise "Saints" and God along with Guardian Angels and the Celestial Sons, who taught him the knowledge of the wisdom, the dominion of God over this human race and his Celestial Sons, the omnipotence of THE CREATION of the universe, and the immortality of the spirit through rebirth. [H: This is a big mouthful of misery for a translator so let us assume God had control, shall we?]
There he saw the forefathers, the saints of ancient times, who were the fathers of the human race, the Celestial Sons.
From there he went north along the ends of the Earth, where the metallic lights and fire vehicles fell out of the sky, or streaked through the skies, or, with singing, covered with smoke and fire, soared into the spaces and then sometimes sat silently above the lands in silent, motionless cloud forms; when near unto the land masses. [H: Ah, and now we look at the REALITY of this discussion--a man 2000 years ago was trying to offer you truth without ability of perception even as to what these "things" or beings MIGHT BE CALLED PROPERLY. There was NOTHING against which to balance what was happening in his consciousness and that which was either observed OR told to him later. They didn't exactly have missiles, rockets or space-craft labels, much less perception of what in the world was taking place, by whom or what it was. Moreover, you call them "flying saucers"--is that not absurd?]
There at the ends of the entire Earth, he saw a great and marvelous wonder. Here, he saw the doors of heaven open. There were three of these doors which were opened unto him that he might see within. As big as the area of the lifeless sea near the River Jordan did the heavenly doors radiate, in its brightest Sohar.
Radiating therein, the entire land of Israel [???] was alive and true, man and animal, and everything that was there. Inside this first heavenly door there was no hidden secret, for Sohar entered the smallest spaces of the cottages and revealed the last to be known.
Inside the second heavenly gateway there rose mighty mountains, whose tops reached into the sky and disappeared into the clouds. Huge masses of deep snow were lying down at the foot of the mountains, and at the edge thereof another human race with brown skin built their dwellings.
The third heavenly portal revealed a land of huge dimensions, mountainous land with rivers, lakes and oceans--again therein lived another human race.
Not far from these three heavenly portals was the place of God, the ruler of these human races, and those who had traveled from afar, the Celestial Sons and the Guardian Angels. In His palace God ruled over the three human races created by Him, and over his following, the Celestial Sons. He was immortal and ancient and the size of the great giant, like unto the Celestial Sons.
Within this palace of God, there appeared to Jmmanuel, two very tall men the likes of whom he had never before seen on Earth. Their faces radiated like the sun; their eyes seemed like burning torches, and fire seemed to come from their mouths; their clothing resembled a layer of foam, and their arms were like unto golden wings. They lived in their own world for the world of human kind had killed them.
These two men, from the constellations of the seven sisters, were sacred teachers, and were together with two smaller men who said that they were men from Baawl. They said, "People have come from heaven to Earth and other people have been lifted from Earth into heaven. The people that had come from heaven remained on earth for a long time, and created the intelligent human race. Behold, men created by the Celestial Sons were very different in their own way from the other people of the Earth. They were not like man of Earth, but similar to the children of the angels of heaven, a different kind. Their body was white and pale as likened to snow and red in the within as the rose bud. Their hair was white as wool, and their eyes most beautiful. The human races shall keep their inherited beauty, and keep on creating it. But in the course of the centuries and millennia, they would mix with other human races of the Earth and heavens in order to with the Earth people new human races, and special races, such as the Celestial Sons. [H: Now, if YOU understand this--you are far better than me for I can't figure out what in the world he means.]
"Jmmanuel, you are of wisdom, created from amongst us of a Celestial Son. With your wisdom you will make the impossible possible, and perform acts considered to be miracles by the human races. You know the power of spirit, but beware, do not abuse it. Your wisdom, which you received through us, will serve the well-being of the human races, but the way leading thereto will be very difficult for them and for you. You will not be recognized for that which you are and you will be renounced, for the human races are ignorant and filled with superstition and false teachers.
"The human races believe that God IS The Creation itself and not the ruler of the Celestial Sons and these human races. The people of the Earth attribute to Him the omnipotence of The Creation and glorify Him as The Creation ITSELF. However, God is like unto a man, like all the Celestial Sons and the human races, except He is spiritually infinitely more developed than they--more than any human creation or Celestial Son. [H: How would you describe it? God gave human His likeness--LIGHT ENERGY SOUL. All of the "physical" is but DNA structured "stuff". The Creator may well CREATE within the LAWS OF THAT "CREATION". All of BOTH is but the projected manifest THOUGHT of GOD expressed in coalesced energy moved into density FROM LIGHT into "matter", compiled of all of that which IS.]
"You, too, Jmmanuel, they will insult as God and His inborn son, and you, too, will be made equal, in their ignorance, to The Creation. You will be in the telling them that they, too, can be as you but they will not be in understanding and will persecute you for your generosity of truth.
"Do not heed these false teachings, because millennia will pass before the people of the human races from the Earth will be able to recognize the truth. This will be for several reasons, one of which is that you must grow through your initiations into your Godly status whereby you shall be given your name and full inheritance.
"Great floods of human blood shall be shed on your account, your blood as well as that of uncounted generations of human ones. Nonetheless, fulfill your mission as the King of Wisdom, as the Son of Gabriel, the Celestial Son for it is ordained from your God, the One of Total Light and Wisdom. The Infinite One. In the name of God the Law was issued to create you so that you may serve as a prophet and fore-runner of wisdom to this human race and unto all new human races to come forth upon the Earth lands.
"Fulfill your mission without annoyance and do not allow for antagonization for it will be great testing that you will endure. You will be unperturbed by opposition, to all lack of reason and false teachings of the Scribes and Pharisees, as well as against the incredulous people. You must always perform in balance and remain in inner wisdom and harmony for yours will be an example for the evolutions to come upon the human races. You shall be given to grow beyond the wisdom of all human races and become ONE WITH GOD that you will fulfill your ultimate mission within the realms of human.
"Upon your fulfillment of your mission, centuries and two millennia shall have passed before the truth of your wisdom is brought forth amongst the people and shall be recognized and spread by some ones of the people of the human races. These appointed and consecrated ones shall have also been trained and taught by the Celestial Sons in the realms of God. They shall be daring and dedicated above all others that their missions also be fulfilled in perfection and the proper sequence of time portions.
"Not before the time when machines project themselves into the sky of the human, will truth break through, and false teachings will slowly become most unstable and shaky, namely that you are the Son of God or The Creation. For you will be recognized as the Son of Celestial Sons and will become One WITH God and WITHIN The Creation.
[H: The scribe's JOB was not to interpret or explain these writings as given any more than it is Dharma's job or right to interpret what we give or even what is herein written from THAT day. You are ALL HERE TO LEARN TRUTH--so why clutter it with more and more and more false "theory" or, worse, emphatic hypothesis?]
"This will be the time that we, the Celestial Sons, will begin to reveal ourselves ANEW to the human races because they will have become knowing, will threaten the order of Heaven with the power they will have gained. But they will be arrogant and ignorant and unable to contain the foolish power they will have discovered and will threaten ANNIHILATION and DECIMATION of the entire Earth through their EVIL TINKERING."
Thusly they spoke, the Celestial Sons, between North and West, before they brought Jmmanuel in the metallic light orb back into the land of Galilee.
When Jmmanuel returned, he found that John the Baptist had been imprisoned and thereafter he left the town of Nazareth and went forth to live in Capernaum, which is by the sea, in the lands of Subulon and Naphtali.
At that time Jmmanuel went forth and began to teach and to warn the people, "Repent, and turn to the truth and to knowledge, for they alone bring unto you life."
And then, as Jmmanuel went along the Sea of Galilee with this teaching, he came upon two brothers, named Peter and Andrew of the house of Simon, known also as Simeon, and they threw their fishing nets into the sea, for they were fishermen. And Jmmanuel spoke to them, saying, "Come and follow me; I shall teach you knowledge and make you into fishers of men." After they listened to Jmmanuel's truth they became bonded friends and they soon left their fishing nets behind and traveled along with the young Jmmanuel, all being young and about the same number of years.
They, and Jmmanuel, traveled over the whole of Galilee, taught in the synagogues, preached the knowledge of the spirit, and healed all diseases and infirmities of the people who came forth to hear and sought wisdom.
The news of him spread all over Syria. They who heard of him brought to him those who were sick, afflicted with various diseases and plagues, those who were obsessed, the lunatics, and those who were sick of palsy and all manner of distresses. He healed them all.
It came to pass that many people followed him from Galilee, from the ten cities, from Jerusalem, from Judea, and from the other side of the River Jordan. Everywhere they went, many people would gather and aspire to hear his teachings for it was recognized that he was of Higher inspiration and knowledge. The crowds continually grew in numbers so that the young Master would need find a higher ground upon which to stand that he might be seen and heard. He sought out placement whereby he might stand atop a hillock and oversee the people that his voice might be carried to the far edges of the gathered ones.
We will leave this now with a suggestion that as you read along, friends, this is as a direct translation from ancient scrolls in printed Arabic symbols. You must also KNOW that the story was written AS told to the scribe BY THE MASTER TEACHER. The scribe had no alternative than to do the best he could with little or no education, no understanding of the facts or examples and I wonder how many of you would do so well? Strange thing--you mostly STILL DO NOT HEAR TRUTH but rather, JUDGE all on the LIES. Then, what do you do? Complain that somebody doesn't "fix" things for you! Ponder it. Salu.
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Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, November 29, 1994, Volume 7, Number 5, Pages 16-18.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.