6/22/93 #2 HATONN
As we make this most wondrous journey into KNOWING we must ever be constantly conscious of what we do here--for it will change the world as man has known it to be. Just as the chemist can solve his problems only through knowledge of the various dimensions of the elements with which he works, their relative stability, relative instability, how they move from one state into another and how the illusion of such is brought to presence and consciousness, so too must you find The Truth of the knowledge of Man and his relationship to the Universe and the Universal ONE. Integration of ALL within ALL is our message--basically, our ONLY message. Blessings are upon you of our Team for your contribution shall be engraved in the book of life for all time and sequence to come for you serve well and we SHALL prevail for it is decreed by God that we do. Ah, but it will be through the Creator Source within YOU which shall manifest it.
You ones petition to "know tomorrow", "just let me see how it will be!" and "I will check with a psychic and find out my fortune." Why can't you do this? Why can you NOT know tomorrow's events? BECAUSE YOU MUST CREATE THOSE EVENTS! If you rely on "another's version of the play--you will act out that scenario--IF YOU CHOOSE TO CREATE TOMORROW IN YOUR OWN PERFECTION--YOU WILL LAY THE PLANS, SET THE STAGE, PREPARE THE ACTORS FOR THEIR ROLES AND WHEN YOU ARE IN READINESS FOR THE ACTION OF THE PLAY--THE PARTS WILL FIT AND THE STORY WILL BE AS YOU MAKE IT TO BE. If things SEEM to go badly or with perturbations, it is because you are laying the foundation for the final act and are placing all circumstances in readiness for as much.
Future generations of unfolding man must make so great a transition in their thinking that it is as though they were transported from whatever country of their own language and origin into another country where its language has no meaning for them. This means--learning all aspects of that new country and language. Man must first unfold his mortality as a sensed-body. This will be represented without any realization of his immortality. This will be representative of his self for long ages of expression. During those long ages he lives only FOR his body, takes what he wants for his body, creates sensual pleasures for his body emotions, and "educates" his body through the many illusive mirages of sensed observations with that which he mistakenly believes to be knowledge.
Mortal man is quite incapable of obeying God's law for he does not know God's law. However, it is now time that you MUST "remember" the LAWS of God-- perfection in balance and harmonious interaction. Because man is ignorant he is constantly bringing hurt upon himself and this is called "evil" for lack of better understanding. Man believes in the existence of evil because he is never able to avoid hurting himself and other selves, and must blame his own ignorance upon an existent Satan or Lucifer who is forever punishing him. Please refer back to the earlier writing regarding Lucifer of this morning [see page 24]. It is ever man's wish to accept no responsibility and continually "blame" something or someone else for his perceived negative circumstance. During this mortal state he has but the language of the senses, but as he becomes aware of his immortal nature he gradually can acquire an understanding of the language of Divinity and Light. This will come from the silence without the interpretation of that which is "physically sensed".
At this point in evolvement, the human race has arrived at a point where hundreds of thousands of scattered fragments are at the transition point between the mortal, physical, sensual natures and their own immortal, intellectual and inspirational natures. Mortal man is coming to realize his immortality. The sensual in him is being lost in its own dark by his own self-illuminating and he doesn't yet understand what is taking place.
So, chelas, it is for these few of the great many that we bring these lessons and insight. We write so that MAN, THE UNKNOWING, can evolve in unfolding into MAN, THE KNOWING.
To make this evolvement in knowledge you must unfold into Truth of what IS and stop the magical fantasies of the child locked into his physical growth, solely through satisfaction of the physical.
We have written a great deal on these subjects but our most extensive and scientific outlay on the subject has been banned from distribution by our opposition--in the courts of injustice. Obviously man was not ready to stand up and struggle and demand that information from this resource. It is fine for, as messengers of God Source, we are compelled to present it again and each time the lesson is offered--there is further insight and errors in presentation can be adjusted. These lessons offered are a preparation for the knowledge of what constitutes life, death and immortality, and of that unawakened Light within man, which utterly transforms every man within whom that Light is awakened into a superior being.
I would ask you to take note of the presentation given on your own newscast of yesterday. It is now recognized that at LEAST 22% of those persons pronounced DEAD--are not! For one reason or another these ones seem to show no life-signs of breathing or heartbeats so faint as give appearance of death. I wonder how many near-death experiences through that dark tunnel into a light--is ACTUALLY the trip down the darkened corridors of the hallway to the lighted room of the morgue? Then, in a body bag, the entity is left to move on into actual death of the body or even be buried alive--or embalmed while still living. IS THIS NOT TERRIFYING? Dharma is so fearful of this circumstance that she has demanded a "time delay" when ones consider and pronounce her "dead". The consciousness which is NOT ever at rest--realizes the circumstance but most often is unable to cause the body to respond in movement. Indeed you ones have so much to learn and of which to become aware.
It is interesting to note also that even in the midst of the most calloused pivotal downward motion of society, there are tens of thousands of beings who are literally in desperation to find their Higher Knowledge of the Light. It is unfortunate that so many must search and search and find only that which is deceiving and elusive--but that too is part of the "finding" process. The "souled" beings are searching in near panic for their roots and Source. Those in the process of desouling and outbreeding of soul energy are content to become even more locked to the negative actions and perceptions of the physical plane and will not make any transition into higher state of existence. Evil will not be brought into the realms of goodly expression of energy infinite and therefore he who would cling to the "voted-in" laws, rules and immortality shall simply not make that passage into the higher frequencies of radiant experience--NOT UNTIL SUCH TIME AS EACH ENTITY COMES INTO KNOWING AND ACTIVE REFLECTION OF TRUTH.
Indeed it is sad to see that you see not the goodly as is shown forth in the negative productions of adverse actions. Further, terms applied to these seeking ones give them an image of public focus and disfavor with thrust to ridicule and mistreatment. Man, in fact IS FINALLY seeking "real" Higher Knowledge--behind the empty catch-words and shouting in performance of silly rituals. He knows no better for he has had no worthy guidance allowed to dominate the society. He does that which he "thinks" may be an answer in his never-ending restless search for TRUTH. Man wants to find God in that perfection of calm control without distractions of silliness and foolish whooping or uncontrolled gyrations. What do we mean by "higher knowledge"? We mean Cosmic knowledge--Universal Cosmic Knowledge. If you are reading this information, then it is obvious that regardless of what you express in intention--you ARE one seeking that higher knowledge which lies dormant in all humans for you desire these writings which are awakening that knowledge within you as you are ready for it. You may start to read to prove something "incorrect" of "evil" within the pages--but TRUTH will capture you if you read it ALL! If you take segments out of context and misrepresent the words in different arrangement--you can PROVE almost any lie. If you read, however, even with intent only to see what is within the pages--YOU WILL FIND TRUTH AND NOTHING EXCEPT THE TRUTH for which any thinking man will respond.
Do not think that we do not have realization that the court assaults are brought forth in TOTAL LACK OF KNOWLEDGE OF WHAT IS ACTUALLY "IN" THE BOOKS. THE LAWYERS TAKE OUT OF CONTEXT, OUT OF ORDER THAT WHICH THEY ARE TOLD TO PURSUE. If I could cause the Judges and even the miserable lawyers to READ the JOURNALS--there would be no question as to content or thrust. In ANY of our works it will be found that any reference in honor to any prior speaker or writer in HONOR--not hidden agendas to damage that one. You must remember something of ever so much importance when you consider searching, teachers and dominion of one thing over that of another: God gave dominion over the Earth to ALL men, but HE did not give dominion over MAN to any man. Man's limitation in his relation to every other man is to serve him and be equally served by him; this limitation is LAW, and it is inexorable. So what happened? Man inflicted a curse upon himself as he usurped dominion over other men and ignored his duty to other creations of the expression. He destroyed for his own greed and use, his own environment and supply. That state of being which is now attained is taking from every man his inheritance of the Earth and its fruits, which God bestowed upon him at his birthing. Man has one predominant purpose--to continue the idea of himself as MAN.
It is through this pursuit into understanding that labels get incorrectly thrust upon ones of great standing in higher intent of KNOWING. The term becomes "humanistic" and yet the intent is nothing relative to "humanistic" as now defined. You will note the above statement: "...to continue the IDEA of himself as MAN". "Idea" is thought energy--not human physical. Therefore, the "idea" is Divine Energy, but somehow it gets defined in the limits of the octaves of the physical expression.
The writings and teachings of higher knowledge are meaningless to fully nine out of every ten people. The same percentage applies to those who show even remote interest in The Truth of what is going on in their own presence. They do not want to know Truth for with that knowing comes RESPONSIBILITY. However, to cram something down the other person's throat most often only chokes him into further distancing.
The few among the many who are truly seeking are intensive and hungry for that unknown Light which is now beginning to awaken within themselves and, as it grows and flickers, it becomes "the" recognition of Truth and "finding". Ones may continue to search--but if their journey is one of true intent to find relationship with God and Lighted Knowing--they will return.
This is WHY you must always allow release of those who demand to seek further rather than accept YOUR experience as their own. They will feel the craving within themselves and seek it in many, many places, in many religions and cults, and in many diverse teachings. Recall, there is only ONE Truth--but a myriad ways to get there.
Many sincerely believe they have fully found that which their Souls have been seeking even when they have but felt a slight glow of that Light of their own Divinity. These many are inspired and uplifted as succeeding slight illuminings gradually transform them into beings who have become aware of their own inner selves.
You must realize it is because the few who seek never know just what it is for which they search that we have to continue to make its meaning clear to you so that you will better comprehend the importance of the lessons yet to come. There are extremely few, if any, who have true idea in the meaning of "Higher Knowledge" for that can come only from thinking toward the Cosmic inner immortal mind-self as differing from the conclusions which are recognized as knowledge which come from outer-sensing by the mortal brain-self. In this respect the human race is still in infancy and comprehension of what I just now presented is all but totally lacking. The "intelligentsia" simply continue to effort to define all as scientific physical expression and avoid Spiritual Truth--as if it ranked, in danger, to the plagues of ancient times. You are bombarded with "proof" through visible effects rather than invisible CAUSE. The institutions of "higher" learning sink ever deeper and deeper into the trap of limited and binding understanding. Once exposed to a full course of brainwashing, the student comes forth unable to truly LEARN anything except the partial truths and garbage thrust upon his physical brain.
As long as you seek Truth in the opposite direction, you can never find it unless you pass "go" and come back around in the cycle wherein it confronts you. You can even make effort and miss it on the return half of the cycle in point.
Messengers come and present Truth to you--for example, Esu who you called "Jesus", as well as all the great teachers of all time--have told you "I and My Father are ONE". Also, "The Father dwells within". He also said, "What I can do you can also do--and more".
These messages with one meaning have been repeated in every language from the very onset of man. The great teachers ALL spoke this very clearly and told mankind, in their separate ages, exactly where to find God and His Heaven. But what has man done? He still perceives the concept of "Heaven" and "God" as being up there somewhere or "somewhere out there"!
First of all, "Christ" is not a person; Christ-ness is a STATE OF BEING. So, even ignoring that fact, we can speak of the reason for ones coming to teach the "Christ" realization. The "Christ" was sent as MAN to save people FROM A BELIEF IN SIN INSTEAD OF FROM SIN. "Sin" is only the falling short of perfection, or, "being in error". As the Light of Intelligence unfolds in man, he will gradually know our universe and God's ways. WE pound upon you constantly in reminding you that we come to work WITH you and not FOR you. You must properly place the fact that sin exists not in Nature--there can be no sin in Nature for "Nature" IS. "Sin" is purely a man-made concept.
Further, as you gain in wisdom, you will realize that you cannot sin against God. God cannot be sinned against. Man can sin only against himself by hurting himself or his neighbor. Picture if you will the ridiculous act of sinning against gravity by defying it or breaking its law. He would certainly HURT HIMSELF in the foolishness but there is no way he can hurt gravity and therefore gravity would surely have no reason for being wrathful about the action. These early conceptions of many will gradually disappear as higher spiritual knowledge and God-awareness come into the human comprehension. God is inviolate law which no man can hurt or sin against. It is not possible.
It is not enough to simply become "aware" of God's presence for the fulfillment of any Man. It is the desire for attainment of Knowing IN presence and expressing that awareness. However, you cannot get to the point of expression of knowing--without the "how to" and "why" of the journey.
History ever repeats itself and political corruption ever rears its ugly presence to put down mankind. But this too must be reflected in the subject at point for these present decades are a focusing point where the repercussions of centuries of man's ignorance of his own spiritual nature are necessarily coming to fruition. These are the years when Man as a whole must decide which way he will go--this means that each individual expressing being must decide. Where will you head into your expected and perceived "future"? At present you are headed for a probable annihilation of the greater portion of your race and it appears most probable that it will be through massive nuclear war and pulsed weaponry. Man has learned to "misuse" even the prana energy (life energy) of the Universal Electric Wave to destroy and dissipate the very substance of physical matter.
Can any of you who have the courage to look at your civilization squarely in confrontation say that the world is united into one brotherhood of men who love and serve one another? It even brings a laugh to your lips at the ridiculousness of the concept. This "New World Order-One World Order" is presented to "sound good" but even in its verbal presentation the mammoth gaps of truth are evident.
These ones of this new "Order" plan to enslave the masses, terminate billions and rule through Elite terror and horror. Also, can one rightly say that man's love of culture and ethical practices indicates that he has arrived at a high state of intelligence? Does the display of rape and incest--even into your very art galleries where homosexuality is exploited and portrayed by legislative law, or the hard-metal rock noise that lauds Satan and evil--show growth into deserving fulfillment with the higher cultures of the Cosmos and Universe?
Following this thought even further, who dares, with honesty, to affirm that the might-over-right, survival-of-the-strongest principle of the jungle has become obsolete because of the higher educational and spiritual unfoldment of the God-like men of today? Look to the North, South, East and West and then answer the above question. Look around your globe and into the practices of mass slavery and subjugation of the spirit of man in war-desiring nations to gain power and control through naked greed. Dear ones, you cannot even protect yourselves--the enemy has devoured your soul FROM WITHIN. Look still deeper into the hearts of the so-called peace-loving nations who fear their enemies, and ascertain whether or not they did themselves create their enemies by being their own enemies. Also, ask deadly enemies WHY they now become "friends". Go look yourself in the face, in your mirror, and see what is REALLY staring back at you. Does that which you see reflected bring joy or pain to your conscience--providing you still have a conscience.
Your societies reflect a pretty shoddy reflection, students. And yet, is this a true picture or is it not? If this picture be in truth, what RIGHT have you to feel that you are a highly civilized, highly advanced and cultured people? Further, what right have YOU to assume that YOUR "civilized" world teachings are right teachings? Who are you to thrust your selves onto others to enforce them to experience in YOUR image? Ah, but it always comes down to political manipulations, does it not?
The facts are that a highly cultured intelligent civilization would be a peaceful and happy one where each person's first consideration would be for the welfare of every other person. Is your present world THAT kind of place? A highly cultured and intelligent world would have human values as first in every being's heart and material values only incidental. Enmity would be missing in the overpowering of friendship and brotherhood.
The "Christ" will come again to Earth in the Christ-consciousness within EVERY man, and that coming shall be from the Kingdom of Heaven within man. All men will come to the point, some day, in which it is recognized and comprehended that this is how it shall be.
Christ is not going to come in a flaming cloud as you are told--to simply rapture away the myriads of those who wash themselves in the blood of a man you murdered 2000 years ago. Neither shall HE come in a tiny chariot to land in a tiny spot while the whole of the rest of the peoples of the world would miss of it. ALL men have "Christ" conscious teachers now and prior to now--if they but listen. No singular "person" shall have the magnificence of the SPIRIT of ALL.
There truly IS a "bridge to infinity" but, friends, you are going to have to be on the right road or you will miss the bridge! Do you search so hard for that bridge--that you forget to check your map for the correct roadway? Ponder it.
To understand and use that bridge, you are going to have to come into understanding of the Universal Order and the substance of which the universe is created--for you, too, are created in like manner from identical substance. May you come to understand that which IS. Salu.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, June 29, 1993, Volume 2, Number 1, Pages 25-28.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.