4/6/91 HATONN
I believe this is more "back to the subject" of the Journal than at first it might seem. If we cannot come into "communication" in meaningful understanding then we are never going to understand one another enough to function as a unit in intent. This is obviously the intended thrust of our adversaries, be they dupes of, or full participants with the anti-Divine God of Holy Spirit. Herein is good example of needing TOTAL definition of a "term". It matters not that which the term IS nor what it means--AS LONG AS ALL IN COMMUNICATION UNDERSTAND EXPLICITLY THE MEANING AS WE USE IT. This is the thrust of the anti-Lighted Spirit--to cause themselves to have one explicit definition for "their" use, of a given term--while all others are moving along under another and usually opposite definitive use of the same term. For instance, when we refer, say, to the Great Spirit--we will be referring to God, Lighted God, Holy God, Truth, Waken Tanka, Great White (lighted) Spirit, etc. If we refer to "Sananda", we are referring to a label of achieved perfection which allows experiences as/within God from Christed experience, i.e. Pale Prophet, Esu, Isa, Iisa, Standing Bear, Jesus, the Nazarean etc., etc., and allows us to stop repeating so much to come into intended communication.
We MUST cease ever working from "IMPLICIT" and always utilize "EXPLICITNESS".
IMPLICIT: implied; assumption; capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed; to involve or indicate by inference, association rather than to express DIRECTLY.
EXPLICIT: free from all vagueness and ambiguity; fully developed or formulated; unreserved and unambiguous in expression; opposite of implicit.
Communication must begin with something mutually understood. The shared universe of tangible realities is something apparently perceived by all living organisms. Inborn value judgments, that sort out and give meaning to the tangible realities, well up in each individual. In combination, the tangible realities and the inborn value judgments constitute the universal language of Nature and/or whatever comprehensive creative intelligence may coexist with, or be an inseparable part of, Nature.
Humans create word languages. In the Western World, word languages often distinguish between body and soul, and people speak of "Nature and Nature's God". Among peoples of both East and West there is also a widespread thought pattern, called pantheism, which views Nature and Nature's God as one. Using phrases from both thought patterns indiscriminately, without addressing the difference between them, we must learn to focus on something that goes beyond usual thought patterns lest we never achieve discernment of manipulation of these patterns to deceive and mislead.
All word languages that have been created, or can be created, by humans are crude, confusing substitutes for the language of Nature and Nature's God. Any assertion that Nature's God ever used crude, confusing human words to speak to humans could only come from someone who wanted to brainwash others, or someone who had been brainwashed.
Even between humans, no communication in words can be accepted as complete and final. No perceptive person can accept any social agreement which fails to recognize that there may be occasions when word communications are not adequate, when the language of Nature and Nature's God (involving value judgments, force and will) must be chosen.
Humans speak the language of Nature and Nature's God when they modify tangible realities and when they create cultures. This must, in our understanding of misled multitudes as with assumed labeling of the Khazar (as example), focus on "cultures" to great extent to bring understanding of the processes involved.
"Cultures" are will-actions that selectively influence which organic things are encouraged to survive, or allowed to survive. The culture of corn involves making conditions favorable for the growth of corn and destroying other organic things that interfere with the growth. Human will has created cultures of corn, beans, tulips, pigs, goats, sheep, milk cows, beef cows, work horses, race horses and so on. Cultures are a major factor in human history.
However, there are two cultures that historians usually avoid pointing out and discussing either through lack of understanding or deliberately avoiding for one purpose or another. Both are human cultures of humans. These two cultures of humans are the basic subject of this writing.
The first, or most primitive, human culture of humans had already begun when people were still in the hunting and food gathering stage. This primitive culture is still actively promoted. It vitally concerns you because it OPPOSES the manifest long range direction of Nature and Nature's God. Nature's long range direction, extending from single cells to humans, selects the most perceptive and most competent for survival. The primitive culture does the reverse. Falsely used human words are its implements!
This first human culture of humans began when those who were too incompetent to be leaders by demonstrating their competence stumbled upon the idea that they could invent an imaginary leader and manipulate people by claiming to be spokesmen for the imaginary leader.
It was all one culture but the imaginary leader was presented in various guises. The "ghost" of a dead leader, who had been widely respected, may have been the first invention. At the time of first recorded history a stone "god" or an invisible "god", purportedly supplying the human words that the spokesmen wanted for manipulating the people, was the invention most common in the Western World.
When a "spokesman" had built up a group of those who were easy to confuse and deceive, he used the manipulated group to destroy individuals who perceived and opposed the falsity he had built with words. By manipulating group force he could destroy individuals who were more perceptive, more honest, and more competent than himself. Assistants, called "priests", who would carry on the falsity built by words, were selected to help develop and preserve clever methods for promoting this culture.
The object was to breed great masses of people who were easy to manipulate. As purported spokesmen for the imaginary leader, the priests "authorized" sexual relations among those who were servile and stupid enough to accept their word-created falsity. They used the manipulated group to kill off the strong, proud, competent, perceptive individuals who rejected what, in a word invented by the manipulators, was called "authority". They sought to prevent "unauthorized" sexual relations by those who rejected the "authority" they had arrogated to themselves.
At the time of the first events word historians have recorded, a substantial portion of the human species had obviously been bred by this culture that opposed Nature. Most humans had already degenerated into manipulated masses.
Word historians do not usually say "degenerated into manipulated masses". To designate this condition, they use some such praise-giving phrase as "humans had created civilizations". Like the priests, many "historians" use words that cloud perception of tangible realities.
The only dependable history is that whose words are tangible realities. It is clear, precise, emphatic, easy to read AND EXPLICIT. Humans would do well to read the comment it makes regarding living organisms that oppose the evolutionary direction set by Nature, as humans do who continue this primitive culture.
Looking at this language, you find that lemmings, sheep, and some other mammals develop conspicuous groupings. However, no other mammals have gone as far toward evolving into mass organisms as have humans. Humans have now reached a stage that makes survival of individuals detached from a mass virtually impossible. Manipulated masses claim every square foot of living space on earth and demand that every individual identify with one of the manipulated masses.
Although no other mammals have gone as far as humans, some insects--ants, termites, and some species of bees--have followed this direction taken by humans, and have gone still further, they have reached the point of no return. Will you do the same?
These insects have opposed Nature's long range direction. They have regressed from autonomous sexual entities to the functional role of single cells in an aesexual group organism. The group organism is all that continues to function as an entity having will. These insects have done with sex odors what most humans at first recorded history had come very close to doing with words--and what the entire human species, whose evolutionary regression is actively promoted by mass manipulators, is now dangerously close to "accomplishing".
Dharma, allow a lunch break please, for this added to the prior writing is sufficiently long. Then we shall look at the corrective culture and better perceive that which must be carefully considered at this point in history of experience. Thank you. I shall just stand aside.
Hatonn to clear.
* * *
4/6/91 HATONN
Despite massive efforts to destroy it, there is still a record (severely mutilated and tattered) that at the time of the first recorded history, one people had recognized what was happening within the human species and had done something about it. Realizing that the condition had gone too far to simply re-educate those who had been selectively bred for lack of perception, the perceptive people segregated themselves from the others.
These people, the Northern Europeans, who defended their segregation by maintaining a no-man's land around themselves, established a culture that was diametrically opposed to the long-standing primitive one.
A highly significant point is that these perceptive people recognized that a culture cannot be fought with mere words; they recognized that a culture must be opposed by a culture. Ah ha, now we begin to see a flicker of what happened a very long time ago to get you to where you are NOW and by whom you were manipulated.
Nature's God does not speak the crude language of humans. However humans can speak the language of Nature's God. Culture is a statement made in that language. Culture deals selectively in birth and death. When unscrupulous manipulators created their human culture of humans, they chose to oppose the direction set by Nature's God in the language of Nature. The corrective culture was a deliberate, clear, positive, unequivocal, explicit opposition to the primitive anti-Nature culture. The two cultures are eternally incompatible.
The corrective human culture of humans was based upon agreements between a group of perceptive individuals that would curtail the manipulative breeding in of the unperceptive and would breed out manipulators. It seemed good enough at that point.
The new culture of the segregated Northern Europeans dealt with both factors that make an effective culture--birth and death. The basic ideas and actions of the corrective culture were two very simple ones.
Giving birth was an individual decision. A perceptive woman could be expected to choose her sexual mate with perception and give birth to perceptive children. Therefore, opposing the breeding methods of mass manipulators-of manipulators who arrogated to themselves the role of "authorizing" sexual relations and forbidding sexual relations they had not "authorized"--the Northern Europeans agreed that a woman's choice of a man by whom she would bear children would be exclusively hers--as an individual. The agreement was that no man could have sexual relations with her by force or coercion, and she need defer to no individual or group approval when choosing her children's father. The perceptive people reasoned that no one should have any word-invented "authority" over the intangible portion of Nature and Nature's God within an individual, because an individual's value judgments are made by the God within. The social agreement, that would not allow interference with the highly important value judgment of each individual woman regarding who should be the father of her children, effectively meant that the people looked upon each woman as a goddess.
Dealing with death was also an individual decision. Curtailing the use of manipulated masses against individuals was the cultural action that fell to men. Unscrupulous demagogues were bred out by making formal, socially approved one-to-one "fair fight" combat the prerogative of every individual. There was full social approval of formal individual combat and full social rejection of all groups that tried to impose "group will" on individuals. There was concerted group action against individuals only within the limited range to which each individual had agreed. Outside that austerely limited range, every individual could demand one-to-one single combat and full social approval would uphold the demand.
This culture, speaking Nature's language of birth and death, effectively reversed the primitive culture that had bred for unperceptive zombi-like humans, and bred for the unscrupulous demagogs who manipulated zombis with words (oops, where are you now?) The new culture, that consciously and effectively again proclaimed all individuals equally sovereign, as Nature had always done before the primitive culture, actually accelerated the direction of Nature's selection.
At the beginning of recorded history, the new culture had already bred the segregated Northern Europeans into a people significantly distinct from those around them. They cherished that difference. Any manipulated mass, that tried to breach their protective no-man's land and re-absorb them, was recognized as a potential mass organism. The evolving group entity was called a "dragon". The feats of great heros who became dragon-slayers were memorialized in story and song. But here you can see where the term "dragon" and "dragon beast" came into importance.
Let us refer to these two opposing human cultures of humans by the descriptive terms; The culture of manipulated masses and the culture of individual sovereignty.
Backing away from both for a look no more long-ranged than "What kind of people do I want to associate with?"--the choice focuses on the individuals who are products of the two cultures: 1) The culture of manipulated masses breeds for lack of perception and/or deliberate falsity, coupled with a strong instinctual affinity for the kind of deception that makes a clever manipulator, and 2) The culture of individual sovereignty breeds in perception and integrity, and breeds out manipulators.
Ultimately the two man-made cultures will be measured by Nature's three billion year old criteria--which it would be reasonable to call "the morality of Nature and Nature's God (Great Spirit of Light, Holy God and The Creation).
When manipulated masses take on irreversible dominance over individuals, the masses become the only organisms that continue to have effective will. These masses function as asexual organisms; individuals function as their component cells; evolution is thereby turned back six hundred million years or more. Nature's selective survival is transferred from the component individuals to the new mass organisms. ETERNAL MASS WARFARE BETWEEN THE NEW ORGANISMS IS THE INEVITABLE RESULT.
When individuals remain sovereign, Nature's focus remains on individuals. Nature's selective survival continues to apply to human individuals and there is no regression. The field is open for further development. Looking at the long range direction manifest by Nature, the human species remains in the forefront of all organic evolution as it was prior to the first primitive human culture. Social approval of individual sovereignty is social approval of Nature's morality.
Looking at Nature's criteria, the choice becomes: Shall the human accept Nature's long range direction or oppose it? And herein is an opportunity to pause and consider the response to this question as you see it in perspective of our writings and the unfoldment of "secrets" kept from you.
Leaving generalized descriptions and turning to the actual conflict between the advocates of these two cultures, we recognize that the mass manipulators now have control of most governments, of the media, and of the school systems. They overwhelm everyone with their confusing version of history. However, enough mutilated historical fragments still exist so that the significant story can be somewhat pieced together--even without my scanners.
The significant battle between the people of the two cultures has taken place, and continues to take place, in Europe, in the Mediterranean area, and in the Western hemisphere--where there has been total infiltration and integration within the organisms.
The people of the Orient have been affected by the dominant culture of manipulated masses as it now exists in the Western World, but they have never been involved in the conflict between the two cultures as have other people, although it is coming into manifestation currently. Speaking of the Oriental people in general, they are not even aware that it now exists or ever did exist although the seepage is showing up more and more. Certainly they can see little evidence that any culture now exists in the West other than the culture of manipulated masses.
There is the same non-awareness of the cultural conflict by the people of Russia although some astute people are sticking their heads up and beginning to smell the coffee burning. Russia is an area of biologically mixed people that stands between the East and West. The area has been heavily impacted by the Khazarian shroud of word twisters and as a government, the USSR conspicuously implements the culture of manipulated masses. The precise form of the current Russian culture came from the same source, and constitutes the same virulent danger to the human species as that which forms one side of the current battle in the West. This especially virulent form came to the Russian people in two waves, the first beginning about the tenth century and the second early in the twentieth century. There had never been a substantial culture of individual sovereignty in the area, so neither wave met any effective native resistance.
Both the Orientals and the Russians continue to feel the impulse toward individual sovereignty within them, but they have no conscious memories of individual sovereignty--as a culture. Since the Western Americans have experienced individual sovereignty it is hard to have realization that you no longer have it. This is because the word manipulators have pulled some heinous tricks on you and you live under a shroud of "their" deception and illusion.
The battle between the advocates of the two cultures has existed exclusively in the Western World. It was in the Western World that the culture of individual sovereignty came into being. It is here that some conscious advocates of it now remain. It is in the Western World that a decisive battle between the advocates of the two cultures is now being fought. [Emphasis added]
The Western World still has a high percentage of people bred for individual sovereignty. However, it is on those who remain conscious advocates of the culture that bred them that now rests the only visible hope that the whole human species will not go the way of the regressive insects. And, unfortunate as it is for the only visible hope, many who were bred for individual sovereignty have now been so confused by words that they fail to see that the conflict is between the advocates of the two cultures. When they say that they will "just wait to see what will happen" before they decide to act, they fail to recognize that they are not "just leaving things to Nature". Human cultures have been injected into natural selection. The conflict is taking place by human will. They are leaving everything to their human enemies. A veil of human words now clouds the perception of many who were bred for perception.
A confused subject called "human progress" serves to obscure the significant conflict between the advocates of the two cultures. It detracts attention from human beings by focusing on manufactured gadgets. Also its spokesmen falsify human history. They use manufactured gadgets as the measure of civilization and teach American school children that two thousand years ago the Northern Europeans were "barbarians".
On the contrary, archaeological excavations indicate that Europe was the area where the world's earliest finely manufactured articles were developed. You can only imagine at the exact historical reasons causing the Northern Europeans to abandon man-made things and return to natural things as their criteria of value and we will not hang up on that point herein for it is a distraction for the focus point. The verbal history, or "mythology", that would tell the story on your placement has been systematically destroyed or totally twisted. You only know that about 60 B.C., when Julius Caesar was writing about the Northern Europeans, the described culture of individual sovereignty had existed among them for untold centuries. The cultural core that selectively bred for individual sovereignty was effectively protected by the no-man's land that Caesar was trying to penetrate. It allowed only one-way passage. The Northern Europeans could go out but they allowed no one to come in. They were protecting their segregated culture. They recognized that, as individuals consciously upholding the sovereignty of individuals, they were fighting potential mass organisms that they called "dragons". However, the people outside viewed the conflict as merely the usual mass warfare, which is an essential part of their culture.
The earliest records you will be able to find regarding the conflict between two peoples who recognized opposing cultures as the basis of the conflict was that which showed up between the early Babylonians and the people occupying the Iranian plateau. Only a "color" of their conflict remains in recorded history, and you cannot be sure whether or not the division between the peoples existed because individual sovereignty people were spreading from a Northern European cultural core, or whether Iran versus Babylonia was the original area of division. To more fully comprehend this circumstance we must look more deeply into the Khazars by whatever name they called themselves, and we will do so as we get a bit more foundation herein with which to work.
To get a clear view of the two cultures, you have to look for a discernible division between peoples advocating the opposing cultures. Otherwise you look at cultural garbage. The two diametrically opposed cultures cannot be mixed among one people. There are only two directions that a human culture of humans can go--with Nature's overall direction or against it.
It appears ridiculous to make the obvious statement that nothing can at the same time go in two opposing directions. Such a statement now becomes necessary with regard to cultures because there are many who call the present enforced mixings of peoples trying to go in opposing direction, "the richness achieved by mixing cultures". That sort of misuse of words prepares for manipulation by promoting confusion--and who is the master of confusion? Fragments of civilization, that have been broken by mixing peoples from opposing cultures, may have facets that dazzle, like fragments of broken glass in a kaleidoscope. But when a culture is viewed as a culture, it is an injection of human will into natural selection. Natural selection deals only in birth and death. Cultures created by human will are dealing in birth and death. The flesh and blood people that human will has selected for survival are the "richness (or pollution) achieved" by injecting cultures into natural selection. Conscious mass manipulators willfully promote the confusion that obscures perception of this. We seek to penetrate the obscuring cloud.
We know of areas where, in historical times, there have been mixings of people bred for individual sovereignty and those bred for mass manipulation. However, the resultant conflict directions has not been perceptively analyzed in widely promoted histories. Spengler, who may well be the most competent of widely known historians, even applies the term "culture" to the mixings. Honor ones who passed Earth's way and projected some intelligent reasoning and understanding into historical data.
Facts indicate that people bred for individual sovereignty moved into India where they were greatly outnumbered by those long bred by the primitive culture. They were overwhelmed by shear numbers. They could not establish their own culture. They could not act. They talked. This began before recorded history. They are still talking. The conflict between cultures cannot be settled by words.
Another mixing of peoples bred by the opposing cultures came when those from the cultural core of individual sovereignty moved in on the opposingly bred people of Greece. An attempted division between the peoples continued for several centuries by arbitrarily dividing them into "citizens" and "slaves". Obviously that attempted division, when the people were thoroughly mixed in daily contact, could not work. It did not. The attempts to create a "scientific state", where the two cultural thought patterns could be "rationally" combined, ended in the destruction of what is called the "golden age of Greece". Rashly building an empire that would teach "the science of government" to the people around the Mediterranean, who had been bred for mass manipulation, the Greeks created a tangible civilization, born of mixed cultures that was like a fruit ripe for picking. Some of the more stalwart and dominant energies (teachers) of the Greek era have continued in many forms to bring understanding, wisdom and insight into the mechanism--some of you continue in frustration and repeated attempts to awaken the masses at this very day in time.
The Romans, who had fully accepted the culture of mass manipulation, and who had sufficient military power to take over a people confused by a mixture of two opposing cultures, took over the Greek people and the Greek empire. Most historians shed copious tears over this fact but show little perception of what was actually happening.
Histories, that are written by those "educated" for the culture of manipulated masses, present mass warfare (an activity of no living things but humans and regressive insects) as a natural phenomenon. Their histories are nothing but studies of mass manipulators and the battle leaders acting under the "authority" of mass manipulators. Their histories imply that no culture other than the culture of manipulated masses ever existed or ever could exist. Accepting this primitive culture as "human nature", they remove the word "culture" from its application to the human species. They twist the WORD to mean "development or improvement by `education', or refinement resulting from such development". They ignore the conflicting directions set by human cultures.
Human cultures, a specialized use of human will, are no more visible than the wind but, like the wind, their effects are visible. Most of your historians describe only the effects; they fail to point out or even perceive the opposing cultures during the time that the Greek and Roman Empires dominated the Mediterranean area. Careful examination of this time and place, that identifies the beginning of the current cultural conflict, is vitally important to the fate of the whole human species--a fate that will be determined by which of the two cultures eventually dominates. Mostly these two diabolically opposed cultures are either missed or totally ignored. Those of you in the third perspective can see how it is, but are basically at a loss as how to proceed to bring about massive change.
These two cultural directions might well be like the meeting of two winds--as winds of opposing directions meet to form a devastating storm. Well, then came along one--again--as a Christed being (the one you called Jesus at the given sequence of time progression) and He became significantly placed in the "eye of the storm". IT IS, HOWEVER, THE WHOLE (ENTIRE) STORM WHICH VITALLY CONCERNS YOU AS A HUMAN SPECIES.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, April 1991, Volume 11, Number 5, Pages 1-5.
4/6/91 HATONN
I believe this is more "back to the subject" of the Journal than at first it might seem. If we cannot come into "communication" in meaningful understanding then we are never going to understand one another enough to function as a unit in intent. This is obviously the intended thrust of our adversaries, be they dupes of, or full participants with the anti-Divine God of Holy Spirit. Herein is good example of needing TOTAL definition of a "term". It matters not that which the term IS nor what it means--AS LONG AS ALL IN COMMUNICATION UNDERSTAND EXPLICITLY THE MEANING AS WE USE IT. This is the thrust of the anti-Lighted Spirit--to cause themselves to have one explicit definition for "their" use, of a given term--while all others are moving along under another and usually opposite definitive use of the same term. For instance, when we refer, say, to the Great Spirit--we will be referring to God, Lighted God, Holy God, Truth, Waken Tanka, Great White (lighted) Spirit, etc. If we refer to "Sananda", we are referring to a label of achieved perfection which allows experiences as/within God from Christed experience, i.e. Pale Prophet, Esu, Isa, Iisa, Standing Bear, Jesus, the Nazarean etc., etc., and allows us to stop repeating so much to come into intended communication.
We MUST cease ever working from "IMPLICIT" and always utilize "EXPLICITNESS".
IMPLICIT: implied; assumption; capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed; to involve or indicate by inference, association rather than to express DIRECTLY.
EXPLICIT: free from all vagueness and ambiguity; fully developed or formulated; unreserved and unambiguous in expression; opposite of implicit.
Communication must begin with something mutually understood. The shared universe of tangible realities is something apparently perceived by all living organisms. Inborn value judgments, that sort out and give meaning to the tangible realities, well up in each individual. In combination, the tangible realities and the inborn value judgments constitute the universal language of Nature and/or whatever comprehensive creative intelligence may coexist with, or be an inseparable part of, Nature.
Humans create word languages. In the Western World, word languages often distinguish between body and soul, and people speak of "Nature and Nature's God". Among peoples of both East and West there is also a widespread thought pattern, called pantheism, which views Nature and Nature's God as one. Using phrases from both thought patterns indiscriminately, without addressing the difference between them, we must learn to focus on something that goes beyond usual thought patterns lest we never achieve discernment of manipulation of these patterns to deceive and mislead.
All word languages that have been created, or can be created, by humans are crude, confusing substitutes for the language of Nature and Nature's God. Any assertion that Nature's God ever used crude, confusing human words to speak to humans could only come from someone who wanted to brainwash others, or someone who had been brainwashed.
Even between humans, no communication in words can be accepted as complete and final. No perceptive person can accept any social agreement which fails to recognize that there may be occasions when word communications are not adequate, when the language of Nature and Nature's God (involving value judgments, force and will) must be chosen.
Humans speak the language of Nature and Nature's God when they modify tangible realities and when they create cultures. This must, in our understanding of misled multitudes as with assumed labeling of the Khazar (as example), focus on "cultures" to great extent to bring understanding of the processes involved.
"Cultures" are will-actions that selectively influence which organic things are encouraged to survive, or allowed to survive. The culture of corn involves making conditions favorable for the growth of corn and destroying other organic things that interfere with the growth. Human will has created cultures of corn, beans, tulips, pigs, goats, sheep, milk cows, beef cows, work horses, race horses and so on. Cultures are a major factor in human history.
However, there are two cultures that historians usually avoid pointing out and discussing either through lack of understanding or deliberately avoiding for one purpose or another. Both are human cultures of humans. These two cultures of humans are the basic subject of this writing.
The first, or most primitive, human culture of humans had already begun when people were still in the hunting and food gathering stage. This primitive culture is still actively promoted. It vitally concerns you because it OPPOSES the manifest long range direction of Nature and Nature's God. Nature's long range direction, extending from single cells to humans, selects the most perceptive and most competent for survival. The primitive culture does the reverse. Falsely used human words are its implements!
This first human culture of humans began when those who were too incompetent to be leaders by demonstrating their competence stumbled upon the idea that they could invent an imaginary leader and manipulate people by claiming to be spokesmen for the imaginary leader.
It was all one culture but the imaginary leader was presented in various guises. The "ghost" of a dead leader, who had been widely respected, may have been the first invention. At the time of first recorded history a stone "god" or an invisible "god", purportedly supplying the human words that the spokesmen wanted for manipulating the people, was the invention most common in the Western World.
When a "spokesman" had built up a group of those who were easy to confuse and deceive, he used the manipulated group to destroy individuals who perceived and opposed the falsity he had built with words. By manipulating group force he could destroy individuals who were more perceptive, more honest, and more competent than himself. Assistants, called "priests", who would carry on the falsity built by words, were selected to help develop and preserve clever methods for promoting this culture.
The object was to breed great masses of people who were easy to manipulate. As purported spokesmen for the imaginary leader, the priests "authorized" sexual relations among those who were servile and stupid enough to accept their word-created falsity. They used the manipulated group to kill off the strong, proud, competent, perceptive individuals who rejected what, in a word invented by the manipulators, was called "authority". They sought to prevent "unauthorized" sexual relations by those who rejected the "authority" they had arrogated to themselves.
At the time of the first events word historians have recorded, a substantial portion of the human species had obviously been bred by this culture that opposed Nature. Most humans had already degenerated into manipulated masses.
Word historians do not usually say "degenerated into manipulated masses". To designate this condition, they use some such praise-giving phrase as "humans had created civilizations". Like the priests, many "historians" use words that cloud perception of tangible realities.
The only dependable history is that whose words are tangible realities. It is clear, precise, emphatic, easy to read AND EXPLICIT. Humans would to well to read the comment it makes regarding living organisms that oppose the evolutionary direction set by Nature, as humans do who continue this primitive culture.
Looking at this language, you find that lemmings, sheep, and some other mammals develop conspicuous groupings. However, no other mammals have gone as far toward evolving into mass organisms as have humans. Humans have now reached a stage that makes survival of individuals detached from a mass virtually impossible. Manipulated masses claim every square foot of living space on earth and demand that every individual identify with one of the manipulated masses.
Although no other mammals have gone as far as humans, some insects--ants, termites, and some species of bees--have followed this direction taken by humans, and have gone still further, they have reached the point of no return. Will you do the same?
These insects have opposed Nature's long range direction. They have regressed from autonomous sexual entities to the functional role of single cells in an aesexual group organism. The group organism is all that continues to function as an entity having will. These insects have done with sex odors what most humans at first recorded history had come very close to doing with words--and what the entire human species, whose evolutionary regression is actively promoted by mass manipulators, is now dangerously close to "accomplishing".
Dharma, allow a lunch break please, for this added to the prior writing is sufficiently long. Then we shall look at the corrective culture and better perceive that which must be carefully considered at this point in history of experience. Thank you. I shall just stand aside.
Hatonn to clear.
* * *
4/6/91 HATONN
Despite massive efforts to destroy it, there is still a record (severely mutilated and tattered) that at the time of the first recorded history, one people had recognized what was happening within the human species and had done something about it. Realizing that the condition had gone too far to simply re-educate those who had been selectively bred for lack of perception, the perceptive people segregated themselves from the others.
These people, the Northern Europeans, who defended their segregation by maintaining a no-man's land around themselves, established a culture that was diametrically opposed to the long-standing primitive one.
A highly significant point is that these perceptive people recognized that a culture cannot be fought with mere words; they recognized that a culture must be opposed by a culture. Ah ha, now we begin to begin to see a flicker of what happened a very long time ago to get you to where you are NOW and by whom you were manipulated.
Nature's God does not speak the crude language of humans. However humans can speak the language of Nature's God. Culture is a statement made in that language. Culture is a statement made in that language. Culture deals selectively in birth and death. When unscrupulous manipulators created their human culture of humans, they chose to oppose the direction set by Nature's God in the language of Nature. The corrective culture was a deliberate, clear, positive, unequivocal, explicit opposition to the primitive anti-Nature culture. The two cultures are eternally incompatible.
The corrective human culture of humans was based upon agreements between a group of perceptive individuals that would curtail the manipulative breeding in of the unperceptive and would breed out manipulators. It seemed good enough at that point.
The new culture of the segregated Northern Europeans dealt with both factors that make an effective culture--birth and death. The basic ideas and actions of the corrective culture were two very simple ones.
Giving birth was an individual decision. A perceptive woman could be expected to choose her sexual mate with perception and give birth to perceptive children. Therefore, opposing the breeding methods of mass manipulators-of manipulators who arrogated to themselves the role of "authorizing" sexual relations and forbidding sexual relations they had not "authorized"--the Northern Europeans agreed that a woman's choice of a man by whom she would bear children would be exclusively hers--as an individual. The agreement was that no man could have sexual relations with her by force or coercion, and she need defer to no individual or group approval when choosing her children's father. The perceptive people reasoned that no one should have any word-invented "authority" over the intangible portion of Nature and Nature's God within an individual, because an individual's value judgments are made by the God within. The social agreement, that would not allow interference with the highly important value judgment of each individual woman regarding who should be the father of her children, effectively meant that the people looked upon each woman as a goddess.
Dealing with death was also an individual decision. Curtailing the use of manipulated masses against individuals was the cultural action that fell to men. Unscrupulous demagogues were bred out by making formal, socially approved one-to-one "fair fight" combat the prerogative of every individual. There was full social approval of formal individual combat and full social rejection of all groups that tried to impose "group will" on individuals. There was concerted group action against individuals only within the limited range to which each individual had agreed. Outside that austerely limited range, every individual could demand one-to-one single combat and full social approval would uphold the demand.
This culture, speaking Nature's language of birth and death, effectively reversed the primitive culture that had bred for unperceptive zombi-like humans, and bred for the unscrupulous demagogs who manipulated zombis with words (oops, where are you now?) The new culture, that consciously and effectively again proclaimed all individuals equally sovereign, as Nature had always done before the primitive culture, actually accelerated the direction of Nature's selection.
At the beginning of recorded history, the new culture had already bred the segregated Northern Europeans into a people significantly distinct from those around them. They cherished that difference. Any manipulated mass, that tried to breach their protective no-man's land and re-absorb them, was recognized as a potential mass organism. The evolving group entity was called a "dragon". The feats of great heros who became dragon-slayers were memorialized in story and song. But here you can see where the term "dragon" and "dragon beast" came into importance.
Let us refer to these two opposing human cultures of humans by the descriptive terms; The culture of manipulated masses and the culture of individual sovereignty.
Backing away from both for a look no more long-ranged than "What kind of people do I want to associate with?"--the choice focuses on the individuals who are products of the two cultures: 1) The culture of manipulated masses breeds for lack of perception and/or deliberate falsity, coupled with a strong instinctual affinity for the kind of deception that makes a clever manipulator, and 2) The culture of individual sovereignty breeds in perception and integrity, and breeds out manipulators.
Ultimately the two man-made cultures will be measured by Nature's three billion year old criteria--which it would be reasonable to call "the morality of Nature and Nature's God (Great Spirit of Light, Holy God and The Creation).
When manipulated masses take on irreversible dominance over individuals, the masses become the only organisms that continue to have effective will. These masses function as asexual organisms; individuals function as their component cells; evolution is thereby turned back six hundred million years or more. Nature's selective survival is transferred from the component individuals to the new mass organisms. ETERNAL MASS WARFARE BETWEEN THE NEW ORGANISMS IS THE INEVITABLE RESULT.
When individuals remain sovereign, Nature's focus remains on individuals. Nature's selective survival continues to apply to human individuals and there is no regression. The field is open for further development. Looking at the long range direction manifest by Nature, the human species remains in the forefront of all organic evolution as it was prior to the first primitive human culture. Social approval of individual sovereignty is social approval of Nature's morality.
Looking at Nature's criteria, the choice becomes: Shall the human accept Nature's long range direction or oppose it? And herein is an opportunity to pause and consider the response to this question as you see it in perspective of our writings and the unfoldment of "secrets" kept from you.
Leaving generalized descriptions and turning to the actual conflict between the advocates of these two cultures, we recognize that the mass manipulators now have control of most governments, of the media, and of the school systems. They overwhelm everyone with their confusing version of history. However, enough mutilated historical fragments still exist so that the significant story can be somewhat pieced together--even without my scanners.
The significant battle between the people of the two cultures has taken place, and continues to take place, in Europe, in the Mediterranean area, and in the Western hemisphere--where there has been total infiltration and integration within the organisms.
The people of the Orient have been affected by the dominant culture of manipulated masses as it now exists in the Western World, but they have never been involved in the conflict between the two cultures as have other people, although it is coming into manifestation currently. Speaking of the Oriental people in general, they are not even aware that it now exists or ever did exist although the seepage is showing up more and more. Certainly they can see little evidence that any culture now exists in the West other than the culture of manipulated masses.
There is the same non-awareness of the cultural conflict by the people of Russia although some astute people are sticking their heads up and beginning to smell the coffee burning. Russia is an area of biologically mixed people that stands between the East and West. The area has been heavily impacted by the Khazarian shroud of word twisters and as a government, the USSR conspicuously implements the culture of manipulated masses. The precise form of the current Russian culture came from the same source, and constitutes the same virulent danger to the human species as that which forms one side of the current battle in the West. This especially virulent form came to the Russian people in two waves, the first beginning about the tenth century and the second early in the twentieth century. There had never been a substantial culture of individual sovereignty in the area, so neither wave met any effective native resistance.
Both the Orientals and the Russians continue to feel the impulse toward individual sovereignty within them, but they have no conscious memories of individual sovereignty--as a culture. Since the Western Americans have experienced individual sovereignty it is hard to have realization that you no longer have it. This is because the word manipulators have pulled some heinous tricks on you and you live under a shroud of "their" deception and illusion.
The battle between the advocates of the two cultures has existed exclusively in the Western World. It was in the Western World that the culture of individual sovereignty came into being. It is here that some conscious advocates of it now remain. It is in the Western World that a decisive battle between the advocates of the two cultures is now being fought. [Emphasis added]
The Western World still has a high percentage of people bred for individual sovereignty. However, it is on those who remain conscious advocates of the culture that bred them that now rests the only visible hope that the whole human species will not go the way of the regressive insects. And, unfortunate as it is for the only visible hope, many who were bred for individual sovereignty have now been so confused by words that they fail to see that the conflict is between the advocates of the two cultures. When they say that they will "just wait to see what will happen" before they decide to act, they fail to recognize that they are not "just leaving things to Nature". Human cultures have been injected into natural selection. The conflict is taking place by human will. They are leaving everything to their human enemies. A veil of human words now clouds the perception of many who were bred for perception.
A confused subject called "human progress" serves to obscure the significant conflict between the advocates of the two cultures. It detracts attention from human beings by focusing on manufactured gadgets. Also its spokesmen falsify human history. They use manufactured gadgets as the measure of civilization and teach American school children that two thousand years ago the Northern Europeans were "barbarians".
On the contrary, archaeological excavations indicate that Europe was the area where the world's earliest finely manufactured articles were developed. You can only imagine at the exact historical reasons causing the Northern Europeans to abandon man-made things and return to natural things as their criteria of value and we will not hang up on that point herein for it is a distraction for the focus point. The verbal history, or "mythology", that would tell the story on your placement has been systematically destroyed or totally twisted. You only know that about 60 B.C., when Julius Caesar was writing about the Northern Europeans, the described culture of individual sovereignty had existed among them for untold centuries. The cultural core that selectively bred for individual sovereignty was effectively protected by the no-man's land that Caesar was trying to penetrate. It allowed only one-way passage. The Northern Europeans could go out but they allowed no one to come in. They were protecting their segregated culture. They recognized that, as individuals consciously upholding the sovereignty of individuals, they were fighting potential mass organisms that they called "dragons". However, the people outside viewed the conflict as merely the usual mass warfare, which is an essential part of their culture.
The earliest records you will be able to find regarding the conflict between two peoples who recognized opposing cultures as the basis of the conflict was that which showed up between the early Babylonians and the people occupying the Iranian plateau. Only a "color" of their conflict remains in recorded history, and you cannot be sure whether or not the division between the peoples existed because individual sovereignty people were spreading from a Northern European cultural core, or whether Iran versus Babylonia was the original area of division. To more fully comprehend this circumstance we must look more deeply into the Khazars by whatever name they called themselves, and we will do so as we get a bit more foundation herein with which to work.
To get a clear view of the two cultures, you have to look for a discernible division between peoples advocating the opposing cultures. Otherwise you look at cultural garbage. The two diametrically opposed cultures cannot be mixed among one people. There are only two directions that a human culture of humans can go--with Nature's overall direction or against it.
It appears ridiculous to make the obvious statement that nothing can at the same time go in two opposing directions. Such a statement now becomes necessary with regard to cultures because there are many who call the present enforced mixings of peoples trying to go in opposing direction, "the richness achieved by mixing cultures". That sort of misuse of words prepares for manipulation by promoting confusion--and who is the master of confusion? Fragments of civilization, that have been broken by mixing peoples from opposing cultures, may have facets that dazzle, like fragments of broken glass in a kaleidoscope. But when a culture is viewed as a culture, it is an injection of human will into natural selection. Natural selection deals only in birth and death. Cultures created by human will are dealing in birth and death. The flesh and blood people that human will has selected for survival are the "richness (or pollution) achieved" by injecting cultures into natural selection. Conscious mass manipulators willfully promote the confusion that obscures perception of this. We seek to penetrate the obscuring cloud.
We know of areas where, in historical times, there have been mixings of people bred for individual sovereignty and those bred for mass manipulation. However, the resultant conflict directions has not been perceptively analyzed in widely promoted histories. Spengler, who may well be the most competent of widely known historians, even applies the term "culture" to the mixings. Honor ones who passed Earth's way and projected some intelligent reasoning and understanding into historical data.
Facts indicate that people bred for individual sovereignty moved into India where they were greatly outnumbered by those long bred by the primitive culture. They were overwhelmed by shear numbers. They could not establish their own culture. They could not act. They talked. This began before recorded history. They are still talking. The conflict between cultures cannot be settled by words.
Another mixing of peoples bred by the opposing cultures came when those from the cultural core of individual sovereignty moved in on the opposingly bred people of Greece. An attempted division between the peoples continued for several centuries by arbitrarily dividing them into "citizens" and "slaves". Obviously that attempted division, when the people were thoroughly mixed in daily contact, could not work. It did not. The attempts to create a "scientific state", where the two cultural thought patterns could be "rationally" combined, ended in the destruction of what is called the "golden age of Greece". Rashly building an empire that would teach "the science of government" to the people around the Mediterranean, who had been bred for mass manipulation, the Greeks created a tangible civilization, born of mixed cultures that was like a fruit ripe for picking. Some of the more stalwart and dominant energies (teachers) of the Greek era have continued in many forms to bring understanding, wisdom and insight into the mechanism--some of you continue in frustration and repeated attempts to awaken the masses at this very day in time.
The Romans, who had fully accepted the culture of mass manipulation, and who had sufficient military power to take over a people confused by a mixture of two opposing cultures, took over the Greek people and the Greek empire. Most historians shed copious tears over this fact but show little perception of what was actually happening.
Histories, that are written by those "educated" for the culture of manipulated masses, present mass warfare (an activity of no living things but humans and regressive insects) as a natural phenomenon. Their histories are nothing but studies of mass manipulators and the battle leaders acting under the "authority" of mass manipulators. Their histories imply that no culture other than the culture of manipulated masses ever existed or ever could exist. Accepting this primitive culture as "human nature", they remove the word "culture" from its application to the human species. They twist the WORD to mean "development or improvement by `education', or refinement resulting from such development". They ignore the conflicting directions set by human cultures.
Human cultures, a specialized use of human will, are no more visible than the wind but, like the wind, their effects are visible. Most of your historians describe only the effects; they fail to point out or even perceive the opposing cultures during the time that the Greek and Roman Empires dominated the Mediterranean area. Careful examination of this time and place, that identifies the beginning of the current cultural conflict, is vitally important to the fate of the whole human species--a fate that will be determined by which of the two cultures eventually dominates. Mostly these two diabolically opposed cultures are either missed or totally ignored. Those of you in the third perspective can see how it is, but are basically at a loss as how to proceed to bring about massive change.
These two cultural directions might well be like the meeting of two winds--as winds of opposing directions meet to form a devastating storm. Well, then came along one--again--as a Christed being (the one you called Jesus at the given sequence of time progression) and He became significantly placed in the "eye of the storm". IT IS, HOWEVER, THE WHOLE (ENTIRE) STORM WHICH VITALLY CONCERNS YOU AS A HUMAN SPECIES.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, April 1991, Volume 11, Number 5, Pages 1-5.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.
4/6/91 HATONN
I believe this is more "back to the subject" of the Journal than at first it might seem. If we cannot come into "communication" in meaningful understanding then we are never going to understand one another enough to function as a unit in intent. This is obviously the intended thrust of our adversaries, be they dupes of, or full participants with the anti-Divine God of Holy Spirit. Herein is good example of needing TOTAL definition of a "term". It matters not that which the term IS nor what it means--AS LONG AS ALL IN COMMUNICATION UNDERSTAND EXPLICITLY THE MEANING AS WE USE IT. This is the thrust of the anti-Lighted Spirit--to cause themselves to have one explicit definition for "their" use, of a given term--while all others are moving along under another and usually opposite definitive use of the same term. For instance, when we refer, say, to the Great Spirit--we will be referring to God, Lighted God, Holy God, Truth, Waken Tanka, Great White (lighted) Spirit, etc. If we refer to "Sananda", we are referring to a label of achieved perfection which allows experiences as/within God from Christed experience, i.e. Pale Prophet, Esu, Isa, Iisa, Standing Bear, Jesus, the Nazarean etc., etc., and allows us to stop repeating so much to come into intended communication.
We MUST cease ever working from "IMPLICIT" and always utilize "EXPLICITNESS".
IMPLICIT: implied; assumption; capable of being understood from something else though unexpressed; to involve or indicate by inference, association rather than to express DIRECTLY.
EXPLICIT: free from all vagueness and ambiguity; fully developed or formulated; unreserved and unambiguous in expression; opposite of implicit.
Communication must begin with something mutually understood. The shared universe of tangible realities is something apparently perceived by all living organisms. Inborn value judgments, that sort out and give meaning to the tangible realities, well up in each individual. In combination, the tangible realities and the inborn value judgments constitute the universal language of Nature and/or whatever comprehensive creative intelligence may coexist with, or be an inseparable part of, Nature.
Humans create word languages. In the Western World, word languages often distinguish between body and soul, and people speak of "Nature and Nature's God". Among peoples of both East and West there is also a widespread thought pattern, called pantheism, which views Nature and Nature's God as one. Using phrases from both thought patterns indiscriminately, without addressing the difference between them, we must learn to focus on something that goes beyond usual thought patterns lest we never achieve discernment of manipulation of these patterns to deceive and mislead.
All word languages that have been created, or can be created, by humans are crude, confusing substitutes for the language of Nature and Nature's God. Any assertion that Nature's God ever used crude, confusing human words to speak to humans could only come from someone who wanted to brainwash others, or someone who had been brainwashed.
Even between humans, no communication in words can be accepted as complete and final. No perceptive person can accept any social agreement which fails to recognize that there may be occasions when word communications are not adequate, when the language of Nature and Nature's God (involving value judgments, force and will) must be chosen.
Humans speak the language of Nature and Nature's God when they modify tangible realities and when they create cultures. This must, in our understanding of misled multitudes as with assumed labeling of the Khazar (as example), focus on "cultures" to great extent to bring understanding of the processes involved.
"Cultures" are will-actions that selectively influence which organic things are encouraged to survive, or allowed to survive. The culture of corn involves making conditions favorable for the growth of corn and destroying other organic things that interfere with the growth. Human will has created cultures of corn, beans, tulips, pigs, goats, sheep, milk cows, beef cows, work horses, race horses and so on. Cultures are a major factor in human history.
However, there are two cultures that historians usually avoid pointing out and discussing either through lack of understanding or deliberately avoiding for one purpose or another. Both are human cultures of humans. These two cultures of humans are the basic subject of this writing.
The first, or most primitive, human culture of humans had already begun when people were still in the hunting and food gathering stage. This primitive culture is still actively promoted. It vitally concerns you because it OPPOSES the manifest long range direction of Nature and Nature's God. Nature's long range direction, extending from single cells to humans, selects the most perceptive and most competent for survival. The primitive culture does the reverse. Falsely used human words are its implements!
This first human culture of humans began when those who were too incompetent to be leaders by demonstrating their competence stumbled upon the idea that they could invent an imaginary leader and manipulate people by claiming to be spokesmen for the imaginary leader.
It was all one culture but the imaginary leader was presented in various guises. The "ghost" of a dead leader, who had been widely respected, may have been the first invention. At the time of first recorded history a stone "god" or an invisible "god", purportedly supplying the human words that the spokesmen wanted for manipulating the people, was the invention most common in the Western World.
When a "spokesman" had built up a group of those who were easy to confuse and deceive, he used the manipulated group to destroy individuals who perceived and opposed the falsity he had built with words. By manipulating group force he could destroy individuals who were more perceptive, more honest, and more competent than himself. Assistants, called "priests", who would carry on the falsity built by words, were selected to help develop and preserve clever methods for promoting this culture.
The object was to breed great masses of people who were easy to manipulate. As purported spokesmen for the imaginary leader, the priests "authorized" sexual relations among those who were servile and stupid enough to accept their word-created falsity. They used the manipulated group to kill off the strong, proud, competent, perceptive individuals who rejected what, in a word invented by the manipulators, was called "authority". They sought to prevent "unauthorized" sexual relations by those who rejected the "authority" they had arrogated to themselves.
At the time of the first events word historians have recorded, a substantial portion of the human species had obviously been bred by this culture that opposed Nature. Most humans had already degenerated into manipulated masses.
Word historians do not usually say "degenerated into manipulated masses". To designate this condition, they use some such praise-giving phrase as "humans had created civilizations". Like the priests, many "historians" use words that cloud perception of tangible realities.
The only dependable history is that whose words are tangible realities. It is clear, precise, emphatic, easy to read AND EXPLICIT. Humans would to well to read the comment it makes regarding living organisms that oppose the evolutionary direction set by Nature, as humans do who continue this primitive culture.
Looking at this language, you find that lemmings, sheep, and some other mammals develop conspicuous groupings. However, no other mammals have gone as far toward evolving into mass organisms as have humans. Humans have now reached a stage that makes survival of individuals detached from a mass virtually impossible. Manipulated masses claim every square foot of living space on earth and demand that every individual identify with one of the manipulated masses.
Although no other mammals have gone as far as humans, some insects--ants, termites, and some species of bees--have followed this direction taken by humans, and have gone still further, they have reached the point of no return. Will you do the same?
These insects have opposed Nature's long range direction. They have regressed from autonomous sexual entities to the functional role of single cells in an aesexual group organism. The group organism is all that continues to function as an entity having will. These insects have done with sex odors what most humans at first recorded history had come very close to doing with words--and what the entire human species, whose evolutionary regression is actively promoted by mass manipulators, is now dangerously close to "accomplishing".
Dharma, allow a lunch break please, for this added to the prior writing is sufficiently long. Then we shall look at the corrective culture and better perceive that which must be carefully considered at this point in history of experience. Thank you. I shall just stand aside.
Hatonn to clear.
* * *
4/6/91 HATONN
Despite massive efforts to destroy it, there is still a record (severely mutilated and tattered) that at the time of the first recorded history, one people had recognized what was happening within the human species and had done something about it. Realizing that the condition had gone too far to simply re-educate those who had been selectively bred for lack of perception, the perceptive people segregated themselves from the others.
These people, the Northern Europeans, who defended their segregation by maintaining a no-man's land around themselves, established a culture that was diametrically opposed to the long-standing primitive one.
A highly significant point is that these perceptive people recognized that a culture cannot be fought with mere words; they recognized that a culture must be opposed by a culture. Ah ha, now we begin to begin to see a flicker of what happened a very long time ago to get you to where you are NOW and by whom you were manipulated.
Nature's God does not speak the crude language of humans. However humans can speak the language of Nature's God. Culture is a statement made in that language. Culture is a statement made in that language. Culture deals selectively in birth and death. When unscrupulous manipulators created their human culture of humans, they chose to oppose the direction set by Nature's God in the language of Nature. The corrective culture was a deliberate, clear, positive, unequivocal, explicit opposition to the primitive anti-Nature culture. The two cultures are eternally incompatible.
The corrective human culture of humans was based upon agreements between a group of perceptive individuals that would curtail the manipulative breeding in of the unperceptive and would breed out manipulators. It seemed good enough at that point.
The new culture of the segregated Northern Europeans dealt with both factors that make an effective culture--birth and death. The basic ideas and actions of the corrective culture were two very simple ones.
Giving birth was an individual decision. A perceptive woman could be expected to choose her sexual mate with perception and give birth to perceptive children. Therefore, opposing the breeding methods of mass manipulators-of manipulators who arrogated to themselves the role of "authorizing" sexual relations and forbidding sexual relations they had not "authorized"--the Northern Europeans agreed that a woman's choice of a man by whom she would bear children would be exclusively hers--as an individual. The agreement was that no man could have sexual relations with her by force or coercion, and she need defer to no individual or group approval when choosing her children's father. The perceptive people reasoned that no one should have any word-invented "authority" over the intangible portion of Nature and Nature's God within an individual, because an individual's value judgments are made by the God within. The social agreement, that would not allow interference with the highly important value judgment of each individual woman regarding who should be the father of her children, effectively meant that the people looked upon each woman as a goddess.
Dealing with death was also an individual decision. Curtailing the use of manipulated masses against individuals was the cultural action that fell to men. Unscrupulous demagogues were bred out by making formal, socially approved one-to-one "fair fight" combat the prerogative of every individual. There was full social approval of formal individual combat and full social rejection of all groups that tried to impose "group will" on individuals. There was concerted group action against individuals only within the limited range to which each individual had agreed. Outside that austerely limited range, every individual could demand one-to-one single combat and full social approval would uphold the demand.
This culture, speaking Nature's language of birth and death, effectively reversed the primitive culture that had bred for unperceptive zombi-like humans, and bred for the unscrupulous demagogs who manipulated zombis with words (oops, where are you now?) The new culture, that consciously and effectively again proclaimed all individuals equally sovereign, as Nature had always done before the primitive culture, actually accelerated the direction of Nature's selection.
At the beginning of recorded history, the new culture had already bred the segregated Northern Europeans into a people significantly distinct from those around them. They cherished that difference. Any manipulated mass, that tried to breach their protective no-man's land and re-absorb them, was recognized as a potential mass organism. The evolving group entity was called a "dragon". The feats of great heros who became dragon-slayers were memorialized in story and song. But here you can see where the term "dragon" and "dragon beast" came into importance.
Let us refer to these two opposing human cultures of humans by the descriptive terms; The culture of manipulated masses and the culture of individual sovereignty.
Backing away from both for a look no more long-ranged than "What kind of people do I want to associate with?"--the choice focuses on the individuals who are products of the two cultures: 1) The culture of manipulated masses breeds for lack of perception and/or deliberate falsity, coupled with a strong instinctual affinity for the kind of deception that makes a clever manipulator, and 2) The culture of individual sovereignty breeds in perception and integrity, and breeds out manipulators.
Ultimately the two man-made cultures will be measured by Nature's three billion year old criteria--which it would be reasonable to call "the morality of Nature and Nature's God (Great Spirit of Light, Holy God and The Creation).
When manipulated masses take on irreversible dominance over individuals, the masses become the only organisms that continue to have effective will. These masses function as asexual organisms; individuals function as their component cells; evolution is thereby turned back six hundred million years or more. Nature's selective survival is transferred from the component individuals to the new mass organisms. ETERNAL MASS WARFARE BETWEEN THE NEW ORGANISMS IS THE INEVITABLE RESULT.
When individuals remain sovereign, Nature's focus remains on individuals. Nature's selective survival continues to apply to human individuals and there is no regression. The field is open for further development. Looking at the long range direction manifest by Nature, the human species remains in the forefront of all organic evolution as it was prior to the first primitive human culture. Social approval of individual sovereignty is social approval of Nature's morality.
Looking at Nature's criteria, the choice becomes: Shall the human accept Nature's long range direction or oppose it? And herein is an opportunity to pause and consider the response to this question as you see it in perspective of our writings and the unfoldment of "secrets" kept from you.
Leaving generalized descriptions and turning to the actual conflict between the advocates of these two cultures, we recognize that the mass manipulators now have control of most governments, of the media, and of the school systems. They overwhelm everyone with their confusing version of history. However, enough mutilated historical fragments still exist so that the significant story can be somewhat pieced together--even without my scanners.
The significant battle between the people of the two cultures has taken place, and continues to take place, in Europe, in the Mediterranean area, and in the Western hemisphere--where there has been total infiltration and integration within the organisms.
The people of the Orient have been affected by the dominant culture of manipulated masses as it now exists in the Western World, but they have never been involved in the conflict between the two cultures as have other people, although it is coming into manifestation currently. Speaking of the Oriental people in general, they are not even aware that it now exists or ever did exist although the seepage is showing up more and more. Certainly they can see little evidence that any culture now exists in the West other than the culture of manipulated masses.
There is the same non-awareness of the cultural conflict by the people of Russia although some astute people are sticking their heads up and beginning to smell the coffee burning. Russia is an area of biologically mixed people that stands between the East and West. The area has been heavily impacted by the Khazarian shroud of word twisters and as a government, the USSR conspicuously implements the culture of manipulated masses. The precise form of the current Russian culture came from the same source, and constitutes the same virulent danger to the human species as that which forms one side of the current battle in the West. This especially virulent form came to the Russian people in two waves, the first beginning about the tenth century and the second early in the twentieth century. There had never been a substantial culture of individual sovereignty in the area, so neither wave met any effective native resistance.
Both the Orientals and the Russians continue to feel the impulse toward individual sovereignty within them, but they have no conscious memories of individual sovereignty--as a culture. Since the Western Americans have experienced individual sovereignty it is hard to have realization that you no longer have it. This is because the word manipulators have pulled some heinous tricks on you and you live under a shroud of "their" deception and illusion.
The battle between the advocates of the two cultures has existed exclusively in the Western World. It was in the Western World that the culture of individual sovereignty came into being. It is here that some conscious advocates of it now remain. It is in the Western World that a decisive battle between the advocates of the two cultures is now being fought. [Emphasis added]
The Western World still has a high percentage of people bred for individual sovereignty. However, it is on those who remain conscious advocates of the culture that bred them that now rests the only visible hope that the whole human species will not go the way of the regressive insects. And, unfortunate as it is for the only visible hope, many who were bred for individual sovereignty have now been so confused by words that they fail to see that the conflict is between the advocates of the two cultures. When they say that they will "just wait to see what will happen" before they decide to act, they fail to recognize that they are not "just leaving things to Nature". Human cultures have been injected into natural selection. The conflict is taking place by human will. They are leaving everything to their human enemies. A veil of human words now clouds the perception of many who were bred for perception.
A confused subject called "human progress" serves to obscure the significant conflict between the advocates of the two cultures. It detracts attention from human beings by focusing on manufactured gadgets. Also its spokesmen falsify human history. They use manufactured gadgets as the measure of civilization and teach American school children that two thousand years ago the Northern Europeans were "barbarians".
On the contrary, archaeological excavations indicate that Europe was the area where the world's earliest finely manufactured articles were developed. You can only imagine at the exact historical reasons causing the Northern Europeans to abandon man-made things and return to natural things as their criteria of value and we will not hang up on that point herein for it is a distraction for the focus point. The verbal history, or "mythology", that would tell the story on your placement has been systematically destroyed or totally twisted. You only know that about 60 B.C., when Julius Caesar was writing about the Northern Europeans, the described culture of individual sovereignty had existed among them for untold centuries. The cultural core that selectively bred for individual sovereignty was effectively protected by the no-man's land that Caesar was trying to penetrate. It allowed only one-way passage. The Northern Europeans could go out but they allowed no one to come in. They were protecting their segregated culture. They recognized that, as individuals consciously upholding the sovereignty of individuals, they were fighting potential mass organisms that they called "dragons". However, the people outside viewed the conflict as merely the usual mass warfare, which is an essential part of their culture.
The earliest records you will be able to find regarding the conflict between two peoples who recognized opposing cultures as the basis of the conflict was that which showed up between the early Babylonians and the people occupying the Iranian plateau. Only a "color" of their conflict remains in recorded history, and you cannot be sure whether or not the division between the peoples existed because individual sovereignty people were spreading from a Northern European cultural core, or whether Iran versus Babylonia was the original area of division. To more fully comprehend this circumstance we must look more deeply into the Khazars by whatever name they called themselves, and we will do so as we get a bit more foundation herein with which to work.
To get a clear view of the two cultures, you have to look for a discernible division between peoples advocating the opposing cultures. Otherwise you look at cultural garbage. The two diametrically opposed cultures cannot be mixed among one people. There are only two directions that a human culture of humans can go--with Nature's overall direction or against it.
It appears ridiculous to make the obvious statement that nothing can at the same time go in two opposing directions. Such a statement now becomes necessary with regard to cultures because there are many who call the present enforced mixings of peoples trying to go in opposing direction, "the richness achieved by mixing cultures". That sort of misuse of words prepares for manipulation by promoting confusion--and who is the master of confusion? Fragments of civilization, that have been broken by mixing peoples from opposing cultures, may have facets that dazzle, like fragments of broken glass in a kaleidoscope. But when a culture is viewed as a culture, it is an injection of human will into natural selection. Natural selection deals only in birth and death. Cultures created by human will are dealing in birth and death. The flesh and blood people that human will has selected for survival are the "richness (or pollution) achieved" by injecting cultures into natural selection. Conscious mass manipulators willfully promote the confusion that obscures perception of this. We seek to penetrate the obscuring cloud.
We know of areas where, in historical times, there have been mixings of people bred for individual sovereignty and those bred for mass manipulation. However, the resultant conflict directions has not been perceptively analyzed in widely promoted histories. Spengler, who may well be the most competent of widely known historians, even applies the term "culture" to the mixings. Honor ones who passed Earth's way and projected some intelligent reasoning and understanding into historical data.
Facts indicate that people bred for individual sovereignty moved into India where they were greatly outnumbered by those long bred by the primitive culture. They were overwhelmed by shear numbers. They could not establish their own culture. They could not act. They talked. This began before recorded history. They are still talking. The conflict between cultures cannot be settled by words.
Another mixing of peoples bred by the opposing cultures came when those from the cultural core of individual sovereignty moved in on the opposingly bred people of Greece. An attempted division between the peoples continued for several centuries by arbitrarily dividing them into "citizens" and "slaves". Obviously that attempted division, when the people were thoroughly mixed in daily contact, could not work. It did not. The attempts to create a "scientific state", where the two cultural thought patterns could be "rationally" combined, ended in the destruction of what is called the "golden age of Greece". Rashly building an empire that would teach "the science of government" to the people around the Mediterranean, who had been bred for mass manipulation, the Greeks created a tangible civilization, born of mixed cultures that was like a fruit ripe for picking. Some of the more stalwart and dominant energies (teachers) of the Greek era have continued in many forms to bring understanding, wisdom and insight into the mechanism--some of you continue in frustration and repeated attempts to awaken the masses at this very day in time.
The Romans, who had fully accepted the culture of mass manipulation, and who had sufficient military power to take over a people confused by a mixture of two opposing cultures, took over the Greek people and the Greek empire. Most historians shed copious tears over this fact but show little perception of what was actually happening.
Histories, that are written by those "educated" for the culture of manipulated masses, present mass warfare (an activity of no living things but humans and regressive insects) as a natural phenomenon. Their histories are nothing but studies of mass manipulators and the battle leaders acting under the "authority" of mass manipulators. Their histories imply that no culture other than the culture of manipulated masses ever existed or ever could exist. Accepting this primitive culture as "human nature", they remove the word "culture" from its application to the human species. They twist the WORD to mean "development or improvement by `education', or refinement resulting from such development". They ignore the conflicting directions set by human cultures.
Human cultures, a specialized use of human will, are no more visible than the wind but, like the wind, their effects are visible. Most of your historians describe only the effects; they fail to point out or even perceive the opposing cultures during the time that the Greek and Roman Empires dominated the Mediterranean area. Careful examination of this time and place, that identifies the beginning of the current cultural conflict, is vitally important to the fate of the whole human species--a fate that will be determined by which of the two cultures eventually dominates. Mostly these two diabolically opposed cultures are either missed or totally ignored. Those of you in the third perspective can see how it is, but are basically at a loss as how to proceed to bring about massive change.
These two cultural directions might well be like the meeting of two winds--as winds of opposing directions meet to form a devastating storm. Well, then came along one--again--as a Christed being (the one you called Jesus at the given sequence of time progression) and He became significantly placed in the "eye of the storm". IT IS, HOWEVER, THE WHOLE (ENTIRE) STORM WHICH VITALLY CONCERNS YOU AS A HUMAN SPECIES.
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, April 1991, Volume 11, Number 5, Pages 1-5.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.