3/16/92 #1 HATONN
Hatonn present in the Light and Radiance of a new day--a new opportunity for service. Blessings be unto our work that clarity can be given forth in this critical time of opening vision that wisdom may be our mode of response to all impacts. We only ask to survive so that we can remain representative of that which is God in Truth and for that we will always thank the Creator. We ask only the chance to pass on this Truth and our love for the Creator to you, our brothers, children and grandchildren. AHO. You must come into comfort in the knowing that God rules the universe and everything God created--in living--even the oldest rock. Honor and respect is due all creations and each is only worthy of utmost respect and reverence. In these days of chaos and darkened insight people seek "knowledge" (information) but only in that they know something that perhaps another does not yet remember--nay, you MUST SEEK WISDOM. Knowledge and information is simply from the past; WISDOM IS OF THE FUTURE.
And what is wisdom? A refresher: Wisdom is the realization of the Natural Laws and that all life is equal. You must respect life--all life, not just your own. It is beyond acknowledgement of other entities--you must respect THOSE OTHER ENTITIES. Unless you respect the earth, you destroy it. Unless you respect all life as much as your own life, you become a destroyer, a murderer. Man has come to think he has been elevated somehow, to be chief controller--ruler. But he is NOT. He is only a part of the whole. Man's job is not to exploit but to oversee, to be a steward. Man has responsibility, not power. I repeat a statement which I shall utilize again and again and again: Ye finally will learn that wisdom comes only when you stop looking for it and start truly living the life the Creator intended for you. In that practice and intent shall come security and glory in the passage. We are but come to tell you and show you how it IS--the action and choices are up to you and in that deciding shall be your mode of transportation and protection in the days to come which are yet un-experienced--and there will be such remaining--in one manifestation or another. So be it.
Will you gain "wisdom" this day or will you dwell on the possibilities that I may be other then that which I propose unto you--that is what many are doing. I actually have ones who are going to "give you a chance" IF "you show up eye to eye" and/or, "...what happened to the blinding light? You are probably a phony but I will give you one more chance!" Give me one more chance? GIVE ME ONE MORE CHANCE? I come to prove nothing to you ill-advised and lied-to children of that lie. YOU will give ME one more chance? Touché: You do whatever you like, my friends, but YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF TIME and I NEED NO MORE OF YOUR INSIDIOUS INDULGENCE--YOU SEEM TO MISUNDERSTAND THE ENTIRE GAME IN PLAY IF YOU ARE GOING TO GIVE "ME" ONE MORE CHANCE!
I am not come to indulge you in argument at any level--I am come to give you Truth of the WORD. I honor you each and respect your prattlings--but I certainly ask for "no more chances to prove something or another to you". I suggest that it is past time you begin to prove something worthy and wise unto GOD for my fleet and Command are directly attached to THAT guiding Commander--not in any wise unto your opinions.
Ones of you tout great self-proclaimed wisdom about our information and denounce us as "plagiarists" and simple "computer hackers", I welcome your uninformed statements as being about as "unwise" as you can be in this particular scenario for you are on the downhill swing of the time machines. If man needs information, I shall give it and you who disapprove, so be it. You who acclaim your own works as mighty and sacred--look again because in almost all instances you are misled and misleading any who listen to your precious sharing of your unwise opinions.
I specifically address you who have intention of service other than for SELF. If you go about getting yourselves unattached to the Federal Government--you are going to find yourselves in great disadvantage very shortly now. If you intend to serve only self--and lay low in the holes of the community--then you go get yourselves State Sovereignized--but if you wish to actually serve--you will not do such a blatantly foolish thing. Do you actually think the "beast" is going to honor any of YOUR "constitutional" rights as he takes control of every asset, man, woman and child? Already he honors not anything you have or action you take. You can win a few Constitutional battles in the courtroom, for instance, only as long as the outcome doesn't destroy his image of power and control. You must continue to battle that battle because it is through that route which you may be able to reclaim--but NOT THROUGH DROPPING OUT! It once would have worked--NO LONGER.
I tell you, chelas, you can defeat this monster and remain within the laws as laid forth for you--BY THEM. Why would ye reduce self to no authority and no possibility of being attended by the wardens in their prisons by separating yourself from the flock? What will ye have gained? YOU CAN GAIN THE END YOU WISH BY DOING THINGS "THROUGH THEIR OWN LAWS!" BECOMING TOTALLY HIDDEN FROM THEM WILL ONE DAY PRECLUDE YOUR GAINING OF YOUR NEXT MEAL FOR THEY WILL DENY YOU ALL--AS EXAMPLE FOR THE REST OF THE INCARCERATED FLOCK.
I take no pleasure in announcing this fact because I have ones in my own crew who have chosen to go that route. I do, however, wish to point out as example--just assume that one, Gritz, decided to take such action: he would immediately be separated from an income gleaned from his years of service, but worse--he would be denied all possibility of running for President for he would be considered legally a non-citizen. You who go this route are following advice which once was valid--but it is past the time of making sufficient impact through that route--your only recourse NOW is to take action "within" those rules which allows you to continue to function within their own shielding apparatus.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, March 24, 1992, Volume 18, Number 10, Page 9.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.