8/21/92 #1 HATONN
.... Therefore, do not fear them, for there is nothing covered that will not be revealed and hidden that will not be known.
There is, however, wisdom in a healthy respect for that which "they" do unto you, your nations and your planet. Unless you KNOW that which IS, how can you ever hope to realize that which is to come?
You ones with your teachers of self-proclaimed prophecy speak of "Babylon" and other manifesting signs of ending cycles. What means a thing out of sequence--a half story out of context? Even the first sentence has no meaning sitting alone in the sea of thoughts and words. Who is "them"? What is "covered"? Who and how will "it" (whatever "it" is) be revealed and "known"--by whom and revealed by whom? You are a people of bits and pieces all frazzled and frayed--basing life journey on "sound bites" with no meaning. So be it.
This morning on the radio in Denver, I was asked half questions with NO time for response past 5 to 10 SECONDS. I can only suggest you get the information and study it. I cannot condense that which is already condensed into 60 JOURNALS into these ridiculous sound-bites on non-information. The inquiry is always along the lines of "...so why don't you just 'appear', sprinkle Knowing like manna and all will be made right--but, do not ask me to change my patterns or actions from present course. Further, do it MY way for I AM GOOD and 'they' are the bad ones." No, any who deliberately break the LAWS OF GOD AND CREATION are the "bad" ones. Do YOU break any of those laws? I thought so!
How can you tell how far you have come under the control of the adversary of God? By considering the rules, you establish to allow for the breaking "in the physical expression" of the Laws of God and Creation.
Does it matter to me, Hatonn, how many of those laws you break? Yes, because it is done in ignorance of the overall infinite progression of self and that gives me pain as a guide/teacher. It does not affect my task at hand nor cause me to interfere with your journey in any way. Mine is only to give you Truth so that you can act in knowing instead of ignorance--then the trip is up to you. If you deliberately continue in your knowingly evil journey, you shall simply NOT be brought into the higher society of God-Lighted places. You WILL learn your lessons before making that wondrous journey and you will learn them in the dimension within which the errors are actualized. [RM: Emphasis added] If your choice is to stay in ignorance and practice those things of physical entrapment, then may your journey be one of learning for it WILL be getting more unpleasant as the enemy comes into more and more binding control of all things physical.
I certainly do not insist that you believe "in" me. I just remind you that I come as Command of the Hosts and we are your ONLY way off that orb. THE ONLY WAY! That, however, is not the whole of it--for evil action nor intent will be allowed on board any of our evacuation (rapture) vehicles save for times and circumstances of removal to other places housing life-form equivalent to your own. Even this measure will require a set of circumstances most unlikely to happen. Mostly ones who deny God shall simply be left to live out the span of life function in the physical as IS--trapped into an existence of again awaiting learning experience opportunity. Those who continue to aggressively deny and intentionally destroy "MAN" will be left in the "absence of God"--which is "Hell" by your casual terminology.
Some chuckle and say, "Well, all my friends will be there!" Ah so! But none of you are going to like it. This means that God will withdraw all goodly guidelines and evil shall simply overrun ALL. That which remains in the "play" shall be lost in the darkness of existence in most painful delusion instead of illusion and illumination. It will be a most unpleasant experience.
The hoopla of the Republican convention is over--WHAT DOES THE OUTCOME TELL YOU? It tells ME that there was no substitution of Baker and Kemp and, therefore, you are back to alternatives one and three. One, being to convince Perot to come in as replacement for Quayle (as outlined three papers past), allow Clinton to win with argument--but hopefully pardoning Bush after election, OR, actions start to pull the government into total open Emergency Control under Bush through absolute Executive Order. The government is already functioning "as if" so I would guess the "natural" events will begin in hyper-action.
The volcanic eruptions of Spurr in Alaska and Pinatubo in the Philippines are MAJOR signs of readiness to break off a major portion of the West Coast of the U.S.
I am weary of speaking of this impending trauma--LISTEN TO THOSE WHO ARE GLEANING DIRECT INFORMATION FROM THE PLANNERS IN POINT. As a for instance, listen to Col. Gritz as he speaks in campaign lectures. He was ON THE INSIDE AS DEEPLY AS ONE CAN GET--IN INTELLIGENCE CIRCLES--HE STILL GETS INFORMATION AND THIS IS WHAT THEY ARE TELLING HIM IS AFOOT. This is not some "spacy" hype or confrontation--the Coastal Areas and Mojave Desert, as examples, are like jello from the frequency beam constancy. If you remain in ignorance which may seem OK to you as an individual--but what of your children? Would this be their choices? If you get informed, you can change the "play" and do not need to "go-down" at all. THAT is the difference and it is solely up to each and all of you which it shall be. Either way--God waits for decisions and we stand by to pick up the pieces of HIS people.
Parable: If you are locked away in a dark prison cell with no way to escape and a being comes with a key to your door to offer freedom, what would you do? Say, he places the key before you and he says, "All you have to do is read the real rules, promise to act and abide by them (they are most balanced, easy and clearly defined) and go forth into freedom--but, you must remain within those laws." Would you not consider looking at those rules? Would you simply say the key is "probably" an illusion and the man is Satanic? What difference does it make what is the man with the key? If goodness gets you freedom--who bears the key is not of importance for he is but a "tool". If the "key" be of Lighted goodness--is it too much to try it in the lock to see if perchance it FITS?
You ask of me--"Who are you and what are you doing?" I ask you, "Who are YOU and what are YOU doing?" I KNOW who I am and what is going on both in my place--AND YOURS. Unfortunately, YOU do not KNOW what is going on in either placement. I am here to tell you what I can--but mostly ones simply deny source and refuse to listen. That is, by all means, your privilege--however, it is most unwise. Stupidity and ignorance are two greatly differing terms in definition. Perhaps a good place to begin "learning" and "discovery" is through carefully defining those two terms and see wherein YOU "fit".
IGNORANCE: Lacking knowledge and unaware.
STUPID: Not sensible or intelligent.
Neither predicament is required from the other! In both instances "cure" is in wisdom and becoming informed.
The same careful consideration must be given to the terms "childlike" and "childish", but I will leave it to you to look up definitions or observe in wise perspective of actions.
Earthquakes continue on a constant basis in California--thousands since the month past. These are quite expected now and the local populace has returned to dreamland--from which most will surely awaken most shaken--others will never awaken. But, what of the 7.4 in Russia within the past two days--buried in the distractions abounding? What of the large quake that jolted South Carolina YESTERDAY!?! It was "preceded by a loud shockwave that sounded like an explosion" was the description from the local populace.
What of the reported extremely "high frequency" signals being received around the San Andreas? These are interspersed with very "low frequency" vibrations, it is reported, and "....seems to have something to do with the high-pressure--low-pressure systems....moving about in the weather patterns", whatever that might mean.
It must be that all of this has something to do with the "...rising of sap in the trees at this time of the year". Anyone want a barf bag? No, I am quite serious for in the past day or so in Santa Cruz (Calif.) comes an interesting explanation for power failures. It seems the power went out in the area for awhile. When it again functioned, the media announced that a "tree had fallen across lines causing power failure." This was, however, followed by another power outage rapidly following--this one several hours of outage. Again it "...was caused by another tree falling across power lines and disrupting power." Then the story got more interesting as it was noted that the trees were located on the same property. And, it got even better as they announced that the only cause identified was that "....the sap in the two Oak trees must have overheated in the unseasonable heat spell and somehow exploded." I have heard some interesting explanations but this one seemed quite new and, yes, "interesting" is the word of choice. However, it is now noted that both trees in point have been dead for a very long time. (??) I would guess that "sap" is not located in the trees! ...
This is in the same area wherein there is reported a string of light in the ocean, offshore. These were explained as phosphorescent kelp strings. It is noted in this instance, however, that the same string of lights has been seen by many every night for at least the past 365 nights--same place, same distance, same intensity. Now MY question of you: Is the media "ignorant" or just plain "stupid" or are they "rigged"? I don't think you have to ask ME.
In passing on with note of other major news incidents, say, the one at Odessa, Texas in the major chemical/petrol plant that "....must have been started by lightning since there was a loud cracking explosion following a great light burst." No, it was laser detonation and the "business in point" is a "relative" of the Bush empire recognized as Zapata Oil and Exploration. By ANY NAME the sapling is the same as the Mother-tree. I thought you might find it quite interesting in view of the proximity of the Republican Convention and "subtle" message-sending.
We are picking up readers faster than you can catch up on back-reading and information. You are a population awakening rapidly and to save some time in research of old presentations, we will have to repeat some of the more important "problems" and "actions" which are "doing you in".
I wonder how many of you paid attention to Bush last evening when he said he would be the first President to visit a newly free Cuba? Well, it is set up so that his son owns most of the operations and development of Cuba--so perhaps it is like visiting one of the family homes? My goodness, chelas, this one facet of events goes all the way back to the assassination of John Kennedy. PLEASE WAKE UP! Gracious me, there is a Grand Jury criminal indictment PENDING (not issued--being held) against George Bush for Iran-Contra involvement, etc., etc., and obstruction of justice charges. There is simply no way to write quickly enough to get it all to you-the-people. Therefore, I will hold the information regarding Bush's true involvement in those affairs to outlay, again, the system which has brought you to the point of disaster because Bush AND the "big boys" are all involved to their teeth in all instances. It is the system itself which must be looked at and then the players make more sense in day to day observations.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, August 25, 1992, Volume 20, Number 6, Pages 24-26.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.