Introduction to Commander Hatonn
1/13/92 #1 HATONN
I am Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn, Commander in Chief, Earth Project Transition, Pleiades Sector Flight Command, Intergalactic Federation Fleet. You may call me Hatonn. I am come in service unto the ONE GOD of Lighted Creation, and as "Host" unto His people who will be brought into His places long prepared for you. My own "Captain" is Sananda, the Christed Being you have called by many names--now totally with Creator/Creation. [Sananda: simply meaning of/with God.] We are not "mystical" nor even "mysterious" aliens. We are the "Hosts" sent in preparation for His return, bringers of Truth according to His promise, and to reveal the lies foisted upon you to claim your souls for the physical evil Elite controllers. We come in total love and without intent of force, coercion or judging. "Judging" is a state of evaluation of self in the presence of Creator in which actions in the physical experience are evaluated. The information within the documents revealing Truth, THE PHOENIX JOURNALS and LIBERATOR, are the outlays of lies and hidden facts for which you can find confirmation. If you don't know the problems and the source of the problems, you can have no solutions.
I do not "channel"; I transmit on a frequency attuned to my "receiver" who is simply a translator of the pulses into English. This is true of all receivers who receive from any of this Command come forth with God for this transition of species and planet.
The receivers mostly have no reference for material given until after the giving and then, only for their own confirmation and yours. My petition is that you pay no attention to this resource if it is confusing and uncertain unto you--LET TRUTH STAND ALONE IN ITS PRESENTATION--THE PAST WILL FOLLOW IN PROPER SEQUENCE.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, January 14, 1992, Volume 17, Number 13, Page 2.
Meditation On The Soul
10/26/92 #1 HATONN
Hatonn in presence in the Light of the Radiant One. There is great pain in the hearts and "souls" of my people this day--I cannot change, for you, the burden of your own load--however, I can offer strength, support, assistance and clarity of thought in the security of GOD, Creator, through which you can see your way. Hold my hand and I'll take you there, the journey needs a brother and a friend, for no man is an island unto self. Ye have no need to "do it alone". Be at peace.
I honor my brother, Michael Silverhawk for a brief explanation and statement in clarity regarding "SOUL" which might give peace and balance to you seekers and students efforting to understand "life" and "experience".
The Soul is your akashic. It contains the sum total of all your experiences through time and eternity, ALL your lives, your loves, and losses; your victories and defeats, your trials and accomplishments and on and on. In meditation you will begin to "see" all of this come up. You will have flashes of your history and who and what you have been. Things you are particularly struggling with now, have most likely followed you through time. As you invite Light and Divine Assistance and Understanding and Guidance into your crown and anchor it in meditation and communion, you will begin to experience bursting revelations and comprehensions unfold. You will "see" through the veil and gaze into perfection. You can then begin to replace discord with this perfection of feeling. This is grace. This power heals and completes your karma, so to speak. It is simply resolved and lifted off, freeing you and your karma, so to speak. [H: I do not like the definition now applied to the word "karma", so let us release the burden of assumed penalties and paybacks and other unseemly definitions and simply state that you can, as a student, SEE and UNDERSTAND the LESSON at hand. In the power you hold as creation of GOD in perfection of reflection, it means you also have the power to cast aside the "karma" and simply do not accept it.] It is simply resolved and lifted off, freeing you and your mind and emotions and allows the true passion of love and life to come forth. This will happen more and more as you go.
All this progress is painfully slow at first. It is the same for everyone that way, but the further you go, the faster you go and you can fly free for very long periods. Then it is but a matter of fine tuning and flight time experience. You will find that your soul is clean and new and that you suddenly have a great deal of "space" for wonderful things, space that was formerly taken up by conflicts. You have forgiven all and self for all trespass. This is freedom. This is true freedom and you will find yourself having tea with God every day. It is simple. Not easy--simple.
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I thank Silverhawk for sharing with me as the brothers we are. He has done a beautiful treatise called The Winds Of God, "The Resurrection". He refers to it as the Alpha Omega Medicine for the Genesis of the Fifth World.
He offers me this work in brotherhood and friendship with the following letter:
Dear Dharma & Friends, (10/11/92)
Greeting in the Light of God that never fails. Iam a true follower of your great works with the Great Spirit. I am also prompted most relentlessly in my own life, so that is why I have sent this treatise. Nine lodges have received it around the west. I am soon to return out there also as my work here draws to closing. If you find value in my work, then that would be great joy for me. Germain has grabbed my collar to come forth now, as it is apparently the appointed time. Well, here I am then.
I stand with you in intent and purpose and give all I have to it. Let us all stand together unto victory as one. God bless you all. I hope to meet you one day soon and pow wow together. In love with Light, Michael Silverhawk.
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In the brotherhood of Creation we cannot be separate for we are but one thought of God in experience as God brings us into manifestation. We must ever fly free and joyously beyond all limitations within our soul and across forever, and we will cross paths and meet now and then in consciousness as we wish, but always in unity in spirit in the ALLNESS of that for which we strive--and the intimate expression of celebration that can never end. A meeting again, after moments or through lifetimes, is certain for those who are brothers and friends. AHO.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, October 27, 1992, Volume 21, Number 2, Pages 31-32.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.