12/14/91 #1 HATONN
Thank you, J.B. (Fla). You ask me to print this material so that all might see and so I shall.
Being in America most Christians have been beguiled by our Establishment Churches and its agent. The Truth is, in the latter days there should be two different people in Israel when the anti-Christ takes over, before the Messiah comes--one is the Edomites, today called Sephardic Jews--non "Jews" [as labeled by the Zionists], described in Malachi:4, Edom sayeth: "We shall return and rebuild the desolate places, these people (Edom) for whom the Lord has indignation forever."
The other people who would be in today's Israel in the latter days is GOG who come from Russia--now get that: "who come from Russia", but their descendents from Japheth, NOT Sem (Shem), the father of the Semites. The People we call Russians today originally were Swedes and Danes of Europe, from Sem (Shem), the father of the "white race". They became known as Ros, Rus, and Rosh which in Hebrew means "blonds".
To find who GOG is today after a number of name changes, since Ezekiel wrote about them in his book about 380 BC. In Ezek. 38:2 it says, "Set thy face against Gog from the LAND OF MAGOG" , the Chief Prince of Meshech and Tubal, and prophesy against him. See the enclosed map [Poor quality, not enclosed] to locate where Meshech and Tubal is. Now, most of our Establishment Churches' agents say Meshech and Tubal are Moscow and another city. This is another lie exposed, that we have been programmed with: Tubal is the area under the Black Sea in "Turkey", and "Meshech" the area between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, these two (2) areas were hundreds of miles south of Moscow. When Ezekiel wrote his book, it's possible no people live in the area called Moscow today. To know who real "israel" is today, we have to bear in mind they are the descendents of "Sem" (Shem), the father of all the whites AND Semites. [H: Be careful in interpretation for skin color no longer has meaning as the cycles close--it is only a clue for the upstart.] In older Bibles his name is spelled SEM, but to confuse us the reformation in the King James Version changed it to SHEM so that it wouldn't rhyme with Semite--the reformation made a number of modifications in the King James version. Why? For Who? The offspring of Jacob were all white Semites, even Esav Edom, today called sephardic Jews, were "white", being that they were both fathered by Issac.
But, back to who Gog is today--the answer comes by deductive reasoning. Just who is this elusive "Gog" who is going to be buried in today's Israel at Homon-GOG--who is not Semite but from Japheth, Noah's other son?
Being as how I believe Hatonn is right when he says "You, America, are israel. Why do you believe they are trying to take your guns away"? And who are "they"? They are also ones of which some are in "Israel", Canada, Australia, New Zealand and South Africa, etc., as in the "Great multitude who followed King Darius who let captured Israel free. The actual burying of Gog will be by the European military forces [H: By whatever label. The next portion of the letter is incorrect and therefore, J.B., I shan't publish it. The concept is correct but there is indication that "God" destroys and that "burying" is physically done at the instructions of God--nay, nay--the evil ones shall devour (bury) selves and I shall give no credence to terminology which can be misconstrued. You quote Ezek. 29:13 in which it indicates that that horror would be "glorified saith the Lord God". No--God does not "glorify" evil by any "side". It is for the linear sequence that I publish this information for the "Evil Empire" is giving you HIS PLANS!]
[Back to quoting] And after this "purification of Israel", Europe next, then So. Africa, New Zealand and then Australia. This will happen after israel is purified, men will go continually about "to seek them out" Ezek. 39:14 that remain on the face of the Earth, that they may cleanse it. [H: Again and again I must caution you--these are written words to throw you off from your intent in Godness. MAN HAS NO PERMISSION TO "CLEANSE ANY MAN" FROM ANYTHING OR ANYWHERE! THEREFORE, THE SLAUGHTER WILL NOT BE FROM GOD'S DIRECTION NOR WITHIN GOD'S COMMAND. WHERE INTERPRETATION BREAKS DOWN IS IN THE ACCEPTING OF WHAT MAN "WRITES" AND DISTRACTION INTO FALSE INTENT. GOD DOES NOT "NEED" TO CLEANSE ANYTHING--NATURE WILL CLEANSE ULTIMATELY AND GOD HAS SENT THE HOSTS TO "LIFT UP HIS PEOPLE" AND THE REMAINING OF PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE SHALL CREATE HELL AS THEY SEEK TO DEVOUR AND DESTROY AND "THEY SHALL DO IT BRAZENLY USING THE NAME OF GOD!" Please realize that I am using this for discussion purposes as to GEOGRAPHY and PLAYERS. You must realize that force and war, killing and damaging another is NOT OF GOD AND IT SHALL NOT BE EVER ACCEPTABLE. MAN MAY DEFEND SELF AND FAMILY--HE MAY NOT BURY NOR KILL AND REMAIN WITHIN THE INTENT OF GOD! EVIL SHALL DESTROY OF SELF!]
[H: Let us take up again where the writing is in point]:
... who's various name changes keep eluding us--the conclusion comes by deductive "reasoning". After extensive research, the answer is very revealing. Gog's operating area was the land of Magog which was between the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea which at that time was called the SEA OF KHAZARIA.
Now as it says in Ezekiel: those who dominate the area called Magog are called "Gog", the leading tribe. In Ezekiel's time the rulers of Magog were called "Gog" and they "shook-down" the people they dominated by getting tributes from them, but this ended in 1016 when the Russians and the Byzantine Greeks slaughtered them in battle and stopped their greedy operations. They then looked for "Greener Pastures" and descended on Poland and Germany. At the peak of their power, they extracted tributes from over 25 countries and tribes over which they had control. Not get this: The Khazars are Turkish people, are not Semites, but are from Noah's son Japheth. They have predominantly brown eyes and their complexion has a golden hue. These Turkish Khazars adopted Judaism as their religion in 740 AD, putting them on a par to be called Jews like the Semitic Sephardic (Edom); they would be the first Talmudists.
It is believed that the Six Pointed Star of David was a Khazar creation which today comprises the flag of so-called Israel. [H: we just covered this subject thoroughly and the "Shield of David" comes from David al Roy who pronounced himself the "Messiah" -- yes, a Khazarian.] This symbol was also known to Medieval Jews as the "Shield of David" but was the symbol of King Solomon. Not that the Shield of King Solomon had five (5) points, not six. David's was also called the Seal of Jacob.
[H: Dharma has great trouble with deciphering the words at this portion of the letter for the space is reduced and the writing is very difficult to read--I shall attempt to place it into order for the information is fairly accurate as to isolation of different groupings. Know that this is one person's opinion after reasoning and researching--which ALL of you must do and in the various presentation will come the outlay of truth in whole. Disagreement with conclusions are fine--I invite disagreement with my presentation--IF you research for self for, after all, this is the point of "lessons" and the only means of true growth. You ones must come into informed conclusion--not "just because 'somebody said' ". This very important perception in this writing in important because to the "Jews" who are NOT Khazarian--rests your very existence.]
What, today, is Gog called? Who was to be in Old Israel in the last days? Who was to come from the North of Israel, from the Land called Magog? Who, today in Israel, comes from this area? Gog was to be the tribe that ruled over the area called Magog. I told you they were Turkish people called Khazars--not Semites. And the flag or banner of these Khazars of the land was a 6 pointed hexagram called the "Star of David". But King David's seal had only 5 points, so they both are different like apples and oranges. Who, today, is in Israel that comes from the South of Russia? The people known today as the Khazars! Ask the Sephardic Jews in Israel today if the Khazars have ANY historic roots in Judah or Israel?
Today the Sephardic Jews whose roots go back to Herod and beyond are treated as second class citizens, and are under the domination of the Khazars from the Land of Magog.
These Khazar Turks are being called "God's Chosen" by our Big-Name Christian ministers. Have they got it made in the next world--"Ghena"--Hell for lying to the flock? [H: Again, I urge you ones to cease your "judging" for you do not KNOW. I suggest these ones shall reap a perceived "Hell" long before all get to a "next world".]
In closing, the Bible says Gog will come over the mountains to invade Israel. But instead they came by car, ship and planes in their invasion--the thing that greased the skids for this was "The Balfour Pact".
Yes, J.B., you ARE under surveillance as is anyone who has figured out the "plan" and speaks out about it. One reason that you are allowed freedom of expression, however, is that you perpetrate some of the "fear" tactics as expected by the adversary, i.e., the misperception that "God blesses and rejoices in murder and 'cleansing' ". As long as you have flaws in the writings, you will be allowed voice pretty openly. You give valuable insight and wisdom by your other presentations to publications which are objective and true. Be most careful in "spoiling" that acceptance by appearing fanatic and/or a warmonger. I use now as example, some of your letters to Editors, etc., for they are excellent and most worthy in thought provoking fact.
I ask that you please not be offended in correction of perceptions but, as a teacher, I cannot let errors pass for the very civilization rests on correct premise and valid conclusions. You would not have written did you not expect as much from me so I remain in your debt.
Dharma, please take the four writings in the order presented for they are excellent.
Twin City News, 7-26-89: Dear Editor, Supreme Court Justice Harry Blackman said a Nativity Scene violated the Constitutional separation of church and state.
Article I of the Bill of Rights says: Congress shall make no laws respecting an establishment of religions or prohibiting the free exercise thereof. Now, how can the nativity or other religious symbols violate church and state separation--when in America we don't have a state church? You see, church and state is when the government sanctions one religion over all--as in England or Iran. (Note: Israel was also listed but the paper removed it from the published letter.)
As Rabbi Sholomo Ezagui of Chabad House of Lubavitch, Palm Beach said: "The government should not be involved in any one religion, but should support all denominations." I must concur with the Rabbi. J.B., Oakland Park:
The New Federalist, 12-28-90: "ISRAEL"
To the Editor: In view of the one-sided poison put out in the media regarding the slaughter at the Temple Mount.... With two UN agencies already working in the occupied territories, why is there this pulling of teeth, about checking out the Temple Mount massacre?
Mr. Adnan Husseini, director of the Islamic religious authority for the Jerusalem areas, said "I was her--I saw everything," AND I SWEAR ON THE KORAN, we were not responsible. "No stone was thrown UNTIL the Israeli soldiers started shooting. After that the stones started flying on those 60 feet below at the Western wall--after the Arabs were shot at.
It is my belief that there was collusion between the military and the "Temple Mount Faithful", an extremist group, to open fire on the Arabs, so they would be made to destroy the Al Aqsa mosque, by the extremists who were waiting in the wings for the go-ahead, but it backfired. J.B.
[NO publication or dateline given]
I was appalled to read where Israeli Cabinet minister Rehaven Zeevi had the gall to call President Bush an anti-Semite and a liar.
I think of the billions Israeli has shaken the United States down for, and a brazen statement insulting the president. This is a sad testimonial from a country that calls itself our ally. With friends like these, who needs enemies?
In America the Israel lobby claims the Zionist state has "repaid" all loans and never defaulted. The truth is the vast majority of the loans have been forgiven. Now who do you think picks up the tab? One guess. Standard and Poor's rates Israel's long-term creditworthiness, for loans not backed by U.S. taxpayers, as "triple B", the lowest rating on their investment index, while the Export-Import Bank gives Israel's economy a "D" in a range from "A" to "F".
Israelis only interest is to bleed the taxpayer. J.B.
and lastly,
SPOTLIGHT, 8-19-91: Under the heavy-handedness of Israeli Housing Minister Ariel Sharon, the Israelis continue to accelerate settlements in the Occupied Territories--contrary to UN Resolution 242 to which Israel promised to adhere. The reason for this foot dragging in the Zionist dream of a Greater Israel, a dream nurtured by Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir, former Prime Minister Menachem Begin and Sharon.
Israel is trying to wear out the UN, the Western nations and other Middle East countries waiting for them to pull out.
Israel's true position in the Occupied Territories is revealed by former Israeli Supreme Court Justice Haim Cohen, who said, "We hold the West Bank as trustees only."
It is elementary that a trustee who takes from the trust property is stealing in one of the ugliest ways. J.B. [Aho!]
End Quoting.
In the same vein I MUST share with you, more insight from Earth example. I want you to read this next with open eyes and mind. I want you to now see the full CONNECTION with the "new" Soviet empire and its relationship to Israel in which the full intent is to bleed the world. It becomes obvious that the coalition was always present in fact and in intent. Settlement of Soviet Jews is the cry for more and more and more! Why and from where? I think you better reconsider your first perceptions and you will see things a bit differently now as "hindsight".
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, December 24, 1991, Volume 17, Number 10, Pages 7-9.
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