A Nation Under The Pharisees
10/11/92 #1 HATONN
Ah, but finally some are waking up and not simply abusing and accusing without first "looking" at possibilities.
A "space commander" with silver ships and physical attributes? NO--a messenger sent of GOD (Christ-God) unto HIS people in preparation for HIS OWN COMING to reclaim His people.
This being, having served upon your place to measure your growth and divine stability, came and went many times--always promising to all nations, all peoples, to "come again". Always, in all times, first were sent forth the "messengers" and then would come the teacher in the midst of messengers and "angels"--REMEMBER?
If a being or thing comes from anywhere OFF "terra" it (they) are EXTRA-terrestrial! If the Christed being is "off" your place--He, by definition, MUST BE EXTRATERRESTRIAL! Are you with me so far?
Why do you think the Christed Master would personify in that land, called, now, the Holy Lands? Did he happen to prefer the ones in Judea to the ones in Northern Russia? NO, he knew it would be from these lands that would present the ANTI-CHRIST. MAN WOULD BE GIVEN A CHANCE TO ACCEPT GOODNESS INSTEAD OF EVIL. THE LANDS HAD FALLEN--AGAIN--INTO INCREDIBLE EVIL THROUGH THE KHAZARIAN RACES, WHICH HAD INFILTRATED INTO THE ROMANS AND GREEKS AND WERE INTENT ON ANNIHILATING ANYTHING OF GODLINESS REPRESENTING GOODNESS. These adversaries were intent on having total physical rule, power and property of the planet from first step onto the planet. The realm of evil is in the HUMAN PHYSICAL MANIFESTATION--evil itself being created and produced by human! Evil exists not in the higher realms of KNOWING and understanding--it is a purely physically limited experience.
The time is at hand now, as from all prophecies, for the cycle of change. In those days of the "Teacher", and before, the enemy "adversarial" presentation was called Pharisee(s). That group which today calls itself "Semite(s)" is in fact, the Pharisee(s).
When you speak out against a perceived insult to your moral senses, e.g., homosexual marches for rights to practice their sexual abuses in public, and/or against abortion, WHAT HAVE YOU? You have ones coming forth and shouting that you are bigots and anti-Semites and all manner of insulting accusations. These mean nothing for the words have no actual "meaning"--they are conjured to be insulting. Why? Because the accusations are coming from organized Pharisees!
How often do you turn about and retort? "Ah, but you are an ANTI-CHRIST", to your taunters? No, you slunk away asking forgiveness for speaking out in behalf of goodness! YOU expect God/Christ to come and pick you up simply because you believe there was some man 2000 years ago who came and died FOR YOU. NO, that will not "cut the mustard", little foolish children, for "If it be of the flesh it is not of MY KINGDOM which in NOT OF THIS WORLD." You have been reduced, as a mass of humanity, to awaiting the wondrous whisking out of problemland and la-la dreams into wonderment and perfection of another experience WITH THIS CHRISTED BEING! You even hold joyous visions of even being in the experience of some physically worldly pleasure when the lift-off comes so that you have to leave nothing behind--including your worldly desires, lusts and warped thinking.
The evangelists weep and wail and reach unto the heavens, and proclaim the wonderment of "salvation" and the "blood" of the lamb and "rapture", etc. No,no, no--it shall not be as you are told. Oh, you are going to "believe" on the TEACHINGS OF THIS BEING OR YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE and the fastest "ascending rapture" that I see is through atomic nuclear blasting of you into molecular and particulate form which will "float" on the "clouds". The message said that the Master would MEET you and come forth as from the Heavens in and on the clouds! HE ALSO SAID, "IF YE BE OF ME"!
YOU ones have grown lesser in stature with God. You have allowed MAN to "VOTE-IN" behaviors to suit the desires of "these modern times". Fine--it just will not get you off the place! To go into God's realms of glory you will go as a child in innocence and in intent of perfection with Creator's rules and regulations for behavior. Moreover, it is the intent within the soul which will do the presentation of credentials--not the lips of some human form which has forgotten what its task was and is.
Do you think yourself to be a "Jew"? Look again and carefully study history and lineage. YOU CANNOT BE A "JEW" UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES! "JEW" IS A TERM CREATED IN THE 18TH CENTURY (A.D.) TO DISTRACT ALL "WATCHERS". The ones who are self-styled, so-called "Jews" of this day are actually almost never Judeans or Judaists. The group today are practicing Talmudists coming from the Khazarian races who hated the "Judaists" with a passion unsurpassed. They hate the Christ (even in concept) and have and always will, seek total global control for they are the enemy of Christ God. They are all races, all creeds (in actuality, as voted-in) and colors. Their full intent is to produce a "master race" of supreme physical beauty and annihilation is intended for all others. They politically call themselves Zionists in order to allow you to think they are again establishing God's temple in Zion (Jerusalem). No, they are blood-sacrifice-practicing groups who are anti-Christ/God in all ways!
America was a blessed place upon which could be made a final stand for freedom--birthed through its foundation upon God's inclusion into the experience of her people. That is no longer practiced; you have no freedom and you have FALLEN. YOU HAVE VOTED-IN ALL THINGS PHYSICAL, AND VOTED OUT ALL THINGS GODLY. There remain Christ-followers everywhere about your globe--but now, you must find them for you will either change that which has come upon you or the nations will perish along with over 6 billion physical beings. WILL YOU BE AMONG THEM? OR, WILL YOU COME HOME WITH US--THE MESSENGERS?
"But, friend", you might ask, "how did America become enslaved? Through the "Jewish" banding system, Zionist brainwashing through the media and education, and subversion of culture and religion by the enemies of freedom and Christianity. "Christianity" itself was destroyed in its full and true meaning and practice AS IT WAS ESTABLISHED! THIS WOULD BE THE BIGGEST JOKE OF ALL ON YOU THE UNSUSPECTING! True to their pattern of enslavement, One-Worlders (Ultimate World Order) have now established among "former" (forget this as being "real") Communist slaves and the lying media and publications, these false ideas of freedom and progress. The crude and vulgar, violent and insulting American "entertainment" and "full life" are being spread among the liberated peoples and they are all now falling for the "bait". The plague that destroyed American culture and undermined morality has been imported into Europe under the label of "democracy". If anything should make you hang your head in total shame, it is this very fact of deliberately spreading this total evil through the lie that it is "democracy" and "human rights under God-ness". It is human rights, ok--elite physical power and rights over all other deemed "lesser" peoples. The perfect example is, today, Kuwait. A monarch with 80 wives was restored to a magnificent throne with no effort toward democratic or human equality rights for anyone. You take the bait, consume the LIE and the REFUSE TO ADMIT ANY ERROR IN ACTIONS.
So you will find that the years (generally speaking at the end of the 1980's) will go into history as the glorious time when the Communist oppression over 120 million Eastern and Southern Europeans started weakening and the enslaved peoples, for the first time in 50 years, entered a democracy of sorts. You can now look back from this, almost 1993, and see how well that has worked and the lie of it all. Everything in every one of those nations has worsened and the enemy is the same--by whatever new label it is called.
History will say (if there is "history") that 1990 was the year of the "death" of Communism. No, it was only the beginning of the very END of ALL freedom of the masses. It was the ending decade in which all freedom would be stamped out and billions of human species would be murdered. This murderer would come in the form of "freedom", "peace" and "protection"; it would come with BLUE helmets bearing great guns and phasers--it would come to imprison under the guise of "protection" and incarcerate under the guise of "housing". It would come and starve and slay through disease all the while pretending to treat, feed and "look how hard we try"--and you march to their drumbeat and lay down before their presence. They spit upon God and your national flag; they destroy (already have) your Constitution and your sovereignty and replace it with Charters and destruction of all economy and crops, and hold you bound and helpless. AMERICA WAS NOT BIRTHED AS A "DEMOCRACY"--IT WAS BIRTHED AS A REPUBLIC!
Do you dislike my subject? You had better look closely within at WHY YOU DISLIKE IT! WHY? WHY? WHY? Could it be that you KNOW MY WORDS TO BE TRUTH and it overwhelms you? So be it--for you shall have to hear it whether you be calling yourself "Jew" or "Christian". These people call themselves "Jews" and "Zionists"--why is it NOT ALRIGHT FOR ANOTHER TO CALL THEM THE SAME? IF YOU CALL A MAN BY THE LABEL HE CHOOSES--ARE YOU INSULTING HIM? So, it becomes time to call him that which "he" has chosen for himself--Jewish Zionists. "Jew" has no meaning and "Zionist" is a POLITICAL PARTY!
Let us look at these "Jews" in terms suitable. Let us look at the "Jews" vs. the United States as the best example for this is "where it's at and coming down" (in your own slang language).
It isn't possible here to re-cover all the details of the destructive and treacherous role of the Jews in the United States. For these "Jews" (Zionists)--with almost no exceptions except in cases of "ignorance" of facts--Israel (or the "Jewish community") comes FIRST, and the United States at least a poor second. Let us look at a few things the "Jews" have accomplished over these years of taking of a nation:
The Jew stole the secrets of the atom bomb from the United States and delivered them to the Soviet Union, then increasing the power of the Communists to later, in alliance (for the Jews also started "Communism"), enslave the world.
The Zionist-Jewish cabal, acting through the United Nations and the Jewish President [Dwight David Eisenhower] , prevented General MacArthur from bombing Manchuria and the Chinese staging areas beyond the Yalu River, and the Red Chinese troops poured into Korea with the resultant deaths of thousands of Americans troops. You didn't remember that one, did you?
In the Vietnam War, the Democrats, as the allies of the anti-American Jewish planners, allowed the disruption of the morale among the American troops, which led to defeat; these Global rulers needed a demoralized American giant to dictate the eventual surrender of American freedom to a global authority lurking BEHIND the United Nations. They also saw to it that the support of the anti-Communist troops was cut.
In Cuba and Nicaragua the Communist regimes were established with DIRECT, and secret, American help (by this same "group") through the "Jewish" anti-Christ media--TV, motion pictures, press and radio. Oh, indeed, the battle is the anti-Christ against the Christians, old friends, and that is why it is so "convenient" to be a "Christian" who practices "Judeo-Christian" invented rules and regulations--so you won't even "appear" to be Christian in reality.
To make the transition work there has to be severance of all attachment to spiritual TRUTH so that you turn unto MAN for your salvation, food, lodging and thus and so. The point is to lock you away FROM YOUR STRENGTH AND INFINITE POWER and into the enslavement of the human control through EVIL.
By making America into a Zionist partisan, and because of misguided support of two or three million Israelis in the Mid-East, almost a billion Moslems were made enemies of the United States--and you haven't even begun to feel the sting of that yet.
With the economy of your nation and, actually, the world in the control of the "Jewish" bankers, trillions of dollars of American national debt and the resultant inflation have seriously reduced the earning power to zilch, and the standard of living of a majority of Americans into the pits, and they are leading the United States toward a final economic collapse--coming up very, very SOON now.
The ruling "Jewish" bankers were the principal sponsors of WW I and WW II--that is THE unanimous verdict of historians. Their main goal was, as revealed already in the "French" Revolution: to bring down the traditional European governments and replace them by "democracies" or, preferably, Communism. Any form of government is acceptable to them if it lends itself to the promotion of their global empire. After destroying the French monarchy they continued sponsoring three major revolutions in Europe. Where the monarchies were amenable to "Jewish" controls, as in the Scandinavian countries, and the culture was already secularized (Judaized), as in Holland and Britain, they left the local Kings as the figure-heads. The "Jews" could debauch the life and moral values in those countries under the cover of "representative democracy". The three sturdy monarchies in Europe--German, Austro-Hungarian and Russian--were destroyed through WW I.
After almost two years of the bloody warfare that had already cost millions of lives, the combatant countries in WW I were exhausted and ready to sign the armistice treaty by which all armies would retreat behind their pre-war frontiers and the carnage would stop. The Judeo-Masons, being dominant in the Allied governments, did not want the bloodshed to discontinue as that might have meant the frustration of their goals of destroying the chief Christian kingdoms. They therefore intensified their goals of destroying the chief Christian kingdoms. They therefore intensified their efforts to bring America into the war and thus improve the prospects of an Allied victory. Finally a very flimsy reason was found in the German torpedoing of an unarmed ship "Lusitania". (And that was not what it appeared to be either!) The British Secret Service has made it known that the ship was carrying war material and the Germans took that bait and sunk it. Hundreds of thousands of Americans were thrown into battles against the Germans and the blood-letting continued for almost two years longer. The principal gain of American intervention was that the stage was set for another war to complete the victory of the "Jewish" bankers over the European peoples.
We will turn away from the above point a bit and consider this statement: "America under these 'Pharisees' ". Well, the Pharisees are the "Lords" of America. Somehow you Americans and most Europeans will be surprised that the Pharisees are still around. Most believe (because you are supposed to) that the Pharisees became extinct with the destruction of Jerusalem in something like 70 A.D. The Jewish authorities, like Louis Finkelstein who was the leading rabbi of the precious generation in the United States, tells you that the Pharisees simply transmuted themselves into MODERN RABBIS where the lessons of Talmudism and One World Order can be better taught and instilled. Even this, however, is a bit misleading and not quite exact in meaning. Some of the so-called rabbis have been the promoters of Zionism in its fullest flowering. Communism and anti-Christian Jewish Freemasonry, B'nai B'rith. These modern Pharisees are the sponsors of recurrent atheism, nihilism, revolutionism and all kinds of anti-Christian schemes in the Western culture, especially in the last 200 years. Ah, indeed they are THE bitter enemies of Christ and Christianity as would be taught by a Christed being of any label. You see, even "Islam" is a "religion" based mostly on "Christ" teachings. This is WHY the Arab world, Moslems, etc., are such DEADLY ENEMIES OF ISRAEL. By any definition--the Israeli so-called "Jews" of Zionism ARE THE DEADLY ANTI-CHRIST! THESE ONES HAVE INFILTRATED INTO EVERY NOOK AND CRANNY OF YOUR WORLD--I.E., KISSINGER, ETC. Even "Bush", who is not so-called "Jewish" but IS A SKULL AND BONES INITIATE FROM THE SAME CLUB OF ROME, MASONIC JEWISH KHAZARIAN TRIBE OF TYRANT CRIMINALS AND BANKSTERS.
These ones are THE crafty sponsors and secret promoters and popularizers of the destructive doctrines of rationalism, liberalism, anti-clericalism, secularism, occultism, sects, anti-Christian laws, and the most pernicious scheme to rule the world through the possession of gold and control of the mechanisms of finances, economy, revolution, media, education and culture. Remember that even in your tampered Bible, JESUS SAID: '...these sons of the devil..." (John 8:44), are far from dead, friends. They are very much alive and preparing the demise of Christianity along with enslavement of the peoples of the planet.
I sometimes wonder at ones who claim piety and Christianity--such, say, as the Lutherans. Do you goodly Lutherans remember that your own founder, Martin Luther (and you blacks who follow both this great teacher and Martin Luther King, Jr.) SAID: "...I have permitted this booklet (The Jews and Their Lies) to go forth that I might be FOUND AMONG THOSE WHO HAVE RESISTED SUCH POISONOUS UNDERTAKINGS of the Jews and have warned Christians to be on their guard against them." Martin Luther
Yes, here I do "go again". Why do you suppose an Anti-Christian like "John Coleman" hated with a passion one Eustace Mullins? Because Eustace wrote truth and he researched it and could "prove" it. To do his work, "Coleman" (aka Pavlonski--"Russian Jew" trained in Israel) had to pretend to be an ally of Christianity. This is WHY "Coleman" chose to utilize, for his quoting, the old "Geneva" Bible--so few would even know what he was talking about and would assume misunderstandings to simply be through translation. All I ever had to do to turn "Coleman" into a babbling insane man was to mention, and/or suggest, that he utilized Mullins' information. About everything he got of truth came directly from Eustace Mullins.
Mullins is a profoundly informed patriot and, if you get yourself a set of Mullins' books, you have all you need in information to see the whole of it. This man has been all but destroyed by un-American exploiters and his work suppressed to the best of human ability. At this time there is no publisher, which will reprint and publish Mullins' work! Forget it, chelas, for there CERTAINLY IS ONE. As long as any in our circle can keep enough funds to print and a press upon which to copy--so shall the word go forth. Dangerous? Of course, and how is your day going? Would you stand before God in judgment saying you did all you could--or as a coward saying, "I betrayed you, Father"?
If you don't know who this is, you aren't going to learn from me either, just yet. But you had best be finding out because you need what this daring man is willing to share with you.
Let me give for your ponderings what he has said about Mullins, as a for instance:
..... In my understanding of the evil forces which have been directing the affairs of the Western World and their global exploitation of humanity, I have benefited greatly by the studies of Eustace Mullins. Some of his insights and tremendous fund of information on "Jewish" bankers and their "Christian" stooges, which he had gathered in the course of 40 years of research, I have quoted in my previous writings and particularly in the upcoming book, AMERICANS UNDER THE OCCUPATION OF ALIENS.
While I was wasting much valuable energy and time chasing the vagaries of the "science" of modern Judeo-psychology, he was uncovering the dirty work of the international bankers in corrupting the U.S. body politic and enslaving the American people. I want to register my appreciation of this American patriot who was all but suppressed and destroyed by unAmerican exploiters.
In one of his later works, THE CURSE OF CANAAN [H: I've urged you and urged you to get this book and STUDY IT! Hard to get? Try America West! Does Dharma study this work? NO--because I want her clear and open to MY input--"I" and the author of these JOURNALS and it is what I know that needs to be in your attention--NOT WHAT DHARMA KNOWS! FURTHER, I am giving you this portion by Jurjevich right here because I want to write about the patriot, Gordon Wendell Kahl, to whom we referred as we wrote about Randy Weaver and Kevin Harris in the Idaho incident. I believe his description is one of the better outlays of the incident and I appreciate the information to share with you.] Mullins--matured in his understanding of the evils of the world through suffering and reflection--conveys the profound insight into the source of the evil powers that have been mangling humanity for more than 3,000 years. They have carried their explosive schemes through intrigues, collusions with rulers, wars and revolutions, always with the view to extend their power and subject humanity to oppression and political delusions. Mullins tore the veil of secrecy and exposed the nest of vipers--the enemies of humanity, the atheistic materialists. They had operated under various disguises, depending on the period of history: Phoenician merchants, Venetian or Florentine bankers, Dutch-Jewish financiers of Cromwell's Revolution, British-Jewish financiers of the "French" Revolution, American-Jewish financiers of the "Russian" Revolution, and as Rothschilds and Rockefellers, and other enemies of humanity, freedom, peace and prosperity.
I want to draw your attention here to an important aspect of Mullins' experience. While he was using the methods of modern, historical and social science research, he was able to reach some conclusions, yet failed to attain a truly comprehensive insight into the evils he was investigating. He had reached the conclusion that Satan had temporarily become the ruler of humanity and he had named some of the most notorious collaborators with the Evil One. Yet a further step was necessary to get to the bottom of the problem. "After forty years of patient study of the crises which face humanity", Mullins writes in the Preface to THE CURSE OF CANAAN , "I arrived at a very simple conclusion--all conspiracies are Satanic! In retrospect, this conclusion should surprise no one. I admit that it came as something of a surprise to me. I had never anticipated my decades of work would lead to such an all-encompassing and unchallengeable solution. This answer had eluded me through the years, not because I was on the wrong track, but because I had not yet consulted the ultimate source of knowledge--the Bible. [H: Now please, don't go crazy here. Where else can you better find the information you need both for and against Christ/God than in the "instruction book"? I am not speaking of Mr. Mullins' opinions--I am speaking as a "Journalist" who has access to all sides of the information. Let us just move on and stop your "hang-ups" on tid-bits and let's see what unravels here.] To trace the machinations of the materialistic conspiracy, I had deliberately limited myself to materialistic sources--reference material on banking, politics, economics, and the biographies of those who were most deeply involved in these affairs."
Mullins' insights thus provide a telling introduction to the main, more often implicit than explicitly stated, thesis of this book. "Christians (in the widest meaning of that religious-cultural group) have to revolt against the existing atheist domination of the American scene because the established order represents physical and metaphysical evil."
With the Bible an unknown Book to our secularized rulers and people, and with its light obscured by the screens of modern "knowledge", we are bound to falter, mistaking evil for good and remaining subjected to demonic schemes. "Humanity", writes Mullins,
"... has existed under a considerable disadvantage, unable to recognize or understand evil before being injured by it. Indeed, the great movement of modern history has been to disguise the presence of evil on the earth, to make light of it, to convince humanity that evil is to be "tolerated", "treated with greater understanding", or negotiated with, but under no circumstances should it ever be forcibly opposed. This is the principal point of what has come to be known as secular humanism. The popular, and apparently sensible, appeal of humanism is that humanity would always place human interests first. The problem is that this very humanism can be traced in an unbroken line all the way back to the Biblical "Curse of Canaan". Humanism is the logical result of the demonology of history." [H: And herein lies the full intent of the University of Science and Philosophy and Lao Russel (I did not say Walter Russel). It is proclaimed that Walter became, with Lao, a "humanist". This is not so; you cannot be a "humanist" and reflect the intent and projection of GOD!] The Christian revolt, I repeat, has to be radical and thorough. Its aim is to overthrow the atheistic materialists, under whatever glittering disguises (power, riches, fame, political recognition) they may operate, and reestablish the Kingship of Christ over all areas and values: education, culture, media, politics, economy and wherever the spiritual and moral health of human beings is concerned.
* * *
Just allow us to leave this writing here, scribe. It is good to not overburden the reader at any one sitting as breaks give refreshment and allow some pondering to the data system. We will take up Gordon Kahl at our next sitting. Thank you.
Hatonn to salute you and take leave.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, October 20, 1992, Volume 21, Number 1, Pages 10-13.