4/18/92 #1 HATONN
May the Grace of God be your shield through this time of trial and sorting. May you be given into understanding of Truth as the seasons unfold one into another that you may see God in EVERY day and every experience. What meaning does "Easter" hold for you? It has as many "meanings" as there are individual souls to experience, so, would it not be wondrous if it could simply mean love for one another that your days may be long and your journey "home" be in glory? Let us each be thankful for each gifted moment in experience that our knowing grow and our understanding become full and worthy of the gift. When you crucify one man, you crucify all and when you realize this Truth, you shall have come a far distance. Are you worthy to "claim" forgiveness? Is there question? What "right" have you to claim forgiveness? Who told you as much? Do you dump on more burden in false perception or do you begin to see Truth and Light in your actions? It becomes a good time for thinking on these things of spirit and physical that you might blend the two in correct perception.
"Easter" was holiday celebrated long before the one named Jmmanuel came into the world. It was a special celebration time in Jerusalem and that is WHY the time of "trial" was chosen to coincide. There was not even a word "Christian" at the time. I dictated a tape yesterday on the subject which I hope all who can will avail themselves for we are not ready to use the writing in this current sequence--but you need the information. I feel great camaraderie as we share the WORD in this more personal manner. You as a people have returned to celebrating the "original" meaning of the holiday and God is all but forgotten. Ah, may you be given into seeing the wondrous beauty and promise of the rainbow but also the hidden dangers for the enemy is the master of deceit and the Prince of Lies. If the focus is not on the promise of eternal LIFE at this time of season--then you have missed the point entirely. As the wondrous beauty of creator is reflected back unto the Earth as the flowers of renewal blossom--may you, too, reflect the glory and radiance of our beloved Source. Amen.
I remind you again at this season of beauty as the flowers come forth in promise of another cycle--or rather, that another cycle has ended--take your glass and look into the heart of even the most tiny speck of a flower and see its life. Take that "Easter" lily and look deep within its blossom and you will see a world of perfection which surpasses all spoken messages. These are gifts from your INVISIBLE CREATOR who gives unto you, His reflection, the wonders of the universe and offers the wisdom of all the ages if you will but accept. May you walk in beauty that glory may be found in your company.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR , April 28, 1992, Volume 19, Number 2, Page 7.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.