More On The Life Of The Master Esu "Jesus" Emmanuel
12/1/94 HATONN
We can't do it all and there are other things at hand. Dharma can only do so much typing but I really DO want to cover "JMMANUEL" during this month. The plot against The Church is so integrated within the fragments of destruction of TRUTH from the day of "Christ" that you people MUST see the connections. We will write as much as we can and move from one to the other to give you the most rapid input possible. It is as with your Constitution--you must attend that which is TRUTH before it is lost to your forever. Salu.
Let us write today, Dharma, on Jmmanuel and his teachings. We can probably dispense with further great listing of names of Jewish Communists in THE PLOT AGAINST THE CHURCH because you will always have the book for reference if more is needed. It is the outlay of information regarding the takeovers which is urgently important. You are witnessing the SAME at work in your Government and Nation TODAY!
As Jmmanuel went away, he saw a man sitting at the customs office, named Matthew, and he spoke to him, "Follow me!" And Matthew got up and followed him.
And it happened when he sat at the table at home, many customs officers and ignorant people and those who were seeking the truth, came and sat at the table with Jmmanuel and his disciples.
When the Pharisees saw that, they spoke to his disciples, "Why does your master eat with the customs officers and the ignorant?" Jmmanuel heard this and responded, "Those who are healthy do not need a doctor, but the sick do, and the knowing do not need the teachings, but the ignorant do, and those who were not falsely taught do not need the teachings, but those who were falsely taught--do. Now go and realize the falsity of your erroneous teachings lest you mislead those people who thirst for the truth."
Some of the disciples of John (The Baptist), came to him and said, "Lord, why do we fast and the Pharisees, you, and your disciples do not?"
Jmmanuel spoke to them, "How can the ignorant fast and suffer while they are taught knowledge? And how can the teacher fast when he has to teach knowledge to the ignorant? Verily, I say to you, your teachings are wrong if you fast according to the law of a cult. Fasting services only the health of the body and the cultivation of the spirit. No one mends an old dress by using a new patch, because the patch will come off again from the dress and the rip will become worse. Nor does one pour new wine into old skins, or the skins will tear and the wine is spilled. But one pours fresh wine into new skins and they shall both be preserved."
And when he talked with them this way, behold, one of the chiefs of the community came to him and fell down before him saying, "My daughter just died, but please come and put your hand on her and she will live."
Jmmanuel got up and his disciples followed him. Behold, a woman who had had an issue of blood for twelve years, stepped up behind him and touched the hem of his garment. She had spoken to herself, saying, "If I could only touch his garment, I would become well." Jmmanuel turned about and saw her and he said, "Be comforted, for your faith has helped you." The woman was well from that hour. [H: Chelas, please use your minds as we move through here. Jmmanuel did not say "you are healed", he said, "...your faith has HELPED you." There is no way to know if from that "hour" she was "well". These are the stories which in distortion cause the unbelieving to be correct in their assumptions of exaggeration and misspeaking. And look at what follows--a girl in a "coma" and yet it appears there is raising from the dead. Don't do this to yourselves, friends, for if you fabricate then there is no truth upon which to base a FOUNDATION.]
When he came to the house of the chief and saw the fife-players and crowds of people, he said, "Go away, for the young girl is not dead, but sleeping." And they laughed him to scorn. But when the people had been expelled from the house, Jmmanuel went within and took the young girl by her hands and said, "I command you, get up and walk!" The young girl got up, rose to her feet and walked. The news filled the whole country.
As Jmmanuel went away from there, a blind man followed and cried, "Oh Lord, son of wisdom and knowledge who knows how to use the power of your spirit, have mercy on me!" As Jmmanuel approached him he queried him, "Do you believe that I can do such a thing? and he replied, "Yes, Lord." Jmmanuel touched his eyes and said, "Be it done to you according to your faith." His eyes were opened and he had vision.
Jmmanuel warned him to go forth and see to it that no one learned of what had happened. But the man went out and spread the news throughout the whole countryside.
When this one had gone, they brought him two people who were mute and possessed. And the evil spirits were driven out, and the mutes spoke. And the people were amazed and said, "Nothing like this has ever been seen in Israel; how powerful must this new teaching about the power of the Spirit be to enable it to perform such miracles."
But the Pharisees said, "He drives out evil spirits through their chief, and he mocks god OUR Lord."
However, among themselves they said, "Who is this Jmmanuel who possesses greater wisdom and knowledge than we? His teachings are more powerful and more accurate than are ours. This endangers us, therefore, we must try and catch him so that he may die."
Jmmanuel continued to go around into all the cities and villages and preached in the synagogues the secret of The Creation and the Laws of Nature, so that the Spirit would attain omnipotence. He preached about the spiritual kingdoms WITHIN man, and he healed all manners of sickness and infirmities.
When he saw the people, he took great pity on them for they were parched and scattered like a herd of sheep without a shepherd. He was greatly saddened and he spoke to his disciples, "The harvest is great but there are only a few laborers to bring it in. Seek and pray in your Spirit so that more laborers will be found for the harvest."
And it happened that they found laborers for the harvest, who gathered around Jmmanuel and his disciples. [H: Do you not think perhaps it might have well been Jmmanuel AND his disciples who led the march to the fields? You see, if everyone pitches in rather then sitting back and waiting--the harvest shall be saved--EVERY TIME!
It is here that I wish to repeat something from observation and remindings: Many of the ones who served with Jmmanuel in the Middle Eastern lands have now returned with me to serve again. It is with concern that we watch you beautiful people, finding TRUTH, thrashing about in agitation over directions. You are in a different time and a different place OF MANIFESTATION--with a job to accomplish.
Lessons must be such that the point can be used in all circumstances. You go where you can accomplish and allow seeds to germinate and sturdy plants grow to harvest. If you run about teaching one-on-one you will be denied hearing. Allow the ones to see the sequence of "happenings" and offer--do not force anything upon anyone. LOGIC AND REASON WILL PREVAIL IF YOU DO YOUR TASK WELL.
Let us look at what Jmmanuel said to his disciples:]
I called my twelve and they were as follows: Simon called Peter, and his brother Andrew; James the son of Zebedee, and his brother John; Phillip and Bartholomew; Thomas and Matthew, the customs officer; James, the son of Alphaeus, and Thaddeus; Simon Danaeus and Judas Iscarioth, who was the only one besides ME who understood the script.
I sent them forth and told them to NOT go into the streets of Israel and to NOT go near the Pharisees and the Scribes, but rather to go to the cities of the Samaritans (Sumerians) and the unknowing in any and all other parts of the world.
I told them thus, to do this after I would be gone from them, for these ones, the unknowing "heathens" (which only means unbelieving, agnostic, etc., simply a definitive term), for they did NOT belong to the house of "Israel", which would bring death and bloodshed into the world. Again, brethren, I speak not against any individual man, but as a defined group of oneness in thought and doctrine.
I told them to go forth and teach that the Laws of Nature are the Laws of The Creation, and the power of man's Spirit embodies life. I told them to heal the sick, rouse the sleeping, cleanse the lepers, and to drive out evil spirits. These services were to be done without pay; given freely to all asking. Material needs would be met with work of integrity in the marketplace--with honor and honesty. [H: Same thing TODAY, readers--exactly the way it must be to maintain TRUTH and integrity in the WORD.]
I told them to not amass gold, silver or copper in their belts. [H: There were thieves and robbers then as well as this day.] Their works would produce remuneration and it would be recycled into the business and works, that the work and word could spread. Those ordained to go forth unto the frontiers would leave the business in the hands of their servants who remained to insure a foundation of value to cover needs. All would "have" but no ONE person would glean great masses of wealth to be squandered or stolen.
At that time it was far different from your current life-style where there is a hotel on every corner and eating establishment by the bunches in every village, and you can travel by machine. Therefore, you need not travel and abide with other nor depend on another for your needs for all can be in the production of that which is needed. This is "if" you come into your purpose and settle down to do your works as you have accepted and committed.
Two thousand years ago the disciples were told to only go with those things that were absolutely necessary so that they could eat and sleep on their journey, and so that they could keep clean and have always clean changes of clothing.
Travel was dangerous in those days and they were told not to carry many things with them for they would only be burdened and would become welcome victims for thieves.
[H: Just as the disciples were warned about their actions, you too must face your responsibilities. Please recognize that the original scrolls were in large part transmitted by Jmmanuel directly to Dharma, so if "tense" seems without uniformity, forgive us as I am now dictating that which was written in the original volume.]
I reminded them that "Each good deed is worthy of its pay, and if you diligently preach and teach true knowledge, you shall not want anything. These men knew their purpose, served those encountered and, further, they were NOT searching for "self" but were serving others. These men were not going in SEARCH OF SELF FULFILLMENT AND INNER LIGHT FOR THE INDIVIDUAL "SELF". They were warned that they must not meditate in another's presence that that one's Truth might somehow rub off. These were not "flower children" drifting without purpose, living the lie of lies that they were off helping mankind. These "flower children" of your day were the dropouts of society claiming to search for their identity through every loose moral activity available while wandering and drifting about in groups of booster-uppers and meditation mediums. This, brothers, is the difference in responsibility and irresponsibility. This type of proclaimed "LOVE" is the most destructive one activity to plague humanity.
The disciples went on foot. They walked thousands of miles where you today can put a hundred fifty envelopes into the mail to cover the same thousands of miles. So be it. You cop-out by saying, "Well, you told them to do this and that and thus and so." When you do as they had to do, then you come and complain to us. And watch it, friends, if you do not do your job well NOW--that is exactly the way you will find yourselves doing it later. You have committed to do this work and we honor our WORD; we ask that you honor yours.
They were warned to check carefully when entering a village; remember, no motels! They had to search out living quarters in private places. So they were urged to take great care and inquire about if there would be someone in the village who would be worthy and willing and then they would stay with the same until departure, if at all possible.
They were told to salute a house when it was entered. You are reminded today, as then, to honor any house in which you enter. It is gracious and imparts love and vibrations of peace and goodness. If the house is worthy, your peace will come upon it. But if it is not worthy, your peace will return to you and you must depart.
They were told to stay in a place ONLY where they were welcome. Your truth and speakings would not be recognized or welcome otherwise. If you are in a place whereat breaking of the laws were prevailing--get OUT. Go where the messages can be heard and where sacred things are honored, for otherwise idols of whatever nature they so choose from worldly manifestation. They are not followers of The Creation and Creator nor of the Laws thereof. Where a man's thoughts center, therein lies his heart's desires and, in a worldly morass of ignorance and physical false teachings, the heart is rarely focused on God and The Creation.
The TRUTH for you today is as it was two thousand years past. No BODY laid down these laws for man some 2000 years ago. These edicts were passed down directly from GOD to a people acting in full disobedience of the very Laws of The Creation and who certainly knew not any Christ path of Truth. Herein is spoken about Israel.
"Flee from those places of false gods and false teachings, for they will seek your life because they do not want to forsake that which they have and that which they are." This includes the multitudes of false Christians, brothers. The false Christian Church Clubs will be first to effort at destruction of TRUTH for they have been so long misled by those false teachings. There has been a plot against the Christian CHURCH since Earth was inhabited. Worse, most people will have no idea that they are of the "lie" and are tools of Darkness.
Jmmanuel spoke seriously to his people, "Flee from the incredulous people who live in false teachings, for you shall otherwise lose your very lives. No law demands that from you, nor is there a law which would recognize such foolishness." There is need for LIVE AND ALERT WORKERS--there is no need for walking DEAD or DEAD martyrs. Don't be foolish in your projects--use your God-given intelligence and sound, good, solid business concerns and you will be accepted. Truth will follow like sheep to a good shepherd.
"Verily I say unto you, however, many will die and shed their blood into the sand, because later my teachings will be made into false teachings, which I never taught, and which originate from the brains of Scribes and Priests set forth for their own gain, power and purposes. [H: I would say that came to pass and is in full blossom as we write.]
"They will thereby bring masses of mankind under their control and through the belief in those false teachings man will be robbed of his rightful belongings. MAN is God's temple; he needs no graven images nor ornate buildings with another "man's" name placed thereupon.
"In all the world, there will be screaming and chattering of tongue and teeth when the blood of all those, flows. These are those who have made my teaching of wisdom and knowledge into false teachings, and when the blood flows from all those, who through false following and beliefs and from those who were willingly led astray in believing the false teachings and in turn advocate them, TEACHINGS THAT ARE NOT MINE BUT ARE OFFERED IN MY NAME, many of the heretics will lose their very lives and many of these people of Israel, will NEVER find peace until the END OF THE WORLD because they do not believe and continue to deny the power of the Spirit and of Knowledge while corrupting and enslaving the world."
And Jmmanuel spoke to the ones of your current day, (year 8, day 107, Dec. 1, 1994) and on that day of first receiving this message (Aug. 2, 1989) HE did lay a hard message onto you for confrontation. He said, "I make no exception to belief systems nor do I condemn any man, as such, but the next is directly from GOD Source and there is a lot of cleaning up that needs doing."
"Verily I say to you, the people of Israel were never a tribe of their own and have at all times made a living from murder, robbery and fire. Through ruse and murder did they conquer this land, through their despicable predatory wars, whereby they slaughtered their best friends like wild animals." AND GOD SAID: "Cursed be the people of Israel until the END OF THE WORLD and it will never find its peace." Is today somehow different from two thousand years past? How so? Did we say to kill them, mutilate them, hate them or injure them? NAY, NAY, NAY--in fact, we of these outer realms are sending multitudes among them to work the wondrous transition, if it be possible. The peoples of that race are bearing our very own children upon your place to set them free of their bondage. But the cycle will come to pass and close exactly as written! There shall be no more and no less--it will be that which you create it to be.
I told them (my twelve) and so it is today: "Behold, I am sending you among the unbelievers and those set in their false teachings, like sheep among wolves. Therefore, be as clever as the serpents and without deceit as the doves." This is no small talk.
"Beware of people, for they shall turn you over to the courts and shall scourge you in their synagogues. They will ridicule you, deprecate you, denounce you in every aspect of your being, and then come running unto you to reap a share of the wondrous gifts you shall offer." Further: "You will be led before Kings and so-called 'great men' because of my teachings as witnesses unto them and the Light will go forth through your works and MY WORD.
"Take no care if you cannot flee and they shall turn you over unto the courts, for the power of your Spirit will not leave you, and your knowledge will tell you what you shall say and I shall touch those who represent you in truth. For is it not you who speaks, but the power of your Spirit and its knowledge.
"I am telling you, dear ones, try not to deal with Israel in your blind desire to assist for it has nothing to do with you--it is BETWEEN GOD AND ISRAEL.
"With Israel, you will get nowhere with these people until the ending of the world cycle and so be it. It does not mean that you shall not love your Hebrew neighbor for we speak now of an entirely different people and matter and one has very little connection to the other.
"I remind you: the disciple is not above the master, nor the servant above his lord. It suffices that the disciple be like his master, and the servant be like his lord. If they have called the father of the house Beelzebub, how much more will they call them who live in his house.
"Therefore, protect yourselves from that of Israel for it is like a festering boil. But be not afraid of them, because there is nothing hidden that will no be revealed, and nothing secret which will not be made known. What I tell you in darkness, speak in daylight; and what is whispered into your ears, preach from the roof tops. Be not afraid of evil slander, but be afraid of those who kill the body and take life, eyes for eyes and teeth for teeth, and life for life, (sometimes a thousand lives for the life of one), for there is not Godness within them. Further, they will eat into your flesh until your joints are frozen and you are too crippled to help yourselves."
I did not come forth to bring the world peace at that time. I did not come forth to bring peace, but, rather, to bring the SWORD of TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE of the power of the Spirit which dwells with man that he might KNOW LIFE INFINITE.
I ask that you provoke even your mother, father and thus and so, that eyes be opened and thought be made manifest in TRUTH patterns instead of continuation of sleep and inertia, walking steadily and deliberately unto your doom. But it must be done in leadership whereby truth is visual and many wish to follow because the way is "better". Ah yes, your enemies will likely be residing within your very own households.
The path of truth is distant and the wisdom of knowledge will reach it only slowly. I predicted dark ages would follow, centuries and millennia would pass before the TRUTH of SPIRIT could reach throughout the people. Please, are not 2000 years quite enough?
It has all come to pass, thus far, exactly as predicted that it would be. I walk with you in constant attendance and you need no more for you will have that which is sufficient for your needs.
I am prepared to meet my enemy on any front he so chooses. If it be Armageddon, so be it. You must know, however, that IT NEED NOT END IN DESTRUCTION--BUT YOU MUST CREATE THE ALTERNATIVE.
As Jmmanuel wrote in August of 1989 let it be realized that there actually is no turning back. Ones can choose to do so and may well drop aside but there is no longer time for turning back.
Though the heart and hands grow weary--let the soul bring forth its wondrous strength and beauty within GOD.
Salu and good evening.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, December 6, 1994, Volume 7, Number 6, Pages 12-14.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.