Please be open to thoughts that flow in the guise of "thinking" about this information. At first, "action" must not be a reaction but a careful process in the reasoning aspect of logic. Let the ideas flow and as they do so, you will find that some ideas will begin to grow and cannot be thrust away.
Have you noticed the relationship that Desire bears to such Ideas, and how, through thinking, that idea is finally brought to actual fruition?
Let us look briefly at this relation and process.
There is always first the idea, not considering at this moment the necessity or occasion for its appearance but let us say it is stimulated by the information being given. It matters not whence the Idea comes, within or without; for it is always God who inspires it or causes it to impress your consciousness at the particular moment that it does.
Then, just to the extent that you grow quiet and focus your attention upon that Idea, stilling all the activities of your mind and eliminating all other ideas and thoughts from your consciousness, so that Idea can have full sway, does God illumine your mind and cause to unfold your mental gaze the various phases and possibilities contained within that Idea.
This takes place, however, up to this point, without any volition on your part--perhaps save to read or see, hear or touch, or focusing or concentrating your attention upon the idea.
Once your human mind is given a view of Its possibilities, and has enlisted your interest, then does your human personality take up its task for, as the Idea in your mind was created and inspired, so were you given cause for that Idea to fructify therein to give birth to Desire--desire to bring into outer manifestation all the possibilities of the Idea; Desire thus becoming the mortal agent of God's will and supplying the motive power, just as the human personality is the mortal instrument used to confine and focus that Power.
Yes, all ideas and all desires come from God. They are HIS/YOUR Ideas and HIS/YOUR Desires which are inspired in your mind and heart in order to bring them through you into outer manifestation.
Now, the bugaboo: You may wrongly interpret those Desires, those wondrous urges from within, and seek to use them for your own selfish purpose, but even while permitting this they still fulfill God's purpose--let that not elude you. For it is only by allowing your misuse of God's gifts and by the suffering such misuse brings, that you can be made into the clean and selfless channel required for the perfect expression of God ideas.
The next wondrous step is realization but I think you have quite enough to ponder for this sitting.
Blessings be unto you for your day of realization is at hand. Salu.
Hatonn to move to stand-by that rest might be taken. Adonai.
Source: THE PHOENIX LIBERATOR, April 7, 1992, Volume 18, Number 12, Pages 7-8.