4/1/90 HATONN
Yes, we are going to get to that Journal on "The Church" and we are going to describe the very depths of incredible and indescribable horror of various facets of the churches which you believed were the backbone of Godliness. We are going to tell you exactly that which happens to little girls who error in "marrying" Christ in the Holy Church and the terror and horror within the walls of the cloistered monasteries. You are in for a gut-wrenching eye/ear opener. Satan's biggest churches are the churches themselves. They slop over into every crevasse of your society.
Orders and foundations spring up and finance activities which have no way to know of the input until it is too late to economically pull away from the controllers. This is why the Phoenix Institute will be monitored like a condor egg ready to hatch. Evil comes in all ways and faces.
The best-organized Satanist forces currently operating in your United States include the Lucis Trust. This is the leading, putatively respectable, United nations-accredited Satan cult--it worships Lucifer openly--operating out of the UN in New York and out of the Episcopal Cathedral of St. John the Divine, also in New York.
The Lucis Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the United Nations headquarters--namely, the Temple of Understanding--was originally founded in London in 1922 as the Lucifer Trust, now changed to Lucis, to make the nature of the organization less openly conspicuous.
Hold to your seats now: leading sponsors of the Lucis Trust include the following prominent figures and institutions:
Henry Clausen, former Supreme Grand Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree, Southern District Scottish Rite Freemasons, Norman Cousins, John D. Rockefeller IV, The Rockefeller Foundation, The Marshall Field family, Robert S. NcNamara, Thomas Watson, Jr. (IBM, former U.S. ambassador to Moscow), The United Lodge of Theosophists of New York City, U. Alexis Johnson, (former U.S. ambassador to Thailand), and Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, (American Jewish Committee), to name a few.
Prominent front organizations sponsored by the Lucis Trust include the following: The Theosophical Order of Service (founded by Annie Besant in 1908), The Theosophical Society (founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in 1875), The United Nations Association, The World Wildlife Fund U.K.,The Findhorn Foundation, Greenpeace, Greenpeace USA, Amnesty International, The Nicolas Roerich Society (chief connection to Russian mysticism, spirituality), The Anthroposophs of Rudolf Steiner, The Rudolf Steiner School, UNESCO, UNICEF and The American Friends Service Committee.
Of course you didn't realize it, chelas, it is planned that you not know it. You are people of the lie for all your generations. Satan set up the operations and has acted heinously in the name of Christ and Godness.
I have a question sitting in front of this desk, from a beloved one, RBA, who inquires about the Old Testament "Lord" who caused the Israelites to literally slaughter their enemies including women, children, and animals. You want to know the truth of the Old Testament chronicles relating especially to the wrathful "Lord"? The most heinous lies of all. These are not of God and they have NEVER been of God! NEVER. The Laws of God and The Creation have never varied by even a hair's breadth. The commandments of life have never varied. Man wrote the books to enslave you and you all marched to the "drummers of Satan" quoting the Bible all the way! So much for the state of your world, and now this scribe and hundreds like her, are being murdered to stop the flow of truth. Well, it shall not be stopped! So be it.
Dharma, this is enough thought overload for an Express, please. I do wish only to acknowledge another thing of two and we will close this segment.
I wish to honor George Green's father who made his transition and transformation on the yesterday, April 18, 1990. We welcome this beloved brother into our midst and ask ease of grief for ye who remain to mourn his passing. I must tell you, however, that cremation is also a tool of evil. Cremation became the method of hiding murder, especially in the religious orders. Ponder that method of ending placement of body. Once cremated, dear ones, there is nothing left to resurrect. I would always request a simple (the more simple, the better--without embalming) burial back into the Earth from which one is birthed--after at least a five day wait. You just never can tell what God might do! So be it and selah. Blessings upon the family of our dear ones and grant peace and God-speed unto the departing souls for their life has just begun! AHO!
George, I would give thee respite that you might go and make your reverence and personal assistance unto the ones remaining in his home-placement. Blessings unto you son, for you are faithful, but sometimes it is most comforting to bury your own dead. Let us not confuse "bury the dead" with the burying of loved ones--when the time can be spared--and we can spare of the time for that blessed man deserves reverence. So be it. I give thee peace within to allow an easy passage. Ye settled your communications a few weeks back and now the pain shall reap the reward of peace. AHO!
Thank you, Dharma, may we move to stand-by now, please.
In love and in the service of God, Christos and ye of my Brotherhood of Light--Salu!
Source: PHOENIX JOURNAL EXPRESS, April 1990, Volume 1, Number 13, Pages 6-7.
Transcribed into HTML format by R. Montana.