We exist in a parallel universe of non-form, and some in form not unlike your own, only differing in vibrational manifestation with higher knowledge.
You can know that we who come have higher knowledge in our present manifestation for we are here and you have not yet gleaned that ability. This is also how you can know we come only in peace and love, and not to harm for we are of higher learning and with higher learning comes the truth of the falseness of physical actions—WE LIVE BY THE LAWS AND WITHIN THE LAWS OF GOD AND THE CREATION.
You have placed yourselves into bondage and moreover, most of the most heinous bondage comes from that which you have had hidden from your consciousness. We must forge the conceptual tools that will give you freedom before we can show the keys unto the masses that all might be free. [1]
Man will forever war with man until he learns to give his all with the full expectation of equal receiving, and never taking that which is not "given" as an earned reward for this giving. There is now not only giving and regiving but the act of power which TAKES and TAKES some more. This unbalance will destroy any civilization. [2]
Man's right to choose the thoughts he thinks contains all the creative powers of eternity, even the creative powers of godhood. If he uses these powers amiss or misuses the divine gift of free-choosing, he will lose his free-agency. It is in the loss of free-agency that one becomes enslaved by the powers of darkness. The great issues this day are over this divine, God-given gift. All dictatorial governments must take away man's free-agency from him in order to obtain and hold their power. When this happens as it now has, either politically or morally, man is no longer free. He is a SLAVE. [3]
AS OF AUGUST 17, 1987 YOU ENTERED A NEW MILLENNIUM. YOU ARE 12 YEARS AND 196 DAYS INTO IT! All the ancient aboriginal calendars ended after August 16 and, like the aboriginal people of America (Native Americans, whom God called HUMAN--HIGHER UNIVERSAL MAN), they are waiting for two things: (1) their (and your) extraterrestrials brethren to return, along with The Great Spirit; and (2) to see if and how far man will fall during this time of kali (chaos). [4]
All (everything) progresses in cycles. This includes your civilization as well as all prior civilizations. It is that "new" comprehension periodically transforms mankind into higher understanding and being. A new cycle, of which shall take around three thousand of your years in counting, is now in its birth throes.
Each cycle of Man brings him nearer to his awareness of his Oneness with the LIGHT of his Self-Source. [5]
I don't require that you do anything save come again within the laws of God and Creation in intent and to the best of your ability according to your actions. Together we have created this wondrous illusion of experience and together we shall finish it in order to move on to more challenging experience--but only those who are ready to grow and experience within the laws as laid forth for balanced existence.
What will happen to those who do not choose to travel with our crew? That is between that one and God. Remember something--when God decides to change His mind--that which was, is no more! Ponder it. However, once experienced as a projection of God-thought--it is forever stored in God's data banks to be reactivated, or forever left to the archives. [6]
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[1] --Hatonn - Phoenix Journal 21, CREATION, THE SACRED UNIVERSE - THE INCUBATION OF THE PHOENIX, Chapter 15. Page 121.
[2] --Hatonn - CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 19, 1996, Volume 12, Number 9, Page 3, Article: 'Steps Toward Understanding Light And Life'.
[3] --Hatonn - CONTACT - THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 1, 1994, Volume 4, Number 10, Page 25, Article: 'I Am Come That You Might Have Life Eternal'.
[4] --Korton - CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 22, 1999, Volume 24, Number 5, Page 23, Article: 'Watch For Deceptions On A Planetary Scale'.
[5] --Hatonn - CONTACT - THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 1, 1994, Volume 4, Number 10, Page 25-26, Article: 'I Am Come That You Might Have Life Eternal'.
[6] --Hatonn - Phoenix Journal 33, MURDER BY ATOMIC SUICIDE - PLEIADES CONNECTION NO. IV, Chapter 1, Page 29.