3/15/96 #1 HATONN
There are myriads of questions, answered and unanswered, flowing through the ever-conscious mind of Man, "Man" being the generic term applied, in grammar classes, to the "species" of humankind. What Man does not seem to realize is that we truly invent, manufacture and yes, create, our environments, our goals, and our God or gods. MEN project the verbiage barrage from your pulpits and inner sanctums where only the Elite trainers and handlers are allowed to pass--AFTER THEY THEMSELVES ARE WARPED BY OTHER MEN'S TEACHINGS AND PRONOUNCEMENTS.
I am here for a very specific reason above all other intentions: To tell you that it is only YOU who connects with GOD in your lifestream. If a preacher connects with GOD in your behalf, who is GOD hearing? Since God is right there withIN you, how can it be that you shout to the Heavens and through a preacher who knows LESS than you about the ACTUALITY of GOD? God hears the preacher if the preacher wails his prattling and GOD HEARS YOU IF YOUR HEART IS PETITIONING HIS HEARING. However and Whoever is calling, however, THE CALL COMPELS THE ANSWER.
It is a FACT that, even in your fantasies, very FEW actually call in HIGHER intent as a "Christed" petition reflecting the perfection of God.
Let us consider for a moment that a man has the "big C". Even if he has it not, the fact remains that he will certainly get it once it is pronounced with great expert authority upon him. Now, he has "it", whatever "it" might be. So, now what does he do? He prays, and prays, and prays, i.e., "...take this burden from me...", "...take this incurable tumor from me...", "free me of this death-dealing problem...". So, what has he done in actuality? He has continually REINFORCED THE DEATH-DEALING, INCURABLE CANCER WHICH INSURES ITS REMAINING QUITE CLOSE TO THE PERSON HOLDING ONTO IT FOR DEAR LIFE. "IT" HAS BECOME THE VERY FOCUS OF EVERY WAKING AND SLEEPING MOMENT. A PERSON CAN BE 120 YEARS OF AGE AND WANTS THE VERY TRANSITION TOOL TO BE REMOVED--FOR WHAT? So, he can create another barrier to disallow him to fulfill this job for which he FEARS failure. Why? Because he has not bothered to LEARN HIS LESSONS! FEAR GOES DOWN BEFORE TRUTH'S RISING.
Let us consider the elements listed on your periodic tables for the scientists' use. As you move to the full circle supposed ending you will find only a transition of one thing into quite another. One thing may well change its shape, form and direction of electric flow many times through its own journey of living. (Indeed it is ALL "living".) However, as you study the charts as if you study the life cycle of a tree you will find the circles, the rings, of LIFE years, ebb and flow. In addition you will find that on most charts there are a vertical but linear flow of octaves and in each octave there are contained certain similarities.
As you move through the elements on the chart, you SHOULD also note that the very elements themselves represent their location by their various characteristics from birth to death. Ah, yes, there comes "death" again rearing its head above the living. Ah, but left to evolve, the death will come with a very tiny evolvement. Note the dissipation of radiation levels of any greatly radioactive material with the half-life of, say, 10,000 years. At the end of the 10,000 years, give or take a couple of years, the radioactivity dies and the substance from which it came becomes 'different' and begins its LIFE CYCLE again on the BIRTH side of the elemental wheel of charting, ever moving in endless spirals of actual life changes.
Let us now look back at the bearer of the "big C". Why would God deprive you of something you hold so dear? Why do you cast yourself down upon the faces screaming to have something taken away that you have worked so hard to acquire? Where were you in the "thinking department" when you did NOT have the burden? Ah, I think so, you didn't notice, did you? Do you have to be stricken through the passage of death into life to understand the values of TRUE LIVING? Yes, apparently so.
By the way, if you pray ONCE with Godly INTENT--ONCE IS QUITE ENOUGH! If you pray once, twice, or a hundred times for the same thing--you are telling God that you did not catch His response on the first try. Perhaps God healed you the first time you asked and gave the burden back on the 15th because it was obvious YOU CHOSE TO CONTINUE TO HOLD THE BIG "NO-NO". GOD IS NOT DEAF, HE HEARS THE THOUGHTS, NOT THE RANTINGS, AND HE ONLY HAS TO BE ASKED, IN SINCERITY, ONCE. However, HE KNOWS, when the "receiver" (you) is not hearing, is not in sincere intent and therefore, if your prayer always be "IN THY WILL, GOD" so can the answer come in any FORM, appropriate and fulfilling, best for the sequence of life stream. ONLY GOD WITHIN YOU KNOWS YOUR TRUE INTENT. HEAR ME AGAIN: ONLY GOD WITHIN YOU KNOWS YOUR TRUE INTENT.
Many write letters, cycled through Dharma, to me. Fine, I love to get letters and share with my friends. I consider the negative swats to the head and ears as my best counseling tool. It causes me, AND THEE, to check our compasses. However, when you simply say "you know what I mean", or "you know my talents", etc., No, "I" do not know. I have no right into the privacy of your thoughts with GOD.
If you want a job, for instance, within my "crew", I need to know WHAT YOU CAN DO, your intention as to SERVICE; will you just come and go bearing us ill will and problems? What is it you want from "me"? I HAVE GOD WITHIN; YOU HAVE GOD WITHIN. WE BOTH NEED TO CREATE OUR DESTINY AND THAT WHICH OFFERS GOD RESPECT OUT OF THE CHAOS. I KNOW WHAT I CAN DO; I DO NOT KNOW WHAT YOU CAN OR MIGHT DO!
The ones who really do, however, bring tears to my heart, are the seekers who "find" and then offer me something like, "I have been a total failure all my life; I know that I must come to work with you, Hatonn." Is this a good recommendation for the most responsible positions in the Universal order of change, this "I have been and AM a failure?" If you continue to affirm your "failings" then you have NOT LEARNED WHAT I OFFER, FRIENDS, THERE IS HUMBLENESS, SHYNESS, MODESTY, AND FOOLISHNESS. I don't want an EGO to bury my mission in his perception of knowing my job better then I, especially as I look around and find chaos and my task is to set that chaos to order. If you are so great in "presentation", why is the world in a mess; why clutter my job? Why do you do a thing? Is it because of your self-centered focus on self wherein you will now become "great and noticed" of gifting and giving"? "I" neither need nor want anything for ME; I have it ALL. Therefore, my focus CAN BE 100% TURNED TO ALL OTHER THINGS AND BEINGS. When the "me" is changed to focus on "you" in each individual, we have made the grade and can move on.
Example: One day, early on in our teamwork, I had some hard things to put to point. These also were considered "far-out" stuff. There was wailing and gnashing of teeth and finally Dharma flung at me: "What you say, then, is no longer my responsibility--but yours!" We celebrated for passing the greatest hurdle team members can jump. All the world of individuals can throw rocks at her for my statements but SHE knows it remains my responsibility and, therefore, I shall see to her security. She may not at any moment perceive this as fact in action--but she will come to see it is never from me in full responsibility. And, thus far, friends, I have done NOTHING save TEACH. I haven't even begun with the action show-and-tell! Along this line of thinking, readers, I can move a ship a zillion miles with a THOUGHT--CAN YOU? YOU CAN--BUT YOU DON'T KNOW HOW.
A good rule of thumb in considering God's actions is to realize that God will enter the picture in PERSON at the most unexpected times. Wouldn't it be fun if God did His arrival and caught George Bush with his pants down at the Bohemian Grove?
Will "we", then, all arrive at a planned spot on a planned afternoon? Nope, no way! We are already HERE. GOD IS ALREADY HERE! When you petition God for Peace and justice and salvation--FOR WHOM DO YE PRAY? You are noted for not being able to tell the LIE from the TRUTH as projected upon you. Did you pray for lack of death and damage to the Iraqis or the kids your blundering idiots send to the Gulf War? What about Panama? This war a "war" to bring order and control to the money laundries and drug transfer points. You gave purple hearts to your valiant soldiers? Which valiant soldiers, the ones who walked right off and into the swamp and had to be removed because they were stuck quite solidly in the mud after running off in the wrong direction?
Do you note your recent ongoing pictures of YOUR PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in his Israeli COSTUME in front of Israeli FLAGS, BEARING AND REPRESENTING EQUAL AUTHORITY OVER HIM? Citizens, that part of the war is over--you belong to "the enemy". You BELONG, hook, line, and sinker to the Anti-Christ. Those very people you now serve and to whom you offer up your own homeland--are by their own claiming, the Anti-Christ. IF YOU CAN NOT SEE THIS TRUTH AND FACT THEN PLEASE DO NOT ASK TO HEAD MY ARMY OR FLEET. CAN YOU NOT SEE THAT THE VERY DEADLY GAMES ARE PERPETRATED BY THEMSELVES IN ORDER TO BRING ABOUT THE FINAL ENFORCEMENT OF THE NEW WORLD ORDER? [Emphasis added]
Who has come to own the world? Who runs the world? Who makes the laws and restrictions on you? Are you REALLY free? God doesn't "OWN", GOD CREATES and therefore the thieves and liars do not stand a chance of infinite control but they surely can make your manifestation as human a sorely nasty proposition of experience. However, whatever you wish to believe or who you wish to serve IS YOUR BUSINESS AND NONE OF MINE. I don't, however, understand why you would want my things, friends, if you DON'T LIKE ME! IF WE BE "SO WRONG" AS PRESENTED, SAY, BY THE GREEN BRIGADE, WHY DO THEY CONTINUE TO FOCUS ON US TO THE POINT OF TOTAL DISTRACTION OF THEMSELVES AS TO ANY OTHER SUBJECT? I don't care if you break my suggestions, but when you BREAK THE LAW OF GOD IN THE BREAKING OF THE LAWS OF MAN, YOU ARE IN TROUBLE WITH YOUR OWN KIND, NOT PARTICULARLY WITH ME. Well, face it, readers: if a man breaks the LAWS against me, I shall most certainly do what I can to bring the LAW AGAINST HIM IN REVERSE ORDER! I note that most of the group of writers against us only continue to give us proof that our perceptions were and are CORRECT. He who lies to the courts, every time--will finally lie to the WRONG JUDGE! It may take a long time--but he will eventually become mired in the cement of his own lies, greed, and corruption. Therefore, it is now that we must supply these liars enough Judges to find one who will not longer tolerate the insult to justice and truth. JOIN THE "PRO-PER" SCHOOL!
An ex-Judge stated IN A PUBLIC PAPER that the Ekkers had manipulated the courts more than any persons he had encountered in his 35 years of being a lawyer and/or Judge. Well, he wasn't even an elected Judge, bought his title, and showed his affinity for untruth and allowance, if not his own action, of removing things from files, etc. The Ekkers were struggling, on their own at first, to simply keep a roof over their heads which HE HAD PERSONALLY TAKEN FROM THEM THROUGH HIS UNJUST RULINGS--BECAUSE HE HAD THE POWER AND WAS A PART OF THE SYNDICATE TAKING PROPERTY. Manipulation of the courts? How could anyone manipulate the courts? Certainly not CITIZENS! Now, after eight years of desperate struggle, they no longer care very much about the players but rather now they can focus on the "GAME" which uses all the opposition's RULES. YOU must learn the game, readers, or you will be blotted out by the wave of darkness come upon your globe. NO, WE WILL NOT GO AWAY! We will chew away at their Achilles' Heels until righteousness is brought back within some semblance of responsibility. AND BE IT KNOWN THAT IF YOU ARE ELDERLY IN AGE AND RESENT HAVING SUGGESTIONS ABOUT YOUR POSSIBLE INFIRMITIES--THEN YOU SHALL MEET THE PIPER IN RETURN FOR YOUR PERSONAL ACTIONS--BEFORE THE BENCH AS WELL AS ANY OTHER. IF WE CANNOT HONOR YOUR "AGE" AND POSSIBLE LACK OF REALIZATION OF YOUR ACTIONS, THEN YOU SHALL HANG OUT THERE IN FRONT OF THE WORLD AS WITH ANY OTHER GROUP OF WRONGDOERS. THERE ARE WAYS TO HANDLE ALL CIRCUMSTANCES AND WHEN YOU CHOOSE THE CLANDESTINE AND SECRET CONSPIRACIES, BE THEY SMALL OF LARGE, AGAINST ANOTHER, EXPECT THAT "OTHER" TO RESPOND CAREFULLY AND TOTALLY. Putting down the ones you have wronged does not make you other than WORSE IN INTENT! When you act to deliberately hurt others then I shall stand between them and you until they be secured.
No lie or suggestion can tear ME down! No threats or bad-mouthing can hurt me or my credibility! None of your wrong perceptions can touch me! Why? Because I am RIGHT and you have done some pretty questionable and deliberately WRONG things in full INTENT of damage! When you pull down ANOTHER to make yourself look somehow "better", you have erred greatly because you are now dealing with some VERY ENLIGHTENED people as YOU TRY to convince them "you" are somehow "wronged". Check the records. YOU are, if you join the "Brigade" of destroyers, simply weeding yourself from the garden. What have YOU done in order to be considered worthy of recognition? How have you served? WHO have you served? Where have you served? With WHOM have you and do you, serve? First check SELF and purpose, and you may have a big blinding flash or realization. Either way, to threaten ME and MINE does nothing save cause us to look DEEPER into what might be YOUR NEW GAMES! In that checking, all manners of information work to the top of the pile of other information already known. Accidents don't happen and they have not happened in the recent happenings of the Green Triad. To claim "in the name of God" while you butcher and slash at TRUTH is despicable--at any age.
... I can only suggest that you who have reached beyond the age of what you call "middle-age" begin to consider carefully your plight for you near your final mortal choices. You may well not think you need me, but you DO. Why? Because I stand ONLY for God and LIGHT LIFE. No, that does NOT mean I am the ONLY ONE who stands for God and LIGHT LIFE, but any who denies same denies me and that TRUTH IN GOD. This IS your choice and if you feel confusion--you need to do your homework for "time" is running out, and the odds of it running out on the elderly are far more apt to present "timely" in your circumstance than those who may be able to wait for the sequence to fulfill itself.
I am not your intermediary and therefore, NEITHER IS MY TYPIST'S "FINGERS". All those other "channels" are but intermediaries of the same ilk as have been all the priests of your religious temples thus far. You don't need intermediaries for they only set up excuses which are unacceptable to GOD as "reasons" when you judge selves in the LIGHT OF GOD. No true servant unto GOD claims anything other than THIS FACT. [Emphasis added]
Except for you who deny and denounce God and HIS HOSTS, these people in service would have no public recognition AT ALL. They ask for none; they plead to have none, and they do nothing to proclaim any greatness other than in the LIGHT OF GOD. TRUTH IS TRUTH AND REQUIRES NO PERSON SAVE INDIVIDUAL AND GOD! All in the physical world is but a give and take in a play while establishing potential reality. It often behooves the actors to listen to the Director. Pay attention to whom you attend your listening. Then note to WHOM you direct your prattle in whatever you call "self-defense" in return for the stance taken when you project your misinformation. You ALL seem to forget something in regards to people who are readers and work-sharers with ME. They are OUR contacts FIRST. Why do YOU find you have a "right" somehow to distract OUR FRIENDS? How came you to claim our people as YOURS? Mostly you have deceived the very people with whom you now denounce in favor of making self look honorable. You had best take another look at the results you CREATE. You may well end up without job, shelter, security OR friend. Will this be at MY doing? No, YOURS!
I am of THE ROCK upon which God can knowingly place HIS TRUTH. I do not intend to relinquish that ROCK unto the deceivers and frauds. Anyone can get off our ROCK, or be welcome aboard, but MY ROCK will soar to the heavens and I hate to tell you where yours is going to sink.
Why do I get so personal? Because if I do not stand in my own TRUTH, how shall you ever come to recognize yours? IF I do not stand strong and unbendable against the evil assaults--then you are left to blow in the whirlwind if you have trusted and believed in God's presence in me, His Messenger and Host. I personally have no input to you save that which I AM and that which I offer. Since you are free to get thee from me--and I ask that you do if you feel not my truth--why do you continue to annoy us with your silliness? You remind me of the bullies in kindergarten who taunt and prod the helpless little creatures on show-and-tell-day. That is, except for one thing, the creatures your prick will be ultimately, SELF, for you uncover self and deeds with each "cover-up" you present to hide or distract from truth.
I enjoy the way you ones write in great professing or our ignorance and misunderstanding, demand hearing BUT ALLOW NO RESPONSE--FROM "OUR" OWN PAPER. Nothing has changed HERE, so if there are changes--check out Self.
What we present are lessons and information for EVERYONE, for any tale can bear the name of Jane or John Doe or Paul or Betty Anne, Mark or Tom, Dick and/or Harry. The concepts and PRINCIPLES are the SAME and are visualizations of RIGHT AND WRONG, for yes, indeed, there is eventually and ultimately a RIGHT and a WRONG, and moreover: YOU KNOW IT. We can certainly tell when you (or a lawyer) are covering your backsides in your manipulated and planned WRITINGS.
Spare us the input and you will spare selves the response. I have told you all that I shall no longer stand SILENT when the "enemy" attacks and I KEEP MY PROMISES. I don't intend to "zap" you someway--I simply am going to present the TRUTH when you present the assault. When pursuing and protecting "Right" actions and speakings requires the LAW of the Land and of God, we shall use that method of protection, and, we will have the foundation upon which to base our own defense in honor, integrity and within the guidelines of the law itself--EVERY TIME.
... Always rejoice in TRUTH, readers, for in so-doing and in always serving God in that Truth, you never have to remember lies you have told--for the TRUTH is always there, every time, any time, TO SERVE YOU and WILL SERVE YOU CONSISTENTLY INTO INFINITY. [Emphasis added]
One of my tasks assigned is to present these observations and lessons, if you choose to label them by that term. If you don't like them it is your prerogative in choice. Opinions will not change the fact of the matter. Everyone follows some drumbeat--I suggest you make sure your Drummer is not leading you over the cliff to your demise. If YOU be in the shelter of the TRUTH OF GOD, NO EVIL THING CAN TOUCH YOU! THAT, CHELAS, IS THE PROMISE OF GOD!
I would note that even the man who murdered half the children in the Scotland town would have his own excuses for his actions. Ponder it carefully, students, because unless your reasons be based in Goodness, you ERR. A LIE NEVER BECOMES TRUTH BUT A "FABRICATION" CAN BECOME BELIEVED.
.. Since I am on the subject I would hope you would consider your possible POSITION when you cast your lot for my robe with my enemy. I AM EXACTLY WHO I SAY I AM. Who are YOU? I DO NOT NEED HIDE FROM TRUTH. WHY DO YOU? LIGHT IS MY GAME. WHAT IS YOURS?
Thank you and good morning.
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 19, 1996, Volume 12, Number 8.
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