May 16, 2015
3/12/96 #1 HATONN
We wrote a series of journals in which we greatly honored the visionists who came before us, but in your courts of injustice the POINTS were lost in the maze of foolishness of lawyers, court jesters, and everything that makes a clown-show. The first named defendant didn't even make an appearance nor was he (and she) ever required to do so. Our own attorney served that party in opposition to us WHILE OUR PEOPLE PAID THE ATTORNEY FOR THIS ACT OF MALPRACTICE. This shall not happen again if we can help it.
Those were works of great importance and, now, because of such lack of any proper focus in the case, we can't use that material as presented prior to now. Therefore, we move on to the input of others who have specifically offered their own separate findings in the realms of LIGHT.
How bad did it get? Well, in one paper I tried to stress the importance of the material involved, this being while there were books available. I said something to the effect of these volumes (I didn't write them) being so important that if there was possibility of "beg, borrow or steal" a copy to read, it would be enlightening. I don't argue that the words may well have been ill-chosen, but then, that is a cute phrase that you have used throughout your history to emphasize importance used of a focus. The statement was placed in quotes for the full intent of emphasis and quotation but Dharma was again accused of contempt of court and "advertising" books banned by the particular court in hearing. Actually there NEVER WAS A "HEARING"--EVER! The misery, however, is great enough to cause us to certainly take a different approach and leave the adversaries out of the loop in total.
Since there will come a place in our writings that will require "Periodic Tables" we will give full honor and present now respected and confirmed information. We have that information in a much more easily seen CYCLE of presentation from Tom Astley of South Africa so we will present the tables as a variety with, hopefully, the periodic tables as used in scientific authority. However, please know that on the accepted tables of consideration, many, many things are missing and numbers were not even assigned to allow for recognition of those things which have later been discovered.
What focus got the most entertainment value in the courtroom? Our labeling of the series of journals "Pleiades Connection". The thought that there could be any kind of higher assistance seemed to boggle the minds of all concerned. Even the Plaintiff could say that "his" client had "higher information from God" but we were categorized as "those E.T.s". So, I ask you a very important question: If it looks like God, walks (or floats) like God, is not cemented to Earth terra firma, has LIGHT AS SOURCE AND PROJECTION, what is it? GOD IS LIGHT AND THAT MEANS ENLIGHTENMENT and no cute E.T. can compare to THAT E.T. E.T.? Well, what would you call God who is THE LIGHT OF CREATION and certainly, other than being affixed in soul to mankind, is not glued to your silly planet? By ANY label you can "beg, borrow, or steal", this IS the meaning of EXTRATERRESTRIAL. GOD is as dense as the tree and as invisible as the wind--man is in-between somewhere with, supposedly, intelligence capabilities which are so well hidden as to be the REAL mystery of the Universe.
Let me assure you of something, readers: if ONE can receive from GOD, more than one can receive from GOD. In fact, everyone can receive from God and you need to know it NOW.
The parties who came to control the works and gifts of this great man [Walter Russell] shall never be given place of record in the Books of Life. Oh indeed, he fell to the gentle call of the sirens and, in the fall, his work is all but lost to mankind for those that followed are not serving God but, rather, SELVES. This is quite fine, readers, for the rewards of this are cycling back upon them in like KIND. EVERYTHING IN LIFE IS ONLY UP OR DOWN--IN SPIRAL FORM. YOU CAN CYCLE IN THE SPIRAL UPWARD UNTO THE HIGHER "LIGHT" OF GOD--OR DOWNWARD, IN CONCEPT, INTO THE LOWER DENSITY OF THE OPPOSITE OF GOD. From this very FACT of experience comes the concept of "heaven" and/or "hell". "Heaven" is total "freedom" in the LIGHT of right-ness. "Hell" is the absence of God "LIGHT" while bound totally by the PHYSICAL perception of "things" mortal. Human experience on a level of third dimensional "choices" makes the call for which direction you travel when you leave the old body for a new one.
Is it important from whence comes an "alien" from the Cosmos? Yes. Let us look even closer to your home for the response. Does it make a difference to the Government of the U.S. if a "cosmo-naught" coming to Washington D.C. is from Libya, South Africa, the SOVIET UNION, Russia, or Israel? Oh yes, IT DOES.
But what of the simple things such as ABDUCTIONS by aliens and all that "stuff"? Those "abductions" are usually NOTHING even resembling the stories offered, BUT, there is sinister meaning in the presentations. Do such things happen? Indeed, but not from a brotherhood of higher universal man in space out-there!
As soon as the man involved in authoring an upcoming book can get information to us, we will begin to share the facts as found and investigated on the existence of your inner-Earth PEOPLE.
There are massive efforts being made to, as we write here today, map and establish the locations of the "ancient" tunnel systems and inner Earth dwelling locations.
The "people" of the races represented originally, of course, came from the Cosmos. However, as changes came and cataclysms happened, there was need for attending the needs of survival for some of the races of people on the surface of the Earth. You will find that the Hopi Indians know all about these underground Earth dwellers and brothers. They refer to the serpent races as "ant" people. I hate to tell you squeamish people that the visitors are benevolent and wondrous as to goodness--BUT they have now been crossed by every dastardly thing your own rulers could garner and crossbreed. Mostly the residual TRUE people are GOOD PEOPLE but living in the absence of GOD LIGHT has made them quite robotic in presentation.
Remember the "green ants" spoken of yesterday? Well--wherefrom do myths begin?
I have told you over and over again that the PROBLEM VISITORS are NOT IN OUTER SPACE! Your own nightmares are birthed and locked to your own land-based entities. You have NOTHING to fear from true outer space. You certainly have lots to concern about in the orbiting spaces allowed in your atmosphere and close outer shells within your own solar system. However, that too, is only from the ones from your place who play in those places.
Did these "people" come from Pleiades? Some of them, but mostly NO. However, those of the groups called the Plains Indians, as did the actual Hopis, come from Pleiades constellation. The Hopis were simply brought underground to be secured and cared for. It is from this very action that they came to believe they were birthed from the Earth and have Sipapus which allow for the SPIRITUAL coming and going to and from those underground living spaces.
What is the difference, then, in belief? Well, when the great cataclysms came before, some were brought into "space" for safety and some were taken underground for safety, and that realization remains in the hand-me-down truth of the oral traditions. The SOURCE of human is the same; the saving of the races is all that is different. The brothers from the LIGHT, as is recognized, are by far more ADVANCED than those bound by the tunnels of existence in separation from the SUN.
Many of the TRUE underground races hope to be able to "surface". They also must know how to handle you people who will be taken below ground for your "saving" in mortal form. They too are working through their learning processes for upward mobility instead of being locked to the "Hell" of Earth darkness. Do I speak figuratively? NO! I speak "literally". Guess where the evil multitudes of controllers PLAN TO GO FOR SAFETY? GOD'S PEOPLE WILL BE REMOVED TO THE OUTER-SPACE SECURITY.
Let us move back in our lessons quite a way, to when we spoke of the Khazarian Serpent People. This is the label the Khazarians gave themselves: "Serpent People". All you need do is LOOK at the former Prime Minister of Israel, Yitzhak Rabin, and SEE that he was DIRECTLY FROM this race of aliens.
The Khazarian tribes were warring "little" people, quite gray in coloring and, until they interbred (read the Protocols), were a tiny people of shrewd commercial abilities and always at war. They lived by the adversarial rules opposite those of Creator God. THEY STILL DO!
They must now, by the LAWS of Universal Law, leave God's people of Light--alone, once established. But, they are allowed to CONVINCE you through MIND to join them if you choose to do so. I toss this in as a warning. You go join the dark actions of the perpetrators of injustice and crime, while advocating the "acceptance of all actions", and YOU will either be blown away as the wars flame up or you will end up in the craters of underground lockdown. Heaven or Hell is of your own choosing.
Now, I can offer you volume after volume on LIGHT and, unless you choose to use the LIGHT, you are not going to get off your prison planet--period! You can play your silly games of this receiver or that receiver and prattle till the cows come home with or without milk, BUT, the FACTS are that you will not get off your planet alive in body or, in probability, sound mind--unless you choose TRUTH IN LIGHT! I CARE NOT WHO TELLS YOU OTHERWISE.
Narrow? YES INDEED! All you are doing with your silly quibbling about silly things is separating and sorting "ours" from "theirs"! The underground brothers are prepared to place you if it works out that way but I can promise you that you WILL NOT LIKE IT! CARETAKERS DON'T LIKE IT BUT THEY SURELY ARE LEARNING THEIR HARD LESSONS IN HOPES OR BREAKING FREE AND GOING HOME TO THEIR INDIVIDUAL "SPACE" HOMES ONE DAY.
You will find the cross-breeds of these races very robotic and unemotional. The higher state of being of the REAL and TRUE beings are spiritual and wondrously GOOD. The Etherians who dwell as teachers with them are guides of the highest form and are basically structured of light in an almost invisible form.
I suppose if you consider that you perhaps don't know this truth as being presented, it is considered a "secret" and a "mystical" unknown. However, it is NEITHER SECRET nor MYSTICAL. If you don't know about this then I guess you can consider it "mysterious" until you come to KNOW the facts.
Are the brothers from outer-space higher beings than the little ones under the Earth? Yes--in enlightenment and soul advancement. When you go back to the "cave", brethren, you become quite stinted, stunted and dense. You can move in your "spiral" upward or downward. Which direction will your soul move from YOUR GRAVE? After that choice, which direction will you move? Oh yes, it becomes very important.
Friends, I am humble to be in your service as teacher for together we CAN come to KNOWING within the ALL which is the Light of Creation. I shall not join you, however, if you choose the lower spiraling cycles downward. I will offer, to each and ALL, Truth. Beyond that, I go one way and you shall go the other if it be your choice. I do not drag, push or abduct. YOU CHOOSE! It can't hurt you to live in goodness and it might just save your bacon! You who think you are making brownie points for knocking and hacking at my team are making your own grave which empties downward but that, too, is YOUR choice.
Henceforth, you shall have had opportunity to learn truth and, therefore, you shall be confronted openly, publicly, and in the law. I don't play silly games past the opening scene where you "don't know" real truth and are taught that everything is acceptable and OK. Everything is NOT OK, NOR ACCEPTABLE. You denounce me and I shall denounce YOU. This attitude doesn't sound Godly? I ask you: "What do YOU really know about GOD?" If you think you know it all, leave me alone--go away from me. Go find someone, such as Lemura suggests, who speaks softly of NOTHING. You will find as many Kryons, Protons, Zenons, Mafus, Ramthas, Krytons, Krotons, Croutons, Duggahs... as you WANT TO FIND to sooth and comfort you in your foolishness. GOD IS DEMANDING IN HIS CONDITIONS. However, HE ALLOWS all the FOOLISHNESS you can conjure. The CONSEQUENCES are the things to consider, readers--THE CONSEQUENCES!
Do you want to spend your "eternity" in dark tunnels with little gray things poking in your belly button? Or, do you want to soar with eagles and Angels? The choice is strictly yours.
No, the choice is not TOTALLY one or the other--HOWEVER, those who are taken to that "underground" life will be barred from coming forth into the Sun until they GROW INTO UNDERSTANDING IN EXPERIENCE. This keeps the surface of the planet open for the play to continue in its own cycle of growth as the "University" of Universal learning and physical choices. Anything shut off from the presence and LIGHT of God Creator is not going to be very happy, readers, nor are they going to be sound of body or soul. Those who are GOOD and have been bound to the Earth shall be risen and taken to their higher places of expression while those of density and foolish intent in the LIE will be left to dwell with the underground tribes.
Does this mean the Hopis, as a for instance example, are primitive underground dwellers of the dark forces? Certainly NOT. STOP YOUR SILLINESS, GROW UP AND GET A LIFE. I am here to tell you: THIS IS SERIOUS BUSINESS WE ARE ABOUT AND IT IS YOUR BUSINESS! Where will YOUR SOUL be when the BIG plagues hit, the collapse comes, the SHIFT happens? It behooves you to look at that carefully for time is speeding up in perception and you may not have opportunity to put off your choosing much longer as the sequences pour in one upon the last. I call it, at the least, climax time, even if we do not consider Armageddon or Cataclysmic Catastrophe OR Apocalypse!
Do you actually think WE CARE WHAT YOU THINK ABOUT US if it be denial or negative? Come now, readers, we come from the Cosmos so your little mortal imaginings and self-centered ego-trippings do not interest us very much. I am not here to CONVINCE you of ANYTHING--I am here to GET GOD'S PEOPLE! You will WANT to join us or you will NOT JOIN US! Is this understood? If not, then make an effort to come into ability to UNDERSTAND. Or, take your opinions and get out of our space. There is a major task before us in preparation for whatever comes, and whether of not YOU like it makes not one iota of difference. If you know how to change things so all-fired "YOUR WAY", then WHY HAVE YOU NOT DONE SO? I am reminded of the visitors who giggled at our fun little circle here and said loudly in a silly presentation of "By God I am going to do God's work, but I am going to do it MY WAY." So be it, I note that "your way" has NOT WORKED anything but poverty and failure! Why don't we USE God's way for a change?
You can get along with us in just one way: Admit to self and us that you don't know everything! From that base we can accomplish miracles. Set aside the ego and we can work wonders but, I, for one, am weary of trying to not injure all your little "feelings" and being expected to sweetly accept your batterings and actual stupidity. Ignorance is one thing; stupid actions are quite another. Deliberate damage in the name of something "good" is altogether unacceptable in each case. If YOU think that your behind-the-back gossip and dirty tricks, your phone calls with nasty name calling to aligned persons, is helping your cause in some way--I have bad news: Your total ignorance and deceit is showing and certainly is TELLING ON YOU. All the pink and purple ink you can use cannot cover the dirt spots on the paper of your soul.
To continue and to broaden the accusations while trying to cover your dirty deeds and, now, your actual "criminal" activities will merit you nothing save a major spiraling back upon you, with worse affliction than you "thought" you had at the beginning of the WRONG CHOICES OF ACTIONS. Allow your children to experience YOUR WRONGS and this is where, "the SINS OF THE FATHER/MOTHER SHALL BE RESTED FOREVER UPON THE CHILDREN." Those children will grow to DESPISE you for your attitudes and actions for you will have caused them to go through hate to hurt that which was actually "good". You cannot hide the truth from the child--for the child KNOWS even if he sputtereth otherwise.
Will the ones who turn (or remain) against our Creator Source be left to experience that which is moving in sequence of heinous prophecy upon them? YES, for "force" is not of God and Creation will work her changes and reclamation with or without permission of Man. God will "allow" and "Space Command" has nothing to say about the matter.
Whether or not you like it, you ARE headed for a major transition. I further suggest that you understand something about that transition: You are come to a point of realization as a species and a planet wherein you experience the negative unbalance of chaos with no massive effort to come into Truth. Those who press and are flowing back into making all efforts to understand and change their pathway are flocking ever increasingly into places where evil has taken the pulpits and silenced the voice of Truth. Though God can never be silenced, Truth can be buried.
The planet Earth Shan shall be cleansed, purified, and healed. That simply is the way it shall be and prophecy has nothing to do with the circumstances. Prophecy at best is only a WARNING!
You have a couple of things to consider in physics as a realization. The great and simple basic fact is that all"death" is caused by expansion, and all life is caused basically by compression. Is this a "far-out" possibility? No. All material bodies, organic and inorganic, live and grow by what appears to be increasingly fast motion. They also die and decay by increasingly fast motion. Is this actually what is happening? No, because all "things" simply ARE and motion is a PERCEPTION. The intention of the ones who would control your world is a plan to speed up the sequence of experience through several methods of bombardment. The major controlling factor will come through forms of what you call "radiation". These will present as pulsed waves which EXPAND massively. These will be very damaging to mortal forms.
It may well seem quite in opposition to all you have thought or been taught to think about living and dying but I will boggle you a bit further here for your concepts are almost exactly in opposition to the actuality of LIFE.
Life deeply desires to live, but has to work hard to keep sufficiently "charged" to maintain life, while death can fulfill its desire to die without any effort whatsoever. That, in itself, should tell you what lies before YOU if you "just continue" to "be" in the acceptance of anything and everything as you wash about on the winds of whatever comes. To "charge" a body with life takes time and much effort, but a discharge can be timeless and without effort. The flash of a short circuit is not only a good example of this fact but is a full demonstration of its PROOF. You are but "electric"-based beings.
Death, therefore, means rest, or cessation of motion. Sound is motion created with an effort, but it ceases without effort. It is an effort for you to arise and work, but it requires no effort for you to cease working and become at rest. It requires abundant energy to heat an iron rod but requires nothing for the rod to cool, or to remain cold. Therefore, the first realization is that all things [physical] will "die" without effort and this is normal and natural as sequence of expression. If you multiply this process through helping death, say through murder, you have multiplied "cause". You have "helped" in the expansion process which culminates in death. The concept is alien to you only until you reconsider the death-dealing RAYS of radioactivity radiation. In this construct I have jumped ahead in the information but you stand at the brink of this very kind of sound, light and pulsed demise and you need to realize that, beyond understanding simply "life and death", you have to have a reasonable concept of the processes.
Consider this fact: LIFE is "compression"; DEATH is "expansion"; and ALL is electric--ALL IS LIGHT--and GOD IS THE ONE LIGHT FROM WHENCE YOU AND CREATIONS ARE BIRTHED OR "BORNED".
God had to first have LIGHT for from that Light and God THOUGHT comes everything. You cannot even have a holographic picture without light from EVERY direction for dimensional form. GOD THEN EXTENDS HIS LIGHTED "THOUGHTS" AND ALL "BECOMES". You may well not understand it yet, but I think the concept is quite simple even without full comprehension.
Man's concepts of almost everything are so distorted as to seemingly be outrageous. I note your "news" very carefully for I am in full shock and astoundment at what is tossed off onto you viewers and listeners without so much as a hic-up.
There is supposedly a Chinese-originated SPY satellite out of control, losing orbit (however such a thing could happen) and headed for a hard landing to Earth--or perhaps it already hit the sod, so to speak. That is not what is interesting--it is the tale accompanying the event. First, no one seems to know where it should land. Well, if technology is good enough to pinpoint your credit card number from the moon, can't the learned men of wisdom calculate fall and speed and select a likely hitting sector? Next they say it, the satellite, would bear "warheads", first thought to be radioactive as "nuclear", then it was "biological VIRUSES" to devastate the U.S. and then the final funny: "...it carries, among other things, mold presses for $100 bills." Say what? Are you nuts? Why in the world would a self-respecting CHINESE anything put onto a satellite a $100 bill press for counterfeit currency? The robot reporters never even blinked or twitched the eyelashes (which would fall off the face if activated). Worse however, neither does the brain twitch or blink at the stupid assumptions.
I am considered to be a very pragmatic and difficult old boy in my circles. I don't twist you and turn you upside-down nor do I play to your nonsense. Nonsense will land you in that "hell" of description and TRUTH and KNOWING TRUTH shall land you in that nice place called "heaven". That CHOICE is yours and, furthermore, I can quite logically and literally LOVE you while I have no intention or requirement TO LIKE YOU. If I "yell" at you is it not just possible that I care enough to make an effort to be heard? If you think GOD does not shout at you--YOU ARE MISTAKEN. How many of you have been unprepared in the middle of a tornado or flood? GOD IS SHOUTING AT YOU, BLIND AND DEAF CHILDREN. HE sends US to be wayshowers and messengers. YOU DO WHAT YOU WILL AND THAT WHICH YOU WANT AND CHOOSE. JUST REMEMBER THAT NO ONE, NOT YOUR WIFE, YOUR HUSBAND, YOUR NEIGHBOR, YOUR SO-CALLED FRIEND, YOUR CHILDREN--NOT ME, NOR DUGGAH NOR DRAGOO--NO ONE--CAN NOR SHALL DO IT FOR YOU.
Good morning and may the LIGHT strike you soundly!
[To Be Continued...]
Source: CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, March 19, 1996, Volume 12, Number 8.
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