12/20/95 #1 HATONN
Let us offer some more "articles" as presented by Calvin Buehrer about the One World Church Order.
You may well wonder why there is so much "reprinted" material in these writings, well, it is because we are listed as Hate-Mongers, Domestic Terrorists and Bigoted Anti-Semitics otherwise. If we offer you information from the Jewish journals, papers and magazines--the label CANNOT apply readers. You don't need "revelation", you need confirmation. If, for instance, we speak of TIME's presentation regarding Rabbi Schneerson being the next Messiah--we are simply passing on the word. I have no pick with any race or color of person and I don't want to allow my "creed" to interfere with good JOURNALISM.
by Calvin A. Buehrer
An ultra-Orthodox sect says the Redeemer is due to arrive any day now--and he might be an American. TIME, March 23, 1992. By Lisa Beyer--Kfar Habad.Israel Jews like to tell an old fable of a Russian Jew who goes to his rabbi in search of a job. The rabbi instructs the man to stand at the village gate each morning and wait there to greet the Messiah when he comes. For this, the rabbi offers the man a ruble a month. "The pay is so low", the man complains. "Yes", says the rabbi, "but the job security is excellent."
That mythological gatekeeper would be scanning the want ads today, according to a group of ultra-Orthodox Jews. Israeli members of the large and powerful Hasidic movement Habad are convinced that at any moment [H: Undoubtedly, "imminently".] , the Redeemer will arrive in Jerusalem. In a burst of fervor, they have erected yellow billboards across Israel, instructing passers by to PREPARE FOR THE COMING OF THE MESSIAH. Bumper stickers carry the same message, as do electrified signs atop Habad cars. A full-page ad announcing "The Time for Your Redemption Has Arrived" has run in the New York Times, and Habad speakers have been crisscrossing the U.S. to deliver their message. And who might the Messiah be? Easy, say Israel's Habadniks: their leader Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson, 89, of Brooklyn, N.Y. [H: Well, readers, I guess Jesus is "out", along with Buddha, Muhammad, etc.]
Utterly blasphemy is what many other religious Jews say. Critics or Habad, which is also known as the Lubavitch movement, after the Bularussian village of its founding, are both angry and worried. Eliezer Schach, one of Israel's leading ultra-Orthodox rabbis, has publicly called Schneerson "insane", and "infidel" and "a false Messiah". The local papers carried Schach's outrageous charge the Schneerson's followers are "eaters of trayf" food such as pork that is forbidden to Jews. Other detractors fret that Habad's Messianic passion will provoke a schism in Judaism or lead to mass disillusionment, driving believers from the fold. Says philosopher Rabbi David Hartman: "The outpouring of Messianic fervor is always a very disturbing development. [H: Ah, but notice something: These are not called "anti-Semitic" OR "cult". But by pure DEFINITION they ARE BOTH. How so? They are "traditional" Hebrew lineage followers--and NOT KHAZARIAN ZIONISTS WHO CALL THEMSELVES "JEWS" BUT ARE NOT!]
Within Habad, a well-financed organization with 30,000 followers in Brooklyn and at least 100,000 worldwide, the expectation of the Messiah's coming has been building since Schneerson in the past few years began exhorting his disciples more and more to actively prepare for the day. The crumbling of the Iron Curtain and the Soviet Union's demise, explains Habad spokesman Rabbi Yehuda Krinsky, "lead one to think that these extraordinary, shattering events are a precursor to something even more cataclysmic."
Anticipation sharpened after the gulf war, whose impact on Israel Schneerson supposedly predicted. Before the fighting began, the Lubavitcher rebbe, or spiritual leader, declared that Israel would be the "safest place in the world". Actually, 74 Israelis died, all but six of them from heart problems caused by the terror of 39 Iraqi Scud-missile attacks. Still, the loss of so few lives seemed to many Lubavitchers the result of divine Providence.
Last month the rebbe gave permission to one of his flock to begin building a house for him in Kfar Habad, the movement's village in Israel. Schneerson has never set foot in the Jewish state, and his followers believe he will do so only at the moment of Redemption. The ground breaking was seen as a sign that the time is near. "The Messiah will come any day", declared Moshe Kruger, standing on the plot for Schneerson's house.
It is not an official tenet of Habad's belief the Schneerson is the Messiah, but many of his followers say outright that he is, and some have petitioned him to "reveal" himself. The rebbe has on a few occasions denied that he is the Redeemer but has done little discourage speculation.
Two weeks ago, Schneerson received a vote of confidence from renowned Talmudic scholar Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz. Though a Lubavitch himself, Steinsaltz has a reputation for sober erudition so it caused a small stir among the non-Habad Orthodox when he said Schneerson was "the most likely person on the scene now" to become the Messiah.
Steinsaltz, who points out that Messionic expectation is a fundamental tenet of the Jewish faith, believes that each generation produces a candidate and that ordinary people can speed his coming by creating an atmosphere for Redemption. Other scholars reject Habad's active campaigning for the event. Followers of Rabbi Schach, a longtime rival of Schneerson's, believe the arrival of the Messiah is God's business, not man's. "When he comes, he comes", says Avaraham Ravitz, a member of the Knesset. "It's crazy to force the Messiah to come by selling him like Coca-Cola, with jingles and stickers and billboards."
Habad's critics also say the group may be creating the conditions for large-scale spiritual disillusionment. "If you convince people that the Messiah is coming and he doesn't", says Ammon Levy, author of a book on the ultra-Orthodox, "a whole generation may lose its faith."
Concern that Schneerson might disappoint his devotees was heightened earlier this month when the rebbe suffered a mild stroke. But even the leader's death would not disprove his Messianic potential, argues Steinsaltz, who believes the Redeemer will be mortal, someone who will eventually die and have successors. In the meantime, the rebbe's adherents are praying he will recover in time to bring a happy denouncement to the drama they have been so eagerly anticipating. (Reporting by Hanna Bloch/Brooklin).
[RM: Rabbi Menachem Mendel Schneerson's present incarnation ended on June 12, 1994, so I guess that point is moot.
What is relevant, however, is the parallel that can be drawn between the intent of this Jewish cult and the intent of the United Nations. The Jewish cult's intent was/is to "vote-in" their own Messiah while leaving Creator God totally out of the equation. Similarly, the intent of the cabal of Khazarian-Zionist-Jewish men who conjured the United Nations Government and the U.N. Charter where all rights gifted to man by Creator God have been replaced with privileges granted to man, or withdrawn from man, at the will of this cabal in control of this International Government.
This is the epitome of evil, as, in both cases, the intent is to separate man from his association and communion with his Creator and God's laws for man. Notice how most of God's Laws have been rewritten to manifest this separation. As long as we Americans TOLERATE the unholy U.N. Charter to exist in our nation and ALLOW it to have power over us, we Americans will continue to experience a literal HELL ON EARTH! And America will cease to be "a shining city upon a hill whose beacon light guides freedom-loving people everywhere."; America will not be able to live up to its highest ideals in service to mankind. The U.N. Charter is unconstitutional and was unlawfully ratified between the United States and United Nations. Its rules are totally in conflict with the U.S. Constitution and much of the evils we have and continue to experience nationwide has its source in this U.N. Charter/Treaty. It is an unholy alliance that most of the U.S. Government is currently operating under.
This election year, may we all take stock of the things that are truly important. Let your elected representatives in Congress know that we Americans do not recognize the unconstitutional and unlawfully ratified U.N. Charter Treaty and neither should they. Let them know that The Constitution Of The United States Of America is, and always will be, THE LAW OF THE LAND! Let them know that we want America removed from the United Nations, that we want Congress to stop paying tribute to the U.N. thugs, and that we want the federal government purged from top to bottom of all U.N. agents, operatives and sympathizers!
And then, from the January 8, 1993, Chicago Jewish Star:
By Douglas Davis, Foreign Affairs Correspondent, C.J.S.
LONDON--While more than 400 activists of Hamas, the Palestinian fundamentalist movement, currently occupy the no man's land between Israel and Lebanon, the media attention focused on them has naturally generated curiosity about the movement's ideology.
Surprisingly, there is still much confusion about Hamas' attitude towards Israel.
That message from Hamas has been largely not understood in the West--or missed altogether--is not the fault of the movement itself.
For example, last month when it kidnapped and killed an Israeli border policeman, Sergeant-major Nissim Toledano, it gave a clear statement of its goals and the means by which it plans to achieve them.
Some observers portrayed the Toledano murder as an expression "Palestinian despair at the slow pace of the Middle East peace process." Others believed it was intended as "a protest against the Israeli occupation of the West Bank and Gaza Strip".
Both of these views, however, are incorrect.
Hamas, like its Hezbolah cousin in Lebanon and their joint sponsor in Iran, is opposed not only to the peace process but to the very existence of Israel--in any shape of form.
The fact that the serviceman was kidnapped from Lod, a town in the center of Israel, rather then from the West Bank or Gaza Strip, delivered a deliberate message; that Hamas rejects any distinctions between territory occupied by Israel before the 1967 Six Day War and territory occupied since that war.
This point is enunciated in Article 13 of the Charter of Allah, the platform of Hamas: "So-called peaceful solutions to the Palestinian problem are all contrary to the beliefs of the Islamic Resistance Movement, because renouncing any part of Palestine means renouncing part of the religion....
"There is no solution to the Palestinian problem except by jihad [holy war]. The initiatives, proposals and international conferences are merely a waste of time, an exercise in futility."
Article 15 states: "When our enemies usurp Islamic lands, jihad becomes a binding duty on all Moslems. In order to confront the usurpation of Palestine by the Jews, there is no escape from the banner of Jihad."
In addition to its uncompromising rejection of any political religion above nationalism (it therefore rejects the PLO notion of a "secular, democratic state") and it is virulently anti-Semitic.
Article 22 of its Charter asserts that Jews not only provided the inspiration for the United Nations as a means of achieving world domination, but also created such organizations as the Freemasons, and the Lions, and the Rotary clubs "to destroy societies and fulfill Zionist interests".
It is not possible to accurately quantify the strength of Hamas, an acronym for Harakat Mugawama Islamiya (The Islamic Resistance Movement), but the organization, which was founded by Sheikh Ahmed Yassin in the mid-80's, is believed to command the support of a majority of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip and up to 40 percent in the West Bank.
The Charter of Allah, the publicly proclaimed platform of Hamas, contains 36 Articles. The following are among its central points:
- Hamas is committed to jihad [holy war] against the Jews of Palestine until the victory of Allah is achieved.
- The land must be cleansed of the impurity and viciousness of its tyrannical occupiers.
- Moslems have a sacred obligation to fight against Jews and to kill them wherever they are found.
- It is the personal religious duty of each individual Moslem to wage jihad in order to redeem the land.
- The land of Palestine is a holy Islamic trust until the end of days and is not subject to negotiations.
- Negotiations leading to a peaceful settlement are illegitimate because sovereignty of Palestine is a RELIGIOUS OBLIGATION.
- The goal is the establishment of an Islamic state in which the Koran is the constitution and Allah is the ultimate leader.
- Death in the cause of Allah is the most sublime aspiration in striving to achieve this goal.
- The stated PLO objective of a secular state in Palestine is unacceptable because it would be essentially anti-Islamic.
- The Jews have taken over the international media and the world's financial centers.
- The Jews created the United Nations, the Freemasons, as well as the Rotary and Lions clubs to subvert the international order.
- The real motives of the Jews are contained in the Protocols of the Elders of Zion [a notorious Czarist forgery]. [H: Remember something very important readers, to be a forgery of a document--there MUST BE AN ORIGINAL FROM WHICH IT WAS FORGED!]
Can we possibly be given to think that an inborn structure based on religious fervor will be wiped away in a couple of weeks of "agreements" by changed-out robots who are mind-warped to play ANY GAME SO INSTRUCTED? It becomes apparent that the very moving into Palestine in the first place as a Jewish Homeland set forth by the United Nations was done to insure that there would be jihad! This remains intact in Israel to continue the confrontation for long since has the United States of America been set forth, and the announcements made, that it is the New Homeland of the Jews. Interestingly enough, however, the Jews in point are not even "Jewish". They ARE the Czarist Zionist (Khazars). So a world has been in the process of being made the FOOLS--AGAIN.
Chicago Jewish Star (C.J.S.), Feb. 5-18, 1993.
by Larry Yudelson
NEW YORK, Feb. 1 (JTA)--Simcha Dinitz, chairman of the executives of the Jewish Agency and the World Zionist Organization, hailed the formation of the new American Zionist Movement, which was officially voted into existence in Miami this weekend.
Seymore Reicht, a past chairman of the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations and president emeritus of B'nai B'rith International, was elected president of the new body.
Addressing 350 delegates attending the first American Zionist Congress since the founding of the Jewish state, Dinitz referred to the formation of the new group as "the birth of a new Zionism in America, a momentous occasion that will focus American Jewish attention of the urgency of participating in the upbuilding of Israel."
The American Zionist Movement has replaced the American Zionist Federation and enlarged its scope.
The Federation, and now the Movement, represents American Zionism by virtue of being an umbrella grouping of the American Zionist organizations such as Hadassah, The Zionist Organization of America, and the Association of Reform Zionists of America.
H: Can you see the subtle way in which the term "Jewish" was converted and replaced by "Zionist"? Readers, THEY did this--not me, not YOU; this is the choice of the people in control of the movement and I repeat--it has almost NOTHING to do with "Jewish" as you think of "Jewish". A good example of this type of manipulation is to consider a man who considers himself to be democratic but is a Republican Party advocate--but because he is a democratic idealist--HE IS KNOWN AS A DEMOCRAT! Or to better put the "religious" aspect in perspective, say, a man is a CHRIST-ian and therefore automatically becomes recognized as a Roman Catholic. These people are shrewd and the most damaged by these escapades and delusions--are those who are actually of Hebrew Judean heritage. One Jew has NOTHING to do with the other--except as being used as a doorway into the very halls of their own destruction. ...
Thank you and good morning. Salu.
CONTACT: THE PHOENIX PROJECT, December 26, 1995, Volume 11, Number 9.
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