This is an introduction to a series which is going to be presented in the CONTACT over the next few weeks. It may well be the most important series of history lessons for the reclamation of a nation ever presented. Also, please note a most important JOURNAL (see the MORE READING box) which contains all the background information you will need to keep up with this on-going presentation. Stay tuned for "History 101: as you've never experienced.
5/23/94 #1 HATONN
While you run on "empty" you are distracted by myriads of various and sundry ideas, rewritings, refoundings, Constitutional conventions, Amendments and other things which invariably cloud issues instead of clarify the foundation upon which your national LAWS were established. There are, however, the Federalist Papers offered under the identity of "Publius" and all were published in, I believe, the New York Times. There are also what are called the "Anti-Federalist writings. Chelas, we don't have time for you go about your continued haphazard "shopping" for a "better way". YOU DO NOT YET EVEN BEGIN TO UNDERSTAND THE WAY ALREADY LAID AS A FOUNDATION FOR YOUR USE. This is NOT in any way to lesson the value and/or evidence presented by ones who would give their very lives to reclaim the freedoms you have lost and therefore work around the clock to present understandable and workable attachments or explanations to that which you were offered in the Constitution of the united states of America.
We did not give thought lightly to that which was established in the founding of your nation--under GOD with liberty and justice for all as a DEMAND within the LAWS. If there were errors, we diligently tried to rectify those injustices (as to the slaves and Native Americans). Remember, you were working with a diverse group of "politicians"--just as you must rise above and beyond this day. You have the same resources in your hands and an awakening mass of citizens to aid and abet your flow, through the fundamental law of the Constitution--IF YOU UNIFY AND EVERYONE CAN BE GIVEN A WAY IN WHICH TO HAVE CLARIFICATION--FOR YOU NO LONGER ARE ALLOWED TO TEACH THIS IN YOUR FASCIST SCHOOLS!
We have offered a document compiled by Michael Silverhawk, called The Refounding Amendment. [Presented in 5/10/94 CONTACT p. 50.] Indeed, we have met with Michael Silverhawk and shall offer help in his continuing call to duty. There are, however, questions which arise one upon the other as readers effort to understand, clarify and define. These need attention, yes, however I shall not take time to do so. I will, though, lay forth the two major paragraphs which cause inquiry. I shall not attempt to define, in 30 seconds or less, the meaning or "should be" of such writings. Ronn Jackson petitions me this day, to do that in two instances, Paragraphs 3 and 6. No, I will offer the paragraphs as they are and now, give you explanation as to why I will not stop and take up these individual subjects which are out of sequence for that which we are doing, starting this day.
You do NOT need ANOTHER CONSTITUTION: YOU NEED TO RECLAIM THE ONE YOU HAVE--IT COVERS ALL THE THINGS, ABUNDANTLY, THAT YOUR POLITICIANS (and Ross Perot) CLAIM NEED OF FORMING A CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTION. I warn continually AGAINST such a convention. I try to make you see that in the calling and holding a Constitutional Convention--ALL OF THE CONSTITUTION WILL BE ABORTED (as has actually happened already in the PRACTICE). This is what happened with the formation of THE Constitution. Was "it" for the better in that instance? YES, but it will NOT be better in this instance as you will be basically changing to the Communist Manifesto, The Protocols of Zion--under the United Nations Chartered ONE WORLD ORDER. [To get up to speed on the above mentioned documents, see MORE READING box on this page.] SO, DO NOT ALLOW SUCH A CONVENTION TO TAKE PLACE.
THE REFOUNDING "AMENDMENT" is a guideline only for the REFOUNDING OF AMERICA. Where the contradictions and confusion in this document come about are in exactly that which is laid forth in wording--again, language and translation of definitions are the big "stoppers". Example? In Paragraph 3: Defining Our Citizenship: "It is essential for the survival of this nation, for the people to know exactly who they are and be able to define their citizenship." And yet, from the writing, in point, one is unable to give exact definition because of the variances in the use of United States of America and "Americans". So, Michael, are we speaking of The Western Hemisphere (and should we be) or are we efforting to bring back stability FIRST into the society which CAN PULL IT OFF BECAUSE OF ITS INDEPENDENT STATUS AS A NATION?
Michael (and I refer to Michael as a generic direction in no way intending to offend or delete other writers who have worked diligently over this document) states in this Paragraph 3:
"The People of this nation are Americans. Only People who have been born of an American or who have been explicitly and legally naturalized as Americans shall be Americans. Americans who establish a domicile in one of the several States may be referred to as American Citizens or more simply as Citizens. In the constitutional republic, Americans are Citizens by virtue of their State Citizenship. Those Americans who have not established a domicile in one of the several States shall be referred to as American Nationals. American Nationals shall become Citizens upon establishing a domicile in one of the several States. No State shall restrict an American from establishing a domicile in the State. The Federal Agency shall establish no special class of Americans or federal citizenship over which it shall have jurisdiction. Only Americans shall participate in public service."
So, the problem comes in defining "American". By this, I do not mean in definition as listed herein--for that becomes quite clear. Is it, however, correct to refer to the United States as the ONLY substantial "America" in which a citizen is referred to as "American"? No--it is not but it was always chosen to speak in that manner. The meaning of the term is VERY CLEAR, however, and ones should not become hung-up on semantics because the "Initiative" in point is a working document. YOU must come to understand it in detail to stop such misunderstanding in the finalized Constitution--but let us be generous with our picking before the carcass is even presented. It clearly states that "Americans are Citizens by VIRTUE OF THEIR STATE CITIZENSHIP...." In other words, to become sovereign as persons (citizens) you are going to have to ALSO reclaim STATE SOVEREIGNTY!
For a JOURNAL that presents all the documents you need to become familiar with, including the New States Constitution, Protocols Of Zion, Communist Manifesto, and the UN Charter, plus our own United States Constitution; order ECSTASY TO AGONY THROUGH THE PLAN 2000, JOURNAL #68; see Back Page for ordering information.
You have the personages, the information and the DUTY to bring forth that WONDROUS DOCUMENT called the CONSTITUTION of the United States of America. You have wonderful input from which to draw strength--there is NO NEED TO START OVER! We will offer those arguments which present truth and wisdom in the founding of this nation with use of this document. It is time for factions, races, creeds and colors to put that aside--we are again talking about reestablishing a REPUBLIC before you get the old one suicided into its everlasting grave. Errors can then be rectified, justice can be again established, Natives can reclaim their rightful lands and heritages and thus and so....
The next major question about the "Refounding" document revolves around Paragraph 6: Protecting Property Rights.
The right of the people to have the lawful ability to own and possess property is vital for a free society. When government becomes the landlord and the dictator of property, the people are not free.
"Allodial ownership and full possession of property is fundamental to individual liberty. The right of Americans to lawfully acquire, possess, and own property of any form shall not be restricted, abridged or denied. The Federal Agency shall not lien, levy or apply in any way an assessment, claim or tax to the property of the American People. [H: Now readers, this is already covered in the Constitution. What you, as the reading public, must do is go forth and study up on that which IS already explained, such as the term "allodial", etc. Then, and only then, can you move forward in understanding. We will work as quickly as possible in our attempts to clarify and "council" as well as "counsel" on these points. However, sequence of presentation in this type of "mass" media must take proper cooperation. The CONTACT is prepared to make this paper your LIBERATOR as from Garrison in the days of Civil War in a struggle to preserve the Union and presenting equally to citizens--ALL citizens. You will also be able to obtain help from such as the NEW FEDERALIST and SPOTLIGHT as focus begins to shift around. You have US (WE/ME) AT THE ORIGINAL MANIFESTATION--AND WE ARE HERE IN EVERY SENSE OF THE WORD--NOW--TO ASSIST. SO BE IT. "THEY" DIDN'T UNDERSTAND IT THEN BUT PERHAPS YOU WILL COME TO UNDERSTAND IT NOW!] The Federal Agency will neither own nor have title to any property. All property administered by the Federal Agency shall be held in trust for the benefit of the American People. The Federal Agency shall not sell, give or transfer property directly or indirectly to foreign powers or foreign individuals. The Federal Agency shall not leverage or collateralize property in any way. Upon the ratification of this amendment and whenever this nation is again refounded, all claims and title to the real property held within the several States under the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency not explicitly authorized by this Constitution shall be conveyed to that State in which it is held. All currently defined territories of the Native American Peoples shall be recognized as separate and sovereign nations and offered the protection of America. The People of the territories within the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency shall hold a popular election every seven years to approve or reject the jurisdiction of the Federal Agency. The jurisdiction and power exercised within the territories by the Federal Agency shall have the same scope and limits as within the sovereign States of America."
Do you not see how ALL nations could make free decisions to come within the label of Americans? Say, Canada, chose to do so; she and each province could become recognized as a State, retaining all sovereignty but establishing citizenship individually under on protective Constitution which COULD NOT BE TAMPERED NOR USURPED BY THE FEW. Your problem as "citizens", now is that you are convinced (trained through the lie) that "federal legislative United States" is somehow your GOD. You set up a greedy, Satanistic, humanistic FASCIST Monarchy in Washington D.C. I would suggest you even relocated your national or "general" republic governing body. In other words--STOP DOING BUSINESS WITH THE BULLDOZERS IN THAT CORRUPT AND DISREPUTABLE CITY! Until you clean out the palace (White House)--don't move into the palace where the guards still protect the KING! You don't even NEED A BUILDING--a nice hillside under a lovely tree is more appropriate at WORST. Stop building TEMPLES to Satan and stop paying his henchmen! Can you do it? Certainly!
Now, what is it that I have in mind here? Well, let us "example".
We will take your Constitution as presented and integrate portions of the Federalist Papers to reference the points as we move along. We will be able to cover ALL, but we will also present both these documents, in full, as we move along. If you are eager--we can ask for a reprinting of the CONTACT papers which have offered the various Constitution(s) as you hold and as projected (New States Constitution), etc. Or, perhaps the editorial staff will offer the "journals " in which these are reprinted. Thank you. [Again, consider the JOURNAL #68, in the MORE READING box on the previous page, as the first textbook for Commander's ongoing new History class.]
Let us example, now, the method of which I herein speak:
We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this CONSTITUTION for the United States of America.
Excerpt from Federalist Paper number 84, Alexander Hamilton (Publius):
"....thrown into the form of an act of parliament called the Bill of Rights. It is evident, therefore, that, according to their primitive signification, they have no application to constitutions, professedly founded upon the power of the people and executed by their immediate representatives and servants. Here, in strictness, the people surrender nothing; and as they retain everything they have no need of particular reservations, "We, THE PEOPLE of the United States, to secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America." Here is a better recognition of popular rights than volumes of those aphorisms which make the principal figure in several of our State bills of rights and which would sound much better in a treatise of ethics than in a constitution of government.
"But a minute detail of particular rights is certainly far less applicable to a Constitution like that under consideration, which is merely intended to regulate the general political interests of the nation, then to a constitution which has the regulation of every species of personal and private concerns. If, therefore, the loud clamors against the plan of the convention, on this score, are well founded, no epithets of reprobation will be too strong for the constitution of this State. But the truth is that both of them contain all which, in relation to their objects, is reasonably to be desired.
"I go further and affirm that bills of rights, in the sense and to the extent in which they are contended for, ARE NOT ONLY UNNECESSARY IN THE PROPOSED CONSTITUTION BUT WOULD EVEN BE DANGEROUS. They would contain various exceptions to powers which are not granted; and, on this very account, would afford a colorable pretext to claim more than was granted. For WHY declare that things shall not be done, which there is no power to do? Why, for instance, should it be said that the liberty of the press shall not be restrained, WHEN NO POWER IS GIVEN BY WHICH RESTRICTION MAY BE IMPOSED? I will not contend that such a provision would confer a regulating power; but it is evident that it would furnish, to men disposed to usurp, a plausible pretense for claiming that power. They might urge with a semblance of reason that the Constitution ought not to be charged with the absurdity of providing against the abuse of an authority which was not given, and that the provision against restraining the liberty of the press afforded a clear implication that a power to prescribe proper regulations concerning it was intended to be vested in the national government. This may serve as a specimen of the numerous handles which would be given to the doctrine of conservative powers, by the indulgence of an injudicious zeal for bills of rights...." [H: Various emphases mine.]
I do not intend to comment on each "speech" for this is but a small excerpt which diminishes "meaning" from the contents of the full message and, realize, this is paper No. 84 of 85 so you have 83 such papers and speeches leading up to full understanding of No. 84.
What is at point here is indeed wondrously comprehensive--YOU DID NOT NEED THE BILL OF RIGHTS--FOR THE INTENT IS COVERED NICELY IN THE BODY OF THE CONSTITUTION. This reminds me of the LAWS OF GOD. HE GAVE LAWS and man tampered with them to SUIT HIS OWN WHIMS. God didn't say to hold every "Sunday" open as a Holy Day. YOU DON'T EVEN KNOW WHICH DAY IS THE "SABBATH" OR....! So, it becomes apparent that WITHIN the Ten Commandments--MAN HAS MORE INPUT THAN DID GOD!
Alexander Hamilton was born in the West Indies in 1757, the illegitimate child of a Scottish merchant. He came to the American colonies to study at King's College (now Columbia University), and became an early and ardent supporter of the Revolutionary cause. During the Revolutionary War he was aide-de-camp to George Washington [H: An EXTREMELY IMPORTANT person!] and a member of the Continental Congress. He was a leading figure at the Constitutional Convention (1787) and a principal author of the Federalist Papers. As first Secretary of the Treasury, he articulated a policy of protection for manufacturing interests, strong central government, and establishment of a national bank. [H: Do not confuse ANY of these things with WHAT YOU HAVE TODAY!] After leaving the Cabinet, he practiced law in New York. His personal attacks hindered the political career of the volatile Aaron Burr, who finally challenged him to a duel in 1804. Hamilton was shot, and died of his wounds.
[H: I ask you: Is it better to use the confounded gun to settle a problem AND LOSE ONE OF THE BEST PATRIOT MINDS OF THE WORLD? OR, might you not turn to the pen and the WORD and REASON?]
John Jay, (1745-1829), was a conservative lawyer who became a leading patriot. He was minister to Spain (1780-82), the first Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme Court (1780-95), and he negotiated the treaty of 1795 between the U.S. and Britain. His contributions to the Federalist Papers concern foreign affairs.
James Madison was born in 1751, the son of a Virginia planter. He worked for the Revolutionary cause as a member of the Continental Congress and the Virginia House of Delegates. The leader of deliberations of the Constitutional Convention, he fought for the adoption of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. Though an ally of Hamilton on the Constitution, he was a supporter of Jefferson's agrarian policies. He was Jefferson's Secretary of State (1801-9) and his successor as President (1808-17), but his Presidency was marred by the unpopular War of 1812. Madison died in 1836.
What you must fully understand is that no man is perfection and no man is an island unto himself. You broke away from England--ONLY TO BEGIN AT THAT MOMENT TO COME FULLY BACK UNDER THE VERY RULE OF ENGLAND FROM WHENCE YOU GAINED THAT ORIGINAL FREEDOM.
As to the arguments of patriots regarding such things as "Amendment 13 (missing)" relative to "titles", "nobility", (referring to lawyers becoming judges), etc. I remind you--YOU DIDN'T NEED AN AMENDMENT--GO BACK TO THE CONSTITUTION AND IT IS THERE!.... You, as a nation, moved right back under the English Admiralty LAW. You allowed the very foundation upon which you builded your new legal structure to fall right back into the hands of the oppressors of the first cause.
Now, WORSE, you allow those corrupted judges, once barristers, to rule in any manner they choose--according to the bribes and pay-offs--for the Supreme Court of your land has fallen into a maker of laws which protect the criminals in office and on the benches--and you no longer limit their power to the INTERPRETATION OF SUSTAINING LAW OF, BY AND FOR THE PEOPLE! It has become all but impossible to find ANYTHING EXCEPT LAWYERS in the legislatures and as JUDGES--making it impossible to have unbiased and non-prejudicial regulation. These blood-suckers are in there to make sure the corruption is continued and COVERED.
I ask that CONTACT make room to run Silverhawk's "ordering information" regarding the "Refounding Amendment". [See below.] It is going to be advantageous to have such documents established as sound working resources. As a matter of fact, since you have all those "AMENDMENTS" attached to suit the needs of the politicians--GO FOR SUCH AS THIS if it shortens your pain and agony. BUT DO NOT FORGET THAT, AS A NATION--IT IS THE CONSTITUTION WHICH MUST BE ATTENDED--NOT A BUNCH OF AMENDMENTS!
Source: CONTACT - THE PHOENIX PROJECT, May 24, 1994, Volume 5, Number 9.
THANK YOU, Rocky Montana