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Ashtar on the Golden Age, Recreating Yourself & "Star Wars"

Through Susan Leland

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ing, and rebalancing your entire being.

So as you think of yourself as being young and the child, you are. As you see yourself, you are. And so that is the truth of that phrase that was so popular a while ago, 'recreate yourself,' or 'reinvent yourself.' Uh humm! The corporations were using that a lot, as they were reinventing the expectations of compensation that their loyal employees had. Uh humm! They were reinventing a lot of things, but there is a positive aspect to that.

Oh, by the way, I always advise you to look at the wisdom in everything, and learn from it, and grow with it. And so if you want to talk about reinventing, or recreating yourself, do it from the perspective of seeing yourself as you choose to be. Make the choices, draw pictures, look in the mirror, and see your Light shining, see your radiance, look into your eyes, and see the old soul, recognize and acknowledge how empowered you are.

Acknowledge the Divinity within and the child within, and that all is Divine, and all is glorious and wondrous. That's you. Change your mind literally, and so it shall be. Now that's a law. You can call it Quantum Physics if you want to give it a name, but it's the Law of the Universe. You are the most powerful beings. You need to acknowledge it, and recognize it. You need to step up and say, 'That's me. I AM this Light. I AM this radiant being!'

You will shine even brighter, and your energy fields will expand outward, and that's healthy and good, and that's wondrous for the world. Do this for yourselves, because you deserve it, and because this is your mission, and because this is what you volunteered to do. So get on with it. Keep going. You're all doing wonderfully well you know. One of the reasons that this message is coming to you tonight is the hope that you will spread this message on beams of Love. Share it.

It's most important that people in human bodies start understanding that it is time for them to take responsibility to step into the role of the Divine Creators, and start creating consciously. Don't wait, don't wait for the government to come, and take all of your money, or for the doctors to tell you, 'I'm sorry there is nothing we can do for you, but here's some more pills for you to take,' or whatever it is. Take responsibility, use the resources available to you, but remember your biggest, most number one resource is YOU.

So access yourself and all of your wondrous being. Tune in, discern, find your own truth, and spread it. Because the truth of it is you are all Divine, you are all ageless and timeless, if you will bring yourself up into that reality, into that knowing. That is truly who you are. Now we have multiple perceptual capabilities, so yes we can see you there in your human bodies, and we tell you your human bodies in our perception are perfect, because you've chosen them, and you've made wondrous choices. Uh humm!

You may not know it, but you did, and you've chosen to experience everything that you've experienced in these human bodies, and that's why you have so many Lights. They are what you call medals of honor, and they are shining forth, and they are unique to each and every one of you. You are known by your colors, and that is the energy waves that you put out.

And so you say, ' Well but my body doesn't feel quite perfect.' Great perception that you have, so now start visualizing it as perfect. Start recreating, reinventing your body, or whatever part of you, you want to do. If you will keep your spiritual connections open, you have a wondrous company with you. You can call us Light Beings or whatever. Know that you're among us in the Lights, and we invite you. Invite us to co-create with you. See you're not alone, even though you have individuality, you're not alone. You're part of the Great One we are all part of. So in that sense we're never separate and apart, but you know there's this veil.

It's pretty thin now, but there's this veil in 3-D, and so there are times when you do feel like you're out there all alone, but you're not, you're not, so you can always talk with us, and we're always there for you. And if you wish to go a step further than just acknowledging our presence, you can invite us to co-create with you on an individual basis, that which you desire to co-create, just as your planet, with its heightened consciousness, has asked us to co-create with all of you the Golden Age, which is.

It is fact, it is truth and it is indeed here, and to be celebrated. Now we still have some of those leaky boats out there, and those who are hanging by their fingernails, and all of that. They're an illusion, and they're about to disappear. And once those Golden Doors open, and you walk through to the other side, and you lead all those who would come, you'll quickly realize that the drama is done, the duality, the polarity, the power and control dramas, and the victims and all of that, it's over. So what is the job then? It's to help others realize it.

It is one reason why we have given this information about clearing out this program that you've all had. It's going to be much easier for those who have had the clearing to advance, if you want to call it that, or evolve, grow, in the Golden Age, because they will be free from that. So they won't have that lingering, 'Oh this is some kind of a dream, and I am about to wake up and discover that I'm back in the nightmare kind of feeling,' because a lot of people are going to feel that way at first. They'll get over it, and because you've invited us to help, we shall be helping in many wondrous ways.

You know I told you that the Ashtar Command is not entirely a military organization. We are Ambassadors. We bring Peace. We bring technologies. We bring the capability to work with you as co-creators to clean up this beloved planet of yours, because let's face it, the human race has engaged in destruction in the last fifty to a hundred years that is unparalled ever in your history.

Of course there are more of you now, and more to cut down trees, and drill holes in Mother Gaia, and all of the things that have been done, all the toxicities that have been created, and then spread, unleashed as it were. So there's a lot of work to do. And then there's another kind of clean-up, and that's the assistance to all of the beloved ones in body, not just the humans. The animals and the plants too have been poisoned. The Earth, the air and the waters, there is clean-up to be done everywhere. And it's not just physical.

In the case of all of Mother Gaia's Kingdoms, there is a lot of , shall we say, emotional bonding in Love, and in recognition of the grandness of all life, the Divinity. Now we understand there are certain ones in the Kingdoms, particularly the Kingdom of the insects that can be, humm, what you might call nuisances. Well they may very well disappear, or at least it will get to a point where you can communicate with them.

How's that for telepathic communication, and you can say, 'Please go away from my person, and find yourself a place where you will be among yourselves, and not bothersome to anyone.' You know that kind of awakening is going to happen too. And there will be people, and Star People, who will be in assistance with all kinds of teachings, everything from the most intricate and elaborate of sciences, and technological inventions, and creations, that we bring, to the simple things. How to clean your toilet in an environmentally friendly way. Humm!

'Twill make a big difference in the world, if you stop and think about all that's involved there, like how to clean up your sewers so that they don't pollute your water ways anymore, and there is much to be done in every area. This is only one of many, many examples, so you can see there's a lot on the drawing board. So get your children ready, because you want to dance in that world. It is to be taken seriously, but it can be taken seriously with a light heart, and a joyful mind.

And so we ask you to start thinking about these things. We ask you to start taking yourself to this world, as it were. So when you're looking in the mirror acknowledging who you really are, and the truth of your mission here, spend a little time in the Golden Age. The more you do, the more you help to bring it forth. Now we have said no dates, but let's just say there is reason to celebrate, and you can start any time, any time. Because you know, you might as well be in a celebratory mood.

You might as well be up there. The more you celebrate those Golden Doors opening up, the more you facilitate it, because you see, you're creating it. You're creating the reality that we can see, and that we can assure you is where you're headed. And by the way, your waters and your pathways are going to be relatively calm.

We know there are a lot of doom and gloom reports, and so on and so on , but the consciousness is where it is and it is continuing to raise the frequencies, the vibrations of Mother Earth as a whole. You're much more at Peace than you are at war, and you're much more in loving harmony with Mother Gaia than before, and she is responding. Now there will be some outbreaks, and some outbursts if you know what we mean, but we still will tell you that it continues to be seen that your part of the country of the united states of America is to remain intact. You're not scheduled to drop into the oceans, no matter what your scientists tell you.

And be wary of anything that comes from your government, in the way of predictions along those lines. You can facilitate the Golden Age, but you can also facilitate a slight change in direction. It doesn't mean the Golden Age won't come, it just means you can facilitate, if you want to, some tumultuous happenings in this part of the world which could bring a great deal of discomfort to you. So stay on the high road play, enjoy, laugh, and visualize the world in balance, in harmony, and at Peace, the way you want it to be, because that's how it's going to get there.

No dates as always, no dates, because the dates keep changing. We told you once we saw it happening before what you call your income tax day, and at that time it was scheduled to happen, before that, the big announcement, you know. But things came up, delays, as it were. And so delays can happen that will not affect the outcome, will only enhance it, will only be looked upon as a blessing, when looked back at. But, in the now moment, when you're all sitting in front of your television sets expecting a big announcement, and it doesn't come, it can be upsetting to say the least. So just know that it's coming, visualize it coming, and don't try to stick a date on it. We have said 'more soon.' We repeat that.

Now turning to a current event, a very current event of interest. There is just released into your movie theaters a movie, which is one of the "Star Wars" movies. We wish to give you a slight bit of background to this. This is all based upon that which you know as the Orion Wars. They really happened. All of us have participated in those wars, and at times we have done some dark doings. Reason being it was necessary in order to get a return to the Light.

Sometimes events have to be facilitated, and precipitated by dark ones in order to get to the rest of the story, to the Light. So when you view this latest in the movies, remember, you have all been that wondrous child, young Skywalker. You have all played the role of Darth Vader in some form, and at some time or other in the Universe. Love that child. Go back and see those first two if you wish, to remember, how wondrous that child was, how beautiful, how shiny bright.

Love that child, then go see this latest movie, and see that child again. And be compassionate, and come to Peace with it, in understanding, that this was a role that someone needed to play. He returned to the Light if you will recall. He had been born of the Light, and he kept a bit of it in him. He went completely into the dark in service, and that's what it was. It's very easy is it not, to discern the difference between Light and dark? Darth Vader accomplished that.

If all you had seen in these movies were the Light beings, how would you know, how would you know? So, it is this advice that we give, that this represents a time in what you would call the distant past. The Orion Wars have had a very big impact, not only upon Planet Earth, but upon this Galaxy and others. The legacy of the Orion Wars lives today, and then when you come out of that movie, understand the parallels that exist today. You can even, if you wish, draw comparisons between the players in that drama, and the players upon the stage today.

It is through Forgiveness, starting with self, and then expressing to all others. It is through Forgiveness, that you finally achieve freedom. It is through Forgiveness that you allow everyone to participate in the Golden Age. Forgiveness is the invitation to all. There are those who will send their regrets, but most will honor that invitation. Forgiveness and Compassion to all will heal the world on levels that go well beyond physical.

And by the way, when you offer that to yourself that's a big step in rejuvenation, in becoming reacquainted with that DNA, and that wondrous brain. It brings you into balance and harmony with the truth, the true Universe, and with all the Love that is here for all of you. So allow yourselves to feel it, and to take it in. And be the Love, beautiful Ashtar Commanders. Be the Love, beautiful Ambassadors. And be the Love, beautiful children we are, and WE ARE ONE.

And so it is beloveds. And so I shall say farewell through this voice, and keep in mind, that I, and the company with me, are with you always. We are at your service, and we bless you for the service that you give. And so it is. Salut!"

© Susan Leland 2005. All rights reserved; however, this is a gift to all of us and it may be distributed freely on condition that all accreditation is acknowledged and that no part is altered.

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