My Urgent Message to the Light Realms
By Martin Gadow
And now I would like to come back again to the matter that within all of that messages from the light realms we have been reading words like this: "Soon, – very soon, – very, very soon!" – Since years! – This way, many of us lightworkers on Earth have been compelled to: again and again and again (!) being comforting the many readers, who still are as patient to be confidential, but also are questioning: "when?!", – that there is a: "divine plan" a: "timeline not being congruent with any former concepts of time – space – continuity", that it is a matter of our "3D-perceptiveness" to measure in hours, days, weeks, months, years". But: You, the Light Realms: Did you ever realize your responsibility, your awareness of every aspect of our 3D-reality, when you chose those terms like: "soon", "very soon", "very, very soon"?! – Did you ever realize, understand the comprehensible impatience, tiredness, exhaustion, resignation of all of that confident people who regularly read your messages?!
There are enough of good, advanced souls who live in increasing need, – who would like to help to get the promised New World – the New Age becoming reality! – They, all of them, including myself, are being disappointed again and again, from day to day, week to week, month to month, year to year. Again and again we have to notice new excuses, new explanations of any reasons, why this – and this – and this – is the reason, and why the promised future again had to be delayed – again, and again, and again!
I am now going to remind you, the Light Realms, of your words: "Soon", "very soon" and so on! It is you – always claiming any conditions from us Earth-inhabitants! – It is me claiming: You have to verify, to prove your promises now! Now! – Not: "then", not: "soon", not: "very soon"! – Now! – We, – your sisters and brothers on planet Earth, don't like to further be any play-ball of anyone, neither the dark ones nor the Light ones! – When you would like to be trusted by the souls you address, then, please, take the consequences of all of your continued promises! – Enough of that thousands and thousands of words! Let's have deeds now! Now! – You know very well that you presently are the mighty ones – and that we, the enslaved inhabitants of planet Earth are limited in our actions because of the power of the dark ones, because of our lack of financial resources, because of our need to work hard for surviving. – You know very well that beings, living within 3D, are being dependent on noticing results with their physical eyes! – Don't you?!
We would appreciate the fact to know that we wouldn't be any 'chessmen' even of the Light Realms, but to be reliable partners of reliable sisters and brothers of the Light Realms! – I think, it is now your turn to help us to be able to help you!
Please: Think of all of the desperate people on this planet who are living in hope for a better world! – Think of your own encouragement to us to have to be "focussed", "committed", "compassionate", "forgiving" – and so on! – What about your own risk – to miss your mission?!
The Blessings of the Creator of all of us be with all of us!