To Fourwinds and the Family of Light
Anton Miller
Inner Voice speaks and says, My warriors of the Light have come forth upon Earth Shan. They stand before you in the Lighted energy of good intent. They stand before My Truth and express in action Living Words. These warriors have contributed to a momentum of Light that turns the tide once and for all in your time frame.
The momentum co-created by those who walk with Truth upon Earth Shan in attunement with the Laws of Creation have made the difference. Human law of evil intent is no more upon Earth Shan. The Light Waves of positive thought from all who care matches the positive intent waves sent by the ones Above. The warriors of the Light have intent that matches "above and below". Enough of the many now know in their hearts the frailty of man made 3D laws, that is made devoid of Creator's Law. Many times all upon Earth Shan have had several thousands years of yesterdays toexperience the difference. Your human law that is not in line with the Laws of Creator Source is broken. It has no force or power in MY Book. My prayer for you is let it no longer have any power over you in your book. Release yourself from this stranglehold of illusion and call upon I Am from within the heart center gifted to you from the Light of Creator Source. The false law of the Dark freewill is no more. The shackles placed upon humanity are now broken by the many warriors of Light who speak the Truth of Creator Source. Know this day that my Words and my Truth are Living Energies and cannot be destroyed. Go within and know it! Go within the power center of the heart gifted to you and claim it! From the Love of God, within, It is So! Amen......
In petition, in the name I Am that I Am, I decree that the Forces of Light, according to the Will and Wisdom of Creator Source, can now remove from Earth Shan and Her people, all energy that is not of the Light, all energy that does not serve the good of each one here, all energy that does not respect the Laws of The Creation. I call from within my God given being for this petition to be answered! I petition that this call be amplified by the warriors of the Light....AJM. It is So!