A Real Smoking Gun - A Call To Action!
By Carolyn Holtgrewe
Because so many people all over the world have demanded that the presence of biological or chemical weapons, weapons of mass destruction, in Iraq be proven, a thought-form has been created in the mass consciousness reflecting this. Fueled by a host of intense negative emotions, expressed and unexpressed, coupled with the desire from so many people for proof positive, this thought-form has grown to immense proportions and hangs like a dark cloud over Iraq. These people have no idea what they have created. The governments of the coalition forces state that these weapons certainly exist but have been thus far unable to produce them. But the people are impatient and keep asking for proof and feeding the thought-form. Therefore, the danger is that someone will step in and give proof of their existence through using them on coalition forces.
The energy within it is psychically calling out for fulfillment. Through the universal Law of Attraction, a thought-form of this intensity and duration must play out in some reality and the one it is attached to now is the timeline in our physical reality. It is like a ticking time bomb awaiting activation and the longer it is present, the greater the risk, for it is still being fed with energy from those who will accept nothing less than the physical proof they have demanded, and keep demanding, that such weapons exist in Iraq.
Somewhere either in that country or one in the area, there are one or more persons filled with their own negative passions who are being steadily drawn to carrying out on the physical plane the demands emanating from this thought-form. As long as that thought-form is present and continues to be fed by those demanding proof, there is danger to primarily the coalition forces but also the Iraqi people. This energetic thought-form needs to be broken up and time is of the essence in order to avert a tragedy. At this point, the probabilities are very very high that this event will play out in the physical.
Since it was created by people who are unknowing of universal laws and thus of what they have fashioned, it falls to the lightworkers to dismantle this threat. So if you wish to help in this situation, here is what you can do.
In your prayer and meditation times, singly or in groups, build and then focus your energy into a ball of golden-white light. Then send it on a golden-white laser beam straight into that dark thought-form hovering over Iraq with the intent of breaking it apart so that it cannot be acted upon in the physical plane. Ask the angelic realm to gather up and remove the residue and transmute it into light. This is important for if particles of residue are allowed to remain, they will continue to attract like energy and grow into a menacing thought-form again.
From now until the summer solstice it is suggested that this be repeated as often as you like. It is hoped that by that time, whatever WMD are to be found will be found and the people will be satisfied and stop feeding this thought-form. When a thought-form ceases to be fed, it dies. May this "smoking gun" never be fired!
Light and blessings,
Carolyn Holtgrewe
Copyright 2003