The On-going Shifting. Earthwork Shift Report. 24th September, 2003
By Mark Stearn
The grid creation is ongoing and there are many wondrous new structures coming into play that is setting the planetary shifting into a whole new dimension. This energy of unfolding that I can feel in my heart is a very good vibration as though heaven is saying 'we are very pleased with the way the Earth is progressing!' I feel strong shifting transpiring as though the entire planet and all on it are in a deep state of processing energy at all levels. Yesterday there was some very strong movement; the process is accelerating all the time to accommodate the incoming high vibrational energies.
We do still have some energy to clear and integrate before the truly high vibrations begin to enter from source. The kind of energy I am talking about almost necessitates that one remains consciously present in the here and now because the energy is so strong it commands all of your attention. This is when we will really know that the vibration is getting high on the planet and that Ascension is near. The energy will simply be that strong. We are getting close to this experience now. Each day there is a report somewhere on the Internet of how the planet is truly shifting into a higher dimension. There is always a report of some description and it is very uplifting. Many feel; 'Yes! I'm not the only one experiencing this!'
I can feel divine energy structures being created all the time. The energy is simply momentous. The most incredible part is in knowing how much my god presence and all the higher dimensional energies are involved in the work that I initiate. I can feel the expansiveness. There has been much clearance of energy happening for everyone and the planet over the past few days. I can feel the planet in a very new vibration. The work i have been involved in over the past few days has been quite intensive as i have been pushing for much acceleration and also the scenario where more will move with the shift. This is going to require more work however. Spirit say that a small percentage more will make the shift as a result of all the wondrous energy we have been calling into play.
This is all I have to report for now, I will write more as I experience the shifting transpiring.
Blessings, Mark.
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