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Received Urgent Prayer for "Fire the Grid" Event

Barbara Rose, Ph.D.

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rth and for all of life that exists both throughout earth as well as throughout the universe.

The higher reason why this prayer has been given to humanity is to offset the negative views, bickering, hostility, and tremendous fears many humans have of other beings. Remember my children that no one in any universe can ever take your power away from you unless you allow it.

For those who do NOT know how to protect themselves, as well as for all who would like to feel pure love and Divine protection, this is for all.

Humanity's Prayer and Request

"I ask that the purest love come through me now from Divine Source/Creator/All That Is, to bring through me the most positive energy now that I can feel deep within my heart, as well as touch the hearts of all who is alive, with purity, transparently, asking nothing in return, but only beaming into every heart to uplift all.

I am One with the purest force of love, light and truth in the universe. I am one with all, and I ask that through me, blessings are brought forth for all of life on earth, and deep into every facet of Earth herself.

There is only love and truth that will rein. I declare now that any energy that is opposed to pure love and truth is immediately transformed by golden light that bathes each one with such pure bliss, that love is all it will desire to feel and experience.

Any being, any part of earth that has felt unloved, is now showered with glowing, pure, soft and peaceful energy. All who have been sick are now healed. All who have been hungry are now fed. All who have been cold are now comfortable. All who have been alone and afraid are now comforted. Prosperity abounds given from on high for the highest and purest measure that is endless and eternal.

All of life on earth, all of life in earth, above and below earth are bathed with endless rays of pure love, the love of Creator, the love of Christ, of Buddha, of Supreme Divine Purity. The ancient Native American, Peruvian, Atlantean, souls are asked to continuously pour love and divine blessings on to all who inhabit earth now, and forevermore.

I ask that all the Angels who are at One with God, Source, to please intervene on my behalf, to protect me, all I love, all who feel unloved, and for Divine Grace and Pure Divine Intervention to protect and watch over all, from every land, race, belief, creed, anyone who has life shall now be continuously blessed.

I ask for the most pure loving energy to continuously pour over and through all of life on earth. All is well. Every particle, breath and energy is now bathed with the love of Divine Creator. Heaven reigns on earth. Heaven and bliss reign in our hearts and souls. The light of eternal truth is the only light that prevails.

Love is the only energy that prevails.

Truth is the only reality that prevails.

Pure love is in all, and is all that prevails, now and for eternity.

And So It Is Done."


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To see or print out prayer from website

Anytime you feel a lack of inner peace

this prayer and blessing will comfort you, and restore the love, truth and joy in your heart.

This prayer is for everyone alive, and who will ever live on earth.

This prayer and request is immediately granted with Divine grace at all times.

Always remember you are a most precious Child within. Your innocence and any joy you have ever felt will come back into your consciousness to be experienced again in the now moment.

You are One with All That Is, and in your heart and mind, if you ever wish to say the words "I Am That I Am" you will feel an immediate shift and pure loving upliftment in your heart - purely - because this is your true essence and you shall know it, feel and experience it with the loving joy of a babies smile. So innocent and pure - all of humanity is and always will be filled with innocence, love and purity - as each soul was born and came into the world this way, and you shall experience this inner peace again any time you feel you would like to.

All is well. You are loved. You are safe, protected and cherished purely for being you.

Brought through 7/13/2007 3:00:50 AM by Barbara Rose, Ph.D. as it was given from Divine Creator/Source for all.

With pure love,

Barbara Rose, Ph.D.


email: [email protected]
