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The Dawn Of The Reign Of Love


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ears, one cycle of day and night is completed. We are now at the end of another one of these cycles, at the end of an historic dark age of night. That is why the sages have been saying we are due to enter a new cosmic day, a golden age. Some say this corresponds to the proximity of our sun to the center of the Milky Way galaxy.

The purpose of the cycles of dark ages is not to force humanity into ignorance and suffering against its wishes. On the contrary, it is we who chose to incarnate into such times. We may not remember such choices, but made they were, for the purpose of learning how to generate our own light . . . without depending on the light of the atmosphere.

As Buddha said, "Be a Light unto yourself." In a golden age, the entire atmosphere is charged with the bliss of divine light - - so like children playing in their king's palace, young souls need not generate their own light.

In dark ages, however, the divine light is withdrawn to other dimensions, and evolving souls are left to learn how to awaken their own inner power. It was never intended that we suffer, but suffering was the inevitable consequence of making choices during the dark ages that omitted the development of our own inner light.

Universal justice is perfect. Contrary to the opinion of the asleep and the ignorant, the wonderful laws of nature work flawlessly, consistently, and impartially. Existence is gloriously perfect, precise, and reliable in its rewards for karma. The vibration you send out comes back to you. "What you sow, you reap". Action and reaction; cause and effect.

In a dark age, violations of natural law take a long time to bring retribution, and so the violations tend to multiply. In a golden age, however, retribution is much faster. At the peak of a golden age, the consequences of our vibrations are instantaneous - - thus the term "instant karma". That is why in a golden age, violators cannot survive, and only the virtuous flourish.

During this period from 2003 to 2012, we are now in the final ascent of the last stage of the phase transition between the ages. The Earth is being sprayed by light energies from above in preparation for a density level transition to a higher frequency. That is why the consequences of the vibrations we send out are coming back faster and faster.

The rate of increase of spiritual light is increasing, going from a gradual gradient on the curve to an evermore straight-up direction. One of the Revelations prophecies predicted the violators looking for places to hide, and the light becoming so bright that they could hide nowhere - - not even behind rocks. Because that time is coming soon, already we are seeing a vast expansion in the number of exposes of the wrongdoings of the violators in the public media.

This makes it look to many people like things are getting worse, but in reality, things are getting better. It's just that with the increasing light, the corruption that was always here, is being revealed. After it is revealed, then it dissolves, because it cannot stand the light of day. So the light is a tremendous blessing.

As Swami Beyondananda says, "Some people say the sky is falling. But I say, it only looks that way because we are ascending."

Another Revelations prophecy is that of the apostasy, also predicted for happening around this time. The definition of "apostasy" is "the mass abandonment of a former loyalty". This has already begun, and is only going to accelerate more and more towards the year 2012. This is symbolized in the title of one of David Icke's books, "The Robot Rebellion". Those who were directly or indirectly loyal to the dark agenda Illuminati will find themselves losing that loyalty and turning instead towards the light.

Numerous seers have spoken of the complete destruction of the evil forces during this time. This is because of the increasing speed of the consequences of karma. Those who have sent out destructive vibrations are experiencing the return of those vibrations onto themselves with increasing speed. Thus the destruction they will experience was self-created, as are all human destinies.

A prophecy from Hinduism relates that "At the end of Kaliyuga [the dark age], when the sins would be 80, so all pervading that the kings would themselves becomes thieves, then Lord Vishnu would take his twenty-fourth incarnation as Kalki by taking birth in the village of 'Shambhal'. He would take birth in a Brahmin family of Vishnuyash. By killing and destroying the sinners, he would re-establish the superiority of virtuosity and religiousness."

The symbolism of "Shambhal" is also reflected in the Buddhist prophecy of "Shambhala": "Several thousand years ago in the Himalayas the Shambhala Prophecy foretold the future of the planet. It predicted that sometime around now, the entire planet comes under the control of a Big Brother, unified under oppressive, militaristic rule.

"At that time, the land of Shambhala, previously hidden, becomes visible to the rest of the world. Big Brother decides to conquer it, but the Shambhala forces emerge with overwhelmingly superior technology and in one short battle remove Big Brother and his coterie of power.

"This ushers in a Golden Age on Earth, during which individuals all over the globe find the conditions ideal for pursuing personal evolution and enlightenment. Science and technology develop unprecedented understanding and effective methods of improving the quality of life. The Earth is restored and regains abundance. All beings are happy and healthy, growing intellectually and spiritually, living life meaningfully."

Thousands of prophecies from all parts of the world have given variations on this theme . . . and never before has there been so much overwhelming evidence that THIS is the time in history to which they are referring.

Finally after thousands of years of working, waiting, and preparing, now everything is in place for the fulfillment, the healing, and the completion of the original vision of the divine, for this next golden age to be unprecedented. During this dawning golden age, it may be possible for Earth to fully awaken for the first time, and become a Star, a World of Light.

We can be so thankful to all of those who have gone before us, to everyone who has been sending good energy to the human family. This collective goodwill has brought the fragrances of endless gardens. It is such a joy for us to witness some of the crème de la crème of mankind associating with the incarnations of full awakening. For the Divine Intelligence to shower the world with such nourishing wisdom and healing energy, shows everyone that we really do stand in solidarity for the Light with the Divine.

The Arrival Of NESAR

NESARA (see is the legal, political, and economic template to unleash quite a powerful wave of acceleration in the coming of this Golden Age, washing out across the planet. Although a large part of it is the transformation of the money system, it will do far more than just the superficial things with which money is typically associated. Rather, it will display a very intense beam of light in the international banking circles, bringing healing to the distorted psyches of all people, and spreading indirect blessings to the entire existence.

It will restore confidence in the integrity of mankind, it will discredit the ones who robbed and deceived humanity, it will make the hidden compassion and generosity of universal divine intelligence visible on the surface of human affairs, and it will empower many of the good people of the world to exponentially amplify their evolutionary influence for the benefit of the whole world.

That is why it is apparent that the NESARA is an inevitable destiny in fulfillment of the divine plan. It satisfies the cosmic guidance of this time in history, rising as it is to empower a whole generation of cultural creatives, spiritual healers, consciousness teachers, life-supporting entrepreneurs, economic wayshowers, planetary peacemakers, celestial artists, heavenly musicians, cosmic dancers, and rainbow lightweavers of all varieties.

Such was the vision of this dawning Age of Enlightenment, and its fulfillment was predicted by numerous seers. Many times during the past it appeared as if those predictions were wrong; that somehow the vision had been killed by the rolling burdens of darkness. But now is not the age for continued disappointments, as have already happened for thousands of years. Now is the Age of Truth, when the Sun of Awareness is Rising, and the crimes of the laggards can be hidden in the darkness no more.

Saint Germaine and the other Cosmic Coordinators of Earth Ascension have hearts as wide as the sky and as generous as the ocean. It has become obvious to those of consciousness that their political instrument, NESARA, is a royal channel of the fulfillment of the divine plan, to bring to the Children of Light of all religions, paths, and persuasions the wealth and prosperity that will be needed for paving the way for the Heaven to land on Earth, and for the Age of Enlightenment to dawn. It is an auspicious floodlight of the golden destiny of the loving peacemakers in this age.

Now is the time for the condensation of heavenly frequencies into third dimensional matter. This is the decade of the precipitation of the manna from heaven and the celestial rain from the Great Spirit. This is the year for the crystallization of the empowering energies of the Atma, the Divine Self in us all, into the physical Power of Love. This is the season for the seeds of good karma to blossom into the fruits of spiritual nourishment and the flowers of happiness, freedom, and harmony. Now is the moment for the fulfillment of "As Above, So Below".

Cherished Brothers and Sisters, Solar Salutations to you for having held the light, for having shown your heart-truth, and having maintained the vision and the balance. You will certainly be rewarded, all the more so in addition to the inner reward you already possess in the here and now.

Despite losing our Heaven in the dark ages and having every reason to be bitter and negative, the supporters of NESARA are now the opposite. We are consistently showering our blessings of compassion, nurturing, encouragement, strength, wisdom, and Love, to everyone.

Our resonant vibrations of oneness provide the hint of this rendezvous being our reincarnationary reunion after a trans-millennial cosmic journey. Our harmony and attunement go far deeper than any single lifetime. Let us celebrate this event . . . it is re-defining life on this planet "Earth Shan", "Planturia", "Placentia".

It is understandable that thousands of years of FEAR have permeated our entire species. It is with good reason that this fear has enveloped all of us. Fear is an art, though. A little of it is natural and keeps us from stepping over a cliff to our demise. Too much of it, though, causes us to make a mountain out of a molehill and multiply a small problem into a big one. Too much fear creates whole new problems out of nothing, where there weren't any before.

Today we are informed of a wide variety of victories for justice, peace, righteousness, and equitable balance in human affairs in recent years. We are aware of streams of events and myriads of news items from all over the world that are too many and too diverse to pinpoint in any one short message like this. But they constitute a vast improvement in the integrity of the human landscape.

Yes, the world still has a long way to go, to perfect ethical cleanliness, but the way has definitely become much smoother for a project like NESARA to succeed. The inevitable success and smooth flow of the NESARA implementation is one of the areas in which the enlightened seers have had a constant, unbroken, uninterrupted, and crystal clear foreknowing, gradually increasing over the recent years and accelerating in its clarity in the recent months and weeks.

We are not being overly optimistic. We are very well aware of the atrocities of the terrocrats, having been inundated, flooded, overwhelmed with volumes of that information for decades, far more than most, and having tasted some of it ourselves. We know very well what the corrupt have been doing. So in saying things have improved, we know what we are talking about.

We are fond of the saying: "The pessimist complains about the wind. The optimist believes it will change. The realist adjusts the sails."

In talking about the general improvement in the economic ethical landscape, we are realists. If this has the effect of improving the optimism of some readers, so be it. Realism is a balance.

It has been reinforced by all kinds of additional confirmations, and strengthened by growing and deepening certainty and clarity. This is the kind of foreknowing that is definite. A number of us share this clear vision, and we are seeing with increasingly bright mountain-top clarity, that the level of extreme and growing urgency for the entire human race is such that the highest good, the greatest, most paramount benefit, will be achieved solely by NESARA coming sooner rather than later.

Realizing the "time is of the essence" wisdom from the ancient Oracle of Delphi underscores the lack of justification for any further delays. The clarity of this knowingness, this bright-sunlight vision, reveals that there will be no advantages to anyone by further postponement, even to those whom NESARA removes from power; because ultimately even they benefit more from NESARA than from their own misguided strategies and abuses of power.

The time value in this situation is similar to a patient dying of a disease in his bed. The urgency is to get the doctor's medicines and healing treatments to the patient as soon as possible, regardless of what it takes to accomplish the speed, because the longer it takes, the closer to death the patient will be, and the more difficult it will be to bring the patient back from the door of death.

In reality, among the world's population, what is dying is a combination of the faith, trust, health, and the collective leveraged influence of the Children of Light on the rest of the world. Empowering these harmless people, which will bring a stunning series of transformations for the rest of the world, sooner rather than later, will get leveraged exponentially into ripple effects spreading out to all creation.

This wave of positivity will serve to come back to all of us in the form of wars cancelled, diseases cured, free energy technologies being released, new inventions benefiting the lives of all, and the entire quality of life on all levels being raised - - worldwide, from physical to spiritual and everything in between.

The soonness of this experience will have a leveraged effect on the whole future history of the Earth. The later it is delayed, the less will be its benefit, and the greater will be the collective pain and suffering.

The other risk in taking too long, of course, is that the pre-NESARA energies to support the lightworkers will run out, and the ability and the willingness of the non-NESARA-supported population to continue issuing such energies is diminishing. So in more ways than one, "time is of the essence" for simply spiritual survival.

Anyone on the planet who may argue for any further delays we will suspect of being a double-agent - - pretending to be our supporters but in fact working against the will of cosmic intelligence.

The clear vision is that we need not worry any further about the safety of the prosperity distribution mechanisms or the consideration of any further systems or structures to try to prevent terrocrat interferences.

Corruption has been getting cleaned out, gradually and progressively, and the Patriot Act's bark is worse than its bite. 98% bark and 2% bite equals 100% effectiveness in a fear-based government controlling its "sheeple". But for the few who get wise, F.E.A.R. equals "False Evidence Appearing Real".

All this has contributed to making it difficult to rebuild our lives. And yet there are tremendous talents, beautiful abilities, fantastic gifts, and glorious skills in many of us just waiting for the right season, the right soil, the right atmosphere in which to blossom and bear fruit.

World Peace And Heaven On Earth

World peace itself, believe it or not, is now just a matter of money. There are enough wonderful good hearted people willing to study with great saints who have proven they can reduce war and crime by training groups of meditators . . . but it takes money for bringing them together and paying their living expenses. The wealthy of the world are slowly, slowly, waking up and beginning to support these things . . but too slowly.

The world has more than enough wealth in it to support every individual in abundance on this planet. If the wealth already in the markets and banks were evenly distributed, every last man, woman, and child on the planet would be a multi-millionaire. Buckminster Fuller, the late genius with 48 Ph.D.s, was the first one to write and speak of this fact, to our knowledge, in the 1970s. And this is not counting the additional wealth hidden in reserves by the Ascended Masters, waiting for mankind to mature sufficiently to inherit it.

It can only be appreciated that the divine does indeed require no poverty or suffering on the way to the unfoldment of our full cosmic potential. Man creates his own poverty and suffering, through the misuse of his free will, and learns the lessons it creates. He puts his finger in the fire, gets burned, and gets educated - - "not to be repeated". "Been there, done that, got the T-shirt".

With just a little prosperity, harmless and loving people everywhere can leverage it into wonderful educational and social programs that will help people feel Love and spiritual awakening, which will in turn lead to the essential shift in the collective consciousness needed to turn the tide of how the world's power systems steer their resources.

It is already happening . . but too slowly. As it accelerates, suffering will decrease, war will end, crimes will stop, diseases will be cured, starvation will end, prosperity will explode, happiness will rise, peace will become powerful, governments will become truly benevolent, the lion will lay down with the lamb, and all the greatest prophecies of all the greatest saints will come true.

His Holiness Maharishi Mahesh Yogi refers to this as "200% of life; 100% inner fullness and 100% outer fullness". Osho Rajneesh, Mata Amritanandamayi, Supreme Master Ching Hai, Adi Da Samraj, Sri Sri Ravishankar, Sri Karunamayi, Sri Satya Sai Baba, the Dalai Lama, Sri Chinmoy, and other Saints, Masters, and Avatars have likewise spoken of this truth. As this combination of inner enlightenment and outer prosperity precipitates increasingly into worldwide form, it is bringing the greater evolution of all souls.

Every human being should have a few spiritual practices, to spend time with every day, for the purpose of directly experiencing the unbounded ocean of pure bliss consciousness every day. These spiritual practices should come from a contemporary embodiment of the highest enlightenment with which one can conceive and connect. All of the Incarnations mentioned in the last paragraph are among these. All but Osho are still in the body, and Osho's communities are still flourishing, providing several hundred different meditation methods and spiritual practices. In addition, the various Ascended Masters, such as St. Germaine, also teach practices - - such as focusing one's attention on the Mighty I Am Presence. Whatever one's choice of teaching and practice, the essential thing is to make absolutely sure one is gaining direct experience on a daily basis of one's own inner Unified Field of Oneness.

Whether one calls it Pure Being, Samadhi, Nirvana, the Holy Spirit, Allah, the Nagwal, Zen, Tao, Dhyana, Tequori, the Unified Field, Pure Consciousness, Transcendental Isness, the Self, Atma, Pure Love, the Kingdom of Heaven, the Great Spirit, Thetan, the Spiritual Sky, No Mind, Be Here Now, Source of Oneness, Great Central Sun, Infinite Silence, the Center of Centers, or the Holy of Holies . . . whatever the name, one should experience it daily. One's life should revolve around it. Nothing should be more important. No other priorities for one's time should take precedence. The time set aside for this experience should be sacred, like the axis of a wheel, around which everything else spirals.

One cannot expect to enjoy the 200% of life without this. As all the religions have said, one can have 100% of all the wealth in the world, but if one is missing the inner spiritual dimension, one has lost everything, because one has lost oneself. But if one goes for 100% inner fullness, then 100% outer fullness will follow naturally. "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven, and all these things shall be added unto you."

With this 200% quality of life, the grander scheme of philanthropy is fulfilled, families are in bliss together, love relationships are repaired, marriages are restored, physical bodies are cured of diseases, time is purchased for deeper involvement in one's religion or spiritual path, stressful working conditions are abandoned, former tyrannical bosses are left behind, renewed educational courses are resumed, and endless varieties of "onward and upward" are realized. All this and infinitely more the presently dawning Golden Age will make possible.

Corruption throughout the world is being cleaned up! We celebrate observing the countless places where evil people are being transformed or removed en masse. Innumerable banking positions formerly occupied by ruthless thieves have been replaced with good, innocent, pure, and highly evolved people in recent years, months, weeks, and days. Light has been replacing darkness in finance, government, education, medicine, military, and many other sectors. The way has been paved for the Age of Enlightenment to unfold smoothly.

Yes, as of 2003, massive corruption still exists, and yes, far too many destructive people are still in positions of power. It's not like they're gone completely, by any means. But huge progress has been made - - huge progress that isn't reported in the mainstream media.

Tidbits of it, though, does make it even into mainstream media - - like the hundreds of cities, counties, and three states across the U.S. (Hawaii, Alaska, and Vermont) which have passed legislation opposing the federal so-called Patriot Act. Cartoons making fun of the mad tyrants in D.C. are proliferating as never before.

World consciousness is rising, and it is very exciting. The spread of Heaven on Earth is 100% more irreversible with every year that passes.

There is a huge amount of good news, positive events, and wonderful developments to make everyone feel good. There is plenty to be thankful for; plenty to celebrate, and awakening to ultimate spiritual freedom is DEFINITELY coming closer for all human beings with each day that passes.

During this period we have had the opportunity to stabilize our inner fountain of happiness during poverty and adversity. Having passed this test, from here on out we know from the proof of experience that our peace is from the divine within, independent of what goes on outside.

The arrival of our outer paradise living conditions will simply expand this. The person who said that power corrupts was wrong. It is not power that corrupts. Power only reveals, expresses, and expands what is already within one. When people with the seed of corruption within them attain absolute power, then they are corrupted absolutely only because what they had within them flowered to fruition.

By contrast, those who have developed virtue while without power, will find that virtue only expanding further with power. Having seen the inner flowering during outer adversity, now the foundation is permanently created for an everlasting future of infinite further unfoldment, both within and without. It is a multidimensional divine celebration to see this.

This is illustrated by a little humor. Do you know the difference between someone who is religious and someone who is spiritual?

The religious person is afraid of going to hell.

The spiritual person has already been through hell.

What many of us went through in the dark ages is to be regretted, but the gold underneath the hammering is starting to shine brightly.

Enlightened Administration of Wealth in the Golden Age

In the Golden Age, the administration of power in purity, harmlessness, innocence, and harmony with universal natural law, is reflected in the following qualities. One's:

* work ethic is strong

* attitude is positive

* talents are fine

* connections are sound

* relationships are good

* energy is dedicated

* discipline is consistent

* habits are pure, and

* intelligence is sharp.

These qualities go beyond business - - into the realms of humanitarian virtue, exalted generosity, and eternal friendship.

The Cosmic Consciousness within every human being is a Pillar of Light bringing Healing and Higher Consciousness to the whole planet. The waves and ripples from everyone's awakening to its Presence will wash out over millions and millions of people. It is a spiritual phenomenon. It is an absolute fact that it is divinely guided.

For spiritually awake people, the motive for money is very different than it is for the greedy person. For the greedy, the motive is fear, it may be revenge, or ego trips, parasitic control of others, manipulation, aggrandizement, addictions, indulgences, and so on.

By contrast, for the spiritually aware people, especially those who have little finances, the motives are entirely different. Besides just the basics like food, clothing, shelter, proper natural medicines, communications, and transportation, the motives are for:

* self development

* helping others

* bringing much greater happiness to one's environment

* supporting causes that universally benefit all mankind

* enhancing one's education to become a better contributor to society

* resolving conflicts

* bringing peace

* spreading Love

* assisting others in healing

* spending more time in spiritual practices

* developing one's saintliness more fully

* responding to those who wish to learn the same things by providing teachings to them

* having more to share with friends

* uplifting society through socially responsible investments

* fostering the geniuses who can leverage the improvement of the general quality of life

* creating favorable conditions for spiritual enlightenment, and

* increasing the overall beauty and enjoyment of the whole world.

Further, the way one's wealth is earned is highly important. A highly conscious being of evolved spiritual development has access to vast talents and mind powers, and yet has zero interest in using any of them for any avenues of gain that would cause separation, division, conflict, harm, sorrow, loss to others, or any kind of violation of natural law. Such a being would rather live in poverty than to violate natural law for gain. S/he never accepts what isn't offered, which is another way of saying "never steals", and never uses coercion to force another to give something against his or her will.

The wisdom "Tis more blessed to give than to receive" becomes a living reality for someone in this consciousness, as does the golden rule "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you". Thus while the evolved being has superior wisdom for the stewardship of resources, s/he likewise is very particular about the choice of avenues to their acquisition. The avenues chosen minimize disadvantage to all life, and maximize advantage to all life.

The wise do not struggle for money; neither do they make poverty a virtue.

It is true that money cannot buy happiness. However, for those who are already intrinsically happy, but who lack the means to fully experience it or express it, money can provide the catalyst that amplifies exponentially the intrinsic joy one already has in the heart. What is great about this truth is that it brings a lot of bonding between good people - - countless good people of resources, talent, knowledge, expertise, and international harmony. Especially the most positive and supportive of this class become friends for life.

These are the Children of Light - - those who consciously incarnated to participate in this aspect of the Divine Plan. Common among them are the virtues of forgiveness, calmness, evenness, honesty, strength, smoothness, balance, purity, focus, accuracy, responsiveness, generosity, humility, fairness, kindness, sweetness, lightness, and reverence.

They have also shown a talent for being broad-minded and all-embracing in gracefully coordinating the many diverse opinions on everything from business strategy to taxes to religion. They have displayed a wonderful way of respecting all viewpoints, showing neutrality on non-essential things, sharing facts where they knew them to be true, volunteering their lack of authority or absence of credentials where such was the case, and never trying to flaunt their opinions or coerce others into thinking the way they do.

This is a very valuable and much-appreciated quality - - the ability to just be a friend and fellow traveler to a large group, rather than a boss, a know-it-all, or a superior. This shows a high evolution of genuine spiritual qualities, and has made everyone who has really read and understood them recognize an authentic brother or sister.

Thus what we can really celebrate about this age, besides having the successful outcome of restored financial prosperity for everyone, is a true brotherhood and sisterhood of like-minded hearts and souls who share in fellowship a common ideal of a better world for the rest of our lives.

As one Enlightened Master, Sri Sri Ravishankar put it, "Everything is changing. And this is all there only to heat you up, to bake you. You are baked in joy, and you are baked in sorrow. You are baked in this event, and you are baked in that event. So everything in the world bakes you, heats you up. And if you put your finger deeper into it, you will get burned. So move lightly."

Those awakening to Self Realization are definitely the next generation of kings, royalty, and tycoons - - not the dark ages type of the past, which was into domination and exploitation. The Self Realized are of the future, the Golden Age - - gaining true power, the kind of material wealth that comes with the full approval of Heaven and Earth.

Those who are moving into qualification for ascension practice harmlessness - known in Sanskrit as "ahimsa" - consciously avoiding being destructive to any living thing, at all times. This includes enjoying the vegetarian or vegan diet, which avoids supporting the killing of any beings that have eyes and nervous systems.

As Zig Ziglar said, "You can have anything you want in life, if you help enough other people get what they want." Ultimately, this takes the form of helping others enter the enlightenment of Self Knowing. This is true power. This is the path to the establishment of permanent divine royalty, the kind of benevolent administration that has been the celebration of all great peaceful civilizations, and the fulfillment of heaven.

That is the lasting wealth, in which all glories, both worldly and divine, are secure forever, both here and in the hereafter. This is achieved by opening one's innermost soul to everyone. It is stabilized by celebrating one's heart pouring out, in pure Love. This openness creates a very healthy evolution of heart.

As a human species, we have been evolving quickly, and it is fabulous to see. To these inner feelings, we added our mental prowess - - our creative ideas, our constructive guidance, and our special talent for oceanic expansiveness.

The mundane business of the everyday world has often seemed monotonous and tedious, but that is only the beginning phase. Soon the next phase will commence, which will champion far greater energies on higher planes of vibratory frequency. This will bring immense satisfaction and continuously growing fulfillment to all.

We celebrate the magnificent destiny we are creating together. We thank the divine love intelligence for the bright vision of a better world this world has been given through the master coordination of pure Being.

With the golden thread of purity of intent and integrity of purpose in all our affairs, we are the rainbow lightweavers of wealth and wisdom for all people. All beings will be rewarded for eons, with the thankfulness of all creation, the endless friendships of countless spirits, and the joy of seeing infinite universal gardens bloom, bear fruit, and multiply.

Addendum: Reply to questions about The Dawn of the Reign of Love

From: [email protected]

Thursday, August 28, 2003

A friend has written the following in response to my article, "The Dawn of the Reign of Love", sent to you yesterday (and attached herewith in Microsoft Word, in case you would like it again, this time in Word format):

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I wonder about certain things. One concept you have discussed below is that "time is of the essence" -- that if the correct remedies are applied too late, the patient may not receive the maximum benefit or perhaps might succumb, in spite of their inherent usefulness.

I do agree that the judgments of God are the stepping back from the role of divine protector and allowing the cause and effect of man's own capriciousness in sin to turn back upon himself ("sow the wind; reap the whirlwind"). And always, until now, God has mixed even those judgments with liberal amounts of mercy. But the Book of Revelation also says though that a time comes when that is no longer true; when God's wrath is poured out without mixture into the cup of indignation (Rev. 14:10-11). That is described as "God's strange act" because never before has the axe of cosmic consequences for open rebellion against God's kingdom fallen so finally and completely.

So, I hate to raise negative thoughts, even to ask basic questions, but if mankind does not take advantage of this last opportunity for genuine change, then what? Are prophecies you rely upon two-tiered? (Best case scenario and worst case scenario); or are they primarily speaking out the best case scenario only? Because I am also aware that "God's promises and warnings are alike conditional" -- that is, they are predicated upon human choice determining the outcome.

I do believe, with you, that there is coming a brief interlude of very positive opportunities for mankind. (But that we do not succeed at making it last forever on our own.) We find we are simply not that reliable! And by this all are convinced that immortality in the paradise of God is only found in Him (not ourselves).

So is the emphasis on NESARA because the alternative is unthinkable, or because prophecies say it will last?

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I find your comments quite in agreement with my own. Your gentle and gracious manner of interweaving our respective backgrounds of understanding shows a remarkable depth of intellect and ability of expansive integration, for which I am grateful.

I find no contradiction between what was in my "Reign of Love" article and what you have written, nor with what is in Revelations. Most students of prophecy know that prophecies are relative. They depend for their fulfillment upon man's choices in the use of free will.

You have not raised negativity or doubts. You have only questioned, and rightfully so, the confidence with which I expressed the expectation of certain positive outcomes. Certainly you are right, that such outcomes do depend largely upon a variety of remaining uncertainties.

On the one hand, it could sound like the fate of "God's strange act" in which "the axe of cosmic consequences for open rebellion against God's kingdom falls so finally and completely" . . . could be considered contradictory to the "Dawn of the Reign of Love" and "Heaven on Earth".

On the other hand, I just see them as two aspects of the same thing. As God's powerful universal consciousness arrives more and more on Earth, both through the galactic atmosphere and through the inner awakenings of human beings, the demonic forms that had been reproducing for many wretched millennia will be melted off, because they cannot stand the high frequency of God's Love.

That would be seen as "the axe of cosmic consequences". Just as the men possessed of demons saw Jesus coming towards them as terrifying, so those encased in layers of accumulated evil will see the Dawn of Love as horrifying. This is because it IS destructive to their hard outer shells of demonic forms . . . it WILL destroy them!

And that's good, even for them. What gets liberated out of those awful outer forms are the pure inner souls who will rejoice in ecstasy for the new freedom they have been given. Thence begins the eternity of gratitude for them.

The difference between those souls and the ones who had been developing saintly qualities all along, is only in expression, not in essence. In essence, they all, WE all, share the same common Oneness in God consciousness. We are all One. But in expression, those with histories of good deeds and righteous living will have built up for themselves wonderful channels of divine manifestation, and will be far more mature in their outer projection of Godly qualities.

The souls who will have recently lost their demonic forms will be like babies, like infants, who albeit share in the innocence and celebration of universal Love, will not have the momentum of years of outer development of channels of expression. For them, that road still lays in front of them.

This is how both perfect justice AND perfect mercy coexist in this wonderful existence. Isn't it marvelous?

In the gifted intelligence of your wonderful mind which I always enjoy, you asked: "if mankind does not take advantage of this last opportunity for genuine change, then what? Are prophecies you rely upon two-tiered?"

Yes, certainly. As already said, all prophecies are relative, as they must be, to accommodate free will. That big "IF" must always be there.

Perhaps the reason for the high degree of confidence of a positive outcome that I always show in my writings is that I have been cognizing a bit of a prophetic plane of consciousness within myself, in my own experience. I have had my own inner current of knowing, stemming from an always-available dimension of awareness that reveals the most likely outcome of things.

If you present a delicious treat to a hungry dog, it is not completely predictable that he will absolutely go for it, but you could say that it is mostly likely he will. Similarly, if you were to offer a state lottery winning of $10 million to anyone on the street, there is no guarantee that the person will accept it; but knowing human nature, the odds are that, most likely, most people will gladly accept it.

On a far higher level, the bliss of even a tiny drop of God's awareness is so intense that having glimpsed it, and having seen a little fraction of what it is bringing to human destiny, there is no guarantee that man will choose it . . . but seeing that the happiness of it is so intense, the peace of it "passeth understanding" so completely, the inner fulfillment of it is so deep, and the Love it brings is so vast and awesome . . . it stands to reason that no man, even the most corrupted or insane, would turn it down. The joy, rapture, and elation it brings so sweepingly eclipses anything else available on this Earth or anywhere in Heaven, that it is a pretty safe bet that most of mankind will go for it.

It is on that basis, that despite all the gloomy appearances to the contrary in today's illusory world, I (and many thousands of others) have been profferring the vision of a global metamorphosis and the fulfillment of the most optimistic prophecies. We could turn out to be wrong - - that is true; it is possible. But we think the odds of being wrong, about this anyway, are slim.

You ask, "So is the emphasis on NESARA because the alternative is unthinkable, or because prophecies say it will last?"

It is BOTH because the alternative is unthinkable, AND the prophecies say it will last. PLUS, it is because of a third reality - - that it is the present day direct perception of many thousands of us around the world, that so much of the groundwork to bring NESARA has already been completed, that its implementation is virtually inevitable.

You have heard in other contexts the phrase "an avalanche that cannot be stopped". Well, that phrase is equally applicable here. We have seen in world events the countless numbers of critical elements already in place to provide the benefits of NESARA to all the world's people, that it is no longer a question of "if", but only a question of "when"; and even the "when" of it does NOT extent very far into the future. It is like a dark rain cloud in the monsoon season getting ready to shower its sweet rain on the Earth - - or a woman who obviously looks nine months pregnant - - when you see that, you KNOW it cannot possibly be much longer.

For those who understand and appreciate prophecy, that's wonderful . . . but we need not even rely on prophecy anymore. The global transformation has already been happening for two decades, and now it is simply gaining exponentially more momentum with every day that passes.

There are some, like scientists Gregg Braden, Robert Cox, and others, who say that it isn't even a question of human free will as to whether the Earth is entering a Golden Age. They are saying that just by measuring various scientific frequencies, it is 100% certain that the Earth is entering a radically higher frequency band. The only question, they say, is whether we humans will adjust to it and survive it. If we cleanse our minds and hearts, we will survive it and flourish in it. Those who don't purify their minds and hearts, will find it increasingly impossible to survive in the new energy, and will disembody, to relocate elsewhere in lower vibrational fields of the outer periphery of the galaxy.

This would certainly fulfill the prophecy that "the meek shall inherit the Earth".

With Love, Taansen
