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Petition For Resoultion (Updated August 7, 2007)

Anton Miller

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tion that all darkside action of the individuals and groups that continue to block the NESARA announcement be stopped through the immediate removal of their energies from this planet. I ask All who care to join in this prayer petition to call forth immediate resolutions in the Name of the One Light, Creator Source.

In Love and Light,

Anton Miller


----- Original Message -----

From: [email protected]

To: [email protected]

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 2:33 PM

Subject: regards the petition request

Hi Anton, I read your request to Aton. Generally Creator Source does not hear individual petitions. His sons are the ones that do, through guides, angels, universal administration etc. Are you the violinist?

Know please, that the stasis event is almost prepared to finally happen, and the intervention allowed will happen then, and its global. The door will be opened for our work. Take care, Candace Frieze,


----- Original Message -----

From: Anton Miller

To: bellringer

Sent: Tuesday, August 07, 2007 6:27 PM

Subject: The Reply I sent to Candace

Dear Patrick,

Below is the Reply I sent to Candace. Please Post it if you would so those that care know.....



The petition message is sealed by the Violet Light of Violinio Germain and the Golden Light of Esu Immanuel Sananda. Any souled being can petition God Aton directly from within their own heart with positive intent. Your words about

having to get the message to Aton through this or that agent, or sets of agents, what ever you call the bureaucracy you claim to believe in, represents limited and narrow thinking in my mind.

In Love & Light,

Anton Miller