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Water Healing Project - July 25, 2003

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ur earth and human beings. Much water for praying is not required. Only a glass of water will do. And please pray for 3 minutes at home, at work, at the edge of the lake, at the riverside, at the lakeside, or at the beach.

You may pray any time on July 25th. The waves generated by the HADO (vibration) of our sincere prayer will wrap in this wounded planet completely. A blueprint of our planet Earth and our human society filled with Love and Thanks and without any conflicts will be formed on this day. Dr. Emoto asks you to say:

I Love You, Water.

I Thank You, Water.

I Respect You, Water.

----------- Dr. Emoto's experience in changing polluted lake water in Brazil.

Remarkable photographs. has excerpts from that page. Dr. Emoto will be at the Sea of Galilee (Lake Kinneret) in Israel on July 25. Details of the ceremony are on

The above page also tells about other world ceremonies on July 25, and you are invited to email [email protected] to add your information about water events. If you wish to also send me news of where you will be at the water on July 25, I will put that information on the Global Meditations Network web site. The Toronto Dowsers are concentrating on Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes bordering Canada and the United States. Other lakes and waterways in the same region will be also included in July 25 work. Anyone living in that area, please contact Marilyn Gang, [email protected], who will tell you about techniques originating from water healer Raymon Grace. will connect you with water articles, Raymon Graces story, and notes from Dr. Emotos recent presentation in Toronto.

Dr. Emotos office has forwarded an email from Saravanan Velu, [email protected], asking that people globally send Love and Thanks on July 25 to the drinking water of an aboriginal community in central Australia in an effort to help change polluted water to clean drinking water. Uranium mining activity has contaminated the drinking water and many of the natives who live there have been poisoned and are very sick.

There is much we can do on July 25 to help our planet. Over 70 per cent is water, and nearly the same percentage is within your body and within mine. On July 25, let us work together to heal the waters.

Peace, Love, and Light, Barbara Wolf

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...May love & light...always be your guide...!!!
