Thoughts About Prayer
By Tadas Brandisauskas
I’m really sick with all the lies, deceptions and killings caused by the darkside. So I began praying every day. After some time I thought it would be a good idea to mark every prayer to keep the number of prayers steady every day. I began marking every prayer with one plus (+). The number of prayers during twenty – four hours is at least 112 (not because it’s some mystical number, but because it fits in properly in my exercise-book). It’s easy to count the total number of prayers – 119 days X 112 prayers = 13328. And I should add a few thousands of unmarked prayers.
I suggest for everyone to use some similar system. I think many people do not pray at all, some pray some meaningless prayers suggested by their churches, and some pray without any order and only a few times a day. For me praying without any order is really boring and not efficient (I think not only for me).
People of the Earth, you are living during hard times. Do not fool yourselves thinking that the darkside is weak. It will use every secret technology available and every deception possible to keep peoples ignorant and hide truth, to impoverish, ridicule and win against YOU. Thousands of people today work with dark intentions and determination to achieve victory.
Do not expect that Patrick H. Bellringer, Dove or Jennifer Lee will bring you victory “on a golden plate”. YOU have to work yourselves, YOU have to fight against the darkside, YOU have to reclaim YOUR freedom, prosperity and power. No one will do it for YOU. It’s astonishingly easy to pray every day for 5 or 10 minutes to change the world. You can do it every day like any other work. But this work is different, because it’s very easy and the reward is higher than anything you’ve known. It’s very important to do it steadily, with determination, strength and patience. Don’t be one of those who only complain and do nothing, because they will get nothing. If you get frustrated for not seeing any immediate change, always remember, that the darkside had reigned Earth for millions of years, and God has decreed, that we will reclaim it in 25 years or less! (From the summer of 1987 to the winter of 2011)
Some people may have opinions that praying is not as important work as Dove or Patrick H. Bellringer do, because they think they should do something in 3D – inform people, attend various protests and meetings, write books and so on. And indeen work in 3D is crucial, but I will explain why it alone cannot succeed.
Let’s imagine we take all the people from “working class” to another planet, leaving everyone who had any influence in any decisions behind. Do you think people there would live a peaceful and beautiful life? If the energies remained the same, new elite would form, new conspiracies would begin and wars brake out, and “little” people would become oppressed and impoverished once again. Without serious change in the energies and people, nothing will ever change. Only exposure of dark activities will not bring the new world, because after scandals everything would come back to it’s previous state. Energies indeen are the most important. Know that the energy of light is thousands of times more powerful than the energy of dark, so everyone of you have the ability to change the world. Do not think your voice is not important. Everyone of you can benefit NESARA and light as the most famous lightworkers of our times do.
Praying has one more advantage. Some people doubt if they are going to make it to the 4D or 5D. Praying is one of the most easiest and effective tool to raise your vibrational level. Pray every day and there’s no doubt you will rise beyond 3D.
By praying every day you increase the vibrational level and awake other people. If everyone on Earth awoke today, we would have NESARA and peace tomorrow. If your prayers will awaken 10 people, their prayers will awaken 1000 people, and their prayers will awaken 10000 people… This way we have to forge an army of lightworkers and create a wave of light that will encircle the planet and wipe out the darkside in an instant!
Soldier of the lightworker’s army, know your responsibility and your strength. Pray every day, and we will win!
In Love and Light,
Tadas Brandisauskas