Something is UP./ Getting Back To The Basics
By James Gilliand
This is the age of truth. Nothing will remain covered up for very long. The quickening will accelerate the action reaction principle and the tyrants and those who serve them will have some very rude awakenings in the days to come. It is all becoming transparent. Government should be transparent with full access by the people. It should be held accountable for decisions which serve a few rather than the many.
Today's government is with out a doubt shrouded with deception and the people rarely ever hear the true story. With all the spin doctors, corporate interests, and misleading commercials etc. the mainstream does not have a clue as to what is really happening behind closed doors. Those doors are going to open.
There is a power, a higher consciousness and energy that is very patient. It allows but there is a limit to allowing. That limit has been surpassed. The intellect is no match for this power. There are many clever people who believe manipulating others is power.
They also believe that it does not matter how one gains power even if it is at the expense of humanity and nature.
This is transitory wealth and power gained from the suffering of humanity and nature will be the very stone that buries these clever individuals.
The soul is in charge. It is the creator of the lessons, the reactions to ones actions. The intellect or ego believes it is clever enough to outwit the soul and spirit. This is a futile path.
One cannot avoid the action reaction principle one can only postpone it.
The lesson will come, it will intensify each time it comes around and whether it is a aha or a train wreck is up to the individual.
The leadership of this country is going full speed off a cliff. The reactions to actions abroad will come full circle. We cannot continue to use the military to protect corporate interests abroad.
We cannot continue to exploit other countries. We cannot continue to lie and mislead the people. We cannot continue to destroy the environment.
Have you heard about the falling oxygen levels? It has fallen below 17% and was measured at as low as 7% in some major cities.
There are 50 dead zones in the oceans one 700 miles wide. No plankton, no fish nothing. The forests of the world are falling at an acre a second.
What happens when there is not enough oxygen to sustain life as we know it.
Your job, your relationship, your home, nothing matters if you cannot breathe.
We cannot afford the luxury of polluting our oceans and air with fossil fuels. We cannot afford to war on other countries to keep the pipe lines flowing. Alternatives are here now.
They have been here since the forties yet have been suppressed. We cannot continue to suppress these earth friendly technologies. A massive awakening is in order if we are to continue as a species. A massive effort to clean up the environment must also follow. The last Great War will be fought with nature. It is a war we will loose because nature is aligned with the source itself. We can either flow with nature doing all we can to assist in the healing and restoration process or fall as many civilizations in the past.
If we want to end terrorism we need to stop exploiting other countries, end the corporate terrorism abroad. If we want to clean up the planet we need to stop the ongoing pollution of the planet.
The bottom line is we need to get our priorities in order. Oxygen is definitely a priority. Clean water, fresh air, restoration on the environment, universal peace, these are all first and foremost priorities.
Where is the leadership with their priorities in order?
Where are the courageous few? They are here yet who is listening? The good news is there is a higher order, true wisdom and leadership which is bound by the universal principles and understandings necessary for a healthy society and environment.
They are being born daily and are inspiring people from higher dimensions. Their presence is being felt by many and soon will be seen by all.
The time for change is here. There will come a time when the veils come down and whole civilizations of spiritually and technologically advanced civilizations will make their appearance.
There will be a reunion with the greater family of man. It is destiny. This may very well be the excitement and anticipation many are feeling. Be well
James Gilliand www.eceti.org"