Holiday Prayer
By Lance Tracey
in these bogus wars where crimes continue to mount.
Today as my heart weakened, I fell to my knees,
My eyes toward the Heavens, I said,"Dear God, please"!!!
I know for sure that YOU have the power,
to stop all of this suffering this very hour.
I do not understand why YOU are not willing,
to use YOUR Mighty Power to stop this needless killing!!!
Then a voice rang out so loud and so clear,
"the children didn't die, they just moved up here"!!!
They have peace and joy, free from all harm,
each girl and boy are wrapped safe in my arms!!!
Then he appeared before me and took me by the hand,
and said,"Son,"I know that it hurts, but you must understand,"
In the very near future things will be so very grand,
All will work out just the way I have it planned!!!
And then He knelt down and kissed my forehead,
and said,"Cast out your doubts and have faith instead"!!!
Then He just vanished..........He just disappeared,
and asid,"Soon life on earth will be just like up here"!!!
All of the wars will be over and the bloodshed will cease,
then forever on earth, you shall have lasting peace!!!
Let go of your worries, your doubts and your fear,
soon your life will be just like Christmas all year!!!
So my dear friends today I thought I would share,
with you, this most humble and sincere.....Holiday Prayer!!!
COPYRIGHT/COPYCLAIM BY :Lance :Tracey 12/15/04.