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From: SR
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 12:21 PM
Subject: Benjamin Fulford to have major surgery

Hello Patrick,

Today on Ben Fulford’s Blog he stated that he will be under going a major surgery January 22, 2009.  Something he has put off while fighting this global nightmare.  He said that he feels confident to have his surgery now.  My request is for Fourwinds10 readers to say a prayer for his surgery and speedy recovery.

Thank you for your website to help and educate the world.






FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
     TO:  SR
DATE:  January 21, 2009
Dear SR:
    Thank you for alerting us to our friend, Ben Fulford's, coming medical surgery on January 22, 2009.  I request that Fourwinds Readers assist with their healing prayers, and that we now call in Hilarion the Healer, Sananda the Healer and all the Healing Angels to restore Ben Fulford to perfect health.  It can be done!  It shall be done!  It is possible that Ben Fulford shall not even require surgery to be made well.  He can be made well, now!  We so order the Lighted Realms to make it so!
                            In Love and Light,
                            Patrick H. Bellringer
----- Original Message -----
From: "Sophia Newsome" <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 10:20 PM
Subject: Siterun Contact Request from Fourwinds10

 Hello Ann and Patrick,

 Please could you forward this message to Benjamin Fulford I tried to put it on his blog but it kept saying my email address was invalid! which it wasn\'t! I would be so grateful. Thank you


 Dear Benjamin,

 Thanking you for all your heart-felt updates you have provided.

 I put Love, Light and the Violet Flame of Saint Germain and a tube of white light around you.  Remember Your Divine Blue Print IS Perfection. Know even before the opp. you are in Perfect amd Total health. Declare and see in your minds eye every cell, every tissue,  every molecule constantly renewing themselves in Perfect health.

 Two other natural, practical, physical aids are:  the use of the Scenar medical electrical device,  Russian nick name - The Fairy-tale healing device - totally natural, based on the ancient Eastern healing  knowledge and designed for use by the cosmonauts to use  in space.

 Also the TMB Energy Rejuvenation Blanket. Russian made based on Willheim Reich \'Orgone\' research and knowledge.

 Colin and I have been using these two wonderful devices for over 8 years (since 1999)Colin got the CE marking through for the UK for all of Europe and Austrailia for the Dutch Manufacturer Jan de Jong , and I have been treating (and training others).

 Colin chose to, most harmoniously and peacefully, pass over to the other side on the Spring Solstice March 20th 2008 to continue with his life\'s purpose to help create Peace or - a win win - situation.>

 I am certain there will be Scenar practitioners near you.

 But for convenience for more info. here is the web site we put together (our first experience!) Some links are not live as it needs updating (there has been a lot to deal with over the last months) but the info is there for you to read if you wish. It is excellent as a post opp aid and will speed up the healing process.

 Wishing you abundant Light and Love over the next few weeks especially.

 Sophia Newsome

 (and Colin too from his 5th D vibrational realm)



On January 22, 2009 I had major spinal surgery. Doctors created a 13 centimeter opening in my spine to remove a 8.3 centimer tumor. The hospital where I had the operation has done thousands of such procedures but this is the first time they have encountered a tumour like mine. After a 7-hour operation I woke groggily to only to have the doctor show me the tumour he had removed. The first thing I thought was that it looked like an alien so I took a picture of it with my cell phone camera. It looks to me either like an alien or some kind of amphibian. It has what appear to be eyes, a mouth and even a clearly defined tail. Perhaps it might even be a sort of fetus that arose from a stem cell on my nervous chord. The tumour has been taken for tests and results can be expected in about 10 days.

In any case, I am feeling well enough to update my blog one day after the operation. On January 26th the year of the Bull begins and I expect to charge forward with all my strength to protect the weak against the bullies of this world.