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Please Give An Update On 'S' and His Wife

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From: KM
To: [email protected]
Sent: Sunday, November 09, 2008 11:19 PM
Subject: Please give an update on S and his wife Love Light
Greetings and Salute ,
I request all fourwind readers envision S is safe and his wife is freed from these tyrants .
To understand and know if all of us use our GOD Given right to create , together we can create S brought out of this bondage . For we do not serve a creator of bondage but every living entity is born free and shall remain free .
So please all readers pray, meditate envision S and his wife protected by a circle of while light surrounding them and state " Light and love and protection stay within any evil or bad intent stay without and be returned unto sender ".
S and his lovely bride has given their lives to the service of mankind risking all and everything . Can we not give 5 minutes each day back to them in prayer and meditations . If we all do this together not a single hair on their heads will be harmed .
In Love and Light Namaste