'Committee Of 300' Author Dr. John Coleman In Need
It is with deep anguish that I am writing to tell you about an accident suffered by John, resulting in a broken left leg -- the femur was snapped in two -- and a broken left hip. John was rushed to the hospital and underwent surgery. Complications set in; pneumonia, blood clots and low oxygen intake, as a result, he had to stay in the hospital for a week. He is currently working from home trying to lead a normal life. In spite of this tragic setback and obvious difficulties, John managed to write and produce the latest, very important WIR issue, and a number of new reports. He still works a 9-hour day!
John has minimal insurance coverage for about one-tenth of his medical and hospital bills (thus far $70,000). He is in a very precarious financial situation and greatly needs your help. I ask you please to donate any amount you can afford. You probably know what a remarkable man John is, with a lifetime of dedication to serving the cause of we the people, restraining government within the bounds of the Constitution. His profound knowledge of the Constitution is unrivalled. He went to great risk to publish his classic book The Committee of 300, and paid a heavy price for his courage and devotion. We must not let this dedicated servant of the Constitution and the American people, a man determined to expose the powers behind the throne, go down to financial ruin. I worked with John for 20 years and in all of my experience, I never met a man like him. He is truly worthy of your support.
Please make your checks or money orders payable to World In Review (WIR). Thank you for your thoughtful concern and caring for John and his family. If you wish to write to me for any reason, send your letters to me in care of WIR and they will be forwarded to me in England.
On behalf of John and his wife and son, "THANK YOU!"
Carlos St. John Reuterman