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Photo Likeness of Gyeorgos Ceres Hatonn/Aton/Creator God (Updated Oct. 26, 2006)

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have mastered aging.

The same photo of Hatonn/Aton appears in the article: "Valley of Radiance - ATON(Hatonn) Contact, May 9, 1995 and The Laws of God and The Creation".

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----- Original Message -----

From: "x"

To: [email protected]

Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 11:41 AM

Subject: Contact Request From

Name: x

Message: i think that people may have a hard time dealing with this painting of hatonn because they dont know anything about the artist or where or when the picture came from.

there also may be more confusion now by stating he's bald. he's not bald in this picture.

if the darkside has made a clone and called it hatonn how will we know who the real one is? are they actually going to put this clone into use? are we going to have to deal with a big stage performance of lies and clones before we are reunited with our real masters? I HOPE NOT!

i did some research on this painting and found that the artist is named celaya winkler. she worked for disney then retired. i believe, in the 70's, someone commissioned her to do a whole series of the accended masters. if i remember corectly this other person was channeling the thoughts and visions through ashtar then it was sent to her. so it came from ashtar then to the other person who then sent it to celaya.... or something like that.

for some reason my internet connection is very slow right now so i cant re-check that info at this moment. but if you goto google and search for "celaya winkler" you will get some pages to check out.

my only problem was that in this series of painted masters, they dont refer to hatonn as "God," they say that he is a record keeper of the universe. which could very well still mean the same thing.

for the viewers sake you should share the information reguarding the artist to clear up confusion and doubts.

thank you both for everything.


----- Original Message -----

From: "x"


Sent: Thursday, October 26, 2006 1:14 PM

Subject: Contact Request From

This message has been sent from your Contact Form

Name: x

Email: [email protected]

Message: here's more from various sources. all seem to have something a little different to say....

"More than twenty years ago Spiritual channel and author Samuel G. Partridge commissioned artist Celaya Winkler to paint the portraits of forty-two spiritually awakened beings known throughout the ages as the Ascended Masters.


"Originally commissioned in 1979 by Sam and Ida Partridge, directors of Monka's Retreat and Mother Mary's Garden in Grass Valley, California and painted through Divine Inspiration by Celeya Winkler"

"These pictures are but a few of the HIGHER DIMENSIONAL HUMAN appearing Elohim and Angelic Extraterrestrials and Ascended Masters of the Spiritual Hierarchy. These beings form the Intergalactic Confederation of Worlds. They guard our planet in "Guardian Action" preparing for "Operation Deliverance" also known traditionally as "The RAPTURE," This is often reffered to in more modern times as " Divine Intervention" and "mass planetary Spiritual Ascension". Painted by Clairvoyant artist Celaya Winkler, who worked at Walt Disney studios as an artist for 30 years. When she retired, They appeared to her and asked her to paint them so that the world would see how they appear." - this has a collection of some of celaya winkler's "renditions" of the masters. [Go to this URL to view this collection.]

The first picture at the right is Soltec.