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Photos Hawaii Beaches--Deserted


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Hawaiian Images Photography & Video, 75-5834 Melelina Street, Kailua Kona, HI 96740
Sent by [email protected] in collaboration with
Constant Contact
Aloha and A Happy Monday!



Here is your 
Aloha Monday Photo



strapped into 26Mike on Friday and took advantage of the first clear sunny afternoon in a while to head north from Kona to see what the beaches and resorts up north looked like after the first official day of the Great Hawaii Lockdown.
Anyone who has been to Kua Bay in recent years knows how it is almost always jammed with beach goers any day of the week. The photo above shows the beautiful white sand beach completely empty, like it was when I first set foot on it in 1975 after jumping over the side of the 26' sloop Intuition and swimming ashore.
There are quite a few beaches now empty between the airport and Kawaihae so I will simply show them and their name and limit any comment.
Four Seasons Hualalai
Four Seasons Hualalai
Kona Village
Kiholo Bay
Kiholo Bay
Kiholo Bay
Lone Palm
Weli Weli
Anaehoomalu Bay
Hilton Lagoon
Hilton Lagoon
Hilton Walkalot Village
49 Black Sands
Mauna Lani
Mauna Lani
The Orchid
Hapuna Beach
Hapuna Beach
Hapuna Beach
Mauna Kea Beach
Mauna Kea Beach
Spencer Park
Stay safe my friends. Take care of your family, friends and neighbors. We will all be okay. This too will pass.
Mahalo for allowing me to once again share the view from my office window with you. How are things looking from your office window this Monday morning?
Don't forget you always view and share any of the many past Aloha Monday Photos by going to the Hawaiian Images Facebook page:
Don't forget to take a look at the Hawaiian Images website where you can see over 10,000 aerial photos showing every inch of the coastline of all the Hawaiian Islands as seen from 500 feet above!



and  of course there is our blog:


If you would like to buy a print or canvas wrap of this image please click here:


If you have any questions about this photo or would like to discuss a custom print, a flight to get your photo  or an installation, please give me a call at 808-329-7880.

