Dianne Marshall
BREAKING NEWS – Suez Canal, one of the largest shipping lanes on the planet, blocked with a mega container ship, creating a traffic jam of ships waiting in the Mediterranean, Red Sea, and in the canal itself. Footage of container ships amassing outside the blocked Suez Canal. The last time the canal was closed/blocked was just before the 6-day war. Which brings us who know what has taken place with Evergreen Ships in the past to ask questions. Recall, who was CALLED EVERGREEN?
The ship’s call sign is H3RC—the same three letters as the initials of the 2016 presidential candidate.
QAnon supporters point to the vessel’s operator, a Taiwan-based shipping company called Evergreen Marine Corporation. Clinton was given the Secret Service codename “Evergreen” when her husband Bill Clinton was president.NEWSWEEK SUBSCRIPTION OFFERS >
On the Telegram encrypted messaging app, an account with more than 106,000 subscribers wrote: “Suez Canal blocked by huge container ship named Evergreen. Evergreen shipping is most likely a cover for human and sex trafficking. Read full story here: QAnon Claims Stuck Suez Canal Ship Used by Hillary Clinton to Traffic Children (newsweek.com)
Evergreen was Hillary’s Secret Service name. The Clinton Foundation was the head of the snake with the Haiti human trafficking. They often brought the victims through ports on these containers that you are seeing.
Cargo ship stranded in Suez Canal halts shipping between Europe and Asia
Hundreds of ships await the unblocking of the canal that prevents the maritime route through the African continent Raúl Pérez González
Egyptian shipping sources announced Wednesday that shipping traffic in the Suez Canal came to a halt after a huge container ship ran aground, preventing the movement of ships on the waterway linking the Red Sea and the Mediterranean.
Official sources said the Evergiven container ship of the Evergreen company ran aground due to a sudden engine failure and hit the quay in the southern sector of the canal, and attempts are being made to float it to reopen the navigation route. of the canal.
The same sources expect that it could take several days for the ship to refloat and open the shipping lane to the Canal due to the bad weather conditions. Taiwan’s Evergreen Marine added in a statement on Wednesday that the grounding of its container ship in the Suez Canal was probably due to sudden strong winds.
What is in the cargo, and was this a divine intervention? Time will tell. But, there is one thing we have learned…the O administration is back in full swing and one of their swinging things was human and child trafficking. If this load had evil in it…you are watching God in action. If not, you are watching a not so normal event and what’s the point of making it big news?
Stay strong…and watch with both eyes and listen with both ears!