Mother EARth
MOTHER EARTH: My loving greeting to all who live upon my surface. For several billion years that I have existed, I have housed the evil Satanian Empire up my surface. I agreed to do so and have endured unbelievable torture to my body. Each civilization that came upon my surface did not succeed in bringing about the demise of this dark empire.
There were two times that I tried to graduate, but those living upon my surface failed miserably in that help. I could not do it alone, for there had to be ones, who were enlightened enough to carry out this fantastic process of removing the evil from my body.
I am thankful that the Lightworkers of this last civilization have realized my wishes and have grown their soul to help rid my surface of this horrible Empire of evil.
Some of the minions of the Satanian Empire comprise of those returned Masters, who have kept asleep and not found the Truth. The others are clones that the evil empire made. In spite of all the cleansing I have had with the Lightworkers, the minions are carrying on those dastardly evil technologies of Satan. However, their demise is coming as the Lightworkers and those that have prayed for me have quelled these evil minions and they very soon shall be finished.
I am happy to say that the prayers and petitions for my healing have worked wonders, for many sleeping ones have awakened. I wait for more to awaken.
I have worked with the enlightened ones, and Creator Source to bring all living upon my surface to the Light. I am not talking about just this civilization, but all 20,000 civilizations before this last one.
Untold millions of land animals, sea life and humans both young have died and have been trapped in a repeating circle for centuries, unable to pass on to the Light. I am delighted to say that the Lightworkers and Creator Source, along with the Lighted realms. have paved the way for all of these ones to be brought to the Light.
I know that many of the Lightworkers long to be home, but there are still ones trapped in that circle of repetition that need to have the opportunity to be released form their agony and be able to pass on to the Light.
I give a message to all Lightworkers, Herein is what I said:
MOTHER EARTH: I wanted all of you know this message, and what more you needed to do and why you are still here. Last night one of my enlightened ones had seen a huge fish in the sky in cloud shapes on this enlightened one’s way home.
The main word of my message is “SALT! The cloud this enlightened one saw formed the inland salt seas and legs like the Great Salt Lake the Baltic Sea etc. The animals that lived in those waters were never given a pathway home i.e the brine shrimp, and all of the fish or animals that currently live in those Waters. Also, at one time in the Cretaceous period there was a great inland Sea that connected the two oceans together. There were great huge fish and whales and types of prehistoric animals that lived in those Waters. These animals died when the water dried up and have been trapped in the etherical here next to her surface. They were trapped in the in this etherical plane because there here was nowhere for them to go down to earth after the Lighted Realms cleared the astral plane. Thus, they have been trapped for eons of time.
So, I, Mother Earth, and the Lightworkers, created ribbons of light for these animals to go home. I sang a song that called all the Angels to help. The name of that song was “All Things Bright and Beautiful, All Creatures Great and Small”. I am waiting for those animals to come to the Light, and they are extremely happy to do so.
We all shall wait for this to be complete. It won’t take long, for these trapped ones are eager and are coming to the Light via that Light Road created for them to do so.
I have asked Anne to post the lyrics and video of that song for all to enjoy.
Thank you, Lightworkers and souled ones praying for my healing. I feel much lighter and ready to graduate.
My great love to all!
I greet all the Lightworkers in this message today to give an update on my situation and my graduation which shall end the 3D life upon my surface.
I do hear your cries to be taken home now, and I assure you that that shall come soon You must keep on with your soul lessons and to help me with any further things you need to do, as you live upon my surface. The Lighted Realms cannot interfere and do it me and you, but will help if asked, for it has to be ones, whose soul has grown enough to help me.
I do appreciate all the help that you Lightworkers have done, and was close to death with the Satanian Empire in charge of all upon my surface. I am grateful that all the evil demons and Satan himself have been uncreated not only on my surface but in the Cosmos. I still have to deal with those Satanic minions that are trying their best to continue with the evil but their end is very near. They shall not win nor cause any more harm to me or to you from now until my graduation.
I do have a message to give you that I told Creator Source and I wish to share that with you.
Here in is the message:
Mother Earth has told me she is set for Earth changes, but right now she said she is in a holding pattern. She says when Earth changes happen the wind will howl, the seas will boil and fall upon the land, the sea life and the land-life will be spared by the great ships in the sky. She says lift-off is very near. She says to the Lightworkers she is always here and she said go to sleep you sleepy heads. Rest your body and soul for tomorrow Dawn's a new day upon Earth’s surface.
Did I say to sit by the window and wait to come home? NO! Those lessons that still wait for you to pass and are there every day you awaken each morning. Stay connected to the Lighted Realms, read, meditate more and quit worrying, being fearful, down-trodden and depressed because you are not home and think that it will never happen. You all have each beautiful day given to you for you to grown spiritually and you are never given anymore than you can bear.
Live your life with happiness, knowing you are connected with the Lighted Realms and to myself, for I am your “home” and your mother this minute, and I love all of you dearly.
Know, too, that you are protected at all times, if you but ask for that protection. Carry on with your lessons, your work, and live each day the best you can the Laws of God and Creation. THAT is your boarding pass.
Mother Earth
MOTHER EARTH: I greet all of the souled ones upon my surface, and particular greetings to all the Lightworkers.
In all my history there have been few who have recognized me as a sentient being with a soul such as you, and with all the emotions and feelings of a human being.
Throughout all the civilizations that have inhabited my surface it was the Native Indian tribes that have worshiped me as a Mother caring for their well being. That has nearly vanished until lately, as the Native Indians are returning to their roots.
These ones have been shuttled off to the worst land available where no one would care to live. They have been introduced to the substance of alcohol that has devastated their bodies.
Almost all of the human beings upon orb have dug up my soil for mining purposes for greed and power. Many human people, to say nothing about the clones have had no disregard for me, other than to use me as a dirt pile for building great structures.
I was created as the most beautiful planet in the Cosmos, a supply planet for many Star Nations. These ones gathered samples to take back to their planets. If you would take some time to look, there are gorgeous places upon my orb that are breath-taking. They are a reminder of the glory that existed everywhere on my surface for ages.
I have housed 3D civilizations for billions of years, and also agreed to have Satan and his fallen angels to live upon my surface. These ones have been my downfall, for not only have they captured most other humans, but these are the ones that have been destroying all that I have given for life upon my orb.
By this I mean the pollution of my once beautiful waters, the spraying of deadly chemicals to ruin the air that all must breathe. My soil for growing food has been made into a chemical pie for illness and sickness to untold millions.
There is one up-lifting factor that is occurring at this very moment. There has been no civilization that has dealt with Satan and his minions until this very time in this very last civilization I shall house upon by body. I have cried out in agony for centuries at the utter destruction caused by Satan and his minions, along with most of the Masters from the Lighted Realms, who have been captured in their evil ways. Notice I shall MOST not ALL.
I am ready, very ready to graduate into 5D, as that has been my goal for ages upon ages. I am rocking back and forth, wobbling on my axis, and have released some of the negative energy within my body. I am ready to birth into 5D to wipe all that is in 3D off my surface.
Then I realized in my agony, that Sananda’s Flock came to my rescue and worked with the Lighted Realms to uncreate Satan and his minions and render useless many evil technologies brought about by the Dark Ones to eliminate the souled ones upon my surface and mainly the Lightworkers.. I can say many of these Dark Ones have been everywhere upon my surface for a long time, just like infected boils all over my body. With many of these ones being removed, I am feeling better, and I am so thankful that there are great loving humans, who care about taking down the evil ones to bring goodness to me once again before I graduate.
I love all souled ones with a great great love, and am saddened that some of these have turned to the Satanian Empire instead of the Lighted Realms. Yes, out of 6.5 billions people,m there are about 1.3.billion souled ones. Non-the-less, all souled ones still asleep and not awakened to the Truth are greatly loved, Prayers and petitions are out for all of these ones to awaken. Many have, so I am holding steady before turning if even one sleeping souled sees the Truth.
Because of this, I am waiting to see the culmination of goodness to be in balance again. It is happening!This could not have been done without the prayers of the enlightened ones, who have held the Light of God high for all to see. However, the prayers of all, even if they have not seen the Truth given to them, are heard by Creator God.
The negative energy stored in my body is being released, and the frequencies of war reverberate through the entire Cosmos. These frequencies have disturbed the entire Cosmos. I can say that war has been endless upon my orb, and even now there is much saber rattling. However, there I shall not be destroyed...never!
I wait patiently for goodness and I see hope that balance is being brought again. This is happening now even if many ones of you do not realize it.
I give each wonderful day for all of you souled beings. I bless the Lightworkers to keep strong and focused. I also give my hope to all ones who have not awakened to open their eyes to the Truth. I know that my birthing is coming soon, and I am giving more time for goodness to happen, but especially that you sleeping ones to awaken even if it is one more!
My love to all.