AUTHOR THE MARSHALL REPORT: Lin Wood Says – You Can’t Trust Man, You Can Only Trust God!
Dianne Marshall

Good morning! Lin Wood was a guest on “His Glory”- with Pastor David Scarlett, and Amanda Grace of Ark of Grace Ministries. What a great threesome! Listen and enjoy their heart warming conversation as Lin Woods tells his personal testimony and shares his hope for We The People, America, and the World.

Amanda Grace of Ark of Hope Ministry is a breath of fresh air in these days of lawlessness. As she shares her inspiring talks about her relationship with the Lord, it is a reminder of how easy it is for all of us to have a conversation with him ourselves. Amanda shows people how to bridge the gap of having Yeshua as our King of Kings, and Lord of Lords, but most of all, she shows us how reassuring and fun it is to have him as our friend.
His Glory is a World Wide Ministry based out of Valley City, Ohio.
God bless each and every one and remember, greater is he who is in you than he who is in the world!
Dianne Marshall