While the people rallied for Trump in 2015 as he stepped off the escalator, the 5 Eyes were hissing like snakes.
Fake news came forth in lockstep to drown out any truth told by the man in the tower who came out to state he was running for office to make America Great Again…which was a statement that stuck with all who heard it and struck a nerve to all who were against it. Thus enter in the 5 eyes and how the Cabal called out their media wolves and dragons. WarNuse did a perfect outline of how it was done in October, 2020 in a series of articles that layered the entire plans. Once again, truth was overshadowed by shouts of Media hype on Biden Harris and the upcoming election, where of course,” orange man bad” was the thrust. Remember, Hillary was supposed to win. But, she didn’t. The Dominion machines weren’t rigged to counter the massive support Donald J. Trump received from Americans of all walks of life.
And so, when she lost…the serpents hissed and showed their deadly fangs and their evil eye sent out its’ soldiers who work for the corporate cabal in order to end the “Orange man bad”, and put “We The People” back in their place …Hillary called them DEPLORABLE and UNREDEEMABLE. No one suspected the evil coup that was to follow for four more years and beyond.
So, let me take you through the headlines of WarNuse, starting with the article of October 27, 2020 (working backwards). You can read them all in their entirety at the following link: 5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes. ‘How The Valerie Jarrett Administration… | by WarNuse | Medium
5 Eyes, 9 Eyes, 14 Eyes
‘How The Valerie Jarrett Administration Did It.’ WarNuse Oct 27, 2020·4 min read
January 20, 2017, As The Incoming Duly Elected President Gently Rests His Hand On The Bible And Is Sworn In, The Outgoing President With The Assistance Of Two Former Presidents, CIA, FBI, DOJ, MSM, And The Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance, Conspire To Take Him Down.
How Did Valerie, Barry, Hillary, Brennan, Clapper, Comey, And Their Seditious Conspirators’ Tradecraft Set Up The Entire Spying / Takedown Operation Of First Donald J. Trump, Then President Elect Donald J. Trump, And Ultimately The 45th U.S. President Donald J. Trump?
‘The Five Eyes Intelligence Alliance.’
‘The Nine Eyes Intelligence Alliance.’
The 5 Eyes Countries + France, Denmark, Norway, And Netherlands.
‘The Fourteen Eyes Intelligence Alliance.’
The 9 Eyes Countries + Belgium, Italy, Sweden, Spain, And Germany.
‘The Five Eyes’ Is Key To Understanding How Far [They] Were Willing To Go To Take Down Donald J. Trump, As Well As It Paints A Rather Grim Picture Of How Far [They] Had Already Gotten With Their Sick Agenda.
‘We Have The Server.’
Why Do ‘Former’ Dignitaries Still Hold SEC Clearance?
‘Welcome To The Deep State.’
The Atlantic, June 25, 2013
[Don’t Trust The Atlantic, This Is For Perspective.]
The Traitor Barry ‘Barack’ Soetoro’s Personal Email Server Was Set Up Personally By Alphabet / Google’s Eric Schmidt, In North Korea. The [Clowns In America] Had Complete Control Of North Korea, Creating A Fake [Constant Threat] To The World.

‘However, Nunes, Upon Reviewing The Document That Formally Launched The FBI’s Investigation, Said There Was No Intelligence Shared Through That Official Channel, Meaning That The Intelligence Was Shared Through Unofficial Means.’
As[They] Used Gmail Drafts, The Emails Were Never Sent, Leaving To Trace. Simple Really, Barry, Valerie, Brennan, Clapper, And Their Seditious Conspirators Logged On To The Same Gmail Account With The Same Password, Reading And Replying To Each Other In ‘Drafts’ — Saved, Not Sent.
NO Scandals, Right? Barry??
Still Trust The Valerie Jarrett Administration?
AP, January 3, 2013
[Don’t Trust AP, This Is For Perspective.]
Google Chairman Eric Schmidt’s Trip To North Korea Wasn’t Supposed To Be Public Knowledge.
‘Whoever, Owing Allegiance To The United States, Levies War Against Them Or Adheres To Their Enemies, Giving Them Aid And Comfort Within The United States Or Elsewhere, Is Guilty Of Treason And Shall Suffer Death.’
18 U.S.C. § 2381 – Treason
More from WarNuse
A Covfefe Table Book™ #4508 #4512
Gepetto, Pinocchio, Clowns In America, And A Ruthless Israeli Intelligence Service.
If, Or When, Gisheline Maxwell Is Found Found Dead In Her Cell From ‘Suicide’, There Is, In My Opinion, Enough Abnormalities To Convince Me That Both Epstein And Maxwell Are Alive, Maybe Not Well, But Still Breathing Air. Just Not Free Air.Read more · 4 min read
‘The Most Dangerous Man In American Political History.’

Zbigniew Brzezinski Was A Cabal ‘Conflict Strategist’, And One Of The Most Dangerous Men In American Political History. Barry ‘Barack’ Soetoro Openly Praised Brzezinski.
Brzezinski Was A Senior Adviser To President-Elect Barry Soetoro On Matters Of National Security And Foreign Policy, And Probably Guided Barry, Eagerly Aided By Valerie Jarrett, Through His Entire Presidency To Achieve The Goal Of Their Masters.
More good articles from WarNuse:
‘The Unquenchable Flames And The Raging Inferno.’
‘Basic Criminal Law Vs. The Law Of Armed Conflict’
So as many grow impatient with God’s timing and what may seem on the surface like nothing is taking place, the world is shaking as you sip the cocktail from fake news, and look at what you are programed to see.
Pray for one another and remember always that we shall reap if we faint not. God is ushering in a new thing a marvelous thing, in his timing, for his purpose.
Dianne Marshall