Ralph Marston
It would be a mistake to live your whole life only in your imagination. It would also be a mistake to go through each day without connecting to your imagination at all.
There is no limit to what you can imagine. When you nurture your imagination, it can help you discover very real and workable ways to move forward in a world filled with challenges and constraints.
Once you imagine something, you make it possible for you. And your imagination then goes to work, helping you find ways to make it real.
When it seems that circumstances and events have you locked in place, set your imagination free to roam where it will. Imagine it, and you'll start a positive momentum that can take you far.
Ralph Marston
[ NOTE: Ralph Marston has omitted one important fact in this discussion of imagination.
The power of thought (imagination) carries with it either negative or positive energy. This energy travels into the ethers and is returned to you in like kind but in multiple amounts. If you think (imagine) good things the energy of Creation will work to help you create what it is you imagine. The same holds true for negative energy. Your subconscious is always working to help you to fulfill your dreams, your imaginations, your creative thoughts. PHB]