Reclaiming Your Sacred Power To Heal
By Norma Gentile
When faced with the knowing or intuitive sense that our path differs from the path of those with whom we have surrounded ourselves, we may experience fear. This fear grows from the realization that the connections we have based our life upon are no longer a part of our reality.
These connections, be they day-to-day relationships or family and dear friends, begin to shift. The yearning we experience is to have others reflect back to us the greatness that we feel within as a potential. As we release relationships with those people who cannot validate who we are becoming, we release ourselves from giving our energy into past versions of ourselves.
Have you ever had the experience of seeing an old friend or family member and suddenly feeling your body tense, or noticing your brain freeze or listen to yourself saying something that you know is not a true reflection of you?
The patterns of relationship with others, including the energetic cording between the energy centers or chakras, accounts for much of our interaction between people. When these chords or patterns aren't up to date, our energy is re-patterned as it moves between us and others. As this occurs we experience an old pattern of thought, emotion, or behavior within ourselves.
As we grow and mature on all levels, ideally the cords and patterns of relationships between ourselves and others grow and mature. Cords held between a grown child and parent in an ideal world become adult to adult, updating from child to adult as the child moves through puberty and into adulthood.
In reality, few of us update the majority of cords with our parents and friends. As we grow out of the old cords or patterns of relating, we turn away from those that insist on drawing energies through old cords and past behavioral patterns. While we notice the discomfort of our bodies or emotions around family members and friends who have us 'out of time', it is difficult to 'update' them. For this reason many relationships simply fall away.
One method to begin to address this is to recognize that if you are experiencing or noticing anything at all, you can change it.
The discomfort in your emotions or body can be addressed. Simply feel or notice any sensation or emotion, and ask it if it is you. For example, is the tension in your breathing around Aunt Mary really your breathing?
Is it you in current time? Is the cloud or weight around your head really yours? Chances are good that if you are feeling something it is no longer 'in tune' with who you are. And it certainly won't support your greater growth.
Once you understand that what you are experiencing is no longer a part of you (whether it is an emotion, an inner critic, or a physical sensation) the power to release it is in your hands. You are not at the mercy of the emotion, thought or sensation. It no longer serves you. You can release it by honoring that at one time it was helpful, and supported your growth. Now its usefulness is done, and in order for it to grow and mature itself, it needs to go elsewhere.
Keep in mind that all of our experiences are patterns of energy. There is an energetic blueprint behind every emotion, physical sensation and thought. It is the energetic pattern over which we are stewards. When we choose to accept this power, then we fulfill our rightful place in the co creative process with spirit.
When we recognize that these energetic blueprints once served us, we may also recognize that they may serve others. It is only because the energies no longer suit us that they become heavy, repetitive or cumbersome. They no longer are part of who we are. It is our stewardshipthat allows them to release, and our body and mind or emotions to balance anew.
Victimhood cannot thrive where stewardship lives. In knowing and becoming true owners of our lives, we accept the role of stewardship of energies that have assisted us. We come to understand more deeply that no energy is malevolent, it is merely out of time or place to our own process. Compassion grows from this awareness, and this compassion allows us to assist others in releasing and moving forward.
Energetic cords and patterns of relationships that do not serve to bring out your highest expression are merely bringing your attention to the need for you to release them. The pain, whether emotional or physical, is the signal that you have already made the growth leap and adjusted your body, mind, and emotions to a new level of spiritual integrity. Now, your ability is being called upon to act as a steward for the old energies, releasing them into the universe for their own growth to continue.
Your power to release these energies is also your power to release the cords or patterns of relationship. Your ability to end or change your half of a poor relationship is always present. When you accept and release any energy, the person or persons in your life sphere are alwaysgiven an opportunity to do the same. This is a healing choice, and this is the healer's choice.
Stepping into your power is a process of self-growth and examination of your heart. Opening your heart to your own wounds and imperfections is what allows you to see the areas that you are undertaking to heal. This is the clearing that allows you to draw into your life those who celebrate who you are now. The sensation of living in your body, experiencing clarity in your mind and emotions, is one that comes from honoring who you are, and letting others be who they are.
With love and blessing,
Norma Gentile (with some help from Atamira)
Norma Gentile is a sound healer and recording artist. She offers privatehealing sessions and workshops, as well as channeled readings. Her new CD is "Healing Chants of Hildegard", available at