"Somehow I'll Find My Way Home" - Tribute to All Lightworkers
1. "Contact" (1997)
~~~Horrible actions by the dark~~~
2. Bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki (1945)
3. Hunger in Africa
4. 9/11
6. Chemtrails
7. Vietnam war (1959 - 1975)
8. George Bush jr. & sr.
9. David Rockefeller
10. Dick Cheney
11. Jacob Rothschild
12. Donald Rumsfeld
13. Vatican Church
14. "The Beast"
15. Reptilian alien
16. Eye of the Illuminati on the dollar
17. Girl
18. Earth and sun
19. Flowers at dawn
20. Island
21. Diving
22. Father and son
23. Young tiger
24. Young giraffe
25. Fingers making "peace" sign
26. Free girl
27. Young couple kissing
28. Older couple kissing
29. Little boy praying
30. Obama
31. Girl listening to Obama
32. Angel
33. Dolphins
34. Whale
35. "God" (by Michelangelo)
36. http://www.lightworkers.org
37. Gregg Braden
38. Bill Cooper
39. Regina Meredith
40. Wendelle Stevens
41. Bob Dean
42. Project Camelot
43. George Green
44. William Deagle
45. Barbara Marciniak
46. David Icke
47. Peggy Kane
48. James Gilliland
49. Jaime Maussan
50. Mike Quinsey
51. Billy Meier
52. Pleiadian ship
53. David Wilcock
54. Clifford Stone
55. Alex Collier
56. Blossom Goodchild
57. Suzy Ward
58. Matthew Ward
59. "Contact"
~~~Illuminati secrets~~~
60. Ancient moon base
61. UFO on moon
62. UFO sighting (Japan)
63. UFO sighting (Bulgaria)
64. UFO fleet sighting (Mexico)
65. Crashed UFO on Antarctica
66. Flying saucer entering underground base
67. Nephilim skeleton
~~~"Shift Happens"~~~
68. Happy boy
69. Michelle and Barack Obama
70. "WE WIN!"
71. Mayan Calendar
72. http://www.wherethehellismatt.com
73. Crop circle of the Phoenix
74. Earth from dark to light
~~~ET civilizations~~~
75. Sirius A
76. Procyon
77. Pleiades
78. Arcturus
79. Andromeda
80. Alpha Centauri
81. Vega
82. Earth ascending
Music: "Somehow I'll Find My Way Home" - Vangelis
Update 23-06-'09: As I receive so many questions on this: there are several 'spectacular' pictures in this video, of a UFO underneath the Antarctic ice, an ancient moon base etc. These are pictures that I found on http://www.theorionconspiracy.com .
I'm not sure what the background of this site / film is. The script is fictional, but the theme (an 'alien' attack, staged by the illuminati) is one that I know to be true. It is out of the question now, due to the developments that we all know of, but it was their 'masterplan' for some time, after the so called "success" of 9/11 (which of course will backfire on them too).
There are so many seemingly authentic pictures on http://www.theorionconspiracy.com , that I suspect they really are authentic. Maybe the French secret service had something to do with disclosing those pics, as some Illuminati members revealed that there are conflicting sides within the Illuminati, and maybe some didn't want to go along with this absurd plan and decided to tackle it by releasing this film. It wouldn't be the first time they use film as a way to influence the public.
I hope to find out some day what the real story behind that site / film is. If you have some more info on this, please share it here.
Thanks for watching everybody!